Kogan is selling the Motorola XOOM 32GB for $389 plus shipping and the 3G model is only $60 extra
Kogan is selling the Motorola XOOM 32GB for $389 plus shipping and the 3G model is only $60 extra
hoho prices are staying down @ Kogan
scrub that
Because the guy has scrubbed so no point posting…
down down, prices are down :)
Hmmm the 3G model only supports 2100Mhz UMTS? That limits it a bit.
I thought Telstra sold these on their NextG Network? Isnt that the case?
I think these might be different models. Then again, the Kogan one claims "LTE upgradable".
According to GSMarena, they list only three models: WiFi, 3G and CDMA but there is no mention of NextG bands. I doubt Motorola would build a 2100MHz version as well as a 2100MHz and 850MHz model.
Good deal. Kogan is dropping prices!
Buy it quick because those "nice people" increase their prices as soon as there is a good demand.
you work for kogan or something? electronics will always go down in prices, just wait it out till tegra 3, that's when the firesale starts to happen
you may read this or something? keep waiting..
Nice prices!
transformer prime!!!!
or $249 for acer.
no more 249 iconia. all gone
$249 for acer is way to go…but too late.
good deal, my 4th android tablet for the past 3 months, what am i doing ?
you can donate one to a good cause if you like…Me! :)
What did you get? What's the best in your opinion?
I just bought this 2 days ago…
Great price, i was in JB the other day and the most I could get them down to was $500.
Is this kogan sticking it to Apple a little…Dropping prices after apple illegally threatened them to stop selling the SGT 10.1… Go Kogan! Grow those balls.
Seems that these are getting an update to Android 3.2
Hi, first post - nervous : )
Great buy, I purchased 2 of these about 4 weeks ago from Clive Anthonys for $400 each. Good devices, a little heavy, but my girls (7 + 10) haven't complained. I went with the Xoom instead of ASUS or Acer as the Xoom seem to have a much more active community (those that want to root and install custom ROMs). While I haven't explored a hack on them yet, they are working great and I have updated easily.
I would definitely recommend you purchase this swivel case/cover/stand - its fantastic :
For those that want more info, I have put together a list of URLs. The best ones are Xoom Heaven and Xoom General :
Stock from Motorola : http://developer.motorola.com/products/software/
Xoom Heaven : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1209341
Xoom General : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1049485
## Windows drivers
Stock Images : STOCK_MZ604_H.6.2-24_Other_International_Retail.zip
To summarize very briefly you will be downloading and installing the Motorola drivers and the Android SDK onto your computer. Then once those applications/drivers are installed you will download the CWM image to your PC. Then connect the Xoom to the PC and by entering commands on your PC you will flash the CWM image onto your Xoom.
I know it is written all over these guides, but make sure you only flash img files and NEVER a zip file.
download = http://tiamat-dev.com/tiamat_xoom/
how to = http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=978013
## fix for Contacts as well
For those who don't know, CWM = ClockWorkMod, which is a boot loader/recovery system that allows you to do stuff to the Android system before it boots the operating system proper. It is available for most Android devices. It is almost always installed when you "root" (like jailbreak) your system, although in some cases it can be installed without rooting, depending on the device setup by the manufacturer. It can always be removed at any time and very easily using an app like "ROM Manager" from within the Android OS proper. You can also unroot a device and return it to stock fairly easily, though you would have to look up how to do that for your device.
So as levent has mentioned above, once CWM is installed on your phone/tablet, you can backup your existing system/setup/ROM to the memory card, and install another ROM, and restore the old one later if you don't like the new one or have problems. It can also format and partition memory cards, fix permission problems with the Android system (rarely needed), clear caches to speed things up, and install enhancements to a ROM that may not be installable from the system itself.
Most of the time you will never need to boot into CWM and do stuff manually. You can usually use ROM Manager from within the system and it will handle any operations for you, booting into CWM as needed. Not always though.
If you have problems, xda-developers.com is your friend.
Thanks rygle, not for the faint hearted. Also you void warranty, but you can always reflash to stock.
I dont know if it's stated
But people should note these may be sent from Hong Kong
Last order i did with Kogan for iPad 2 came from Hong Kong
Not that's a problem, but its good to know beforehand
How does it compare to the Galaxy Tab? Haven't really been keeping up to date with tablets lately.