• expired

Amino Z Whey Protein Isolate WPI 1kg $29.95 Delivered (+ $5 credit) or 3kg $69.95 Delivered (+ $15 credit) @ Amino Z


Update 1/10 - All flavours are available except banana which has been further delayed. This flavour we import from the USA and our shipment has been delayed due to the wharf strikes. Our shipper is doing everything possible, but we have been told today that it may now arrive October 22nd (at the earliest). Vanessa is going to reach out to everyone who has backordered banana flavour. If you have ordered banana and prefer to switch flavours, please PM us and Vanessa will action this for you.

A couple of weeks back we did a promotion on our WPC and I've received a few requests to do one on our WPI. So here goes:

1kg for $29.95 Delivered + $5 back in store credit (Usually $34.95 + Delivery)
3kg for $69.95 Delivered + $15 back in store credit (Usually $94.95 + Delivery)

Coupon code: OZB-WPI

Here's a video I whipped up for the deal (including product info and mixing demo): https://youtu.be/Z-k3m7Hrzno

A quick breakdown of the product:

  • Available in: Chocolate, Vanilla Creamy, Chocolate Coconut, Banana, Strawberry, Choc Orange (like Jaffa's) and Unflavoured
  • Per serve: 29.1 - 24.4g protein / 0.3 - 0.9g fat / 0.4 - 3.4g carbs (varies between flavours)
  • All natural flavouring and sweetener. We use stevia and no artificial flavours.
  • Soy free - we use sunflower lecithin instead of soy lecithin (which is common in whey proteins)
  • 100% Australian made
  • Backed by our 110% guarantee. Try it and if you don't love it, we'll give you 110% back (in store credit) or a full refund (including delivery). As I mentioned in the video, we offer this so you can try the product risk-free.

Some other notes:

  • If you're after 3kg, you can choose a 3kg size OR 3x 1kg sizes if you want to try different flavours. We pack these into 1kg pouches so either way you'll receive 3x 1kg pouches. To do so, just add in multiple 1kg options (eg. 1kg Chocolate, 1kg Vanilla, 1kg Chocolate Coconut) and then apply the coupon code in cart.
  • To view the full nutritional panel, just click on the "NUTRITIONAL INFO" tab on the page and then select the flavour.
  • Store credit is assigned as "Z Points" to your account once your order ships. It can then be applied to any future order that you place.
  • Best before dates will be 22-24 months away. We turn this product over very quickly so all current stock has been produced recently.

Some updates from customer suggestions (thanks so much for the feedback everyone - it's the best way for us to improve!!):

  • We have confirmed that the protein is grass fed, added hormone free, ultra and micro filtered and cold pressed. This is published on the product page description - thanks @RichardMelbourne
  • The amino acid profile is now published in the product page description - thanks @Yuddenator123

Any questions please ask!

Amino Z (Owner and Deals Guy)

PS. As a side note, I would love to get any feedback you may have on the product. We have spent a lot of time on ingredient sourcing and optimising the flavouring, but we are heavily focused on ongoing product improvement. Please feel free to reach out with product suggestions at any time as I'd love to discuss this with you and share with the team.

Referral Links

Referral: random (520)

Referees get $10 off their first order. Referrers get $10 worth of Z Points.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    +1 for the video. I just bought 5kgs so will miss out this time.

    • +1

      Thanks adamshere! And thanks for the recent order too, most appreciated!

      • Jay
  • +1

    Video was great and appreciated - it's a pity this was just a bit late for me (I ordered some this morning from another provider). I'll keep you in mind for next time!

    • +1

      All good! But hey next time you're in the market please reach out to us as we might be able to swing a deal so you can give our product a go. Thanks for the feedback regarding the video too.


  • +1

    +1 for a great store and great customer support.

    • Thanks lonewolf, really appreciate the support for the business!


  • +1

    Great video and explanation about why this product is superior to others. Looks solid.
    +1 for effort!

    • Thanks videlity, most appreciated!


  • +3

    +1 for using Fonterra, thanks for the deal & video. 3kg on the whey

    • Thanks Shipoopi, appreciate the support! If you have any feedback on the product please feel free to reach out.


  • +4

    Gosh, for a sec I thought "no more coffee beans please" LOL

  • +2

    Hey Jay, thanks for the video.

    I ordered this product on the last offer you were running a few weeks ago.

    Very happy with it, mixes much better than the previous one I was using. I'm not too crazy about the flavour I got (banana) but I don't think that's anything to do with the product itself, more that I should have chosen another flavour πŸ˜„

    Great customer service too, quick and clear delivery.
    Will definitely order again when I'm out.

    • Thanks for support and sharing that feedback thibaut, it's really appreciated. Did you want us to send you an alternative flavour? Please let me know.

      Also thanks for the note regarding our customer service and delivery - I'll pass that on to the team.


      • Hey Jay, that would be awesome actually, thanks for that offer.

        • My pleasure. Sorting that out now!


          • +1

            @aminozcomau: Another comment, the narrow scoop is definitely a winner

            With the wider scoop coming with the previous product I used, I'd always end up with wasted powder going on the side of the shaker, or would have to use a funnel which is a bit of a pain.

          • @aminozcomau: Follow up on this: I received the Vanilla flavoured version now, without having to pay anything.
            Definitely amazing customer service here from Jay and Amino Z. Thanks a million guys.

            Oh and I like the Vanilla one much better than Banana!

            • @thibaut: Awesome thanks for the followup thibaut! Appreciate the feedback on this and I'm extremely happy that you're much happier with the vanilla! Thanks again for your support!


    • Soooo is that a no for Banana? πŸ€”πŸ˜…

  • +1

    Great video, will defs look to try this out when I'm next restocking.

    Out of curiosity, how does everyone else store their powder? I've got the container tubs from Musashi and often just fill those up rather than having bags but have noticed the bags are lined with foil versus just plastic on the tubs.
    (Particularly interested in storage in the car boot during the day perhaps on warmer months)

    • +2

      Thanks for the feedback Unorthodox, it's really appreciated.

      I'll jump in from a personal note. At home I keep them in bags. When travelling I'll put it into a tub if it's already opened (to avoid spillage). Don't ever take an already opened pouch in a suitcase…I've bad experience with that.

      Also a note with car storage, if your car gets particularly hot it may affect the integrity of the protein.


  • Hi Jay,

    How would you compare the Amino Z Whey Protein Isolate WPI compared to other brands, some that i use are MyProtein and Uprotein (Isolate).

    Here's one that I am using at the moment - your honest opinion would be appreciated and really loved the video too, i love it when owners get involved!


    • +10

      Thanks for the question Tuddenator123. This is a toughy because I'm a little biased toward our own protein, so I'll try to keep this as objective as possible.

      As compared to what I can see on that product page for the UProtein link you provided here are the key differences I can find:

      • Price difference - our deal is $69.95 delivered for 3kg, theirs is $119.95 for 4kg (may have shipping)
      • Theirs uses soy lecithin, ours uses sunflower lecithin, so theirs is not free of soy
      • Both use natural flavours
      • We use natural sweetener, they use artificial sweetener (Acesulfame K and Sucralose)
      • They have digestive enzymes added, ours does not
      • Theirs is not all whey protein - it is fortified with L-Leucine (and amino acid) and also has an anticaking agent (ours does not)
      • They have hydrolysed whey protein in there which is faster to absorb than WPI, ours does not
      • The macronutrients differ between the two also, but I'm unable to determine which flavour their macro's refer to

      Hope this is of help!


      • +2

        Hi Jay,

        Thanks for that - really appreciate it - looking to make an order to try it out, because it doesn't happen if you don't give it a chance. I really like your attitude and customer focused style and approach. I'm hoping to get an idea a of the Amino Acid Breakdown per 100g if you could please provide that? Let's just take the choc coconut flavour as an example.

        Thanks a lot!

        • +1

          My pleasure. With the amino acid breakdown, we're working on that as this is an excellent idea. We're really trying to provide a super high level of transparency with these products and I think this aligns well. We'll publish this as soon as we have this information available.


        • +1

          A quick update - we now have the amino acid breakdown per 100g published in the description area. Thanks for the suggestion!


    • Amino Z is great WPI, MyProtein is dogshit.

      Source: I'm jacked and have tried pretty much every protein powder under the sun.

  • As others have said I love you have made a video for this deal and gone through the details of it.

    I just bought 15Kg of WPC from MyProtein so will be good for a little while. I know it's not WPI or made in Aus, but wanted to get any thoughts you had on AminoZ WPC vs MyProtein WPC?

    I would say for me one of the biggest factors is price so with their 46% off sale and 15% cashback recently, I paid ~$14.8/Kg and then $2.22 back effectively $12.58/Kg. I know the 15% cashback was a nice bonus but I have regularly been buying from them between $12-14/Kg for WPC. While the AminoZ 5kg bag comes out to ~$27/Kg.

    One option I did like from Venom Protein was even if you bought 5Kg they would let you split it into 1Kg bags of different flavors for the same price.

    • Personal opinion but wouldn't touch anything MyProtein. How much do you think the cost price is if they pay $$$ for marketing and 50% discounts or more is not uncommon from time to time?

    • +2

      Hi Knobbs thanks for the feedback, most appreciated.

      Yeah that's super cheap and to be completely transparent, I don't think we'll ever be able to get the WPC down that cheap because we do spend extra on the natural flavouring, sunflower lecithin and natural sweetener. If we did go for an artificial product with soy lecithin (which is also a lot cheaper), we could probably get down to this price on promotion.

      Obviously as you mentioned, that being a WPC is a lot cheaper than a WPI.

      I know they are a big company so I'm sure it is a decent product, I've just never tried it myself so I cannot comment on it personally.

      Also thanks for the feedback on the multi flavour option with Venom. What a great idea. Although you can do that for this deal also, I'm going to look to see if we can implement a similar feature as I'm sure many others would like to choose from a range of flavours.

      Any other feedback or suggestions are most welcome!


    • -1

      MyProtein has a 35% offer now. The flavoured 2.5kg WPI after discount is $37.45 with a delivery cost of $19.99. This brings the total cost to $57.44 or $22.98/kg. As such, AminoZ current offer of $69.95 delivered for a 3kg bag is a dn good deal. And they're Australian lol.

      • Yes that may be the specific case you have described…. As I already said I only buy on the best of sales and bulk buy (10kg min) to attain the best price and free shipping. The specific case you have stated I would never buy from any company. For others it may work but for me I would never buy such small amount unless it comes to as I said previously $12-14/kg, which is almost HALF of your example of $23/kg

        Did you read my post at all?

  • +2

    Just an FYI: This Whey Protein Isolate has 74-80g of protein per 100g with the flavoured varieties, with 88g per 100g with the unflavoured.
    The majority of WPI have approximately 90g of protein per 100g, even with the flavoured types.

    • +1

      Which brand do you take with high protein ratio?

      • +1

        Something like this: WPI 90g Protein per 100g.

        • Coincidentally, this is the brand I'm currently taking, after having tried VPA / Venom and Bulk Nutrients and a couple of other mainstream brands.

        • Not all the labels are accurate https://labdoor.com/rankings/protein

          • @exa: I've got to wonder if the lower than 90g companies are simply more honest with less fluffing up of the numbers, or if there's a trade off?
            I usually go with bulk nutrients, though they're only at 85.2 per 100g protein surprisingly for choc.

    • +1

      That's the cost of using stevia instead of sucralose I believe.

  • +1

    I have never tried post workout protein powder before but your video and the product description makes me want to give it a go. Happy this is an Australian made product :)

    I have ordered Strawberry, because I love Strawberry flavoured things, but I also want to try the Vanilla flavour sometime as well

    • Awesome thanks for the order Zythyx! Keen to get your feedback once you try it, so please PM me with your thoughts if you have the time. Thanks for the support!


    • I don't think there are any WPIs actually produced in Australia. At a guess I'd say this has less than 10% Australian ingredients (the flavouring) and the whey is probably from somewhere like the Netherlands. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the quality though, it's just not really 'Made in Australia', more like packed in. Hopefully the shelf life is all good :)

      • Is this true? Can store rep comment?

      • +1

        Thanks for asking - here's some clarity. The product is manufactured in Australia from imported ingredients. I'm actually not aware of any primary producers of WPI in Australia. And for clarity, it's not packed in Australia - we do all the blending here in our facility.


        • +1

          Well technically adding flavouring and sweetener isn't substantially transforming your product - It's starts as Whey Protein and it finishes as Whey Protein. So it is 'packed in', not 'made in' if you're abiding by the labelling laws: https://www.business.gov.au/products-and-services/product-la…
          Semantics really - I don't think it makes much difference to anyone except legislators.

  • Do you guys have anything similar to future whey from bulk nutrients or clear whey from my protein?

    • +1

      Unfortunately not yet. It's something we are looking into though, but I don't have a clear ETA on it I'm afraid.


  • +2

    Purchased some protein and pre-workout from Amino Z and received great customer service.. would definitely recommend.

    • Thanks for sharing Jr64, I really appreciate it!


      • No probs, I will be picking up 3x 1kg shortly. What flavours would you personally recommend? Also is there anyway to use the $15 credit alongside the purchase? E.g. if I want to purchase a shaker bottle alongside the WPI?

    • What pre-w did you get? Any good?

  • +2

    Credit to you mate. Hope people don't take advantage of you with honesty system… Will be placing my order tonight πŸ‘

    • +2

      Thanks MJD91, really appreciate the support! We have had so much support on this website and I'm confident we won't run into any issues.


  • +1

    Thanks Jay, running low so just ordered a 1kg of Vanilla WPI to give it a try.

    • Oh great thanks for the order buzzliteyear! Most appreciated!


  • +1

    Didn't get what the fuss was about the video. Until I watched it 😁 Well done Jay, will place an order shortly.

    • Hah, thanks vludax! And thanks in advance for the order!


  • +1


    How much of this I gotta take to look like Zyzz?

    • +1

      In a coffin?

    • +1

      about tree fiddy.

  • +1

    Cheers for the video for OzB community! Have my '+'.

    • Thanks for the support batrarobin!


  • +1

    how is the protein from amino z? i remember a while back alot of brands lied about how much protein was in the actual product. i have trust in amino z but just want to check others experience.

    • +1

      Yeah, I want to know as well. This is a very difficult one as there is no any organisation in AU who is responsible or authorised for checking all these protein products to see if it matches all information on the package.

    • +8

      While I'll leave this to the community to answer, this is a very good point you've raised. Clearly our reputation is on the line and so we want to report all information transparently and honestly. But having said that, I'm going to look into third party testing for our finished product macronutrients because I think this is a very valid point. We have raw materials tested for efficacy but we could take this one step further.


      • +1

        Thank you Jay.

      • +4

        Indeed! The vendor I went with (Bulk Nutrition) looks like they get all their products tested by the National Measurement Institute to confirm their products contain the claimed product. I love they even post the test results to one can verify. Here's an example: https://www.bulknutrients.com.au/content/PDFs/20200714-WPI-V…

        I purchased with them on that basis.


        Food (or at least whey powder) for thought.

      • Thank you and please do. it helps alot with customers deciding which protein powder to buy. Ill give the vanilla go as i have always had good experience with aminoz.

        • Cool thanks Hardyz100! And yes I've added this to my to-do list, we'll be making some enquiries this week on this.


      • +1

        Hi Jay, Love your video and I'm going to give it a try and order 1kg bag. Even I'm a long time Bulk Nutrients customer and the only reason I've been ordering with them is because of the test results they publish, even though their price have gone up recently. I'd be your customer for life if you could do something similar. Good luck.

  • Hi Jay, I've bought WPC from the last deal and loved every zip of it.
    I'm a cyclist and not sure how much benefit I've benefited from the product.
    My question is, are WPI better than WPC? and when is the best time to take them?

    • +1

      Great to hear, thanks for the feedback and the support is greatly appreciated BelowSubZero.

      WPI is a better grade of protein than WPC and the key difference is in the macronutrients - you'll see a significant difference in protein (higher in WPI) and carbs/fat (both lower in WPI. WPI is also more highly refined leading to a faster rate of digestion.

      WPI is best consumed following moderate-high intensity exercise. Essentially following exercise where you need fast digesting protein to enhance recovery and/or muscle growth.

      Think of WPC as being a budget version of WPI. It's almost as good, just not quite.


    • as a cyclist I use WPI. I don't want to gain mass. just maintain muscle.

  • +1

    Your website's starting to run a bit slow Jay - you might be about to be Ozbargained!

    Bought a 1kg pack to try out (got some other products in my cupboard to finish off first), so thanks for the deal and the engagement with us here

    • +1

      Checked server load and you're right…we are getting hammered. Website is still ticking along though (for now)

      Thanks for the order, really appreciated!


  • +1

    Am good for protein currently, but have ordered from Amino Z before and had a good experience with both service and product.

    • Thanks for sharing this krayl, really appreciated!


  • +3

    Great deal and great video. Ordered 3kg. Always happy with aminoz. If you can avoid paying with zip or Afterpay I’m sure OP would appreciate it to prevent their margins shrinking further.

    • +2

      Thanks so much for the support! Really appreciate it Slo20 - sounds like you have some experience in e-comm :)


  • Bring back the deal on WPC please. Keen to order along with creatine. πŸ™

    • +1

      Sorry you missed out on the WPC from the other week. We don't yet have another scheduled but sign up to the newsletter as we'll advertise it there for the next one.


  • Feedback: got an error message after making payment (see below). Looks like the order went through though. Received confirmation email.

    SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction, query was: INSERT INTO cataloginventory_stock_status (product_id,website_id,stock_id,qty,stock_status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE qty = VALUES(qty), stock_status = VALUES(stock_status)

    • +1

      Oops, that's the website starting to struggle. Can you PM me through the order so I can confirm it went through okay?


      • You're having a race condition

    • I think their web site needs a little work, tried few times for coupon getting applied.

  • +2

    I ordered 3Kg, then noticed I could select different flavours. Talked to customer service and they updated my order. Thanks!

    • +1

      Cool glad to hear they sorted this out quickly for you. Thanks for the order RogerSad!


  • +1

    Good timing, will order another one! BTW, you look like cute version of Vin Diesel

    • +1

      Haha haven't heard that one before :) Thanks for the order pig, most appreciated!


  • +1

    Ordered 1kg chocolate to give the flavour a go, hopefully easy to stomach.

    Cheers OP

    • Thanks for the order htrans!!


  • Is your WPI, low temp cross and ultra-filtered? Oh and from grass-fed cows (no hormones), etc.? My stomach's pretty sensitive with WPIs and the only one (I've tried quite a few over the past 20 years - well, over 10 years, then stuck with Bulk Nutrients for the last 10 years, or more) is Bulk Nutrients WPI (raw).


    • +1

      Thanks for the question RichardMelbourne. The whey protein uses crossflow filtration. I am aware that the cows are grass fed, and the sunflower lecithin is GMO free also. I'll have to check on the ultra-filtered and get back to you on this. I'm also fairly certain cows are hormone free, but I'll just double check this too for you.


    • Hi RichardMelbourne - just confirming that yes the cows are added hormone free and the whey is processed using ultra and micro filtration. The whey is also cold pressed.


      • Hi Jay,

        Thanks for the confirmation: sounds good :)

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