• expired

iPhone 11 64GB $889.11 and SE 64GB $604.31, SE 2020 256GB $826.81 @ JB Hi-Fi


Apologies for delay on this post, I ordered my iPhone SE last night but wanted to wait to see if it shipped and if I received the 11% discount. Discount appears to apply to all iPhone 11 and SE 2020 phones but not other apple products (current generation) that I've checked.

YMMV having orders fulfilled since Apple is technically supposed to be an exclusion on this sale.
NB: iPhone 11 are all marked as awaiting stock so are likely the riskier order, iPhone SE look like they are mostly in stock.

Additional 11% off – ends 11:59pm AEDT 11th November 2020
Coupon redeemable online & instore

Extra 7% off with gift cards from Union Shopper or AGL Rewards

Note: You may need to put code in, remove and put in again.

Original Coupon Deal

This is part of Singles' Day Sales for 2020.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • -5

    Excludes: Apple Products

    • I know, have you tried adding a iPhone 11 or SE to your cart with the code?

      • I was editing my comment
        It does work

      • -5

        Ah, JB Hi-Fi must be selling the new Xiaomi iPhone 11 that looks like an iPhone. Not an Apple product

        • my gosh you people can't take a joke. Of course it was an error by JB Hi-Fi. The code was never meant to be applied to the iPhone 11. Now they've rectified it. Party over.

          • @Ebaygiftcards: The code is still working. I ordered an iphone 11 at 3:00 pm and got a order confirmation 5 minutes later

    • Tested, coupon code appears to work on the iPhone 11.

  • +1

    But will they cancel the order after the fact?

    • +3

      This happened with price error on Apple TV 4K, most orders cancelled. Good idea will be to click and collect as fast as you can

      • +2

        Those Apple TV 4K orders got reinstated though

        • Ah ok I didn’t check that deal afterwards

  • +2

    just tried 11 pro and it failed to work.

    • +2

      Good data point, I've only confirmed the code for iPhone 11 regular models and SE though

      • +2

        11 128gb works great!

        • +1

          Yep, they're a great buy at that price (particularly with GCs) hopefully it is fulfilled, I sold my 11 just over month ago for 1k on eBay after a years use (pre 12 launch)

          • @Lukas: did you grab a 12 yet?

            • @eriklee: Been using my old 8 for a few months, so just upgrading it to the SE.
              I had an XR and 11 over the last few years but Touch ID is just so much better to me than fighting with Face ID every morning.
              Also, theres not much at all to take pictures of this year with the 11 & 12s fancy camera system 😂

  • Anyway, I received my order confirmation email from jb hifi

  • +1

    iPhone 11 is very worth the price still. Great battery life and outperforms the iPhone 12 in intensive games (at the moment… apple has not addressed A14 thermal throttling issues for intense games or tasks).

  • Looks to be OOS. "Awaiting Stock" for all the iphone 11 (all colours)

  • Dam just bought the iphone 11 128gb

    • +1

      Is it worth the pain with 64gb (only 4gb RAM is challenge for PiP)

      • 128 is perfect amount I reckon

    • +1

      Without microSD extension, you plan ahead your memory needs for the next few years

  • No EarPods and power adapter :(

    • That's the 12

      • +2

        it's both, unless they are sending out old warehouse stock which is unlikely considering it says 'awaiting stock'

  • Tangentially related, I noticed the AppleTV 4K still hasn't returned to the JBHifi website after the great mistake

    • Noticed that when I tried to check that item too

  • +4

    No longer works

    • JB Hi-Fi is either watching their orders closely or OzBargain!

      • I'd think they'd have a lot of people looking at orders on Storewide sales days (with exclusions) such as this

  • Didn't work on the black iPhone SE 64GB but worked on white :)

    • +1

      Bought 2 and picked up with no problems at Hurstville NSW

  • +1

    its been ozbargained. game over man…

  • Hey guys, how do you get 7% off gift card from AGL rewards? I only get 5%

  • Not expired. Working as of 1239pm on the white IP11 64GB

  • -1

    It does work but awaiting stock made me think twice.

    • +2

      Was in the same boat too. Especially having hundreds of dollars worth of giftcards in the event of the order being cancelled wouldn't be fun..

      • This really makes me hesitate!

        • +1

          Went with the SE instead. Received pick up notification within the hour! :)

  • It still seems to work with the iPhone 11

  • If there was any company you had to rely on to honour a pricing error it would be JB. Although it seemed somewhat intentional as last night I tried it on the pros and it didn't work, only applied to the standard 11

  • Fingers crossed they ship this.

  • +1

    Code works on standard 11 and SE (both white) but while Payment page applied the discount, payment confirmation shows full amount and I have a pending charge of full amount on credit card :/

  • +1

    I can get the discount to work on the 64GB but not the 128GB

    • Yup, seems it only works for the 64GB white but not purple or 128GB

  • +1

    Just wondering if it's worth getting or waiting? Apple just dropped the 11's price in the US to $599, wondering if we'd see lower prices soon here.

  • BTW definitely no charger with current JB iPhone 11

  • +1

    Not expired yet, still works for some 64gb and 256gb model

  • Confirmed still works at 1:10pm
    Just bought and picked up iPhone se white 64gb

  • +1

    I just applied it to the cart and it worked..2:03pm

  • +2

    Tested the code - works with white iPhone SE

  • +1

    can confirm code still works with white iPhone SE 64gb

  • Doesn't work on black colourway :(

  • +2

    I have access to their corporate website and this message came up as of today


    Good luck with your purchases.

  • +2

    Ordered a white one, see how that goes. Got 5% discount GC to bring it down further

    • Hey i tried but it doesn't apply for apple product. can you help me please

      • Hey mate I did a white iphone 11 64gb, it didn't work for purple. Thats all i tried.

        • +1

          I did the same. Used GC to bring price down by another 5%. Got order confirmation email too.
          Have to wait delivery now later this month.

          • +1

            @Bugzbunny: I'm worried that if these orders are going to be cancelled, there'll be $900 gift cards sitting around…. So I ordered via PayPal to be safe

            • @skido: I was prepping to buy iphone 12 later this year anyway, so the cards will come handy in case of order cancellation

              For now … i have received the confirmation email so I am optimistic!

  • Cheers OP! Just picked up a white iPhone SE 64GB.

    • Hey when did you purchase it? mine one cant apply discount

      • About 30mins ago. I just checked the code still works at check out. Maybe try a different browser?

  • Just tried it on an iPhone 11 128GB Black (the only colour I could see on their site) and got "Coupon does not apply to this basket" when I tried to use the code on the checkout screen 🙁

    • +1

      there's so many models still available…. and the code still works with 64gb iPhone 11 white

      • Tempting, but 64GB is too small for me. I don't want to cheap out now and find I can't use this phone comfortably for the next 2-3 years…

  • Holy shite… this works with other Android phones too, just ordered an LG Velvet 5G. JB already have it on sale for $750, entering this code brough it down to $666.61

      • +1

        Hell yea! Up the irons!

  • +2

    Just picking up an iPhone SE for my dad for his birthday now! $559 with gift cards, what a bargain!

    • I am new to gift cards. How do I buy for $559

  • Hi, my son who's 15 is into a bit of gaming (on his PS4), I was thinking of buying him a new Iphone as a gift (probably for Xmas). Do you think this deal i.e. the Iphone 11 64GB would be a good idea ? Any viewpoints would be appreciated, thanks.

    • +4

      If he is using an iPhone 8 or older then yes. Otherwise no.

  • guessing no discounts on iphone 12 anywhere i guess

    • +1

      I guess you guessed right.

  • I tried adding all the iPhone 12 mini models with the eligible iPhone 11, added coupon but only works for the iPhone 11 rip

  • Thanks. Just bought iPhone 11 white 64 with egift card, down to $851.10 including shipping

  • For everyone: This works for iPhone 11 64GB white only.

  • Doh was keen on a SE… Oh just read the comment about white 64gb - winning.

  • Will 4G be phased out in the next 3-4 years? I plan to use 11 for that long.

    • +4

      4G will be around for at least a decade, 5G can’t easily replace 4G since it’s much shorter range. 3G will likely get phased out in that 5 year timeframe though

  • Got the white SE 64gb two hours ago with a confirmation. Friend tried now and still working…..

  • +3

    Just want to say a big thank you to the OP, bought a white iPhone SE 64gb yesterday. Ending up using discounted gift cards so all up it cost $575 for the phone which I think is a fantastic price.

  • Ordered the iPhone 11 a week ago with express delivery and still no sign that it’s even left them.

    Anyone got theirs yet?

    • +1

      Mine says it will arrive on 1 December. I ordered the iPhone 11 64gb in black.

    • +1

      I ordered iPhone 11 128GB Black just before this deal posted and today status changed to Shipped in my online Account.

  • Hi has anyone had their phones shipped out to them yet?

    • +1

      I ordered iPhone 11 128GB Black just before this deal posted and today status changed to Shipped in my online Account. I ordered with Express Delivery.

      • Thanks mate, I have yet to have my order shipped out which is a bit odd given the latest estimate was the 23rd

  • +1

    Just got an email saying the order has been picked up with Toll so all going to estimated ETA of 23rd

    White iPhone 11 64gb $855 with discount gift card

  • Received mine today. iPhone 11 64GB white. Thanks OP!

  • Received mine today, iPhone 11 128GB for ~$917 with 5% off Suncorp Gift cards.

  • missed it

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