This was posted 4 years 6 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free - Far Cry 3 - @ Ubistore


Similar to deal below:

It seems Farcry 3 is offered in China and Division for other regions.

I claimed it by following Junk Sifter's steps:

Method 1 Using Chrome Device simulation - credit to CC123

No need to use your phone - works perfectly fine in your desktop browser:

Open the webpage
Open the chrome dev tools (F12 on Windows)
Press Ctrl + Shift + M
Refresh page (to be safe)
Click on big blue button, and the screen will pop up with "All good!"

Method 2 Using Chrome on Android phone (seems to work with iPhone + Safari as well)

1.Logged into the Australian Ubi store here:
2.Clicked deal link:…
3.Click on big blue button, and the screen popped up with "All good!" and "Game activated in your library" or something along the lines
If a different screen pops up with an entry box prefilled with "+61" it's asking you to set up a phone number, scroll down and hit the white button which is "skip"

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closed Comments

  • +8

    This should be popular. Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?

  • +3

    Followed the steps and get the “Game activated in your library” message but it doesn’t appear in my games list on the PC launcher

    • +1

      go to uplay -> acct -> acct info -> my games

    • Same

    • +2

      Did you follow the steps from your phone? It doesn't work from the PC browser for me.

    • +3

      on PC or Android?
      on PC it seems to indicate you claimed it but the game does not appear in the library.

      • +2

        Yeah, I did initially through my pc browser. Saw in the previous China giveaway that you needed to go through mobile. Can confirm it’s in my library after following steps on my iPhone

        • Same. Confirmed working via phone browser after merely appearing to work via desktop browser.

  • redeemed

  • Thank OP but how come it doesnt show in my games list and when i click redirect me to uplay 'activate a key' pops up

    • +1

      Edit, found out you gotta do it through the phone lol

  • +3

    Works. You must add the game on your phone browser. I used iPhone safari.

    • Thanks will update with the iPhone + Safari

  • Thanks, it worked.

  • +2

    I received the "All Good" message on PC but the game didn't show up in my launcher. I then added through my phone browser, and now it shows. Thanks OP.

    • +2

      Same, PC browser received "All Good" but didn't show up in launcher. Added through phone browser and it shows.

  • Worked for me. I can't remember if I already own it on Steam but if so, this is my third copy. If I ever get the urge to replay, I think I'm set!

    • Now I have it twice in my Ubi account! Weird. But there ya go. Wonder if the Chinese one is different somehow.

  • Can't find the deal link. Its only showing The Division

  • Thanks OP, claimed.

  • +7

    instructions are a bit convoluted.

    all you have to do is log into chinese ubi and claim via the /cn/ link and it will register to your ubisoft profile.

    • Thanks for the clarification

    • worked cheers

    • …I can't read chinese, can you?

  • the problem with these "hacks" is I dont remember my password and I am sick of changing it… least with the uplay client on the pc its all saved! ……. until it logs me out

    • +1

      if you use Chrome, go to Setting > Password > in the search bar type Ubisoft and your account detail should be there.

    • +1

      It's hardly a hack. Log into your account then click a link. The only thing you have to do is remember your own password if you don't have a password manager. Try Bitwarden. It's free, open source, cross platform and very highly regarded.

  • +2

    Great deal, OP!

    Hmm I've tried on:
    chrome on android phone over 4G connection
    chrome on ipad pro over NBN connection
    safari on ipad pro over NBN connection

    and in all those instances I've only gotten the division to show up.
    What am I doing wrong?

      1. On your mobile device login to your ubi acc.
      2. Open a new tab and navigate to this OzB page and click on the “go to deal”.

      Try that.

      • thanks for your help, I tried the CN link below and got the game added.

    • +2

      1) Open Safari on iPad
      2) Go to
      3) Login to your Ubi account.
      4) Go to…
      5) Click big blue button.

      Confirmed works:

      • great! the CN link is what works!! legend!!
        it says it's activated on the CN site, but my local instance of UPLAY on my desktop is not showing up, is that just a matter of time to propogate?
        thanks again for your help!

        • Log out of Uplay on PC and back in, it'll load.

          • @Hybroid: when i click on the chinese button, i get a message that says
            "ALL GOOD

            Your game is activated on your Uplay Library.

            You can preload the game now on Uplay."

            My account connection seems good because the profile on the top of the chinese site is my ubisoft username

            I have logged out of uplay and logged back in and still the game doesn't show

            • @spinferno: Same message and that's all it took for me. Loaded fine in Games tab. Give it a bit and try restarting Uplay app again.

              • @Hybroid: yeah I think I've gotten that "activated on your library" message a couple of times a couple of ways over the web, uplay client still shows only the division when I restart it. I think I'll reboot. Thanks for being a champ!!

                • @spinferno: Did the same path on my PC, even used HOLA to VPN over to china, had the same activated message and still not showing up on my uplay loader.

                  Eventually gave the chrome on android technique and it worked. Can't explain it really.

  • Cheers OP :) Worked a treat following the guide,

  • +15

    No need to use your phone - works perfectly fine in your desktop browser:

    • Open the webpage
    • Open the chrome dev tools (F12 on Windows)
    • Press Ctrl + Shift + M
    • Refresh page (to be safe)
    • Click on big blue button, and the screen will pop up with "All good!"


    • Tried my iPhone with Safari and PC with Chrome, but this method worked. Thanks

    • Device Simulation ! thanks I learned something. will update the post.

    • Can confirm that it worked a treat on my desktop browser.

    • Worked! In my library. Aim to check OzBargain daily!

    • How do we open chrome dev tools if f12 is something else? f12 for me is airplane mode…

    • Hi,
      The above PC method worked, thanks but didn't show on my Uplay account.

      However when I installed and launched the Uplay application it showed.

      Just a tip if it's not showing on your webpage account.


  • +5

    That's not fair, I payed $70 for this back in 2012.

    • I played again recently. While the story is great, compared with 5 and New Dawn, it's just old. The enemies are dumb AF.

    • +1

      HAHAHAHAHAHA, did you at least played it before this showed up? If not and only just looked at your account then you basically paid $70 for nothing then other than to brag that you own the game….but not touched it since purchase….

      I guess that's why when you buy games, make sure you intend to play the games you buy, preferrably soon and ideally right after you buy them…or else you'll regret it when a freebie shows up later and you still haven't played the game yet and you're like "What?! Really I paid $100 and it's now free?!?!?!?!??!!??!"

  • Noice!!

  • great Thanks!!

  • +5

    This is a still a great game. I have replayed it several times, most recently only a couple of months ago, and it holds up very well.

    If you haven’t played it do yourself a favour and cop this. First game I ever 100% on Xbox and I had to do the 4 player co-op missions by myself to accomplish it! Great memories.

  • +3

    Not working for me. Has anyone tried and successfully claimed on pc (Firefox, chrome, etc) as well? Or does it only work via iPhone + safari? Doesn’t work for me here for iPad, pc and iPhone. I tried claiming the last deal on the war game but it didn’t work: pc, iPhone, iPad, etc. tried over 5 times on different devices and browsers yet it never worked! Frustrating. Don’t know why

    • I got it using Android + Chrome.

    • Try edge. No luck in chrome but Edge worked.

    • I followed @CC123 instruction and worked perfectly

  • Sweet worked for me thanks.

    Appeared to work on desktop but game didn't show. re-did on mobile and worked great.

  • GOAT Far Cry game, it and the Blood Dragon expansion which is an absolute DELIGHT.

  • Thanks OP! Worked a treat

  • Thanks OP! I have no idea how you find these absolutely fantastic deals, but thanks for sharing them mate!! Absolute legend!

  • Thanks OP. Followed the instructions and worked perfectly!

  • Thanks OP, used Method 2 via Chrome on Android.

  • Got it, chaps. Now to never play it and forget I even own it.

  • +2

    Thanks OP! Really clear instructions, I love these types of deals, makes you slightly feel like a hacker but not really aha

  • Legend!

  • Worked on Android/Firefox.

  • This was great back in 2012, however Ubisoft took the 'If it ain't wrong, don't fix it' saying too much to heart and every game since has been too similar

  • nice one!

  • isn't anyone worried that uplay might ban your account or somethin because tech-ni-cally this is an exploit

  • the best far cry in the series

  • Legend, thanks OP. Worked a charm on iphone.

  • tries to get it to work for ten minutes, gives up on trying to log in in chinese, goes to English site, can't get it to work even after allowing third party cookies

    has a hunch, checks uplay library… already owns it

  • give us your deets for this FREEEEE game!!!!!

  • Like the previous UBI China free giveaway was able to claim via web browser on iPhone after logging into my Ubisoft account.

  • PC version instructions even with the emulation did not work for some reason but Android did!

    Thanks OP!

  • My UPLAY download appears to be capped at 250kB/s ?? Just me? I have also updated some Steam games at 2+MB/s so not my internet.

    • Hey drongo, you've set Limit Bandwidth in the settings to 0.25MB/s …. [ and look 4MB/s ]

  • Cheers Method 1 worked, had to login to Ubisoft before hitting the blue button, got an ALL GOOD confirmation page.

  • after a lot of failed attempts….method 1 worked….. cheers

  • Probably the best FC out of the series for me! Highly recommended!

  • Thanks OP! Great instructions!!

  • I got the "All good, now you can play in UPlay" screen, but whenever I go to my UPlay -> My Games - I can't see anything inside. Anyone having the same problem?

    • Me too. For both this one and the division, it’s not like I was going to ever play them though…

      • Just tried using the different browser via method 1 and it worked..

  • Works like magic. Thanks OP!

  • Thanx OP.
    Method 2 worked for me!

  • Thanks - got it to work through the link on my mobile (Android, Chrome). The game is showing up in my UPlay library on my PC.

  • Tried but not showing anything. Do I need to load the uplay launcher to see if it’s in my account?

    • Did you claim it on mobile?

      • Yep, got it sorted. Annoying you can only view what you have via the launcher.

  • +1

    Thanx! Method 1 worked for me 1st time around. Fired up Uplay on the PC AFTER following instructions and the game was in my library.

  • Looks like it worked via iOS and Google Chrome. Will check on Uplay tonight.

    Thanks OP!

  • Thanks! Tried the PC steps but didnt seem to work. Used my phone and it was there seconds later.

  • Thanks got it, would be my first Farcry game

  • -1

    the last time they did this was for some AC game, but even if you went through all the hoops to get it.. the game was in Mandarin I believe. eh.. Looks like joke was on us.

    • +1

      I bought AC from Russia using VPN it has Russian language only I then asked for refund.

      • how much money did they give back?

    • I can confirm this game in English. Install in English just to be sure.

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