What snack or treat you couldn't wait to try made you go MEH?

Seeing as Ozbargain had a popular 'Didn't like that movie' thread https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/564235, thought I would post the same idea, this time for snack foods. Were you ever looking forward to chowing down on a chocolate bar, or packet of lollies, only to be disappointed?

Some of my most notable letdowns were:

  • Infuzions (Potato Mix Thai Sweet Chilli) - so unsatisfying and bland
  • Cadbury Favourites - tiny and overpriced, even when half price!
  • Allen's Party Mix - used to love the variety, but now all the lollies seem to have the same texture and less flavour
  • Haagen-Dazs (supermarket tubs) - meh, although totally concede the ingredients are 100 times more natural than other ice creams

Also, what foods do you wish they'd bring back? I totes miss Lanes (Ritz) In-a-Biskit series. Apparently they did reintroduce these a while back, but they went straight to the clearance bins on Catch and the Reject Shop, so obviously not popular enough.


                  • @Dadidalol: Is it that really tiny shop with like 1 person at the front who serves you behind a glass counter? There's like room for 3 people in the shop.
                    It's been a while.

                    • @Orico: Doughnut Time died due to overexpansion

  • -1

    Celery and peanut butter was definitely a meh

    • Chuck some raisins on there for "ants on a log." Elevates the whole thing I reckon!

  • Yep - Caramilk - meh.

    Hungry Jack's used to have these chicken nuggets that were crumbed and had a slight spicy kick to them.They were magnificent and certainly better than anything else out there. About 15 years ago they changed their supplier, and ever since, their nuggets are virtually identical to Maccas. Yuck.

    • Those chicken nugget strips with the BBQ plum sauce were epic.

  • +2

    I actually thought Infuzions was pretty good. It feels light and airy and I feel less guilty finishing a whole bag. In fact, I love the sour cream and chives version more and found the Thai chilli version to have a pretty strong flavour. Honestly I’m surprised that you found it bland xD

  • +4

    New recipe pizza shapes.

    • What an absolute mess that was. I'd love to see tha sales figures for the new crap versus the "Original".

      • Woolworths at least seems to only sell "Originals" plus 'lamb and rosemary' (new) and 'nacho cheese' (changed recipe)

        I'd say not at all well…

  • Cadbury Caramilk

  • +12

    My first marriage.

  • +2

    Cherry ripe

    • +4


    • They're honestly the reasons child me thought I hated cherries

      • +1

        Agree. Taste like cough syrup, nothing like real cherries.

        • That and the coconut.

          I will eat them in a box of Favourites if I don't have a choice but, that's a pretty hard no for me

  • +3

    Caramel violet crumble. Was super excited but it sucked

    • +1

      What about the recent dark one?

      • +1

        Yeah not too bad. Not far off the normal

  • Does anyone remember a chocolate bar that came out around the time of the 1988 olympics called 'Gold'?
    It was just a chunk of milk chocolate and had small pieces of peanuts and super crumbly honeycomb mixed all through. Green wrapper, about the size of a mars bar.
    I want those back.

    Oh, and Polly waffles!

  • +9

    Flamin' Hot Cheetos - I've seen them get so many accolades but they were very meh when I got some :(

    • Love spicy things but these were horrid!

    • The hot twisties were crap as well.

    • +1

      Was these the puff ones or the imported US ones?

      The flamin' imported (and the xxtra spicy) are my all time favourite chip.

      Puff ones are disgusting.

  • +2

    Cronut. I was hyped about it after seeing it on TV

  • +5

    Caramilk was a massive let down
    Golden Gaytime Ice Cream (the tub one)
    Cherry Coke
    Dr Pepper
    "New" Mountain Dew
    Taco Bell
    Carls Jnr
    Cool Ranch Doritos

    • Which version of cool ranch did you try?
      According to my wife the Aus ones have a citrus flavour that the North America ones don’t have.

      • Have had both, The NA ones were better but still terrible

        • I prefer the turbo ones.

    • +9

      Dr Pepper is a slow burn, now it is the only one true drink

    • I'm another for Carls Jnr/Taco Bell. Pretty much all fast food chains brought to Australia have sucked.

      Starbucks - in some cities in North America they hire real baristas who know how to make an espresso shot. It's better than the little cafes by far, but here it's just for sugary milk.
      A&W - I think there was only ever like one store and it sucked compared to what I had in Canada. Dunno how you can mess it up, they're such simple burgers
      Quizno's - granted, that was apparently a big con job to suck in investors, but again in Canada it shits all over Subway.

      I'm really scared for the Five Guys launch here. Five Guys is amazing, but I'm sure they won't have the peanuts, the dumping of 500 million chips into the bag, the beef will be portioned controlled, etc. It'll run for 2 years with the first 3 months making massive profits before it tanks.

  • +1

    I don’t really get excited by snacks but I guess I was disappointed when I ate some microwave popcorn last week and it wasn’t salty or buttery enough.

    • +1

      Microwave popcorn leaves this horrible taste in my mouth for hours later, it FEELS like you have just eaten some horribly over processed crap which you certainly have but most other snack products are good at hiding immediate physcial effects of the food on you, quite the opposite, I never feel bad knocking off a pack of tim tams but this microwave popcorn feeling, its enough that I will never touch it even if starving.

      • +1

        It’s the first time I’ve eaten it in a few years but I didn’t notice any after taste. I only ate a small amount though and was drinking hot coffee with it so maybe that prevented it? It was from Aldi

  • +3

    salt n vinegar chips. Used to be heaps of strong vinegar used, now its a whimper

    • +1

      Came here to say this as well. Pro-tip, you can buy salt & vinegar or just vinegar powder online. Add it to the chips (or you know, everything).

    • Check the reject shop for the UK chips section

    • +3

      Ruffles Salt and Vinegar were the best!

    • Try natural co salt and vinegar! I'm a big salt and vinegar fan and these still have lots of flavour in them.

    • Samboy salt and vinegar with the extra flavour sachet

  • What I'd like brought back:

    Warp Icecream

    Just a simple icecream with chocolate flakes in it, but the simplicity makes it tasty (though, a Chocolate Billabong is always a fave)

    Vice Versas

    Like M&Ms but not

    Poly Waffle

    Let's see if it lives up to memory

    • +1

      I loved Vice Versas.

      Feel so old!

      • I remember when the "Magnum" ice cream first came out and everyone lost their s$@t over them.

  • Deep-fried Oreos in Vegas. It tasted like oil and made me feel sick. I have no idea how these are a thing.

    • +2

      But on the other hand, deep fried mars bars are godly

  • Haagen-Dazs - meh, although totally concede the ingredients are 100 times more natural than other ice creams

    In what way did H-D disappoint? I think the Mango and Raspbery is the creamiest supermarket ice cream I've aver tasted.

    • The strawberry and cream variety didn't taste as good as I'd hoped. Strawberry ice cream is my absolute favourite, and I think I had strawberry HD in the US which I really liked, so was hoping to relive that experience.

  • +2

    M&M ice-cream bar. I have got a sweet tooth and I like M&Ms in general, but these ice-cream bars, meh… too sugary even for my liking.

    • +2

      Yup agreed. I also did not like the kitkat ice-cream and many many variations of the golden gaytime

  • -2

    Durian. Spit, splutter, cough, gag!

  • +2

    Cadbury Caramilk was more than meh it was actually quite unpleasant. I was ready to love as I really like those little yellow caramel buds.

  • +1

    Dr Pepper

  • +1

    Not a snack or treat but Kraft (I think it was Kraft) used to makes this high protein cheese. It was like 10grams of protein and 1g fat with no sugar or something like that.

    You could literally just replace protein shakes with a ridiculously overfilled cheese toastie. Wasn't as nice as normal cheese by any means.

    Bring back my protein cheese Kraft, you assholes.

    • -2

      You also get a massive hit of saturated fat and salt. What a sweet deal.

      • you'd get 1 gram of fat per 10 grams of protein, that's perfectly fine.

        Sodium on the other hand I can't remember, but probably not great.

    • +1

      yes! that was so great especially when dieting. Was devastated when they got rid of it.

  • Shapes

    • Aldi's "Snakos" are of superior flavour.

      • OK, I must try.

      • I tried Aldi's version of Shapes a long time ago, and I recall it having a softer texture, that I didn't quite enjoy. Is it still the case or is it more akin to Shapes? I guess I'll give it a go some time.

        • Blind taste tests in our family proved my earlier comment.

  • +3

    Can't believe anyone doesn't like Haagen-Dazs.

    I personally miss iced vovo biscuits.

    I am never disappointed with a food item, the disappointment solely rest on me for lacking impulse control and good decision making.

    I have definitely been eating too much crap food during covid. On a positive note, as a male, my breasts look amazing.

    • +2

      I don't dislike Haagen Dazs. Just did not give me the wow factor you usually get with ice cream. But as someone mentioned, I think that could be the Aussie supermarket version. I got the strawberry and cream flavour not so long ago because I remember liking this when I had it in the US years ago, but was sadly disappointed.

      • +1

        Yeah the ingredients list for the strawberry and cream flavour is literally strawberries, milk, and "cold". I definitely found that the most underwhelming flavour. Not at all bad, but too close to "cold creamy strawberries" to be "wow". Sounds dumb as I write that, but also best explains my experience.

        The caramel one is awesome, and the chocolate brownie, chocolate frappe. Basically everything aside from the strawberry one.

        Happy ice creaming.

        • Some haagen-dazs I really like, some flavours I absolutely hate. I dunno why they're such an extreme spectrum for me

  • Hazelnut kitkat really sucked, and I'm a huge fan of KitKat. I had it on Friday with the munchies, it really had every opportunity to impress, but it failed.

    • +3

      Green tea KitKat is surprisingly nice.

    • +1

      I was disappointed with some of the 'Japan only' KitKats. I love the KitKat chunkies, they are on to a winner there

      • I had bubble tea kitkat in Vietnam, that was great! So let down, I really thought my taste buds would be blown away with the fusion of my favs, hazelnut and kitkat.

  • +1

    Oreo's. Disgusting.

    • +1

      They are one of my fav biscuits, mainly for the crunchy texture.

    • Not sure why down voted. I agree, so over rated and synthetic.

      • Haha, I had Americans describe them as disgusting to me before I had
        tried them.

  • +11

    All of Hershey's chocolate, Baby Ruth bars, Milk Duds, almost all American chocolate products apart from Reeces peenut products.

    • +4

      Agree, Hershey's is like biting into plastic. There is virtually no chocolate taste.

      • I told my brother about this and he informed me that this is the difference between chocolate and compound chocolate.

        The latter is cheaper and what hot chocolate is made out of.

      • +1

        I remember while on holiday in Hawaii I was so excited to get to the supermarket to spend big on candy etc. Got back to the cheap motel (as I just spent my backpacker allowance on candy etc), and started to try the various products. Disappointment after disappointment.

        My opinion on good USA candy etc:

        All Reeces peanut products
        A&W root beer and cream soda

  • +2

    I wish they would bring back: Arnotts Scotch Finger with the chocolate layer on the bottom.

    Although it can easily be recreated by melting some dark chocolate and applying a layer to the stock Finger and allowing to cool

    • +1

      I used to eat these, didn't know they were no longer available. They go down a treat with a cup of green tea.

    • +1

      I'm sure these are still around 🤔 I buy chocolate teddy bear biscuits (a superior biscuit) and they are often next to them.

    • +1

      Currently on special at Coles 2 packs for $5.


      • Cheers, just added to my shopping list.

    • Oh they still exist! I gotta get onto it..

  • +1


    • +1

      THIS. When they first came out I thought they were great, but then better burger joints started coming, with better burgers.

  • +2

    I used to love whittakers peanut slab. Recently had one and I found I didnt enjoy it at all. It has been a long time so I cannot say why I didnt like it as much as I thought I did

  • +7

    Golden gaytime ice cream in a tub.

    On a stick, brilliant. In a tub, just wasn't the same.

    Still ate the whole thing in one sitting though

    • You get a like for that commitment! Sounds like a evening influenced 🚬

  • +2

    Twinkies, maybe I was exepecting more as it was overhyped, when I tried it, meh

    • That's because when we were all kids we have had the Hostess cream-filled cupcakes from Woolworths and they are so much better.

    • Agree, super terrible

    • +1

      I first came to know of Twinkies from Zombieland lol.

      Tried it last weekend as someone had bought a box of 10 for $25 (bloody ex), and it was just processed crap with so much sugar.

      The sponge has a texture of… not soft cake, but rough almost like a wash sponge. The cream had a taste and consistency of some artificial mush. Nothing tasted like it should.

      I mean the concept is the same as a swiss roll. It's fresh cream in a layer of cake. It taste nothing of the sort.

      Interestingly, it had no shelf date on the box? I can't even tell if it's still good to eat or not.

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