Back in stock at a new lower price
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Thanks to doweyy for the heads up
Back in stock at a new lower price
More comments on the previous deal
Thanks to doweyy for the heads up
May the ozbargain spirits shine upon your path.
Thank you OzbargainKenobi.
im actually OzbargainTyrael
I've had these for 4 years now, and cant really compare the sound quality to other on-ear headphones. I trusted the reviews and they have been awesome, worth the price. This is a good price OP!
However, I am about to replace the padding on the ears for a second time. Fortunately, aliexpress has the exact replacement pads (just search ATH-M50x) and I found another headphone protector for the top. I'd end up with black dots from the pleather falling apart.
Ive just got the replacement pads off amazon for 26 dollars. Pretty meh though. Pros should have just brought a new one and sell the old ones :p
Some retailers in Australia sell the official replacement pads. Replaced mine a couple of weeks ago and couldn't be happier. 3 year old headphones like new again.
for me i hated the original one. I tried this…
But they are no longer selling?
when i received it it didn't came in the packing as shown online. but otherwise is pretty alright.
As for audio quality. The headphone does get noticeably quieter. I found the bass more accurate and less mushy compare to the OEM ones. Highs still travels through.
Definitely more comfortable than the original but it still claps and hurt the bottom part of the ear.
It depends on where you're coming from……. if these are your first step into decent audio and want something over-ear then yeah they're pretty decent, if you already have something decent then you'll find they are certainly lacking in a few areas.
Brainwavz do some decent replacement pads too.
lacking is being kind.
I put soft velour Shure earpads I had spare. Stl in perfect condition (except headband which has flaked off).
link to headband protector in the link below.
I just took it out side and brushed it all off with a scourer. Now it's a cotton headband.
I just got some new pads from Store DJ for my ATH-M50x cans. Years old and still sound great and fell like new with the new pads pitty i spent about $50 shipped.
After having all the black bits fall off, I'm now down to just the fabric underneath which seems fine to me. Not sure if it's worth getting new pads only to have black bits again..
Apart from that, never had any problems with the M50x headphones.
How is this vs the M60x? I loved my old pair of M50x before they were stolen but I can splurge a bit more IF it's an upgrade.
From my reading it's not an upgrade but just the M60x serves a different purpose.
Thanks that's the conclusion I came to as well
AKG K371 is the upgrade, should slide down to at least $180 at some point this month.
Currently $196 via Amazon UK.
I've had these headphones in various forms for over 6 years. They're pretty good - not the best, not the worst. Comfortable and reliable. I've got a pair at home and a pair at work which get ~2-8 hours of use per day between them ;)
Some people prefer the M40x, and from what I've heard those are slightly better despite being cheaper.
I paid $250 for each of mine and still consider that good value, for what it's worth.
I'm in the camp of preferring the M40x since it's more of a neutral sound as opposed to the bit of extra bass the M50s offer.
I'd use both honestly, the M50x has more aftermarket accessories however. E.G Bluetooth Modules.
Got my M40x for $100 shipped! I can't complain at all.
stick to your m40's and hit Fiio on twitter to get them to make a for the m40xs.
I also paid full RRP for my m50x four years ago and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
These may sound good but if you have a big head, clamping force is high and it will be uncomfortable
That's why my pair is sleeping in the shelf. I like the sound, but it gets uncomfortable too quick for me due to my big head.
Any suggested alternatives for us large cranium individuals?
Currently using Sony MX-1000xm3 and Airpods Pro when on the move. At home I use Sennheiser HD599 SE. Do you have any recommendations?
@wlqrichard: Yeah, I have the Bose QC35s which are great, get uncomfortable a little bit from time to time after a few hours, but overall very good. I also have the Galaxy Buds Plus.
But looking to get some wired cans to use with my podcasting deck.
@wlqrichard: what's your criteria:
work (studio-mixing- dj)
do you like:
analytical / sharp
flat / clean
Music you listen to:
bass head
Do you have an AMP?
It's a deep rabbit hole HiFi, and the headphone subgenre.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll pass the deal as I got a big head
I too prefer concerts, as to preserve my hearing of course.
Yep, having a cover band play next to my desk at work is way better than headphones IMO.
A cover band?? Too cheap to afford the real thing?
Hearing degrades over time either way.
It's true, but most people don't have the convenience of playing music over speakers wherever they go.
Is there still a warranty if its coming from the UK?
How do people find the sound signature of these for video games?
I hate gaming headset and i would argue any audio headphones are better than it. Its pretty good though
Closed headphones are no good for gaming. Take a look at the AD series.
I am happy with closed back for gaming, many others are, even if you loose some sound stage.
As someone with open (AKG K701 and Sennheiser HD58X) and closed (M40X and DT770) headphones I actually think closed blows them out of the water but it's personal preference. The fact that I don't hear my surroundings with my closed headphones on is what makes them worth it, you can't enjoy open headphones if you hear people around you more than the game itself. Closed makes me feel like I am completely removed from the environment and in the game itself, but I guess if you have completely silent surroundings then open might be better but again it really depends on the individual and their needs.
Agreed. It's definitely a personal preference. I have the DT770 Pro, Sennheiser HD599 and Philips Fidelio X2HR. I personally prefer open backs. They're more comfortable especially in hot days, and they have more spacious soundstage. Having said that, this is a very good price and I'd like to see how the M50x compares to the DT770 Pro
@[Deactivated]: From memory the DT770 is marginally better (although the highs can be harsh), but the M50x has the advantage of being more versatile being compact and foldable.
@dav3: I find the DT770 PRO is very good with classical music. The sound reproduction is quite accurate.
Closed cans are useless for sound whoring and even worse for constant explosive sounds like guns shots or explosions.
You will eventually get fatigue which is not good, they can be used for what would be more suited to slower less impacting sound designed games.
Also sound stage is much more narrow than on open cans.
Thanks for the replies, guys.
Pretty damn good imo, the quantity of bass is personally just right (many people would disagree with this though).
Iam assuming it requires an amp to get the full benefit
38ohm impedance. Not much more than generic headphones. Any phone/pc can easily power it.
Thanks :)
Very easy to power - no need for an amp.
Loud enough at 50% in most cases.
Really good price, copped a pair for when my current ones need replacing.
Got one thanks ops
Lol so true, even after 8 years my pair still clamp. Impossible to stretch out.
you have a big head
Thank you.
Never had an issue personally, and I've used them on international flights
We have normal heads
That's total rubbish. Mine are so light on the ears
You must have a gourd-shaped head
I've got a pair of Blue Designs Lola's, which are pretty decent. Anyone been fortunate to experience both to comment on them comparatively?
Don't buy these for gaming. Total rubbish.
It's a good recording studio headphones.
Everyone else I've heard have said its great for gaming. What makes you say that it is not?
Can't hear positional audio
Is there anything that ISNT rubbish to you?
Sennheiser gaming headsets.
I explained why closed cans are bad for gaming and get voted down lol.
I have around 8 pairs of cans and the best ones are my HD600s which I modded. They're better than the HD6XX as they don't have the same amount of bass impact which is fatiguing in BFV.
I explained why closed cans are bad for gaming and get voted down lol.
People seem to think if there's audio coming out of the headphones, then it must be good for gaming. The bass is so deep in the M50x and it's total rubbish for FPS games.
@Orico: Exactly why I said for sound whoring they're bad, also the explosive sounds are fatiguing due to the nature of closed cans.
2 things, narrow sound stage, over bearing bass, if people want to think they know better, then they can waste their money.
I use Audio Technica ATH-PDG1 open-back headphones for gaming. They are amazing. The sound quality is airy and so good, I also use it for listening to music. They are so lightweight as well.
Audio Technica ATH-PDG1 open-back
I was interested in getting those awhile back for listening to music. But the price stays where it is (around $139) and I discovered their existence after this deal & this deal were already over.
I am hoping they drop under $100 in the future ($70-$80 would be nice).
@thebadmachine: Go for them. I bought in one of the deals for $139. They became my go to headphones for listening to music, movies and mobile phone calls from home. They are just always there ready to use and so light weight. I have heaps of headphones. But I find myself grabbing these. The sound quality of these is just amazing. Both the cables (the boom mic one and the normal one) having volume control, remote and mic is so convenient
If accuracy is important:…
If on a budget…
If you MUST have a headset…
1990 has extreme treble. Feel like someone is sawing ears.
good headset but the hinge are crap quality
that where you buy 2 or 3 for back up :-)
I've tried the M20X before but comfort I feel is pretty shit, get's tight around the ears and want to take them off after couple hours max.
Would the M50X be any better?
M50x 10 fold better
How do these compare to the Philips SPH9500?
I'm tossing up between this deal or just grabbing the philips. I do like the idea of the open back on the philips for gaming but I would also like to use headphones when I'm in public without too much sound leaking from them
Open vs closed back? Quite different. Also, as these are noted to have a boosted bass, they will sound quite different tonally.
You cant use open back in public, too much outside sound gets in and too much music gets out. Unless you're odd, then go for it, you wouldn't be the 1st…
Philips SHP9600 came out recently, just so you know.
hmmm i do like their look better too
Apparently it is the same sound just with more bass.
(Some people complained the original SHP9500 lacks bass)
Buy Takstar Pro 82 instead, better in every way - much more comfortable, sound better, much cheaper.
My Gm200s (bassy brother) are my PC cans of choice (I have a few to pick from).
just twice the price
on Amazon, sure
Being open backs the Philips leak sound, and a lot. They're not suited for use outdoors. They're very comfortable as the cups are quite soft and big
I think you mean to reply to comment above, which I just commented on.
Bought one, with case🤦🏻♂️
Jump on this.. they are an extremely good set of cans. Lowest price I have seen them in a long time.
Personally think the m40x are far superior… and cheaper ($129 delivered from Australian retailers e.g Scorptec) - Zeos summs it up way better than i can…
are you for real?
Cheapest in a long time. I don't need more headphones, but still ordered.