Original Coupon Deal
Found that Baby Bunting was tagged to this eBay Coupon and finally pulled the trigger on this and finally removing myself from being in pending parenting denial.
Works arcoss many other items in the store but for big ticket items, worth a peek!
Uppababy Vista V2 (Many Colours) for $1349 (RRP $1649) Free Delivery via Baby Bunting eBay

Last edited 22/09/2020 - 23:31 by 1 other user
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The V2 listed here was released earlier this year
my bad fe
ive got the older model then
is it battery operated? does it have auto pilot?
Why spend this much when u can have Babybee rover for almost half of the price!!
Apples and oranges.
This can expand to two seats plus skateboard.
The basket is large.The rover is far too limited to be much more than a pricey stroller.
I have a Babyee Rover. It can expand you need to just get the DUO kit.
Uppababy made no sense what so ever, its slightly larger and heavier and the Mrs found it much heavier to lift in to car.
Pretty sure you could only use the DUO for dual seats. We tested the Duo and ended sending back and purchased the UppaBaby Vista in the end. Found the dual option the basinet stuck out way too much and was a bit awkward. The turning and brakes we found are much better on the vista also
Why buy a Ferrari when you could buy a Toyota? Why ask such rhetorical questions?
I should have known by looking at your id.. but for all regular folks i would still say go for Australian brand at a cheaper price. We don’t need Ferrari we are happy with Toyota :)
I wouldn't be spending this much on a stroller. Less usage and milage than having the latest iPhones and Samsung for three years. Your toddler would be more curious running around then spruiking inside this stroller.
Lol. Trolling? First it's a pram not a stroller. Second it's about having control of a toddler rather than having them run around while you're trying to shop etc. Third it's about being able to take then further than they can walk without breaking your back. Fourth it's a sleep aid (And the bassinet is actually certified for sleeping iirc). Five, it works for up to three kids.
Hopefully they've fixed the brakes on the new model. We had the brakes go on ours, they replaced the main frame (as it's a sealed unit) and the second one did the same thing. They should be better built for the money. Much better size for a double than steelcraft (shorter and more compact) .
Yup, same. The lock does suck. Other than that there's not much wrong with it though.
is it made in china?
Had the previous model, it was awesome. The wheels could handle rough terrain and the under storage could fit a shopping basket. Served our 2 kids well and we sold it off after. The frame so strong, puts the other i-cheapos to shame.
I have this model. totally recommend it. the bassinet doubles as overnight sleep as well!
I got similiar price by stacking gift vouchers a few months back (those Baby 10% ones) and baby bunting offering cashback ontop of that
Thanks dude, we were looking at that functionality but is it worth getting the dedicated stand also?
We have the 2018 model and it's great. Smooth to push in any condition, huge basket which is underrated, genuine double pram without losing basket (unlike others), heaps of accessories. Costs a bit, but worth it. They hold their value in the second hand market.
Does anyone know how this compares to the Redsbaby Jive3 pram? Both seem to have similar design and adaptability but the Reds is $400 cheaper
I went to the demo and found in 2 seat mode that the child on the bottom was too low to the ground as they are essentially replacing the basket. It also was a lot more difficult to fold down. We ended up purchasing the Vista and it's been absolutely great!
If I was comparing the redsbaby Metro or the Uppababy Cruz, I would probably go with the cheaper Metro as the pram is built for 1 child and doesn't have this problem as the Jive, it also folds down easier as compared to the Jive. The Vista and Cruz fold down the same way
Thanks for the valuable insights
I went to the demo as well and don't really agree with the folding bit. We did extensive testing re: folding for all prams especially Uppababy and Redsbaby and Redsbaby won easily hands down. It was super easy to just pull side levers and throw the handle down for folding. Plus, Uppababy is HEAVY.
As a parent of 2 my recommendation is buy your pram based on expected use. We have one car and live in the city and walk everywhere. Terrain includes footpaths, shops and gravel river trails. A more expensive pram has been key with the ability to adapt to 2 kids. Vista is a good example. We used babyjogger. And after 4 years of daily use it is still going strong. My sister lives more regionally and mainly travels by car to shops and for her lightweight (put in out of car) with small wheels has been most important. She went with steel craft. When she sold it on it was like new still as it was only really used in shopping centres.
Has anyone tried using the coupon code at checkout? Its says "This code can't be applied to your order" :(
Or is this deal for Ebay Plus customers only?I am also getting this issue :(
I have this pram it is good but i think a new model is coming out?