Hey guys, as the title says, we have huge discounts on select Blue Microphone lines until 12 November or while stocks last.
Yeti Aztec Copper - RRP$199.95 - sale price $149 https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07CY5HS72
Yeti Nano Gold - RRP$159.95 - sale price $99 https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B000ZNTNPA
Snowball Black - RRP$129.95 - sale price $79 - this is the Snowball with 2x capsules and 2x patters - not the cheaper Snowball ICE (RRP$99)
All are supplied with free shipping nation wide.
Stocks are limited!
Sorry noob question here. Are any of these suitable for singing or just game streaming stuff?