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Win $2,000 Worth of Books of Choice from Thames & Hudson



Closing Date 19/11/2020 5:00pm


Description Thames & Hudson Book Pack & Tote Bag.
No. of Prizes 1

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit One per person
Entry Methods Website
Prerequisites n/a

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    How to Enter
    3.1 Entrants must undergo the following steps to enter the Competition:
    a) Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tha50-WIN and fill in the form;
    b) Answer the following question in 25 words or fewer: “Who is your favourite artist and why?”;
    c) Answer the following question, “Which of the below genres are you the most interested in?”;
    i) Architecture
    ii) Art
    iii) Design & Interiors
    iv) Gardens & Landscapes
    v) Photography
    vi) Lifestyle
    vii) Fashion
    viii) Children’s
    ix) Puzzles and games
    x) Memoir & Narrative Non-Fiction
    d) Provide your full name and email address;
    e) Choose whether to opt-in to receive the Thames & Hudson Australia e-newsletter; and
    f) Accept the competition terms and conditions, confirming that they have read and understood these, that they are Australian residents and that they are over 16 years of age.

    4.1 Winner[s] will be selected on the basis of creativity in answering the question “who is your favourite artist and why?” from all correct, valid and eligible entries received.

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