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[Preorder] Xbox Series X $399 ($329 with Level 4 EB World) ($749 without) When You Trade in Your Xbox One X @ EB Games


I reckon this is an amazing deal.

Make sure you select click and collect on the website when you preorder to get this offer.

Preorders commence online on 22nd September

Alternatively, you can get the Series S version for $299 when you trade in your Xbox One S but no one would want a stovetop.

EB world is eligible for this offer so if you are on level 4, that’s $420 off the console price itself

Note: Confirmation from EB Games rep If you place an online preorder for collection in store, you don't have to trade in until release day. Which means you can secure this deal and still use your Xbox One X until release day.

22/09/2020 8:14am: Update from EB Games Twitter Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S LAUNCH Shipment has now presold out. There will be a small shipment expected POST LAUNCH 2020. Current expected presell time of Midday AEST.

22/09/2020 7:39pm Update from EB Games Twitter We are now presold out. Thank you for your patience today.

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closed Comments

  • +39

    Xbox one series X?

    Is it really that confusing lol

    • +6

      lmao i love it.

    • +4

      It's just Series X, without the "One".

      OP just made a mistake.

      • +1

        I think XeKToReX was having a laff.

        Just having a laff bro. :)

        • +1

          Yeh pretty much haha

          • @XeKToReX: Yeah my bad LOL, brain was still half asleep to process it.

      • but you only get One of them

        • -8

          But if it's a series X shouldn't you get 10 of them?

          • +1

            @mangobango: may it is the 10th xbox series being released?

        • Yeah they forgot to put it in the name. “xbox only one for you series x”

      • +6

        It's just Series X, without the "One"

        Oh that's much better.

        Lucky they learned from the mistakes of "Xbox One" where picking a vague and potentially confusing name lost them tens of millions of dollars from clueless parents being unsure which console to buy, and didn't just do exactly the same thing again…

        • +2

          The name was the least of the issues with the original Xbox launch. I don’t think people were that particularly confused, unlike the Wii U. Messaging around prerelease plans associated with digital content management and then a higher launch price for a less powerful console than the PS4 hurt them more.

    • +4

      Edited. Thanks

      • FYI: The 20% from Level 4 also applies to games, controllers, hardware, everything really.

        I bought a WiiU off Gumtree for $150 and did the same deal for a Switch. Ended up generating so much extra credit I was scrabbling for merch lol.

        Edit: So buy an Xbox One X for sub $329 or an S for $239. Anything extra is bonus credit.

    • +13

      Seriously Microsoft, use a different letter.

      • +10

        They've got "S" and "X". They just need a vowel. Hmmmmm

        • +3

          And that can be good or bad depending on the vowel you choose.

        • +2


        • +2


        • +2

          Six… But can't jump from one to Six. Would make their very logical naming a bit confusing… Oh wait.

        • They did release a late gen revisions of the Xbox 360 called the Xbox 360 E so guess we got a vowel there.

        • +1

          Xbox 3 X

      • +13

        I keep all my XBOX packaging. I still have my XBOX 1 BOX as well as the XBOX ONE X BOX which replaced my XBOX ONE S BOX. Can't wait to get my XBOX X BOX.

        • +3

          You mean X BOX SERIES X Box right?

        • Now repeat what you said much faster, 10 times in a row.

      • +1

        Put a series of Xbox One Series X boxes in a grid, and then copy the grid into a series, you'll have a series of xbox one series x box series box xbox one series of x box series series boxes of box series of boxes. And you can just keep putting the series of xbox one series x boxes into more boxes and sub-series to infinity.

    • +7


      • With bonus Mia Malkova game..

        • Will the in game model be pre or post boob job? Or maybe an unlockable skin?

    • Can I get one Xbox One and 360 Xbox X and two Xbox Ss?

  • -5

    Wish it was for trade in of the S

    • +2

      There is trade in for s

    • +4

      You may already know, but you can get the Series S for $299 with a One S trade.

    • +11

      Don't be a tight ass. No company is going to give you $350 for a console that can be had for $200-300.

      • +29

        its ozbargain bro

      • -5

        Weird to call someone a tight ass when they don't want to give extra money to one of the largest corporations on the planet.

        We need to veer away from the capitalist narrative when it comes to throwing money at Tech giants.

        • +1


          • +1

            @b2dz: What benefit does it give to anyone, with the exception of the higher ups at Microsoft, to throw money blindly at a brand new product?

            Most new consoles throughout history have had faults at launch as well that get fixed in revisions. Buying them at day one only serves as justification of brand loyalty

            • @Faro: "what benefit does it give to anyone" - a saving of ~$400.

              it's a choice that people make. pretending like there's no upside makes your argument weak.

              then you started talking about the capitalist narrative.

              so yeah. ok.

              • @b2dz: "so yeah. ok" doesn't disprove or further any conversation about something you clearly disagree with. Why blindly defend capitalism?

                How does my viewpoint of the system affect your belief enough to bother even initially responding with "ok"?

                • +2

                  @Faro: ok

                  • +1

                    @b2dz: Have a good day, dude

                    Hope you don't take my comments too close to heart 🤙

                • +3

                  @Faro: You do realise that this website is dedicated to people buying stuff? Albeit as discounted as possible, but still.

                  • @Not Applicable: Try telling that to the Lego lovers who got their knickers in a knot when the topic of copycat Lego came up, wowsers!

            • @Faro: While I agree history does indicate there is usually a console revision that improves the initial release of the console and would rather have the first revision of that console. If we were to wait for Rev 1 then the XBO X also depreciates, it may only be worth $200 in another 2 years, maybe less.

              In my opinion, your better off taking up this deal and there is a high chance another trade-in deal from the Series X to Rev 1 of the series X, even if it cost you $300 to upgrade at that point your already saving $220 (L4 member) from the value you haven't lost on the XBO X, so it may cost you around $100 to enjoy 2 years of next-gen gaming before the first revision or $50 a year.

              Even if you double my rough figgers, when you think about it, it's not worth waiting a very long time to upgrade if you already have an XBO X unless your after a console bundle which I think are rare for initial launch.

          • @b2dz: rekt

        • -1

          Sorry, USSR lost. Please read up the news from 30 years ago.
          Capitalist narrative is the only one worth listening to.

          • +2

            @jalwa: Anti-capitalism doesn't immediately equate to communism. It may also include, but not entirely adhere to ideals of Marxism, socialism, anarchy, tribalism or any other yet untested or not-yet formulated form of human governance.

        • -6
      • +1

        Are you lost lolol

      • Would be nice if they offered even $80 towards the series x. It's kinda nice when EB Games keeps really old consoles on lifesupport with a trade in system, nice for low income kids who still want an xbox and cheap games.

    • Condensing the replies of everyone else, I must say; As good as that would be, the Xbox One S has been sold for as cheap as $199 before, with the possibility of finding one for <$150 on Gumtree/eBay, very high.

      This would then mean that they would receive a significant loss in profits, gaining solely customer satisfaction.

      • +2

        It's to trap gamers into the ecosystem and build loyalty.. U don't buy consoles too often..

  • Wonder how much I would get for the Original Xbox One

    • +4

      I got $120. I got $144 with a level 4 card.

      • +5

        Hmm i'll just keep it for my kid to play

        • +3

          You can get $150 cash from CEX if you have one near you.

          • +2

            @wonderboy: You could have it posted in. They cover the postage cost

        • +1

          This is exactly what i'm gonna do. Keep it for my kids to play when they're a few years older. Be cheaper than buying them a new console.

          • @Frayin: I got $250 on FB marketplace for a fat model One in the middle of the lockdown.

  • +4

    Traded mine in a few weeks ago for $430 credit

    • The Xbox One X you got $430 for? How?

      • Probably the same as this one. $350 trade plus whatever level bonuses (level 4 gets you +20% I think)

        • +1

          Damn, what bonus would I get as a level 2 scum? Didn't realise levels mattered so much.

          Edit: Just seen $385.

          • @cc23: I think Level 2 +10%, Level 3 +15%, Level 4 +20%

            • @ruttager: I've got a buddy who is level 5, is the credit they give you just on a card that can be shared?

              • @cc23: You can't share the credit, but you can get your buddy to trade it in for you and then they will have to purchase the console as well, but the limit 1 per person thing may be a problem if you both want it.

                • @ruttager: Ah ok so credit is tied to your account?

                  • +1

                    @cc23: They can put it onto a gift card for you, I traded my PS4 +extras not long ago and now have $780ish on a giftcard..

                  • @cc23: See Manusdei comment below (edit: above) - that may be an option for you as well. I completely forgot about that.

                    But the credit will be tied to the EB account otherwise.

                  • +15

                    @cc23: It's not credit. It's just a boost on the trade-in value of the product you're trading in.


                    Xbox Series X $749 - $350 trade-in value (level 1) = $399
                    Xbox Series X $749 - $350 + 10% = $385 trade-in value (level 2) = $364
                    Xbox Series X $749 - $350 + 15% = $402.50 trade-in value (level 3) = $346.50
                    Xbox Series X $749 - $350 + 20% = $420 trade-in value (level 4) = $329
                    Xbox Series X $749 - $350 + 25% = $437.50 trade-in value (level 5) = $311.50

                    (All values assume trading Xbox One X for an Xbox Series X)

              • @cc23: Yep so he can trade it in for your pre order.

          • @cc23: How do you level up? Buy games/hardware? Trade-in games/hardware?

            • @sween64: Yup. The more you spend/trade, the higher your level.

            • @sween64: I am a lowly level 2, I have no idea how I even got there.

              • @cc23: Same ahaha… But tbh I can't complain, I don't usually buy much from EB Games :)

      • +1


        Correction: Sorry it was $420

        • I never saw this deal. Missed out on like $100 selling my xbox and PS4 pro.

      • Could have been stacked with a bonus trade deal - and also before Series X pricing announced?

  • +7

    This is a great deal I reckon.

    • +4

      What if you want to play Xbox between now and whenever your preorder comes in stock.

      • How I am reading this deal is that on the day of release I hand over my X and pick up my series X, am I wrong? I thought that was the whole great point of this deal?

        • -2

          Well if the series x plays games just as good or better than the one x, then why would I want my one x anymore. I could use the $350 saving to save up for a series s if I wanted a second xbox, so then they could both play all the new games.

          • +9

            @AustriaBargain: I am confused by the point you are making to be honest.

        • +2

          I'm also not sure if you need to trade in now and be console-less, or if you can do it when the Series X comes out. I'd be keen to know as this makes a huge difference!

        • It's entirely dependant if the deal goes until Nov 10th (usually they do).

          But no, you can't just "reserve" the deal without giving up your current Xbox. What you can do is, is put in a normal pre-order of $50 (or $100, whatever the minimum is). Then on Nov 10th, if the deal is active, do the trade then on your pre-order.

          If the deal ends before Nov 10th, you have to give up your current Xbox whenever that end date is.

      • +1

        I assume you hand over the Xbox One X on release day

        • In the past when I did trade ins etc, if you are going to a midnight launch they will look to have you finalise the purchase before midnight either during the day or in the hour or two leading up to midnight. That way they can hand the consoles out much quicker come midnight.

          If you are not attending a midnight launch and will pick up furring the day, you’d just do it all at the time of pickup.

          • @Smigit: With COVID, midnight launches are… unlikely.

            • @[Deactivated]: I dunno. Victoria sure. I could see other places happening. They don’t get THAT crowded at the ones I’ve been to (Xbox One and Switch). Alternative is the same mob will line up at 9AM the following day but the shopping centre will have other shoppers around. The night launches are a good way to do it at a quieter time and in the past they assigned numbered tickets out to people to designate order, so there wasn’t a mob or any need to bunch up.

              Local stores here in Canberra are quite busy too fwiw.

      • I think you put it in when collecting your new console, hence click and collect option. Plus, you have to put a $200 deposit.

        • Will the preorders possibly sell out on 22 september?

          • +1

            @AustriaBargain: Seeing the current trend with all consoles, quite likely.

            Released just in time with Vic lockdown being lifted too!

          • +1

            @AustriaBargain: Very likely I’d say, and it could be within minutes or hours. Even current gen consoles are having stock issues currently due to covid, and we’re coming into Christmas.

            • @Smigit: And is there any good reason to want to keep a One X now that the Series S and Series X exists? Other than saving a bit of money.

              • @AustriaBargain: I’m keeping my One S as a second UHD player. Additionally XCloud will eventually hit Australia so I’ll be able to stream new games to it, again to another TV.

                No reason to have both consoles on the same TV however.

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