No Marked Lane, Who Should Get a Priority

There is bit of confusion with this road and nobody was unable to give right answer, Is there anyone who have a right answer to this?

Please check the picture:

There is no Marking in the Lane.

Straight of the road is just one lane

Red Car can Turn Right but can Yellow car turn Right?

Yellow car can turn left or go Straight but Can Red car go Straight?

I can see that most car that is in Yellow Position Turns Right and also saw many times that Red Position car goes straight as well.


  • +18

    nobody was unable to give right answer

    If you've already received 100% correct answers, are you hoping to receive some incorrect answers here?

    • +3

      Perhaps this is an OzBargain entrance exam.

      • +6

        Impossible. Those kind of tests are considered discriminatory and borderline racist.

        • +1

          entrance exam lives matter

          • @[Deactivated]: Is that you, Jar Jar Binks?

            • @kahn: i hate StarWars.

              • @[Deactivated]: JJB was the username of an ozbargain forum regular who disabled his account about one month ago after a BLM debate took its toll on him. I noticed your ozbargain account was created recently, so I was just exploring the possibility that you were JJB in disguise.

                • @kahn: nope sorry not me, i have lurked here for some time and i felt like joining as the WFH toll of minimal work is taking the toll on me so i needed more mental interaction.

                • +1

                  @kahn: Oh is that what happened…HighAndDry has disappeared also…

                  • @John Kimble: Yeah, check out the thread COVID19 - Melbourne Protest Should've Been Cancelled Until a Safer Time [Poll]. Jar Jar Binks was DisabledUser102420.

                    • @kahn: Meh, I blocked him ages ago anyways 🤷‍♂️

                      He'll probably be back.

                      • +2

                        @John Kimble: Were you sick of being asked for advice on diamond rings or house designs?

                        • @kahn: Perhaps…can't remember actually…but I can't really talk, I just posted about battery storage containers haha

                        • -1


                          Were you sick of being asked for advice on diamond rings or house designs

                          Was he/she/it single? I do like me some bling blings. I don't mind the thought of brand new houses either :)

                    • -1

                      @kahn: I'd wager this JJB's departure had nothing to do with the BLM protest. If that was the case, why are the PTB so quick to mark every discussions where his/her name comes up as 'off-topic'?

                      There is more going on here than is dreamed of in your philosophy, dear Kahn.

                  • +4

                    @John Kimble: I heard that HighAndDry just stopped to inhale before getting back to commenting for another 2,309,348 hours straight without a break…

                  • +1

                    @John Kimble:

                    • HighAndDry
                    • miq
                    • maverick-au
                    • PJC
                    • WatchNerd
                    • Scab

                    They've all been silenced, its like we live in Stalin's Russia - they just disappear from the photos.
                    This is just the small number I remembered. There was another unsung champion who stopped the referral rorting in OzB - he accomplished that but then he disabled his account. I can't remember his ID now :(

                    • @payton: I miss Scab. He was funny.

                      • +2

                        @Quantumcat: I miss tuzii. That dude said some of the funniest shit. But I am not surprised at their eventual perma-ban

                    • @payton: I bet they have alts here and still lurking around…..if all their main accounts got banned….or maybe they are gone for good……

                  • +2

                    @John Kimble: How funny, high and dry and jar jar binks were the two users I had blocked

                • @kahn: nah if it was jjb it would be
                  my friend says entrance exam lives matters

                • @kahn: Wait what? He disabled his account?! Awwwww……what's this blm debate you speak of….? I'm curious as to what happened there….

  • +5

    Whoever is in front gets priority. It's basically safely control the vehicle and use common sense.

    • +1

      While this is correct the language infers right of way, which does not exist in traffic law.

      A better way to say is the car behind must give way.

      Subtle but important distinction.

      • Car behind must give way / car in front gets priority

        Tomato / Potato

        • While it essentially means the same thing, changing drivers attitude to referring to givinnway all the time rather than having some sort of right of way changes the mindset to being courteous, not being ‘priority’

          • +1

            @Euphemistic: That's true, im a patient driver though so it never really is an issue for me. I would say most bad drivers or rushing drivers have bad time management not just bad driving skills.

  • +7

    The green car is obviously right.

    The red car is obviously wrong.

    The yellow car is sometimes right, sometimes wrong, depends on situation.

    • +12

      The green car is obviously right.

      We call that one the wife

      The red car is obviously wrong.

      We call that one the husband

      The yellow car is sometimes right, sometimes wrong, depends on situation.

      We call that one the wife as well, but refer to point 1

      • +6

        I see. So the yellow car is the mistress. In the presence of the wife the yellow car is wrong but in the absence of, it is right.

  • +3

    Yellow cannot turn right, from your diagram.
    Both can go straight ahead with zipper merge.
    Yellow can turn left.
    If the centre line is unbroken, I don't believe red can turn right either.

  • +2

    It depends on the markings on the road really. Is this a theoretical exercise, or an illustration of an actual intersection near you?

    I've seen roads like this, and for both lanes having the ability to turn right, they'll have a right only arrow on the red car lane, and a straight and right arrow in the yellow lane (or vice versa for the left turn option) - but they'd also generally have the dotted lines guiding both lanes around the corner.

    If there are no turn markings on the road at all, I'd say that yellow car can turn left and go straight, but not right. Red car can turn right or go straight, but not left. If both cars go straight, with no line markings, a standard zipper manoeuvre of whoever is in front.

  • +15

    Red car can go straight or turn right.

    Yellow car can go straight or turn left.

    Merge after the intersection is based on whoever's got the biggest bollocks and is prepared to push hardest should be done according to safety and courtesy with the vehicle behind yielding to the vehicle in front.

    • +1


  • +3

    If you don't know the basics of driving, go and read the driving manual.

  • the police car is correct.
    thanks for the drawing

  • +3

    Which driver has insurance?

  • +1

    Red Car can Turn Right but can Yellow car turn Right?


    Yellow car can turn left or go Straight but Can Red car go Straight?


    I can see that most car that is in Yellow Position Turns Right

    Would need to see the exact intersection you are talking about and if there are any other markings or signs, but in your example, illegal.

    saw many times that Red Position car goes straight as well.

    In your example, they are allowed to go straight

  • +1

    As it is, if you are turning left from the Red, or right from the Yellow, you're an idiot, regardless of what's theoretically legal or not. Going straight, both cars are allowed, but give way to the car in that's leading.

  • This is where actually the debate is. Some say that Yellow can't turn right but can go Left and straight and some say Red is not allowed to go straight. So who to believe and is there anyone who can point to the right document for this rule?

    Just earlier one of my colleague told that he was pulled over and fined by the cops in the same intersection when he was in the position of Red car and went straight as he was new in that area and his GPS point him to go straight.

    And this is the intersection in Auburn NSW. If anyone want to google this you can google Auburn Hungry Jacks and it will show you the right place or road.

    • +2

      Why can't red go straight here? There's no signage to indicate this?

      • Not sure about that, but my colleague who got fined was told by the cops that from Left you can go right but from right lane you can't go straight. If it was me I will always be in Left lane to go straight.

    • +2

      Im guessing you mean the "Duck St into Rawson St" intersection

      • Yes, that's it.

        • +3

          Well, in that case, right lane can NOT turn left. Left lane can NOT turn right. BOTH can go straight.

          • @pegaxs: I used to live nearby a bit ago and when I use that road I always see that left lane cars turns right. But few time I saw that right lane car going straight.

            • +2

              @destination: Just because you see it, does not make it "legal"…

              • @pegaxs: I do understand your point, but why my colleague was fined then when he goes straight from right lane, BTW he was fined about 6 months earlier.

                • +2

                  @destination: Then he needs to look at the fine and find out what the code is and what it was for and then if it for not turning, then he needs to take it to court. There are no markings on the road or on poles in the Google Maps photos (but there could be now) that say you MUST turn from either of the lanes. And if that is the case that there are no markings now, then he has a good chance to fight it. It is not illegal to go straight there from either lane.

                  Now, if your friend was turning right from the left lane, cop the ticket and stop driving like an idiot.

                  • @pegaxs: There is still no sign or any markings. I can't say if he turns from left or not as I was not there, I only know that he goes straight from the right lane and he was fined. I am not sure if he is lying.

  • Red Car can Turn Right but can Yellow car turn Right?


    Road is probably single lane there - rule 31(2) of the Road Rules says " If the road has a dividing line or median strip, the driver must approach and enter the intersection from the left of, parallel to, and as near as practicable to, the dividing line or median strip."

    Only the red car can do this. Yellow cannot. It will be entering the intersection non-parallel, and also not as near as practical to dividing line/median strip.

    If the road is a multi lane road at that point, then rule 32(1) requires the turn to be done from the right lane, unless there is a right turn arrow in the left lane, or one of the exceptions apply (eg a long vehicle with a do not overtake turning vehicle sign) which won't cover 99% of vehicles.

    Yellow car can turn left or go Straight but Can Red car go Straight?

    Yes, unless the lane they were in is marked with a right turn arrow or a right turn only sign, in which case rules 92 and 89 apply, respectively, and the red car must turn right.

    If they both can go straight, the one behind has to give way - rule 149.

    I can see that most car that is in Yellow Position Turns Right and also saw many times that Red Position car goes straight as well.

    Yellow cars were committing an offence, red cars were fine to do that unless mandatory right turn marked.

    • -1

      Your explanation is very true. I would add to add one more thing here is that I have saw cops car turning right from Left lane. This means that cops are also breaking a rule or they also don't know the actual rule. I wish I have saved the dashcam footage's at that time so that I can show here.

  • Vehicle turning always gives way to car going straight unless there is a Ms paint diagram declaring otherwise

  • The diagram is incorrect.
    OP please clarify just to be certain - is your question and the diagram representing cars coming from Duck St OR into Duck St?

    From Google maps:
    - it appears that the two roads entering the highway are slightly offset from each other (only slightly) ie Duck St is more to the right (West) of the intersection than Rawson St.
    - there are no lane markings visible in the intersection for traffic coming from Duck St.
    - coming from Rawson St, there are dotted lane markings in the intersection showing two lanes turning left (ie able to turn left).

    Legally, the above might not make any significant difference but it might explain how the police might think that the Red car is not permitted to proceed straight ahead (technically turn ever so slightly left) into Rawson St AND how the Yellow car can be allowed to turn right from the left lane. The police may be interpreting the intersection of Duck St with the highway as a T-intersection.

    OP not sure what your drawing skills are like, but can you provide a more accurate drawing?

  • Your diagram is wrong

    Based on the link pegaxs provided on the intersection:
    - Both cars can go straight
    - Yellow can go left but not right
    - Red can go right but not left

    Now your friend needs to look at the ticket, look at the code and description and if valid, fight it.

  • Rawson st traffic , both lanes can turn left, only right lane can go straight, left and right as per road markings.

    Duck st traffic, left lane can go left or straight only, right lane can go straight or right as there are no markings on the road.

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