Prime Day Sales How Much Did You Spend? No Ragrets?

How much did you spend on the Prime Day Sales and any purchases you ragrets?

Poll Options

  • 677
  • 145
    $0.01 - 50
  • 142
    $50 - 100
  • 217
    $100 - 200
  • 291
    $200 - 500
  • 201
    $500 plus
This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2020

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  • +6

    There's a day and a half to go…

    • +9

      True, good thing you can change your vote

      • +9

        I always get Analysis Paralysis and never end up buying any thing anyway.

        • No thing for me

    • +3

      oh man, another night of no sleep

  • +3


    Bonut of 2020?

    • +2

      No Ragrets is old as the hills. Circa 2014

    • +12

      Nope just a movie reference, assuming you haven't seen "Meet the Millers" or the memes, granted bit of a dated reference

      • You what I'm sayin?

      • Fairly sure its called "We're the Millers" and the timeline is fairly accurate given its a 2013 film…
        "That's my credo - No Ragrets" Y'know what I'm saying"
        - Scotty P

    • I prefer "Ragets" or "Rargets".

  • +8

    Nothing has enticed me yet

  • +24

    I bought a dictionary. No ragrets :-)

    • +8

      I aught a dictionery from Alieexpress. Zerow regrats

  • Bought a G903 wireless hero before I noticed a MX Master 3 on ebay for the same price posted today on page 6. There are worse problems.

  • +27

    Disappointed with the Amazon AU Prime Day deals.
    On cheaper items the discounts are equal to that of those of deals posted on ozbargain during normal days, and the more expensive products are still too much (barely a deal). Most of the things I looked at simply were everyday price.
    (Seems Prime Day is aimed at more mainstream consumers i.e. see "Sale" on shop window people.)

    I posted 2 deals which I thought were worthy of posting:

    $0 spent.

    Probably best possible deal for the average person was an Alexa product + Cashback + $10 Cashrewards bonus + First time Amazon account discount ($10-$15).

    Disclaimer: More Amazon UK / US via Amazon AU deals are still to come.

    • woah woah woah

      so with this method how much would the echo show 5(or 8) be or the echo dot 3 with clock

      • +1

        Lack of interest in "smart home" products & Alexa etc means I have very little motivation to check.

  • +2

    Agreed, disappointing so far.

    • +1

      I got a couple of items I was about to get anyway, but overall the sale was completely underwhelming. There was the odd good deal here and there, but nothing I needed right now or really wanted. Previous years have certainly been better. In all honesty I feel like eBay and some bricks and mortar stores have been done better deals of late …

  • +1

    Bought the Coke Zero. Nothing else appealed at all, a total let down!

  • +6

    No rugrats here

  • +2

    Only the 36 pack of coke which isn't even for me haha.
    A few good deals but nothing i am after or felt was cheap enough for impulse buy.
    No ragrets here.

  • +2

    By time I actually got time to look at it.. realised I havenā€™t missed much. Very much Bit a mixed bag this time round for my .02c. Am a lil spewing i missed those RedBull cans as that was value - But overall, unless tomorrow is much more exciting - no regrets here

  • +3

    Honestly the sales are pretty average Amazon is starting to become like Ebay with its sales…

    • +2

      yeah the eBay one had far more potential but it was too short (8pm to 9pm only)

  • +4

    Prime day sucking so far imo

  • Bought the XiaoMi curved Monitor on ebay + a scale on Amazon Prime. I just want the Breville Smart Grinder goes on sale too then i'm done with Prime. Pretty disappointed with the sale so far.

  • New Kindle $99 - first purchase on app $10 discount = $89 final price. Happy with that.

  • Ironically, the most I spent this week wasn't on Amazon.
    All their deals were kinda meh. I did buy some of the things that I needed to replace, like USB 3.0 Hub and eneloop.
    Actually, I feel OK, since Prime and free international shipping did save me fair bit of money.

  • +3

    I might be getting old but I was pretty happy with the savings on Omo (normally I get the 5kg for $25 delivered, they were on special for $21.99! woo)

  • +3

    Does this include the $100 gift card?

    • no ~ this was free money

  • I just wanted a decent sized inverter microwave on sale but it seems like that's too much to ask ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

  • Some of their Amazon flash deals are ok depending on what you are looking for.
    But I find that there is a bloat of cheap China electronics (eg. USB cables, chargers, mobile phone covers/holders, lighting standing, etc) and for other categories they could do more.

    Surprisingly, eBay have done a better job at big purchase items but you have to combine this with cashrewards/shopback offers to make it a truely awesome deal.
    With my Hayfever playing up I am so glad that I was able to get this on discount Xiaomi Air Purifier 3H from the official AU distributor at a 53% discount rate once you factor in all the discounts vs RRP

  • +2

    About $600


    Viva Paper Towels
    CK Pants

    For kids -
    Switch + Minecraft $409
    Below at $49 each
    Animal Crossing
    Super Smash Bros
    Mario Kart 8

    Need to stop spending now

    • +2

      You got a solid list there, well done!

      • +1

        Well, first time getting a game system for kids (ages 6 and 8). These games seemed like good starters from what I hear and the comments stated the prices were good.
        Was thinking of getting just dance too, but think 4 games is enough to start with.
        Fingers crossed

        • TBH even just super smash bros and mario kart 8 is enough, wasted countless hours between those games + breath of the wild

  • +2


  • Only bought the Logitech g903 w/ Hero Sensor… haven't seen anything else worth buying.

  • +2

    24 Hue play bars,
    5 LIFX light strips + 5 extensions
    2 Echo dots
    All for around $1500 - less than half price.

    • +7

      24 Hue play bars
      5 LIFX light strips + 5 extensions

      jeez its a party at your place

    • +1

      you must feel terrible you didn't get the nanoleaf panels šŸ˜

      I bought $700 worth of similar items haha.
      I got suckered into this much spending since the prices here were once/twice a year.

    • 24 Hue play bars? What will you do with 24 of those (besides resell them)?!

      I mean, I get it. I'd recently purchased and installed 20 Hue colour Gu10s, myself. My house and patio area are one big party zone.

      Well, 3 separate party zones, according to the Hue app…

  • $600+ :(

    Bose NCH 700 $399 for my brother's b-day present
    2x F80 monitor arm thingie $70.40
    Switch games for $49
    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Smash
    Ring fit for $99

    • +7

      Hello brother,

      I am still waiting for the present.


  • Bought $100 worth of stuff, all groceries and household goods (Bundaberg soft drinks, laundry detergent, Disinfectant wipes). Actually happy with the purchases as it is all stuff I would need to buy anyway and I got it cheaper and delivered to my house.

  • Bought;
    Bosch 91-Piece V-Line bit set
    Cole & Mason salt and pepper mill and tray
    Bosch Electric Screwdriver IXO
    Bosch Ixo Drill Adapter
    Dragon Ball Z Kai blu-rays
    The Legend of Zelda BotW

    The missus bought 6 books.

    Decent prime day purchases for us

  • $100 gift card for the points and $10 credit (yet to receive credits)
    ~$80 for the massage gun
    ~$40 for T2
    $40 for Sandisk USBs
    ~$40 for Taotronic earphones
    ~$40 for WFH office stuff (headphone holder and seat cushion)

    Total damage ~ $340

    Also on a sort of unrelated note ~$180 from eBay (20% off for appliance) + pending cashback

  • +2


    So far:
    [RRP $799 / Amazon $666.11 / Prime Day $389] | LG 3.1ch Sound Bar with DTS: X and Work with Google Assistant (SL7Y)

    [RRP $199 / Amazon $192 / Prime Day $181] | LG 2.0 Channel Sound Bar Wireless Rear Speaker Kit (SPK8-S),Black

    [Amazon $11.99 / Prime Day $9.59] | Cleaver Knife, Multiple Kitchen Cooking Knife, 7 Inch Stainless Steel

    [Amazon $47.99 / Prime Day $38.39] | BlueFire 3.5mm Gaming Headset


    Savings from RRP: $440

    Savings from Amazon Pricing: $300.11

  • -1

    Um, the only bigger days Iā€™ve had shopping were buying a house or car. I had a list of things Iā€™ve been planning for a while, some were cheapest ever, some were >50% off and some were just marginally cheaper than theyā€™ve ever been but I needed. And handful of needs less but ā€˜funā€™ entertainment purchases as well though they were the minority. Also a few things I missed out on or couldnā€™t get the quantity I needed (didnā€™t want to order via another family member to bypass the limit as it feels wrong to do that). Between Dell and eBay and Amazon…. Whatā€™s worse is I still have a few things on my list and a home renovation that I need to finish :o .

    I blame COVID, Iā€™m usually a tightarse with money.

    Thereā€™s a few things I bought that I am planning on using and was always going to buy eventually, but if I change my mind I could nearly double my money reselling, but thatā€™s the minority.

  • Done for prime day if I don't buy anything in the next 15mins…

    H80 monitor stand - $34.7
    Sandisk extreme pro microSD 400GB - $89
    Sandisk ultra dual drive 128GB - $20
    Super smash bros switch - $49
    Just dance switch - $25
    T2 x3 teas = $35.9
    Zeiss lens wipes - $11.30
    Opolar portable fan - $12.74
    3 pack 3m usb-c cables - $13.99
    Yamaha 109b soundbar - $179

    = $470.63 (all on instant 3% off gift cards so technically $456.51 + whatever cashback turns up)

    Received 3 packages already today, another 2 coming tomorrow eek

  • 12 items… $528.


    Some purchases below

    Withings scale… $99
    SD Card… $37.33
    AncestoryDNA… $99
    Squealing Pig - Pinot Noir… $90
    AAA Batteries…. $9.48
    Bosch box cutting knife (2 part)…$24.25

  • There have been many times I was tempted to buy. But then again, I haven't subscribed to Prime.

  • +5

    Forgive me father, for I have sinned..šŸ˜‚

    • Hahahah

  • +5

    I just looked at my bank account… nearly $2000 pending šŸ˜°

    • impressive

      • No it's shameful ..

  • Lost 1k+
    bose 700 soundbar
    miele c3
    whiteboard markers

  • White Glo Accelerator Teeth Whitening Kit with LED 40% off RRP

    Dragon Ball z Kai Blu-ray $34.95

    Starburst party mix 500g 50% off

    Most of the deals were MEH

  • Crucial 32gb Ram - 152
    ON Whey Protein - 45
    h80 monitor stand - 34
    meguires spray wax - 23
    massager - 2.99

    Around 250

  • I spent more on eBay, with the 'flash sales'.

  • 2 X switch deals
    2 X Pokemon sword and shield
    2 X super smash Bros

    Having twins costs sooo much more

    I also got an email after for 90 days free Amazon music unlimited which was good.

    • +1

      Ouch. I bought 1 Pokemon sword cuz I'm a big kid.

  • Wish I got the Dragon Ball deal, I did manage to order a nice Dell monitor for $530 ish.

  • $26 by chance

  • Nintendo Switch & Minecraft bundle (will be trading Minecraft), Mario 3D All-Stars, Mario Kart 8 (@ $49), Animal Crossing (@ $49). Only regret is missing the Lightning Deal for BOTW.

  • Was reasonably happy with this year's Prime Day(s). Got a few things I've been waiting for including a lightning deal on the gopro. Annoying though that you have to be very lucky to score these bargains.

    GoPro Hero 7 $472.73 -> $349
    Toshiba 4TB Portable HDD $152.38 -> $123.13

  • +1

    Saved almost 1k on Philips hue lights, thought that was pretty handy.

  • Mine are:

    • ASUS RT-AX82U (UK) $233.04, save $58.27
    • JIALONG Gaming Mouse Pad Large Size $17.99, no save
    • Laptop Stand $21.59, save $8.40
    • WD 14 TB Elements Desktop External Hard Drive - USB 3.0 (UK) $299.41, save $105.21

    Total: $572.03, save $171.88

    Bonus from Ebay Deal: NVIDIA Shield TV PRO 16GB $295.20, save $73.80

  • Nothing from Amazon AU directly on 13th or 14th.

    Purchased on 15th Morning

    Sony in ear from Amazon US via Amazon AU $27
    NB Shoes from Amazon UK via Amazon AU $22

    Total $49 so far.

    • Can I ask, which shoes were they? I can't find the deal!

      • The deal ended 1 hour after my post. Amazon UK deals were till 9.30 AM AEDT approx.

  • +1

    All at significant discount (rounded up or down):

    2 x UE Megabooms $240
    Arlo 2 set up with 4 cameras $600

    And, on ebay:

    2 x Xiaomi Robot Vacuums $680

    Total = $1520

    I'm a bad man.

  • Legit nothing I want that I've being eyeing off :/

  • No Ragrets, but I do have a couple of ragrats

  • +1

    $295 from Amazon, mainly household stuff; Huggies nappies, Water Wipes, Viva paper towels, Kirk's soft drink cans etc

    I did splash out a little for myself and nabbed the Switch from eBay flash sale for $375

  • Not much interest.

    LED wall lights
    Motorcycle cover
    phone armband
    phone car mount

    that's it

  • Not on sale on Prime, but my wife did complain about my unruly hair (in locked down Melbourne) so I bought some clippers at $17. Last night she looked at a couple of videos on how to cut hair, and then cut mine. Came out alright for a first effort and about $3 less than I spend on a haircut.
    Then we turned on the news to see that hairdressers are likely to be open next week.

    • It's pretty up in the air about what will and won't be open. I've got some clippers standing by but am holding off for the moment…

  • Prime Day felt a little underwhelming. On the plus side, didn't spend too much.

    Probably the most useful thing out of it was the return of no minimum for free international shipping (which still seems to be active btw)
    Got a few smaller items that were cheaper OS.

  • Prime day sale ended up being a waste of time for me, pretty much a lot of junk was posted on here as "deals" there was the occasional actual deal / bargain but nothing outstanding rather like a sale price that we have seen before on other places. Nothing like the prime day sale the first year they had it,

    • +1

      pretty much a lot of junk was posted on here as "deals" there was the occasional actual deal / bargain but nothing outstanding rather like a sale price that we have seen before

      I agree.
      If you took a few seconds to search the product deal history on Ozbargain of the posted ā€œPrime Day dealsā€, most of the Prime Day deals were either equal or actually higher in price than previous deals.

  • All I wanted was even a slight discount on some music gear: Nothing at all.

  • Got
    unstable unicorn
    ring video cam (which I missed and came back in stock)
    echo show 8

  • A pair of cross trainers, Just Dance 2020, Dragonball Z Kai. Not so bad. Biggest purchase was getting the Sony WXM3s for $200 from Ebay though (refurbs)

  • +5

    I saved 100% off the nothing I bought!
    True Ozbargainer here

  • $900 before cashback
    Bed Frame ($300)
    GHD Straightner ($300)
    Groceries and other bits and bobs.

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