This was posted 4 years 4 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mutti Finely Chopped Tomatoes Canned 400g - $1 @ Woolworths

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OzBargain's favourite canned tomato is on sale at Woolies. It's just the chopped stuff that's down to $1 this week, the Whole Peeled cans are $1.30.

People have often said that for canned tomatoes you should only buy whole peeled as the chopped stuff is of lower quality, but in Kenji Lopez-Alt's (of Serious Eats/Food Lab fame) recent videos he mentions that for a good brand of canned tomatoes, they tend to use the ripest tomatoes for the canned crushed variety so they actually taste better. I'd say worth taking a stab at for Mutti.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    These good for bolognaise?

    • +4


      • +9

        Also good for bolognese

        • Username does not check out

          • +1

            @pauper: Ragu.

          • +1

            @pauper: Add some miso paste while cooking your bolognese to add that umami taste.

  • +2

    I've tried em all
    These are the best

    • Rosso Gargano is vastly superior to than Mutti in my personal opinion, but you can’t get that brand at supermarkets yet, only at specialist retailers.

      • Never heard of this one. Quick google looks like $4.50 a can?
        Makes my 2xCan meatball dish double in price

        • Its true, they sell for around $3 a can. but vastly superior, i recommend you try it

    • nah nah nah. whole peeled are the best. these are the second best.

    • +1

      Didja try the Aussie Harris Farm ones - $.99 usually?
      They are lovely.

      • No I havent.
        I'll try that next , thanks

  • +2

    How do these compare to brands that use Australian grown tomatoes like Ardmona etc?

    • +1

      I feel these ones taste better and more reddish in colour.

      • +5

        that's what she said

    • +2

      After doing some reading, I am more cautious about produce from Italy.……

    • +3

      I’d say on balance the Italian tomatoes taste better.

      I still buy the Australian ones regularly as otherwise they will disappear. There also concerns about Italy ‘dumping’ , Mafia connections amongst others

      • +6

        I was going to say exactly this. We buy Aussie canned tomatoes to support the industry, and the Italian ones are constantly on sale for heaps less, probably dumping.

        Also less food miles, carting the weight of a tin of tomatoes across the world doesn’t sit right with me when I can buy some from 250km away.

        However for passata, there’s not much option other than Italian so we buy that often.

      • +6

        We buy both and blend them for a "best of both worlds". For instance, if I'm making bolognaise sauce I'll put in a can of Mutti and one of an Aussie brand.

        You could argue that the 2 x Mutti would taste better (and I'd agree with you), but we still want to support Aussie as well.

        • +1

          Bolognese. It's not the same as mayo, mate.

          • @Munki: noted.

          • +5

            @Munki: Bolognaise is simply the French spelling of the word. Nothing wrong with spelling it that way.

    • No corona?

    • Big fan of the Ardmona tomatoes. Plus I like to support Australian made products.

      Looking at the exploitation link below, I'd rather not support people being abused or on starvation wages.

  • These are the best. They have such a vibrant, tomato-y taste. Love them.

  • Finally back on special!

    Thanks OP.

  • Up vote for mentioning whole vs chopped. I always reach for whole, but do buy Mutti regularly. Good stuff.

  • -5

    These are great. I bought a heap by mistake for the first wave of coronavirus. Will stock up again for the third wave.

  • -2

    Maybe someone can chop up and tin the little dog next door that yaps, and label it Mutti.

  • Yes these are the best.I usually buy Whole Tomatoes but the Chopped are OK for a Sugo.

  • +9

    'Italian prosecutor Paola Guglielmi has named food giants Mutti and Conserve Italia as benefiting from “conditions of absolute exploitation” in the country’s hugely lucrative tomato industry, as part of an investigation into the death of a seasonal labourer.

    Both Mutti and the Conserve Italia brand Cirio [see footnote] supply major UK supermarkets with premium tinned tomatoes and passata, and are named in court documents signed by Guglielmi.
    Latest figures reveal more than 40 million people are living in slavery
    Read more

    The case began with the death of Abdullah Muhammed, a 47-year-old legal Sudanese immigrant and father of two, who suffered a heart attack while working in the fields of Nardó, which sits on the heel of southern Italy, in July 2015. The allegation against his employer was that Muhammed’s life could have been saved if he had been allowed to go to hospital.'

    Dumping, exploitation - right up woolies profiteering street…

    • At least they are being Proseccocuted

      • No doubt they're trying to Soppressata these facts

        • ccc ccc ccc

        • -2

          The company was making a mozza-rella out of the poor bloke.

    • -1


    • -1

      why didn't you state the source of your quote, which is a 2017 article from The Guardian?

      they published an update last year, which includes:

      Mutti was so aghast at the damage to its reputation that it decided, in future, to purchase only mechanically harvested tomatoes in the south. (Mechanisation reduces the working crews to four or five people, bar the driver.)

      Cirio, which is owned by Conserve Italia, told the Guardian: “[We] would like to assure all … consumers that it will continue to process tomatoes supplied by its 14,000 cooperators through the collaboration of its 3,000 employees in complete respect of ethical principles and environmental sustainability.”

      Oxfam in their 2019 paper:

      In addition, Mutti:

      • since 2017, requires farmers to sign a self-declaration with respect to their commitments related to labour used in production. This includes a commitment to there being ‘for all the workers [a] contract of employment and to be able to supply, upon request, the personal data of the hired workers, model UNILAV with proof of electronic submission, possible copy of the residence permit or request for renewal in case of non-EU workers;
      • has included in contracts a price incentive to suppliers that undertake or maintain certain certifications (SMETA, Global GAP-Grasp etc.);
      • from 2019, will require all farms to be certified under Global GAP-GRASP, entailing the use of third party audits.

      Mutti has introduced specific clause on mechanical harvest since 2014 with some exceptions for specifics weather conditions or specific tomatoes such as cherry tomatoes. In 2018 Mutti revise[d] the contract and requested mechanical harvest with no exceptions in order to reduce manual fruit picking to zero.

      Mutti further reports paying a price premium to farms compared to average market prices in order to incentivize higher quality standards.

      • -1

        'In the Italian deep south, where the mafia runs a parallel system of local rule with its own violent enforcement, the law holds little sway. Workplace inspectors are “very few and very corrupt”, according to Rocco Borgese, secretary of the FLAI-CGIL union (which represents agricultural workers) in Gioia Tauro, Calabria.

        In 2018, Global Slavery Index, an organisation providing a country-by-country ranking of the number of people currently enslaved, estimated there are 50,000 enslaved agricultural workers in Italy (the Index claims a total of 145,000 people are enslaved in the country as a whole, forced into prostitution and domestic services). The UN’s special rapporteur on slavery said last autumn that 400,000 agricultural workers in Italy are at risk of being exploited and almost 100,000 are forced to live in inhumane conditions……..

        Both UK and Italian supermarkets defend themselves by the blanket use of Certification Bodies (CBs): these are companies paid by supermarket suppliers to provide an ethical audit of their businesses, thereby offering assurance that their goods meet environmental or humanitarian standards.

        But CBs perform an arm’s-length box-ticking exercise, and rarely visit the farms. Besides, many farms are so remote that it is hard to launch a raid or surprise inspection. We spoke to one volunteer medic, working in the fields in Sicily, who says that to avoid any surprises, big farms have lookouts on mopeds at the ends of very long tracks. Some inspectors can be paid off, and those who do their job with integrity have been threatened with violence……

        Even some of the most powerful voices in the food industry express doubt that the certification process does anything to protect against gangmasters. “I wouldn’t swear by it,” Francesco Mutti, the CEO of one of Italy’s biggest and oldest tomato-processing firms, told us.

        Guardian June 2019 - so basically your fault finding is about as factual as Trump

        • Who fkn cares

          • -1

            @Willco88: whoever was knowingly putting forward a factually incorrect ….

            but probably because woolies is a tad concerned about ' first disclosure under the Australian Modern Slavery Act. - another useless piece of legislation introduced under a useless government

          • -1

            @Willco88: You would, if you happened to be one affected, whether as a slave or a consumer. You are lucky to live in Australia and yet you can't appreciate it.

        • so basically your fault finding is about as factual as Trump

          sorry but to what are you referring?

          my comment was in response to you seeming to suggest that Mutti are involved in labour exploitation and included:

          Mutti was so aghast at the damage to its reputation that it decided, in future, to purchase only mechanically harvested tomatoes in the south.

          In 2018 Mutti revise[d] the contract and requested mechanical harvest with no exceptions in order to reduce manual fruit picking to zero.

          • @tonester: 'some of the most powerful voices in the food industry express doubt that the certification process does anything to protect against gangmasters. “I wouldn’t swear by it,”

            'Francesco Mutti, '

            the CEO of one of Italy’s biggest and oldest tomato-processing firms, told us.

            Guardian June 2019

            • so basically your fault finding is about as factual as Trump.'

            and mechanical harvest is not a solution to slavery and even that may still not be completed as per Mutti.

            so just repeating assertions about minor future improvements is your panacea to slavery?

            you sure you're not associated in any way?

            • @petry: sorry but what exactly are you arguing about?

              • certification
              • Mutti
              • slavery

              i have only mentioned Mutti of relevance

              • @tonester: relevant to woolies simplistic slave chain requirements, and omitting the reality documented in the piece u very selectively used to put forward a distorted reality.

                • @petry: thanks - perhaps if you were more clear and concise, then unnecessary clarification and confusion could have been avoided

                  considering that this is a Mutti deal, your concerns in terms of them should now be covered

                  if you have more recent evidence/documentation, then feel free to share

                  • @tonester: I was clear however you were disingenuous in your very selective response

      • Mutti further reports paying a price premium to farms compared to average market prices in order to incentivize higher quality standards.

        Yet, somehow it is still just $1.

        • don't confuse the price producers pay farmers with what consumers pay retailers

          • @tonester:

            don't confuse the price producers pay a few cents farmers with what consumers pay retailers

            Fixed it 👍

            7-Eleven happened, and the life still goes on, with deals posted here. Nothing changes. No, no surprises here either.

            • @bargainparker: sorry but not quite sure what your point is - price does not necessarily correlate with each cost

  • I wanted to grab some but Woolies Central Park (Sydney) doesn't have the full discount. $1.30 there.

  • +1

    Fresh tomatoes preferred over tinned tomatoes after doctor told my mate one of the main reasons for kidney stones is tinned food particularly tomatoes but he also recommended to drink lots of light beer if you do use them to wash away stones when they are smaller and less likely to cause any pain, too long, 3 cents maybe

    • Light beer helps with washing away kidney stones?

      • +1

        Drinking beer results in an increased volume of urine.
        I'm thinking that light beer has a similar effect, but without the alcohol at the same level, so probably just a healthier way to flush out the tank.

        • Ahh right, so basically if you drink plenty of water anyway you should be okay.

          • +2

            @Mixhael: No beer only. Dont take this away from me.

          • @Mixhael: Except water doesn't produce the same volume of urine, per ml of intake.
            Beer is more efficient.

            • @GG57: Where's extra urine coming from?

                • @GG57: So if you drink 2L of beer every day and pissing out 3.2L where those extra 1.2L come from and how long until you end up in negative weight territory?

                  Hint: it does not really work like this.

                  • @[Deactivated]: Cool.
                    You asked; I provided a link.

                    I would be interested in reading any link you provide.

                    • -4

                      @GG57: Sorry, there's no article for common sense.

                      • +1

                        @[Deactivated]: Thanks for your input.

                        • -3

                          @GG57: Anytime. Or did you want have a last word? Ooops. Sorry. Try again.

  • why would one buy whole peeled tomatoes over chopped? Does anyone know? I can't tell the difference in taste

    • +1

      Supposedly they use the "shitter" tomatoes (not the best looking ones maybe?) in chopped and you cant tell because it's all chopped up and mixed up. Happy to be corrected lol

      • +1

        But see what is said about this in the post.

        • +1

          lol typical, I didnt read the OP. Eh I think whole and crushed are both super ripe anyway in my layperson opinion. I actually buy all three - crushed/chopped, diced and whole and use them appropriately.

          • @ippy: Buy crushed for pasta, buy whole for soups. Their whole tomatoes are tastier (try eating them straight from the cans) but for pasta it's just so much easier to not worry about clumps.

  • You beauty! Been waiting for this. Thanks for heads up OP

  • Italian tomatoes the best**

    • +1

      Aldi have Italian canned tomatoes for 69c every day

      • Not in the same league.

        • +2

          Different Italy?

        • They all come from the same factory

  • -1

    more like taking a stab at covid.

    • You don't know how Covid works

      • -1

        I know enough not to take a chance, lol.

  • +3

    Best tinned tomatoes I have had in Australia.

    As long as you're OK with food miles, sketchy supply chains, slave / bullied immigrant labour…get em with your ears pinned back!

    Excuse me, just off to buy as many as WW will let me buy in one transaction

    Thanks for the heads up OP

    • yummy

    • I don't think most OzBargainers care about slave wages or workers rights.

      Well, not until it happens to them. Then they go and post in the forums looking for help!

      • -1

        Of course, we really should care.

        iPhone factories with mesh outside to catch the falling workers as they attempt suicide

        Bangladesh clothing factories with sealed fire exits

        American pork factories encouraging Covid positive workers to keep working (and then exempted from liability by the Orange President McDonald Trump)

        Overfishing across the worlds oceans

        Indians employed to strip electronic parts for valuable metals (workers dressed in thongs and not wearing face protection)

        Children engaged in chocolate raw material extraction


        Still reckon Mutti tomatoes are excellent.

        • Overpriced and exploitatitve still - interesting to see how woolies even try's to influence perceptions of how it makes money from modern slavery here - just goes to show how many are paid to deceive.

          The moral vacuum of marketeers is one reason why the planet is screwed, and Oz effectively crippled.

          Why so many hate their kids beats me… extinction behaviour promoting lemmings..

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