ShoppingExpress back at it again with another RAM deal.
Part number: F4-3200C16D-32GVK
Timings: 16-18-18-38
Voltage: 1.35v
ShoppingExpress back at it again with another RAM deal.
Part number: F4-3200C16D-32GVK
Timings: 16-18-18-38
Voltage: 1.35v
Typo in the title, 32GB kit and not 16GB. Damn prices have come down, I bought one of these sticks back in early last year for the same price.
It's 32gb not 16gb btw, sick deal
Was 699 lol
will there be a big difference between 3200mhz vs 3600mhz if running a 3900x (or something ~equivelant from the 40xx series)? planning a new rig
Curious to know as well
For Ryzen higher Mhz is the better way to go, see reddit dot com /r/Amd/comments/8qh678/ryzen_and_ram_speed_vs_timings/
But cost is king!
Fyi - For a 3900x the sweet spot is 3600MHz with CL16
Not really, any 3600mhz you find will likely have inferior timings anyway.
Get the best deal, don't worry too much about getting the "best speed".
No. Nothing noticeable in games
For Ryzen, you need to take into account both the speed and latency.
For reference, 3200Mhz CL16 (this one) is equivalent to 3600Mhz CL18. In fact, you could very likely OC this kit to 3600 CL18, but it wouldn't make much difference.
If you want actual increased performance (though in most tasks it's very small, like <5%), go for 3600Mhz CL16.
I've seen these under $200 for 32GB, just keep an eye out for Micron E.die, which is usually the cheapest ram you can OC to 3600 CL16.
Sorry for the noob question but would this work with B550m/ x570 and Zen2/3 chips?
Yep most certainly. if in doubt check the motherboard page for compatibility for specific models.
Looks like it is time to upgrade to 64gb, picked up same kit for 195 a few months.
Just go for 128GB (if you have 4 slots) and be done with it. Modules will match too, which is a plus for compatibility. That's what I did.
Any idea what die is used?
I have 4 of these sticks in my PC - 2 kits for a total of 64GB. 1 kit I bought in America 2 years ago, and one I bought 3 weeks ago from this seller.
2 of the sticks are 25nm Hynix, and 2 of the sticks are 20nm Samsung b die.
I don't know which ones came from US and which came from this seller.
But the all do play nicely together and userbenchmark claims my RAM is performing well above expectations compared to other systems with the same RAM, so idk if it makes a difference…
CJR if you're lucky, C-die if you're unlucky.
How much lower will ram prices drop? Reckon bottom will be Q4 this year or Q1 next year?
Looking to build with i7-10700 when they are on sale - should I pull the trigger for this RAM or wait until Prime Sales?
When is prime sale
Hi All,
More stock allocated for this sale
Thanks Rep, any chance of free shipping?
Now showing as $169 + Delivery
No rgb and these are bottom of the barrel timings for 3200.
32gb? Error in title