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$10 off First Trip with Shebah Rideshare


Get $10 off your first trip with Shebah Rideshare, a rideshare service for women by women.
Download the app for android or ios, make an account and use the code ESSENTIAL10 to receive $10 off your first trip


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closed Comments

    • +19

      Agreed! That's proof of privilege they don't seem to acknowledge - I think those neg voters should also take a look at cases (including this country) where riding sharing such as uber drivers have been charged with assaulting women passengers, so this is every right okay to have a female only base ride sharing where they should feel safe from going A to B without fear.

      Just google: "uber driver assault woman _______" in the blank, add your city…and you will see results come up first page.

      I am sure they wouldn't say this if their daughter was in an uber/cab with a man alone in the middle of the night.

  • +1

    Wow, out of 14 staffs in their web site, only 2 are male.

    • +3

      but if it was the other way around, there would be calls of sexism

      • +2

        It usually is the other way round - most taxi drivers are male - never once heard about any calls of sexism.

        • +5

          most taxi drivers are male - never once heard about any calls of sexism.

          Pretty sure no taxi company had a policy of only hiring male taxi drivers.

  • +4

    Cabracadabra did it first.

  • +8

    Ah yes, the cesspit of society comes crawling out of the woodwork, how lovely.

  • +22

    I love their principles

    Diversity is celebrated at Shebah, we welcome people from all cultures and demographics.

    You know, except men

  • +9

    Targeted deal. Females only.

  • +15

    Should this be targeted ad then? Not trying to nitpick, but legit if you are a male you are not eligible to use the service.

  • +12

    It's deals like this that truly show how many cavemen frequent these forums.

    • +7

      Neg harder mouth-breathers. These companies are in it to make a profit - there's clearly a market out there for this kind of service.

      • Of course they're in it for a profit!
        What makes anyone think that their service is somehow a Police escort??

  • +7

    Great! Is there an option to filter drivers based on their religion?

    • +1

      I guess this kind of company has opened the door for allowing all sorts of discrimination.

    • +1

      It's in beta phase. Will be out there for everyone soon.

  • Unobtainable deal. Atleast for males. Not sure if transgenders are excluded or not.

    • -8

      Not sure if transgenders are excluded or not.

      Probably depends on how they are dressed at the time…

    • +6

      Shebah drives women and children, and those who live their lives as women

      Trans women yes, trans men and non-binary folk no.

      • You try tell a male that identifies as a woman they can't use an only woman service LOL it would be front page of the ABC news

    • Read their website it is in black and white!

  • -8

    What if I (as biological male) identify my gender as female? Can they refuse to take me and if so would that not be considered discrimination?

    • +11

      Shebah drives women and children, and those who live their lives as women

      You'd be perfectly within your rights to

  • +21

    Love these deals - upsets all the haters

  • +7

    There is 101 ways to be able to cater to a target audience without discriminating others.
    Who thought this was a solid go-to-market strategy? Someone within their own bubble presumably.

    We don't need more division these days.. Its just tone deaf execution of something that could have been a nice way to cater for females who are cautious and had terrible experiences with other providers.

    • +3

      If the service was usable by anyone regardless of gender, just with female drivers and background checks/applications for all riders, then it would be a complete non-issue.

      • -2

        Nope, they'd still be discriminating against males by hiring females only

      • +3

        I think the point is to have a safe environment both for female drivers and riders. This is like when your local public swimming pool has timings which are exclusively for females so they can feel feel safe which could be for religious reasons or other reasons such as past traumas. I think it is a good initiative.

  • +26

    TBH I'd prefer my female partner to take this service if she was ridesharing her way back home solo.

    • +1

      especially in Melbourne

  • +3

    Isn't discrimination based on sex illegal?

    Simple question really

    • +2

      Isn't discrimination based on sex illegal?

      Yes, but you can apply for an exemptions.

      The exemption basically says you are discriminating, but action cannot be taken against you.

      • +2

        If I identify as a woman but am in a mans body can I use this service.

        • +1

          Others in this thread have said yes, but their website doesn't really clarify one way or the other.

      • +3

        It's worth mentioning there is a public register of exemptions approved by the AHRC, including their reasoning for granting or declining them. Shebah does not have one.

        • +1

          Shebah does not have one.

          Possibly because it is likely to be declined as have similar services on that list.

    • +1

      As mentioned above, debatable if it's illegal or if an exemption is required.

      Don't know how good people on here at reading legislative documents (https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2018C00499), but this might apply:

      "Nothing in Division 1 or 2 applies to or in relation to the provision of services the nature of which is such that they can only be provided to members of one sex."

      -Interestingly enough sport is also excluded, which also answers why single sex leagues are allowed and don't require an exemption

  • -1

    Nobody asked for this

    • +14

      Enough women did lol.
      There's clearly a demand for services like this, Fernwood Fitness is another example of a business based on these ideas.

      • I can understand places like Fernwood and Curves to be honest. Given what women tend to wear for yoga etc, there's pretty good odds that they'll get ogled somewhat by some of the … denizens of the gym. They also tend to have a very different set of equipment available for exercising.

        Fun fact though, Fernwood and Curves don't have exemptions from the Sex Discrimination Act either, because clubs are allowed to discriminate against non-members, and are allowed to refuse to allow membership to people even on protected grounds.

    • +3

      since its been in operation since April 2017, i think you may be wrong

  • +15

    Look at all the fragile males here. How pathetic.

    • +1

      What exactly is pathetic? Its strong language for something that shouldn't trigger most stable minded people.

      • +5

        What exactly is pathetic?

        They are just showing they are incapable of having a civilized debate without attempting to insult people for their opinions.

    • +3

      What a valuable contribution to the debate. :S

      • -8

        More valuable than your existence on the planet i reckon.

        • +11

          You just proved my point.

        • +9

          That is unacceptable, you should really consider what you've said and maybe seek assistance for whatever has driven you to be so abrasive to strangers. You deserve happiness and you're clearly not exhibiting traits of a happy individual.

          • +2

            @FlatulentFrank: They obviously have some personal issues. Maybe a social forum is not the best place for them to hang out.

            • +12

              @jv: Says the guy who has no idea what its like to be sexually assaulted, raped, or beaten by a man.
              And then has the gall to have a go at a company that is trying to help a section of the community to just feel safe getting around.
              That is absolutely pathetic and your lack of empathy is disgusting.

              Trying to compare it to say, a club for men, that won't let women in because well. we don't want them.
              Bravo to everyone involved.

              • +2


                Trying to compare it to say, a club for men, that won't let women in because well. we don't want them

                Where here is that comparison? Or did you just make it up?

              • +3


                no idea what its like to be sexually assaulted, raped, or beaten by a man.

                So just because somebody is born male, makes them assault, rape and beat people up?

                You don't think it might instead by caused by some kind or mental illness and not their gender?

                • +7

                  @jv: So just because somebody is born male, makes them assault, rape and beat people up?

                  Where did i say that? Or did you just make it up?

                  From here https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-05/rpp036.pd…

                  Sexual violence was almost exclusively perpetrated by men (99%).

                  Any chance excluding men would make them safer?
                  Or can we only exclude men after they have perpetrated a crime?

                  • +3

                    @doobes: I understand your passion but don't misrepresent figures and maybe hide that bias towards males? Painting with a broad brush makes for ugly pictures… We're all human, made up of traits that make us unique and shouldn't be grouped as some sort of collective hive mind out to attack others… let's act kindly to eachother…it's not worth further division.

                    Headtohealth is a free service and one that I highly recommend for people with issues of varying degrees. Its helped me and I think it could help you as a resource to take advantage of

        • +4

          Who hurt you doobes

          • +8

            @Iwantthebestprice: The total lack of compassion and empathy from the fragile male ego in this thread hurts me.
            It is so sad.

            • +6


              It is so sad.

              What is sad, is you attacking people on this thread and not contributing to a civilized debate.

              • +1

                @jv: jv on 09/09/2020 - 23:13 Comment unpublished. (Personal attack)

          • -1
  • +19

    Men are not being discriminated against by this ride share service existing. Go and exercise your free will and catch an uber/taxi instead, problem solved! If there's a gap in the market for this business model to exist then I hope that these folk are successful.

    • +7

      Men are not being discriminated against by this ride share service

      So can I use Shebah Rideshare and save $10 off my first ride?

      • +20

        i love how you're replying to every comment like it's your single duty to defend manhood and not to cover up your insecurities at all. hats off to you, ozbargain WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • +2

          Please dont insult ozb, he's not an ozb warrior.

          He's just an armchair warrior.

        • +5

          it's your single duty to defend manhood

          this is a debate about discrimination, not manhood.

          my wife equally believes the Shebah service is discriminatory.

          Calling people names does not add any weight to your argument by the way, it is merely a tactic people use when they are losing are argument or are incapable of expressing themselves….

      • sure can, just ask Bruce Jenner

      • +1

        A bit weird to deliberately exclude a word in their quote, just so you can pretend you don't understand the point they're making.

      • Simple: Just visit your doctor, start the hormone plan, get a med cert and at any stage of your wonderful transgression you will be a welcome rider.

    • Obviously you don't know what discrimination means.

    • Yes you're right people who don't like this service can choose alternatives sure, but it doesn't change the fact that this is a discriminatory business and attitude towards men. It's as if I decided to make my own taxi service and say "No muslims allowed because statistically they're more likely to be terrorists"…well of course they're going to refuse to use such a service but how do you think it'll make them feel (no offence to Muslims intended, just using this as an example). I see no difference in what Shebar are doing here…

    • +1

      If there's a gap in the market for this business model to exist then I hope that these folk are successful.

      A gap in the market for a business that breaks the anti discrimination laws?

  • +2

    'For women by women' … 'Dan Shebah'

    • +2

      danielle? danica?

    • +2

      clearly you don't know a lot of women do you

    • +1

      Shebah does actually employ some men in their corporate offices (because, you know, it would be illegal not to if suitably qualified men were to apply…)

      • +3

        Shebah does actually employ some men in their corporate offices

        Do they pay them the same as the females?

    • Could be Daniel from Shebah in the marketing/social network department, because you know he was the best person for the job.

  • +8

    It is discriminatory if you are told you can not use a service because of your gender.
    However we have to accept that we are part of a culture that repeatedly demonstrates a lack of respect towards women whether that is in the form of rape, murder, domestic violence, gender inequality in the workplace, sexual harassment etc.
    Until we recognise, aknowledge and change that culture it means women are vulnerable and at risk.
    There are countless examples of women being assaulted by men using rideshare and taxi services.
    This isnt about discriminating against men its about keeping women safe from abuse by men.
    Everyone who has a mother, daughter, sister, female partner or spouse should be supporting this. Why would you not want to support a safer environment for them to travel in?

    • +3

      The first thing Shebah should be doing is protecting themselves by actually making their service legal. It is unlawful for a business to discriminate on the basis of Age, Sex, or Disability in Australia - that's just fact. The Human Rights Commission has a process that can be followed to apply for an exemption from that requirement with a compelling reason, which for some reason Shebah refuses to do (I've taken it up with one of their staff a number of times and they ramble off about some exemption from the NSW Government, which has no constitutional authority to regulate discrimination, which is the subject of a Commonwealth treaty). If they really do have a compelling reason to discriminate, then they should have no issues securing such an exemption.

      • +1

        Who was the staff member that told you this? Someone high up in their company or just a customer support rep?

        • Not customer support, more in the driver support area. I couldn't tell you exactly any more since I exited all the FB groups. The only thing more toxic than rideshare companies is their drivers talking amongst themselves tbh.

    • +3

      @Meho2026 100% agree.
      I'm happy there's a service available where females can feel safe. But it's sad something like this has to exist.
      I'm happy majority of these people haven't experienced what unfortunately a lot of females have while catching an uber late at night or while drinking. Hearing some of their stories are traumatizing.. traumatizing enough that they can't get in a car alone with a unknown male without being reminded.

    • Ask a good number of toilet cleaners what they encounter! Do NOT ask me. But do net pretend!

      Ask an honest rideshare driver of how they hear smalltalk of drunk passengers whilst we still have genders. I drove around 5k trips and can only say I could write books! You get to see the real world.

      There are areas like Townsville where the registered offenders live in record numbers, some have a sex record for urinating at the wrong place. Big deal!

  • Will they help you with your luggage or shopping?

    • luggage and shopping, is that the only use for men

      • luggage and shopping, is that the only use for men

        it's just a stereotype…

        • you're the stereotype here, OZBARGAIN WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          now go make me a sandwich

          • @whistler: are your feelings hurt? sounds like it…

            • +1


              but seriously why do you love attention and hate women so much?

              • +1


                but seriously why do you love attention and hate women so much?

                More like a stupid question than a serious question…

                I treat people fairly and equitably based on their merit and not their gender…

  • +12

    Came here for sexist fights.

    Not disappointed.

    My 1.95 cents: run the business the way you want. If its successful, it is what it is. If it fails, sucks.

    • +1

      I assume it will fail. Usually the best way to run the business isn't to compete in a competitive market and cut your TAM in half. All Australian competitors have failed to win against Uber/Ola/Didi. Good luck to them though.

      • +8

        Shebah's been around for three years and seem to be doing alright. I have a few mates who use it exclusively.

        • That was before covid. Rideshare is going to be history soon. The smaller companies like this one have no chance of survival in today's day and age.

  • +1

    Just have an option to choose the gender of a driver instead? If women feel unsafe taking ride with male drivers then they could choose a woman driver.
    Edit: Block men from choosing a gender otherwise most of the women drivers will be booked 😂

    • +1

      Unfortunately open to abuse. I'm not going to pretend some guys aren't creepy mofos - those are the sort that would happily pick the "Woman driver please!" checkbox.

      • Just edited lol

      • -1

        from driver requirement Sheba app form:
        Finishing Touches
        Your gorgeous face

        sory ugly women are excluded!

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