This was posted 13 years 3 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Steam Autumn Sale Nov 23 - 27


"New deals everyday and hundreds of of deals all weekend".

Way too many games to list. A few standouts are Black Ops, Mass Effect 2, Portal 2 and Orcs Must Die.

Black Ops is 50% off, $44.99 (originally $89.99)
Orcs Must Die is 75% off $3.74 ($14.99) + DLC

All prices are in USD.

EDIT: I just sunk $95 into this sale. I didn't buy much of the big titles, but I took this chance to buy a lot of the indie stuff that have been heavily discounted at 75% off. I try to support the Indie Developers as much as I can.

Some purchase highlights are Mass Effect 1 + 2, Spectromancer (Designed by Garfield, who also designed Magic: the Gathering). Orcs Must Die + DLC, Dungeon Defenders + DLC, Fortex 2, ARES (For Megaman X fans), Commandos Collection (3 awesome games for less than 4 bucks?), NightSky (designers of Limbo), and a whole lot more. Awesome sale so far. I almost fear for my bank account for the other upcoming sales the next few days.

Which games did you guys purchase?

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closed Comments

  • +7
    • used to be really good for a single-page listing, not sure if it still works well as now it aggregates a number of sites.

  • Finally Serious Sam is at a decent price.

    • +9

      More like a Serious price.

    • 90% off the double pack today. Hope you didn't already buy it!

  • +9

    my poor bank account is gonna get raped

  • How much for Mass Effect 2? I can't see it at work.

    • +3

      $4.99, probably the pick of the sale. Disappointed Civ 5 isn't more heavily discounted.

      • Is it the digital deluxe?

        • +2

          $9.99 for DD version.

  • Mass Effect 2: worth getting the digital deluxe edition? (is the soundtrack DRM-free? are the items significantly useful/good?)

    • +1

      Same here. I'm wondering whether I should get the Digital Deluxe Edition. Hmmmm.,….it seems getting the extra DLC for Mass Effect 1 and 2 is a little inconvenient. A little hassle involved. -_-; Register the games to Bioware website and download…


      But nevertheless, I got the deluxe edition plus STALKER: Clear Sky.

      • I would. You get extra DLC that you can't get any other way, and it's only an extra $5.

        • -4

          just sayin

        • +1

          It has to be registered on the Bioware site to get it in-game. Just sayin'

      • Good choice with STALKER, that game flew under alot of peoples' radars, and it is superb.

        One of the best FPS that came out in years and one of a few games that can really freak me the fuck out.

  • +9

    Here is a listing of all steam sale items (In order of biggest discounts)

  • +18

    Just a general recomendation…Unless it is at least 70% off wait. There is always the chance that if something is "Only" 25-66% off it could be listed as a daily deal later in the sale. Just add it to your wishlist and buy it if it becomes a daily deal or on the last day.

    • +1 very good idea

    • thanks for the tip, haven't bought from steam much before

      • +3

        Welcome to the club! You can check out, but you can never leave.

    • Yeah, I always do that whenever they have a sale. Wait to see if the games I want get listed as a daily deal and if they don't, then I just buy them on the last day. :)

      Hoping BC2 is listed as a daily deal.

  • Some good deals

  • Fallout: New Vegas is $19….hmmmm…..

    • +1

      still cheaper in the US again, exactly what i was looking at!

    • +3

      Have buried easily 100 hours into that game already. Buy it, buy it, buy it.

    • it's now $10. I haven't played Fallout 3 or New Vegas, if I were to get one, which is better?

      • Thanks for the heads up!! Looks like that's another month of work down the drain.

        BTW play Fallout 3 first. It's VERY good.

        • Hmm, $10 for the game is good, but then another $13.50 for all of the DLC… Might wait for the GOTY/Gold edition.

        • dlc was rated poorly by reviews, so i probably won't bother with them. $10 is as good as it gets.

  • +10

    Portal 2 for $10.19. Bargain! Absolute ripper of a game. Incredibly funny writing and great voice acting too!

    • In true ozbargainer fashion, I was gonna wait 'til it goes under $10 (I won't get around to playing it until after the christmas sale anyway) but hell, the money all goes to valve anyway. It's like a donation really.

    • Agreed. No doubt Steam will feature it in the weekend giveaway :P

    • tempted to get this, but I haven't even played Portal 1 yet. I got Portal for free when they were giving copies away for "educational" purposes, or something along those lines. I got lucky.

      • Portal's excellent, well worth playing. I just played it again a couple of months ago.

      • -2

        Yeah I love The Pirate Bay's educational trial giveaways too….

        • +2

          umm.. they did give it away for free you know.. that's when i got it

        • +4

          Valve gave away copies for educational purposes. All you had to go do was register on their website for it and they will give you one for free. From what I've heard, Portal is an awesome game, why would you want to pirate them? You should support these developers so that they could create more games for us consumers to enjoy.

        • +1

          I think everyone who pirates games should try and make one themselves. At least then they'll understand how much hard work they're refusing to pay a few dollars for.

  • +1

    man, region pricing you suck!

    yes i get its not steam, its the developers: dodgy!

    shouldn't be buying any games that are cheaper in the US than they are here… teach those developers to rip us off!

    specially as we're paying in the same currancy anyway!

    portal 2, valve games are well priced and have fair pricing.

    • +3

      Absolutely, I will not buy a game if I am paying more simply because of where I live.

      Use this great site to check prices in other regions:

      • darkspore have dark prices :/

      • yeah i was also going to provide the steamprices link, but it doesnt seem to be lising the sales prices when i checked it.

    • +1

      *Publisher, not developer.

  • +2

    62 cents for the old Oddworld games is good enough for me to buy.

  • Darn you Steam. By the way, Sam and Max complete is a great price - I'd been tempted to buy it direct from Telltale Games for $40.

  • An unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed.
    Please contact Steam Support.


    • happens a lot whenever they have sales. their servers can't keep up with the millions that the public is throwing at them. just wait a while then try again, or better yet, lock your wallet somewhere safe until the sales are over.

  • Am I the only one who NEVER has anything to buy in these sales anymore?

    Steam has turned me into a gamer who preorders games on Steam if I want them making it impossible to buy anything I want on sale because I own them!

    • With just under 260 games in my account, I'm finding it hard to purchase much from these sales anymore.

      Granted that's a good thing in my book.

    • +15

      Steam sales have turned me into a gamer who never spends more than $5-10 for a game (and still plays all the best games, just waits 6-12 months, saves 90% of the money, and then plays them on a newer, faster PC purchased in the meantime).

      • Seriously?

        How can you wait 6-12 months for a sequel to all your favorite games?

        Battlefield 3? GTA V? Assassins Creed Revelations?

        I must be exactly what Game Publishers want, and your the exact opposite :P

        • +9

          I'm the same as mgowen. It's easy to wait for the price to drop when you've got 200+ games in your Steam account to plough through. :)

        • +3

          It doesn't always work for online multiplayer games (if you buy it so late nobody is playing it) but look at it this way:

          If publishers offered an advance copy of their game, 6-12 months before release, with several levels missing (DLC), with a few bugs (patches), sometimes even extra DRM, for 5 to 10 times the release price, would you still buy it?

          If so, you should buy at release. If not, wait for the $5 - 10 steam sale deal.

        • +2

          there is always an infux of people who jump online when the game goes on sale… more noob fodder…

          damn it now you made me want to play L4D2!

  • +1

    BFBC2 = 9.99 and CS Source = 9.99.

    I've never used steam before, I understand you don't get the game on disc, are the games fully functional as per what u will get from EA?

    Cheers, Viroids

    • +2

      All the games are fully functional.

    • +2

      yeah, great thing is that you get a profile of all your games, and you can download them at any time once they are linked to your account.

      IE your game list is like MSN messanger friends, once your logged in, all will be visable, you will need to download on each computer, but its a great to keep track of them all…

      sales like this happen often, a true bargainer "samfisher5986" looking at you! never pays RRP! just wait for a 50/66/75% off sale, will happen sooner or later… big deal im 6-12 months behind the latest games. always something new comming on special.

  • +3

    X-com (UFO-Defence) games for $3…what a classic. DEAL.

    • +1

      funny thing was i was waiting a year or so to buy XCOM as it was NEVER on special, finally bit the bullet and bought it at full price, was absolut months before they had a special on it… would have regreted it too, however they are so cheap to begin with its no too bad.
      got right up to the last mission with all my guys then lost interest… LOL… will have to get back onto it and finish it once and for all… great game though…. they dont build games that indepth anymore… instead rely on graphics and effects…

      • +2

        Get back in there and make those Mutons pay for violating my Cattle.

        Agreed on the depth of this game, I had this game fit on three floppy disks, and some games these days on DVD are less fun than this one.

        Was even happy with Terror From the Deep even though it was basically a skin for UFO Defence because the game was still good.

  • Portal 2 is a great deal, just such a fun experience for $10.
    Terraria is great if you love Minecraft, $5
    I was thinking of picking up PayDay: The Heist for $13
    Amnesia is also on sale for $10

    • I heard that PayDay only has like 3-4 maps and eventually they are going to roll out DLC for the game with more maps, characters and guns. Not 100% sure, but that kinda made me iffy about buying the game.

  • +1

    Needs more Hats.. ;)

  • +1

    Great deal, especially for Dungeon Defenders, Portal, Serious Sam. Noticed this this morning

  • there's no content restriction with dead island for australia right?

    • I don't think so. I bought the game when it first came out, and there's been no restrictions at all.

      • thanks mate.. purchased a 4 pack :)

  • Should I be concerned with giving CC details to steam, after the recent steam forum account hacking?

    • I shouldn't think there would be a problem. But it usually safer to use PayPal anyway.

      • they obtained "salted" details, hoping mine will be ok as they do have some of my details… damn you steam!

    • It's a credit card. They've all got insurance for online purchases anyway.

  • +2

    Brink is only $10.99, fairly cheap considering it was only released mid 2011.

    • +1

      just goes to show how bad it was!

      • +1

        It was just unpopular because it requires team work and doesn't keep a kill score.

        • left for dead also required team work, and not really a kill score as such?

        • Completely different style of team work. All about completing objectives which may mean having to change class or die several times to complete. Also, L4D does record a kill score.

  • +4

    Well… there goes all of my money.

  • +5

    Buy ALL the games !

  • +2

    Just got Orcs Must Die + DLC. A lot of fun so far for ~$5.

  • +6

    Limbo's also a good game for $5. Hell, it was worth buying for the full price of $9.99

    • +1

      So short but so entertaining!

      • +1

        just checked it today and it's available for $2.50. If you haven't already done so, buy it. its a fun game.

  • +4

    World of Goo for $2.50 people! Awesome game with great writing and soundtack

  • +10

    With the sale underway and new deals to come, it looks like this sale is progressing…full steam ahead.


  • Do you need to sign up for a new, separate US account to get US prices if you already have an "Australian" account?

    • Unless you have a US IP address (ie, you are in the US, or can somehow fool Steam into thinking you are), you can't get US prices. And then you'd also need a US billing address.

      • Thanks. Just seems like a lot of people here are doing it given that the prices being thrown around are the cheaper US ones.

    • If you have any friends in America, just ask them to purchase the game for you and send it to your account.

      • umm… i got the US price without doing anything :S

        but this was with dead island…

        • some games are listed as the same price in other regions, some aren't. best thing to do is to check over at and compare

  • Man I miss out on portal 10 price, i had it in my Cart but I left it today to buy it. gone up 14.99 now :(

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