Just went to local post shop and found it. Apparanty the device can be unlocked as well.
So for $10 including 5Gb data looks like a good deal to me.
Update: Device model is huawei r216h
Just went to local post shop and found it. Apparanty the device can be unlocked as well.
So for $10 including 5Gb data looks like a good deal to me.
Update: Device model is huawei r216h
Considering the device maybe able to unlocked its worth it.
Is this in all post offices?
And will it work with Kogan Sims?
They will work with other telcos but you need to change the settings to telstra /optus i have one and have used other telcos sims .
Came to post exactly this. I am using two of them (got it last year from Woolies deal with free Netflix GC). Works on Telstra, Optus, Voda and their MVNOs like Kogan, Lebara, Circles, Amaysim etc.
works with Kogan because kogan use vodafone network.
But this modem is missing B28 so hard to use with optus or telstra.
Not hard at all. Telstra and Optus use other bands. But might be a problem for people in rural areas or those that don't have a phone tower nearby.
As a more general question, if I put a mobile phone sim into these will they work as a hotspot or does it require data-only sims?
considering that you can send and receive SMS from these, I'd say that you could use a normal sim
You can use any normal phone SIM. I used one of these as my home internet for a year before NBN dropped in our area and it was great.
I used it with my Telstra mobile sim and Telstra converted it to a data only sim. Had to go into Telstra and get it corrected with a new sim!
What is the advantage of this over activating the hotspot on a mobile phone?
it doesn't eat up your phone battery
You're not draining the battery on your phone.
Ahhh I see, thanks for the info.
This modem is only Cat4, so your mobile phone should get faster speeds.
It says up to 150Mbps.
My 4G phone on the optus network only gets about 60 in real world speed tests. :(
So with this modem you would be getting much less than 60Mbps as Cat4 devices don't support Carrier Aggregation. More info here(wiki.teltonika-networks.com)
@TEER3X: It's been a while since I was in the market so not up to date with the current modems. I found Whirlpool(forums.whirlpool.net.au) to be a great resource, a lot of good info so best to ask there before purchasing.
AliExpress(aliexpress.com)/eBay(ebay.com.au) sell the AC800S for about $100, but check to make sure it has the 4G frequencies compatible with your network as I think there could be a few variants.
Also, if you don't need a mobile device and don't mind second hand, the B525 usually sells for around $100 on eBay/Facebook.
If you can stretch the budget further or wait for prices of the B818 to drop, than that would be my pick.
I expected as much for a 10 bucks device. Will bite still.
how long is the data valid for?
30 days after activation
Hi OP, how easy is it to unlock the device?
Device is already unlocked. Just need to change settings based on your telco.
Vodafone R216H model has: 800/850/1800/2100/2600 MHz bands
(no Band 28 700MHz)
That's right. Specs are:
2G: 850/900/1800/1900
3G: 850/900/2100
4G (cat 4): 800/850/1800/2100/2600
Had one for around 3 or so years. Brilliant unit. Unlocked. Used on all 3 networks without issue (better suited to some due to frequencies). 1500mAh hour battery has decent life.
Just curious and it might be a dumb question, is there still a big market for these 4G Wi-Fi modem dongles. You would think most people will hotspot to their phone or have a built in SIM card in their mobile devices?
We plugged ours into our router for backup 4g
Good suggestion! I actually like that idea.
Hotspotting from your phone will chew through your phone battery.
As for the mobile device like a tablet. You would have to get the lte model which can be expensive.
As for laptops. Not many even come with a 4g/lte option. And those that do are expensive also.
For people buying cheap Sim cards
I like the 4G backup modem idea mentioned above but I was wondering the same thing. Instead of selling my old phone when I upgraded to my new phone I just kept it around to use as as hotspot and bought a bunch of the $5 KOGAN SIM cards with 40GB data. I don't have home internet so have just been activating as I need the data above and beyond what data is included on my regular phone.
A little bit of a pain in the arse to register each time I run out of data, but I just immediately delete my credit card info and disable auto-renew after I've activated it. I'm sure I read something about this potentially affecting your credit rating (in comments on ozbargain), but I'm not sure if that applies to these or only if you are signing up to an actual contract/plan.
Does anybody know if this would be available at every/most Auspost shops? I know that some are independently owned.
What is the usual RRP? Should be in title.
Also, this, with the Lebara $99 plan would be a steal.
90GB for $99, 180 day expiry.
Assuming Lebara will work as it uses Vodafone 4G.
Purchased for same $10 few weeks back. I thought it's local post office clearance so I didn't share here. It was already unlocked and works very good.
Yeah has been that price for about 6weeks.
@bas fein, do you know what stores in VIC have stock?
Wrong state for me to check sorry.
or maybe a stock ID number?
Someone's written on the box 40976 over the barcode. Does that help?
This is an exceptional deal for the modem if you want to use it with Kogan 40GB $4.99 single use sim-cards.
totally good deal! Cheers
Can anyone please let me know as it's unlocked, can this be used with overseas sim when we travel overseas ?
Because that is the only time I might require a pocket wifi. Here I use Mobile hotspot whenever required and hence won't require a pocket wifi …
LOL, travel overseas ;)
Is there an expiry date for this device ? ;)
Do devices expire?
@xoom: It was more of a Witty reply as we can do International travel later as well … And if we buy the device now we can use it later as well as there won't be any expiry date :D ;)
Can it be used with charging at same time?
Scored the last one at Osborne Park.
I took the second and third last. You are welcome :-)
That was you the guy told me about lol
Thanks for leaving me one.
Anyone know if these can be USB tethered or is it Wifi only? Thanks
Yes, shows as USB ethernet.
Great thanks!
Is it this price at australia post offices
Or only “post shops”
Pretty sure it's only post shops. All the LPOs I've tried don't sell it
sold out box hill vic
Can I check stock anywhere ?
would love to know as well!
Auspost shops can check stock at other locations.
I asked them to, but they said they don't have the capabilities. Probably they don't want to help!
Probably a licensed post office, even then most of them should be able to check too
I was just down at AusPost in Tuggeranong and the guy checked and told me that there was one in Woden and Mitchell, called Woden and they put one aside for me, have just picked it up.
what is ep sod lbl?
i'm going to take a wild guess and say "signature on delivery label" (https://auspost.com.au/business/shipping/domestic-shipping/o…)
sweet, i will take one of those too.
Express post signature on delivery label.
No stock in Melbourne CBD (Lonsdale/Elizabeth, Burke/Exhibition, Collins/William, St Kilda/Commercial Rd)
Any custom firmware that can be put on the device to increase its functionality?
I visited a couple of Postshops in Inner East Melbourne, Kew and Balwyn, all ran out of stock.
Checked late yesterday, no stock around Box Hill or surrounding areas.
Bugger, 2nd time missing out on a cheap dongle deal.
Thanks anyway OP
Got 1 from Capalaba Aus Shop, 1 was still left at 1.30pm 4th Sep
I don't like these because of the battery bloat problem.
If someone sees the E3372h or something similar on sale, ping me. ;-)
called up but they asked for sku number . they couldnt find any in stock . any one know the stock no?
Does anyone know if there are any other wifi dongles or modems on special regularly that will take one of the kogan prepaid SIMs?
This is sold out in my area, If anyone in the Brisbane area got one of these but doesn't need it, I'd love to buy it off you.
Looking to buy this device in bulk, how many pcs can i buy one time? Can anyone help me to collect it, i can pay up to 50% for the service.
How long does the data last for? One month? Ah yep just saw the picture.