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$5 off Rubber Gym Tiles - $25 (Was $30) @ Nordic Fitness


Our tiles consist of finely packed rubber granules to create an extremely solid and durable tile. Primarily designed for home or light use.

  • Low odour. Made with 100% non-toxic materials.
  • Soft beveled edge gives your gym a professional look.
  • No flakey rubber bits. No coloured fleck that gets dirty easily.
  • Reduces noise and vibrations.
  • Fire retardant and lab safety tested to Australian standards.
  • Easy to clean due to high density of rubber - no gaps for dust to hide!

These tiles are designed for home use, not for heavy foot traffic. Looking for commercial use tiles? Check out our other range of full commercial tiles.

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Nordic Fitness Equipment
Nordic Fitness Equipment

closed Comments

  • +5

    Pro tip: add more photos because you've done yourself a huge injustice with just a single/close up/half out of focus photo.

    • I can't add photos. I think Ozbargain chooses the photo. If you see the product page there are more photos.

      • +2

        I'm actually referring to your website. It shows the same image as what's above.

  • +1

    For a hot second I thought they were $5 per tile and got excited.

    But $25 is still pretty good. How much do these weigh?

    • They weigh about 8kg each.

  • This looks similar to what Bunnings is selling for 31.98 https://www.bunnings.com.au/ultimate-flooring-1-x-1m-rubber-…. Not sure about the delivery though.

    • Really completely different product to Bunnings.

      The Bunnings tiles have a large grain and fall apart very easily.

  • Edit: all good

  • "extremely solid and durable tile"
    "designed for home or light use"

    Come on. Your venn diagram does not intersect!

  • I have some of these. They are high quality and the guys at Nordic are great.

  • +1

    So what's the difference between these and the non-home grade variety(nordicfitness.com.au)?

    • +1

      The commercial grade, though the same dimensions, is almost double the weight in rubber. Meaning it's a much finer grain and more densely packed.

  • +2

    Was about to get some and then saw the delivery price. Ouch.

    • Yep. $38 for me. For 2. Seems a bit steep.

    • $42.72 for 2 pieces shipped to Melbourne…

    • -1

      I guess the deal is not for everyone.

      We are based in WA so sending them across the country may be expensive.

  • +1

    Your product does look better than Bunnings but that delivery cost makes the deal unviable. To be fair, it seems most people who sell these charge similar amounts for delivery, they're big and heavy.

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