Nvidia 3000 Series (Ampere) GPU Pricing in Australia - According to Nvidia.com

Hey Guys,

Here is a link to the screenshot I took: https://imgur.com/gallery/SMOpHQw
Here is a link to the product page: https://www.nvidia.com/en-au/geforce/products/store/

3070: $809 Coming in October
3080: $1,139 Coming Sept 17th
3090: $2,429 Coming Sept 24th


  • Hi forum - how is everyone placed on pre-ordering (AIB / FE) when they come out etc? Which websites to keep an eye on / where to pre-order (if that's applicable)? Am guessing stocks will be limited and will exhaust quite quickly (albeit not insensible to wait for the benchmarks / reviews / big Navi) to come in.

  • I didn't actually watch the thing last night as I thought it was going to be a here is a boringly few % performance upgrade. I was hoping to catch a 20XX for cheap.
    But a 3070 beating a 2080 ti. I was like :O ok you have my attention.

    I would love a 3080 but my only issue is my PSU it's only 650W.
    How easy would it to be to swap from a "Corsair TX650M Semi Modular 80 PLUS Gold" to a example "Corsair RM750 750W 80 + Gold Modular" Do the modular cables go from one model to the next? Or would I have to unplug both ends? I know the 24 pin isn't modular but it wouldn't be too difficult to remove. :)

    • +1

      What's the rest of your system specs? It'll most likely be fine with a PSU that's rated for 650W continuous.

      • Here is the rest of it:
        Ryzen 7 3800x (yeah I don't know why I bought it either. :p), B450 MSI tomahawk max, 16GB DDR4 Corsair 3200MHz Vengeance. Samsung SSD 970 PRO NVMe M.2. 1x WD black HDD and 3 other SATA SSDs and a internal blu ray burner. System fans x 3.
        Currently has a gigabyte 5700xt video card. :)

        • +1

          From what I've read online and the recent GN video, it should be fine. Upgrade if you want to do high OCs and stuff but for stock performance, it seems like it'll be just fine

        • +1

          Unless you plan on overclocking both the CPU and GPU and running synthetic benchmarks, you should be fine.

    • +1

      filmed in his kitchen
      When he took the 3090 out of his oven

      some amusing parts

      • +1

        There was one scene where there were like a dozen silicone spatulas. I was like… Who needs so many spatulas!

        • And it was right behind the spatulas the whole time!

  • I can cancel my order for a 5700 XT which I purchased today for $580.

    If the comparrisons are correct, the 3070 is $812 and similiar performance to the 2080ti. According to User bench mark, the 2080ti is 35-40% better than the 5700xt.

    This is in line with the pricing here, $580 vs $812 (40% more expensive for 40% performance increase?)

    In short, worth waiting? At the moment I'm using integrated graphics.

    • +2

      Availability may become an issue, and that could push prices well above $809 MSRP for the 3070. 5700 XT is still decent value at $580 but I'd be more curious if the price might start dropping considerably to clear old stock. If you can wait, I'd wait.

    • yes

  • Can see retailers making a loss on their old stock :)

  • +1

    Boy am I glad I sold my Vega 64 and recouped 75% of its original cost.

    It would be worth so little after the rtx 3070 releases.

  • Has anyone managed to preorder any of these new cards yet? The only option I found was to get notified of when it would become available which was 17 September but now that date is 24 September. I wonder if the first batch was sold out without me realising it was even available.

    • The Notify me button on Nvidia shop is actually the notification for the pre-order..

  • +1

    How cool is the broadcasting? can change back ground, block out sound etc

  • Can't wait to buy the 3090, straight from a 770, to a 3090, never bothered with 4k, 8k at 1080p here I come.

    Can't wait to tap into those 10 thousand cuda cores, and 24gig vram (Holly hell substance painter would be awesome, hell you can use a dumb ass laptop and socket the 3090 GPU as a external GPU project) well what ever Holly hell the ideas, definitely value for money in my eyes.

    To get serious, my biggest concern tho, is Nvidia warranty in Australia, it states 30 days for defects, 1 year for General warranty.

    But 3 years should be what's expected, is it safer buying directly via Nvidia by card or mortar store.

    Will fair trade even help if buying these cards, when they blow up.

    Well my 770 stil going strong after 7 years on a platinum 850watt.

    My system had been waiting for this, so I guess there's always those freaky chances of faulty gpu's.

    • Yeah same. I'm gonna make the jump to 3090 too (from 970)

    • NVidia can say whatever they want, however consumer laws override any ridiculously short periods they put on a card (unless you are grey market importing it). Though if faulty cards scare you then a brick and mortar or local online store probably make enforcing your rights easier.

  • how much you reckon my r390 is worth boys? lmfao glad this generation seems to be pushing the limit.

    • Well I don't want it, but to be kind, between 299 and 499, that's being generous before big Navi launches.

  • +1

    my R9 380 4gb is quivering as we speak

  • My GPU is scuffed right now but I think I can hold off on gaming for a couple of months until Black Friday. I've had my current PC for over 4 years now so it's time for a new system.

  • +2

    Lol, on my FB Marketplace area is now full of 20xx series and their sell price are ridiculous. Nobody would buy that after the 30xx announcement.

    • Heh yeah I came here to note the sudden surge in rtx 2080ti and gtx1080ti s being dropped on fbm and gumtree

      • too late to recoup now since 30 series performance/price is so much better than 20 series.

  • Will anyone be getting the reference cards or waiting for the AIB? I'm personally so excited but I know I should wait for more reviews/benchmarks =/

  • I wonder what the mark up for the 3090 is compared to $1499, so what are you paying for in fees $2439.

    The 3080 gddrx6, just killed the Xbox series X, but your buying a entire system for the Xbox series X, and noone knows the cost, if $1200 aud omg.

    There's a rumour the 3070 super will have 16gig.


    • +1

      US doesn't include sales tax in their advertised prices.
      So on average you'd kind of expect to pay an additional 8% in sales tax, which comes to approximately US$1,618.

      Then these prices would have been set recently, but even if you take the current exchange rate of US$0.73 for AU$1, that converts to AU$2,216.
      Then distribution to Australia is a much smaller market than the USA so yes we pay a little more.

      But in reality, it's not that far off the USA pricing.

      • Thank god AUD is getting better

  • +2

    Press F to pay respect for this dude bidding $935 on a 1080 Ti 2 days before the announcement


    • +1

      apply salt to the burnt area

    • The 1080ti has 11 gig, and the 3080 has 10gig, and the 3090 has 24gig, ahh I'm trying to see if the bidder wants extra vram.

      The 4090 will have 36gig of vram, and 1100 cudacores in the future.

  • As soon as I can get Asus Strix 3080 for about 1k I'll replace my 1070

  • Mining is now ridiculously profitable again, so cards shortages and premiums may start popping up very soon. e.g.
    USD 4.72 /day right now on 5700XT

    • Do you have any tutorials that you recommend on how to get started

      • +1

      • Simplest way would be nicehash probably. Profit has been dropping off the past few days though.

        • I get free electricity so it shouldn't be too bad

          • @ln28909: Don't you mean your parents or your landlord is paying for electricity?

            • @SydStrand: well I live in a university, so yeah guess I'm just fully utilizing all the facilities available

              • @ln28909: Read your agreement again, because it'll include some 'fair use' clause, meaning that while electricity is bundled into your accommodation fee, it's only for personal use. Translation: you can't set up mining rigs running 24/7 and expect them to cover it.

                • @SydStrand: tbf, they have closed off a lot of facilities due to COVID that was advertised when I signed the contract so yeah, it's all grey area here

  • Pricing isn't as bad as what I thought it would be for Australia.
    Guess I'm going for the 3090 which should hopefully last me a few years.

    Will wait for benchmarks then decide.

    • Guess I'm going for the 3090 which should hopefully last me a few years.

      Come one now! best you'll get is 7 months.

      Sent from a 980Ti

  • +1

    Gonna be a shit show getting any RTX3000 stock close to MSRP. Expect to pay over it by a fair bit, retailers gonna have a field day until the new year.

    • Not if you buy it from Nvidia directly, otherwise yes greed feeds greed, why not sure.

      • Do they ship to Australia?

        • Sydney has a Nvidia office, and yes they list stock sold that's only sold in its region, also including Australia.

          So yes, but availablity no idea, no idea if ps5 or sex box will be out, Nvidia announced the new cards, maybe to appease their investors that must be winging.

          But given Nvidia's share price is 500$ far far far more then intel, Microsoft, and slightly tesla…

          Makes no sense why Nvidia even cares about the gaming sector, but their sales are in correlation to those who are using quadros or titans, so Nvidia has a obligation to sell these cards in all locations worldwide. Personally waiting is a gamble, given prices will either rise next year from price gouging or Nvidia releases new cards in may 2021.

          So to answer your question yes, but availablity would be very very low due to Samsung and Nvidias manufacturing issues.

  • 🤗😛😝

  • So i wonder what the second hand price of some of these former top spec cards will be once people start upgrading…

  • RTX2070 Super with R5-3600 here. Monitor is 27" 1080P 75hz and all games played on Ultra Settings. Any point in me upgrading to 3070?

    • +3

      unless you are upgrading your monitor to 1440p144hz. You are throwing money just to be updated. Your GPU can still use DLSS2.0 and RTX.

      If you want to throw money away just buy other things you want.

      • so for 1440p144hz monitor, 3080 is overkill?

        • Yes

    • Nope. Would be like going from 200fps to 260fps. Your monitor doesn't even support games over 75fps and would work with a much lower end GPU (1650, 570, etc).

    • No

  • +2

    Everyone talking about 30 series smacking 20 series and their prices are dropping but the 30 series stock will be 0 because of hype and corona.

    Retailers are going to have a field day marking up the 30 series cards though…Because corona.

    • +1

      That's what I'm thinking. Decent partner 3070 cards will probably be close to the 1k mark. At that point a second a hand 2080ti for 800 does seem tempting.

  • Making a low key comment instead of a thread.

    I'd like to jump on the hype-train and buy my first gaming PC. Not super price-conscious. Looking to have a semi-custom build done (basically not a mass-built thing). Not looking to assemble it myself.

    Who would you go to commission something like that? Dream PC? (first thing that showed up in google).

    • Most PC shops would probably offer a build service. I have used IJK multiple times before and been happy with the result. You would pick the parts you want and pay an additional fee to have it built.

      • Yeah, I know the retailers have a build service. I guess the question really is: is there any difference from getting a PC built from a place like MSY or go with a shop that purports to put more care into their builds like Dream PC?

        • You might get better cable management and after sales service, but that's about it. If you're dead set on not building yourself, atleast research the parts you want and get the store to build it. Much better value than picking their pre built ones.

    • Building is easy. Building with neat cables is fairly simple. Building with extreme-anal levels of colour coordination and neatness is a PITA

      • I'd have a crack at it but honestly, the first time would probably take me like 10x as long and about as much risk of bending a pin or something. Doubt it's something I'll be doing often enough to benefit from getting the hang of it, if you know what I mean.

    • MSY, etc usually offers a build service for around $100. I think you'd have to buy all the parts from them though, which would limit your options.

  • anyone want my 980Ti? or my 770?

    • Sure I'll take them off you

      • Oh yeah ill take one too… beats my HD7870

  • +5

    Already replied this as a comment to someone else but if you're selling your 1080ti/20X0 card right now, sell it for cash and don't do it via Ebay + Paypal.

    Paypal has an overly generous 180 day return policy so you're more than likely going to run into a scammer of a buyer who has recently overspent on their 1080ti/RTX 20X0. When they catch on that their money is better spent on RTX 30X0, they'll try to return their card and say "doesn't fit description" or worse, they will break the card and say that's how they received it. Arguing with Paypal is a shit fight and from what i've heard, they typically side with the buyer because it's really difficult for the seller to prove otherwise. I don't think it'll be worth the headache in either case.

    Plenty of horror stories on reddit and forums like whirlpool - stay safe sellers. Stick to accepting instant cash payments (e.g. pay id/beem it) via Facebook marketplace/Gumtree imo. You might end up with less money selling locally but it'll potentially save you a big headache down the line.

    • Does their policy cover used items sold by individual sellers?

      • Yes it does.

    • I agree that's it's much better to sell locally for cash, but still, the majority of buyers are honest. There's also plenty of tips on reddit you can follow to help protect yourself.

    • +2

      Or sell the card at a reasonable price and mention the 30xx series is coming in your item description and that's your reason for selling.

    • You can sell it on feeBay without getting people to later return it, you just need to sell it at a bargain price.
      Also, put in as much details as possible. Mentioning the new RTX3xxx series cards are out.

      If you tried to rip the buyer off, and opted for cash only, you might be happy, but the buyer won't be.

      When selling on eBay, you need to be willing to deal with buyers wanting to return the items.

      Not everyone needs the latest and greatest. I can use a heavily discounted last gen GPU for my secondary PC.

    • you can say that no returns are accepted on ebay though…?

      • You can use that option, but eBay doesn't agree with you and will still allow return.
        eBay won't bother dealing with the mess. eBay rather just let go of their cut.

        • i see so is it better to not use paypal then and make direct bank transfer?

          • @Freestyle: yea but you'd have to get incredibly lucky for a buyer to pay with bank transfer instead of paypal for something like an expensive gpu

    • Just sold my 2070S before the announcement. Now I'm scared.

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