Missed out on a launch preorder PS5? A second drop of PS5's is now available for preorder at Harvey Norman with the expected December 2020 date. Get in quick as they will sell out fast.
[Pre Order] PlayStation 5 $749, Digital Edition $599 @ Harvey Norman

Last edited 09/10/2020 - 23:36 by 2 other users
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Jobkeeper + Nothing to spend money on + Heaps of free time = PS5's for all
Discretionary spending is good for the economy
Goddam ! The thirst is real with this one. This will obliterate the PS4 launch record. I got my preorder yesterday on Amazon and it was painless. I suggests you guys keep refreshing it and preorder from there as stock become available. Good thing preordering with Amazon is that they won't
charge you anything when you preorder, they only charge you when the item is shipped.This will obliterate the PS4 launch record
Forgive me if I'm wrong but wasn't the PS2 Sony's best selling console by a country mile? And the best selling console to date?
I loved my PS2 so much.
I reckon it will be close. I remember for the PS4 launch I managed to get a 2nd shipment after a week, it hasn't even lasted a day now and they're producing much more for the initial run
Yeah no console will ever touch the life time sold number of the PS2. I was referring to the launch period between the PS4 and PS5.
Ah yeah that makes sense, thanks for clearing that up lol.
It'll be interesting to see where the PS4 sits after it's officially discontinued. It's currently sitting at 112 million units, which has beaten the PS1 (102m) and PS3 (87m).
Anyone else get an email saying their order has been delayed? Or is that standard process for back orders/pre-orders?
Yeah I got this as well. I'm hoping it means a delay from the initial release and not a delay of the back order
I dont understand the appeal of Digital only, when there are constantly new release games that go on sale for >$60, while remaining at $99 in the play station store.. After 3-4 game purchases, the savings from the discs outweighs the digital only version.
It's false equivalency to say you are 'saving' $150. The disc version will always have a higher trade in or used sell price. The fact that demand is also higher means you'll be able to flog it off twice as fast when you're done.
No you're not 'saving', it's simply you are buying a less desirable product. Saving would be buying neither.
LOL they are selling out like hot cakes.
I wonder if the new Xbone will be like this.
The good thing is, it certainly helps set a precedent and I know I have to jump at the launch window in order to secure an early order.
Considering pre-ordering from JB, using a 5% discounted gift card to finalise the order later on (I mean, it's a $27.50 saving or so)
It'll sell out, maybe not as quick depending on numbers.
Sony has a better launch window of exclusive games, MS doesn't have the exclusives atm.
Seems weird given MS has really had a few years to change their tune in that…. they bought up many a studios a few years ago. Thought they would hit the ground running.
In the perfect world for me, MS Hardware/Online Services/Subscriptions/PS Exclusives in one… bliss.
They can buy all the studios that they wants but it will take them a long time for those studios to be in the same league as Naughty Dogs, Santa Monica and Insomniac.
$749 for an entire console? Yeah, Nah
$1400 for a single GPU. Nah, YeahLol meirl nabbed a 3080 but happy to stick with my ps4 and one x for a few more years.
$749 is how much the PS2 cost back at launch. $999 was the PS3. Even the Dreamcast was $499.
The deal pages are for bargains not for stock watch. RRP is not a bargain. This belongs in the forums.
When hundreds of people are trying to get there hands on Pre order and it is sold out everywhere in Australia. Product itself becomes a deal even at RRP. And when products like this sells for more than what there value is on eBay or Gumtree this RRP automatically seems like a deal to someone who is eager to buy one. So yes it is RRP but for heaps people like me this is a deal.
yeah i agree. normally i'd be on the same wavelength as sween64, but this is bloody hard to get atm and if you want it this side of the year, this is a deal at RRP unless you are happy to pay scalpers fee.
All fair points.
Part of what makes this community so awesome, is the fact people are quick to get info out, especially in this case, had I not seen the original EB preorder, I'd never have gotten myself this console. So while technically not a bargain, it has helped heaps of us to get hold of something in ridiculous demand atm and many of us are grateful for it.
You are both right. Its not a bargain, and this site is not OzAvailability, but in this case its super helpful for visitors like us haha, so sometimes we stretch the purpose of the website. Once every 7 years only hopefully, console gens are pretty far apart :)
So true when people are already selling it for $1500 on FB and $3000 on eBay. Due to Christmas and people will want to get their hands on one regardless. Odds are there won't be enough stock for everyone until atleast mid 2021.
so you got a good deal if you paid rrp …wow so many people need to justify a sold out item as a deal/bargain just because they want it so bad they are just going to die if they dont get one before christmas
To some people:
- Able to shut the kids up this holiday season could be priceless.
But jokes aside, we will be seeing more of these RRP deals. We still have XBsX pre-orders, more RTX3080 and 3070 cards, AMD RDNA2 cards, AMD Ryzen Zen 3 4xxx series CPUs.
well they shouldn't have kids if they cant control them. its like useless dog owners.
I bought 4 units yesterday for $749 each and sold 3 units for $1100 each 12hrs later on eBay right after ebgames, JB and Amazon sold out. It's all about timing and gauging the market. I've pretty much gotten myself a free ps5 with enough money to buy 3-4 release games at launch.
So is it a bargain? I'll let you decide
Nice story broden
All this hype is planned imo. I'm happy to wait till the new year surely Sony will have millions more units ready and surely the prices will come down or specials will happen. It's always like this on each launch.
Boss level Ozbargainers buy now on credit card with price protection. They buy one now, enjoy it, choose to sell it at high price during Christmas and then claim the price drop next year.
No time to be a pleb.
Credit card with price protection no longer exists for new costumers
I used to pre order … FOMO
The I realised on launch day, you end up lining up forever!
Whilst many other retailers - BigW, Target, Myers etc have AMPLE supply an usually are able to price match or have better launch day deals etc.So I don’t bother pre-ordering anymore, on launch day, the chances are, there are other deals better than the pre sales offer. Worse case scenario, I think I can live with not having the unit on day one.
Maybe. But the last launch the PS4 were pretty impossible to get for a while without a preorder.
All you suckers buying into hype
- Launch games are not usually that good
- There aren't many new games. It'll soon dry up and you'll be sitting around with nothing to play
- Paying full RRP with no deals
There will be so many more sales with stock, deals and games early next year. But alas it's like this every new console release lol.
Relax, it's pre-order. If those people changed their minds, they can cancel.
Existing games will run better on it.
Worth splashing out $749?
It depends if you can afford it, and if you want the best possible experience.
Cyberpunk 2077 launches in November…
You left out PC gaming is wayyyy better :)
I’ll pay full RRP now and claim money back with credit card price protection later
I have a PS4 PRO, can trade-in at EB for $360 (level 4 bonus).
I end up paying $380 for a brand new console and I can still play my existing PS4 games with free upgrade so why not?
WOW what a bargain ….not
It's for people who bought AfterPay or Zip shares months ago (have too much cash). Or, people wanting to have the right to buy one at launch day for now.
Normally, you can cancel a pre-order I thought. It's not actually a full purchase.
Since I am still quite unhappy with Harvey GST on international items, I prefer not to deal with Harvey Norman.
i stay away from hardly normal myself
what games will you guys be playing on this when you get it? I want to buy one too (because I always buy PS consoles), but it sounds like for no reason than FOMO.
I missed the PS4 generation only had PS3. Played some of the games in my cousin's place. I have now pre-ordered PS5 and have all the reasons to play. I will start with the Last of us 2 & God of War. :-)
I have preordered the Disc Version so I can buy old PS4 ones that I have missed.
If you get PS plus you can get the collection with some really good games to play from the PS4 era.
I’ll be playing my existing PS4 pile of shame until Horizon is released. I have a PS4 Pro which I’ll be able to sell for a bit more than what I paid for it so its not as big a financial outlay as it would have been if I had no console to sell/trade. I’m happy to be part of the launch crowd. RRP cost over the ~6 year or so lifespan of the console ($2.50/week) isn’t a big price to pay for the enjoyment over that time if looking at it that way.
i missed out on the launch allotment already, so i have no idea when the next shipment comes.
Given there is nothing launching with it that is compelling yet it sells out anyway, i think people are buying it out of FOMO and going to end up playing PS4 games on it instead.
still, $300 is a fair price to trade in a PS4 Pro for so I might do it.
Hopefully Marvel Avenger, Cyberpunk 2077, COD Black Ops Cold War will be available within the first of the PS5 launch
Demons Souls is worth it for me alone
True soul of cinder
Praise the Sun!
Anyone know what the SSD size is for digital vs disc version?
Are they the same?
I understand all specs and ssd size are the same between disc/digital version. They’re identical twins besides the difference in physical disk drive.
Pre-orders at RRP is NOT a deal!
Only way to fix it is to upvote every rrp deal
when you trade in, do you have to provide the controller and cables?
Wrong deal? If the question is regarding EB, then yes - if you want the full trade-in value. No, if you don't mind not getting the full credits. Not much point keeping DS4 as PS5 will have a new controller. While you can still use DS4 to play PS4 games on PS5, you cannot use it to play PS5 games.
yeah, you're right. Wrong deal. Got confused because there were 10 PS5 preorder deals.
Hmm. I was using one of my DS4's on the PC. I have the PS windows dongle. I'm not sure if that thing will sync with the PS5 controller.
Well, easy, keep the better one, trade in with the inferior one. Apparently, third party controllers are allowed, but check with your local EB store first.
@netsurfer: i did too much dithering and now the deal is sold out. Even trade in value is no longer mentioned on their site.
I'll have to keep watching this space. All the EBs in VIC are closed during a lockdown that seems to have no end in sight. It's been 6 weeks already, daily cases refuse to drop below the 40s. Premier wants it down to 0 before he will reopen again.
I hope something near the tail end of this year can redeem the interesting 2020 this has been.
@lostn: People mentioned keep a screenshot. Given the mess with the pre-order (basically all the retailers jumped the gun), people are upset. However, interestingly, one online reviewer indicated it was actually a good thing. While most people are p*ssed that they missed out, by not following rules, those shady people with BOT sniping couldn't get that done so real people did get the pre-orders. That was a biased review though because he pre-ordered 3 from 3 different retailers.
My understanding is you can cancel EB pre-orders. So, it doesn't mean you have to buy. The trade-in deal isn't that good. Thanks to Covid-19, current gen consoles are in demand and Microsoft + Sony probably won't make more of them.
All you guys that think the price will drop will be waiting around a year to save like $50 or maybe get a free game
The spirit of Ozbargain is literally to save a buck even if it means waiting a years time.
I am assuming most on this forum were somehow watching this come up for pre-sale soon…and the bargain is…..
Not a bargain, it's NORMAL RETAIL PRICING!
PS fanboi's can neg me all they like, this is OzBARGAIN… not OzStockwatch.
it was to alert people of the window that preorders go live. Given how quickly they sold out, I think the people appreciate being notified.
I missed out.
Expecting a below RRP price on a preorder for an item that will be hotly in demand and will sell out on day 1 is unreasonable.
This is strictly speaking buying the right / option to purchase it on launch day at RRP.
Your wife can still force you to cancel.
Amex could have the $100 off HVN purchase for items over $500 this holiday season again.
Sorry but I don’t get the non disc thing.
I have plenty off store bought digital copies on my console. And it’s cool not having to get up to change the disc.
But not being able to play my old games, ensure my library is with me in the event something happens to my hard drive or online or something changes, having no ability to sell the games or swap with friends, all whilst being subjected to Xbox live or PlayStation stores monopolised prices ($100) launch games is a joke.
People are crazy. I’ll make the )$150 back in the first 5 games I buy when I get the physical copy of a launch game from JB for $69.
Has anyone received an email regarding the back order? I got in for the December shipment and was told it’s on back order and will be updated soon.
Anyone heard when the black version of PS5 is due out?
Not in a long while. Either next year or the year after.
Anyone had confirmation apart from the sorry your order has been delayed?
Waiting for stock to stabilize, maybe 2nd revision because who likes beta testing. Got that staff/family discount card for BigW ready B-)
Jumped onto this deal, contacted HN this week and they're saying 2021 delivery dates, but will not specify when in 2021. How annoying as had to pay in full, what a waste of effort
The entertainment industry is known to flourish during a depression.
People tend to spend more on video games, movies;