This was posted 13 years 3 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Capture Camera Clip System by Peak Design $49.99 + $5.95 Shipping from


Been a quiet member for a long time and today I finally have something that's worth contributing to the community.

For 24 hours only, Capture will be available on our website for only $49.99 + $5.95 shipping.

The RRP for Capture is $99.95 in Australia. Use the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY to get it down to $49.99 which makes it 50% off!

This is a perfect Christmas gift for anyone interested in photography. If you are not sure how it works, simply watch the video in the link. Capture was one of the most successful kickstarter campaigns ever created.

The promotion will go into effect 12:00am November 25th, and last for 24 hours only.
Quantity is strictly limited to 1 per Customer. is an authorised dealer of Peak Design so you will get the Lifetime Guarantee right here in Australia.

I also have to be honest and say that we only have about 20 left in stock for immediate shipping. However, you may still place an order at the discounted price if they all get ozbargained. You just won't get them as fast as the first 20 lucky members. We will try and get them in well before Christmas but will update if any delays occur.

We are still a small shop at the moment and have much to learn and grow. As a rep, I am open to any comments and suggestions especially from the ozbargain community. Oh, and Cheers! to any likes or +1's on our fan pages ;) !

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closed Comments

  • +15

    this is very cool, but im pretty sure if i hang my 60D off this, my pants are gonna fall down… =[

    • +1

      on second thoughts…after watching the video, i now kinda want one…=|

    • +1

      lol lol i was thinking the same thing. Although larger and slightly heavier, theres camera bags that also clip onto the belt. Unless you wear your belt super tight and like a weight hanging down on your belt, i don't think this will be very comfortable. A camera worn like a sling bag, works well for me, doesn't bob around, its secure, comfy and you can easily go into a shooting position.

      • even though i rarely use my camera… i have a lowepro slingshot 200AW for that feature….so i guess we are thinking the same thing…hahaz =]

    • +3

      To be honest I don't like hanging a DSLR on my belt either. But it works like a charm on backpack shoulder straps which I suppose what it was initially designed for.

      • I bought one off Kickstarter and barely use it. My neck strap is still more useful. The other main problem I've had is people bump into your hips regularly without any worry, but when you have 1500 bucks of camera equipment there, it becomes an issue.

        It's a nice enough gift, but I don't know how useful it is to everyone. As above said, strap it to a backpack. The best use I've found for it is to do hands-free lens switching.

  • haha yeh i just watched the vid .. looks good

    my only question though … what happens if you wanna use a tripod as well ? coz like those lil mini tripods are cool and easy to transport .. but seeing as the Capture base screws into the screw underneath .. i take it that would need to be removed first before the tripod?

    in the video, there's a guy using a tripod though .. hows that work ?

    thanks :)

    • The Capture plate is designed to be Arca-Swiss compatible so will fit directly on a few high-end quick release plates. The Joby ballhead X is often recommended as the cheapest tripod thats Arca-Swiss compatible.

      • Found a list of compatible products from B&H's product description.

        The camera connection plate that comes with Capture is designed with a geometry that will fit
        into any Arca-Swiss-style tripod heads (Wimberly, Kirk and Really Right Stuff (RRS), GorillaPod,
        GorillaPod Ballhead X, Manfrotto, Bogen, and Gitzo)

        • +2

          Even though the list above states brands in general, check first. I.e Manfrotto use their own quick release design that is in the name of their tripod heads; RC2, RC4 etc. These would NOT be arca swiss compatible.

          Otherwise, looks like a nice design. I'm still not sold as the placement would be weird. It wouldn't feel right having you camera up so high on your shoulder strap or pulling your pants down (a 5DMkII with almost any pro lens would definitly result in a pantsing).

        • any idea if a different swiss arca plate was used if it would lock onto the mount? looks like it doesnt?

  • Never seen this before but odly I was talking with somebody today about a better way to carry my D300…

    Will take a better look in the morning…

    • +3

      BTW rep you can't use the coupon on the
      Mobile store as it asks you to get a shipping estimate before using coupon… At least I could not get it working.

      Changed to the regular store and all worked fine…

      (as you can see I did not wait until morning)

      • Thanks for reporting that to us Pobmam. We will try to get that issue fixed ASAP.

  • +2

    This thing seems to get good reviews all around town (Amazon - 22 reviews, all 5 stars; B&H Photo and Video - 7 reviews, all five stars). Price seems reasonable too. Amazon have it for $79. B&H have it for just under $50, but postage is $31. Think I might give it a go. Not sure I need another gadget but $55 to give more life to $2k worth of kit doesn't sound like a bad investment.

    The only immediate downside I can see is that the recommended anchor position is on the belt midway between hip and groin. Not sure how comfortable it would be if you were trying to sit (e.g. traveling in a car).

    Also note that this doesn't look like a one hand task. Seems that the quick release can often be located on the opposite side of the camera to the grip. All the images I've seen so far look to use this setup. Don't know if this is just coincidence or whether this is part of the design. Rep, can you clarify?

    • Hi Cowping, the base plate is designed to be omni-directional so you can slide it in the clamp from all 4 directions. However, the quick release button is only on one side of the clamp entrance so where it ends up depends on the direction of the opening.

  • is there a max weight for this?
    Not arguing whether the capture clip can withstand the weight of the camera, but more rather won't the clip adversely slowly destroy my belt or backpack strap?
    I have a Canon 5D with a battery grip and a 24-70L… and its about 2kg.. and that's without a flash mounted…
    hrmm.. but then again, just thinking about it, i guess the answer is how strong is my belt or backpack strap.. haha

    • +1

      Here is a link to a video demonstrating Capture holding a 105 lbs (~50kg) load.
      However, whether it's comfortable or not to carry over 2kg on a belt is surely another thing to consider.

      • Nice! Seems my 5D with my 70-200 can using that as well.

  • I ordered one by chose cash on pickup but its still charging me for postage.. I'm assuming i dont have to pay that as im picking it up from leichhardt?

    • That is correct. No postage required if picking up from us directly.

      • thanks

        I sent an email through.. can i pick it up today?

      • How can I choose pick up from the shopping cart ?

        • +2

          i think i picked the 'cash from pickup' option in payment or something like that

  • +1

    VERY Tempting!!

    • Very.. ;)

  • IMO, belt clip for mobile phone is OK
    But for $2k+ camera…..hmmmmm……I don't think so

  • Very interesting product, but just worry my pants will drop off with all the weight pulling it down. It would be great if able to test it before buying.

    • +3

      Well if they do, you'll have the camera to capture the magical moment.

  • Coupon code expired…
    "The coupon code you entered has already expired so it can't be used. "

    • Just tried and it seems to be still working fine for us?

  • +3

    I respect that you don't spam ozb with random crap 'sales' and that you hold out for something decent like this. thumbs up

  • Rep, how can I choose pickup from store? There is no pick up option (after redirect from Paypal back to your site). Is there any way you enable the button?

    I know that you running out of stock, but when you finally have some, you can get the system to email all of us who choose pick up from store (that the product is ready to be picked up).

    • I have made a few changes to accommodate members that wish to pick up. It should be all clear now. Let me know if the problems still exist.

      And yes we will be sending out notifications once stock arrives.

      • Perfect. Thank you for your fast response. Just bought one from you :)

      • Vertixy, will you Guys send out emails for those who opted for pickup, when the new stock comes in, so we know when to pick up?
        Whats the ETA on the new stock?

  • This is a very dangerous product! Without any belts for the backup safeguard for your camera means you may probably drop your expensive DSLR. Besides,it will certainly bump with your priceless eggs when you are dragging.

    • Have you try that?

    • <— this one talks about attaching to a belt and the best position ..

      From the video's I've seen.. this thing looks as secure as your belt / backpack is going to hold

      There's a video of even attaching it to a bicycle with the extenders which looks pretty nifty for riders .. though not sure if the extenders are included or not

      • I've been attaching my slr to the middle of my bike handle with a genuine Gorilla Pod, it is surprising very sturdy while riding (haven't tried it on really rough terrain yet). participially useful if you don't want to carry your tripod around and just use you bike at the tripod (for more height).

      • The extenders are still under development with more information here:

        Backers from the kickstarter project should be getting the first batch any time now and they should be available for retail early next year.

  • Looks good, especially for backpackers with shoulder straps. My main issue is that it hangs out waaayy too much from the side and might imbalance walking. Not to mention bumping stuff along the way.

  • When do you anticipate for more stock to arrive?

  • Rep, when's the nearest you can expect this to be in our hands if we order today? I'm leaving for a backpacking trip 20th of next month, so if it can't make it before, I probably won't bother.

  • website down.

  • Rep, How does one place an order to take advantage of special price using Paypal ? Not seeing anywhere to enter coupon code before Paypal lists full price for transaction.

    • Hi Seren, When you place the items into the shopping cart there should be a box to the right that allows you to enter the coupon code before the checkout page.

  • Thanks for all the orders guys! We're a bit overwhelmed but will try and tackle these orders one by one.

    Now to answer a few FAQ's, we WILL be sending out notifications to those who wish to pick up when the stock actually arrives. As for the ETA,I'm not 100% sure. From experience they take around 1-2 weeks to get here from the US but it's hard to say during this time of the year.

    Although this may create a bit of extra work for us, I will suggest anyone in doubt still place an order and select to pay via bank deposit to secure the special price. We will contact you to make the deposit after they come in and if it doesn't arrive in time you may simply cancel your order with zero obligations.

    Also, a few people are reporting that the coupon code has expired. This may be due to the fact that the coupon is designed to be only used ONCE per account. We have a strict policy of limiting one unit per customer during the promotion. (However, I'm pretty sure all true ozbargainers will know how to work around this restriction ;) )

  • Sigh.. I'm such a sucker for different ways to carry a camera. Got the Industry Disgrace, OP/TEch USA, Luma Loop, Black Rapid… now this. I guess will be Sun Sniper next.

    Thanks rep, good one… though wish I'd got in while still had stock.

  • I just tried to check out with the coupon and it still has the full price. Has the coupon expired?

  • Nice little thing but I wont risk my DSLR and its expensive lens on such holders, a small careless mistake with clipping the camera to the buckle and the camera goes nose landing…

  • +1

    coupon does not work?

  • hows it compare to ?

    • The spider holster looks like it has to be looped through a belt, that seemingly only works with the belt they sell. The spider holster is also much more expensive.

      The Capture system allows you to attach to a most things, such as a backpack strap as demonstrated in the promo video, which is a plus for me, since I dont really want to kill the camera when I sit down with the lens facing down! ><"

      All my opinions :)

  • Ah OK, got it. I created an account, then had to use the estimate shipping option to get the delivery fee applied, THEN the coupon worked. When I tried without the shipping estimator the coupon did nothing but there was a message I didn't see at first about having to estimate shipping before applying a coupon.

  • Looks good, just ordered one! Glad I caught this before midnight!!

  • Order shipped

    Thanks Vertixy :)

    Thanks for all your patience in the delayed delivery and we are glad that the shipment was not held back too long.
    All order should be delivered in your hands by now except for just a few awaiting for pickup.
    Let us know if you still haven't received your capture unit yet and we will make sure it does.

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