Where to Work Away from Home When Starting a Business?

I’ve been working on a software startup for over a year now and development has been going well. But now more than ever I’m finding it difficult to keep my focus on getting work done at home.

I need somewhere to go 3 - 4 days a week so that I can seperate my work life and home life and keep my focus.
Somewhere where I can setup a whiteboard, plot out my plans and get to work creating them.

Working on a startup makes finances a bit tight and commercial real estate can be expensive when your business isn’t generating any income yet as the product is not live so as much as I’d like to rent an office space I don’t think it’s too viable.

Has anybody else had the need to take their work away from home to regain their focus? Where did you go/what did you do?


  • finances a bit tight and commercial real estate can be expensive

    I suppose you don't want to swap some equity for the rent and want to keep as much as you can?

    • An adventurous idea! I’d rather keep my equity and avoid complexity but something to keep in mind nonetheless.

  • Not in the same situation, have a look at Wework or something similar? You can subscribe to a desk or private rooms.

    • Thanks! I completely forgot they existed. I’ll have a look around for some similar spaces.

  • +1

    Your profile says you're in Brisbane, so I don't know the market there.

    commercial real estate can be expensive

    Sydney/Melbourne CBD are pretty dead these days. It's a buyers (renters) market for commercial real-estate, but it wont be free.

    finances a bit tight

    There's a Sydney Startups group on facebook. I'm sure there's a similar one for Brisbane. You could try asking someone there for a solid.

    Another thought it to split a desk with someone. There's lots of people who only want a desk 1-2 days/week. Might be able to work out a cheaper rent that way.

    • Brisbane! I should have mentioned.
      I didn’t know those types of groups existed. I don’t mind sharing, I really just need a place to give me a physical separation.

      Splitting the cost could be really useful.

  • +7

    Check your local library
    They often have private rooms u can book out that have whiteboards so u can doodle on

    • +1

    • That’s really good to know. I had no idea libraries offered things like that. I guess I need to check them out more.

      Edit: I might need to check out my local University too.

  • Find an Angle Investor. I was in the same situation as you. But if you believe in your product enough then I think its worth getting your own private office space. You'll have access to fast and secure internet, security and bigger space to store stuff and servers. Private offices are normally around $1200 - $1600 depending on location and size.

    • +8

      Angle Investor

      i hear they are very obtuse

      • +2

        Often, but if you find an acute one, you'll find they're very sharp.

      • +5

        Not if you find the right angle investor.

      • Lol whoops. Too late to edit now.

    • Once I get a more concrete product ready to go that would be something to consider for sure. The idea of looking for investors has always been a bit scary idea if you’ve never done it before.

  • -3

    Some things are best kept as a hobby

    • Feeding the troll I know. But, without knowing anything about my professional background, me personally, or what my business is, how did you come up with that opinion?

  • Do you own your house and have a back yard? Can you build something in the back yard? Maybe a wooden garden shed or large cubby house and then insulate and line it?

    • Just a renter but even if I had my own place I work better somewhere I can’t just go home easily from. Thanks for the idea regardless!

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