Was given a flyer at coles yesterday- spend $30 dollars or more to get the 8 cent fuel discount till 25th November 2011
(see attached flyer jpg)
8c off Per Litre Petrol Voucher When You Spend $30 at Coles valid till 25 Nov 2011

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That 2 dollar spent negates the whole fuel saving IMO.
Can do that's true…but if i do decide to purchase instore its usually something that is fixed in price everywhere (newspapers etc)
Good deal, don't worry if u don't have a Coles as I would expect woolies to follow suit.
Great time for Coles to jack up the fuel price.
They have already. - its $1.50 around Sydney
But can confirm its 8c I went shopping last night, didnt look at voucher, until I saw this post and its 8c.
was that due to this promotion though or just to fuel trends? (im assuming this promotion since you are a mod… however 1.50 is not unheard of in melb at the peak of the week).
$1:43.9 here on the sunshine coast near me- some further away approx 20klm are $1:41.9
(going by http://fuelprices.racq.com.au/fuelprices/ )
This is for standard unleaded …no e10 available locally used to be…but has been taken back off ?)
It's 139.7 here in sydney. So it's okish, I'm hoping it dips to 135ish tmr then I'm a fill up!
$1.50 for e10 or unleaded 95? weekend price usually high. Might try on Wednesday morning
Proactive action before offering the discount.
If they are actually increasing the price to take account, you will see it reflected in this graph:
http://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/860639From past experience they don't seem to fiddle the price in the middle of the cycle. Rather they wait till the cycle reset and the price jumps to add on 4c, which then stays to the end of the promotion and past.
Doing so would be a pointless exercise. The 8cpl voucher lasts for 30 days from the date of issue, so it doesn't matter to Coles whether the customer claims it on a high fuel price day or a low price day, the same amount of $$ will be discounted.
If a customer sees their board price has been pumped up too much higher than a competitor, they will just go elsewhere today and save the 8cpl voucher for the next fill when the board price is cheaper. Repeat purchases like fuel are different to "20% off this weekend only" deals like JB where it's one off purchase of a TV or something that has to be bought in those 2 days and they jack up their prices to cover most of the potential loss.
Bargain? If I posted that there is a 5.3% discount on something I suspect it would be negged pretty quick. Coles have made their profit on your min $30 spend and now controlling where you shop for your overpriced petrol. This is ozbargain not ozsuckers. Rant over.
Of course i agree but i find it hard to get discount fuel where i live your area may be different-
(just sayin)Why not? This is not a discount of 5.3% on a LED TV that you may buy once every few years. Most of us spend >$30 at supermarkets anyway. The additional 4 cents per litre discount is a bonus for doing what most of us are already doing.
Petrol is overpriced, I agree. But is the price of your Coles Express petrol higher than that of BP's across the road, for example?
the problem is that if 8c discount is TWICE as much discount as ANYBODY is normally able to find. If you find a 5.3% discount on a product that is normally 10% discount then obviously its not any good.
The fact this guy got so many negative votes for voicing his opinion perhaps shows the power of the 'big friendly giants'.
LOL I dont think so.
Its Ozbargain, shoot first ask questions/think later…
Or Got those old negative votes in my arsenal so gotta use them up…
Who said you need to use the voucher for 'overpriced' petrol? Use it for LPG and enjoy the savings. Last time I checked my local Caltex/Shell stations had the same price for LPG as the independents.
Of course. If you spend 70 bucks on petrol, 8c/l off is only going to give you a few dollars max. It's all a bit of a scam. Of course I wouldn't buy shit at coles/woolworths just to get the voucher, but my mum does (she gets them to split if for a couple of vouchers), so if coles/woolworths happens to be a decent price at the time (less than 8c more than competitors, which is pretty likely) then I'll go there. Usually I find caltex (at least near me) to be slightly cheaper than coles express.
Can I combine that with the Coles Insurance 8c voucher?
Cool! I don't think the Coles Insurance fuel discount voucher will triple this one but I hope I can use this extra 4c discount to make the total discount to 20c or 22c: 8c+4c (from source master card)+8c (from coles car insurance) + 2c(instore purchase only if the price would be cheaper with the 2c discount)
i tried this yday. i got:
8c off (coles coupon) + 8c off (coles insurance) + 2c off (instore purchase) so got in total 18c off
On a 100 L Gas tank that's a massive 8 $ in savings , love LPG !!!!
Yes with Coles/Shell there is far greater chance of getting LPG with the discount than at Woolies/Caltex
With LPG at the 60c mark a 20c discount on LPG is like getting 30% off.
I never use these voucher before. Is this only for E10? or premium 98 as well?
Nicksnoobie…since you are the first person i have ever heard never having used a voucher i will give you the disclaimer from my fuel voucher…
[Not valid for fleet card,shell card,motorcharge or motorpass or with other fuel offers or discounts unless otherwise specified)So pretty safe to assume All Fuels/lpg sold at the pumps are just fine :)
Hope that helps.oh thanks =D
Not a bargain. Since Coles and Woolworths have entered the petrol market the average retail markup of petrol has gone up from 2-3c per litre to 17c per litre.
Even taking away the 10c per litre we are still paying 4c per litre more than we should. This situation will only get worse as this oligopily grows.
So you're saying the Coles and Woolies are in control of the petrol prices rather than the oil companies? In that case why is BP and Mobil also following the prices? They should be 15c cheaper than Woolies and Coles.
For one Mobil sold their chain, leaving BP, Coles and Woolworths. Three major distributors looking for max profits is not going to undercut each other, the real independent competition has already faded. Its too late!
Read this troll
http://www.exxonmobil.com.au/Australia-English/PA/news_relea…umm what next mr troll
and for a deal fanatic….where is YOUR deals !
Wally - read the guidelines before voting negative again, or spend time in the cooler.
Your point isnt valid.
This is a discount, yes sure C&W may increase prices to cover it. BUT doh, if you dont have a voucher they dont reduce the price.
Now should they be able to do this … might be worth your while getting on the queue at the Occupy party or even starting a discussion thread.
Just because you feel strongly on this doesnt mean you can spoil it for others.
if his point isn't valid, can u revoke his vote?
Nope the community has, when a comment gets voted down by enough members the vote goes as well
I hope you go to the cooler as well dummkopf
See above
How about then - if you spend $50 at Woolworths this weekend you can get 10c off per litre. Ergo - can be had cheaper elsewhere - ergo not a bargain. My neg stands.
Oh now the justification not used before.
Spend $30 get 8c, spend $50 get 10c
Hey No bargain as if I spend $1000 at Myer I can get $100 off a TV.
Or $2000 get $500 off a flight….
Dont like it, dont vote again have you read the rules???
This whole website has no free speech, you say a negative and you get deleted for trolling?? How pathetic.
Are half the members on here working for Woolworths/Coles HR department or something?
Troll. Get your facts right.
These discount vouchers are great for LPG vehicle owners. 8c off 57c/L is a very nice saving.
Great, already did my weekly shopping on Thursday (27th) -_-
I guess this means petrol prices will now be 8 cents higher at the pump… Even though the Aussie dollar is skyrocketing again… :(
This would only make sense if the vouchers were given out and had to be claimed by the end of the weekend. Same as when JB advertise a 20% off sale for the weekend and bump their display prices up to cover most of the supposed discount. The vouchers from Coles are just like the 4cpl ones they normally give out, which are valid for 30 days. If Coles bumped up their fuel price for the weekend to try and cover the 8cpl, consumers could just go to the cheaper opposition for their fuel this week, and then use their 8cpl voucher at Coles when they dropped the price back down again, negating any reason for Coles to put it up in the first place.
BTW The prices across Coles Express servos in Brisbane actually dropped by over 6cpl this weekend :)
i went to coles servo today at waterloo their E10 after 4c off is 139.99.
700m away a Wolli after 4c is 133.99 and BP is 136.99 with out discount.
i now really dislike coles. They think they can play people.
Over here Coles is the cheapest.
That's really strange, there's usually 2 prices…
I thought they update the price after every oil tanker that comes through, and hence some get updated earlier/later than others?
Well, the price was $1.35 when I went past the pumps this evening. So looks like the trough for Sydney is here or soon. It was Wed last week according the graph.
And no, I don't go out of my way to shop at Coles to get the docket, but if I do get one, I hang onto it until the trough.
The offer has been expand to 10cpl and 15cpl for $100 and $150 spend respectively at either Coles or Liquorland. Good if you're doing the grocery shopping or you're an alcoholic.
I've posted as a separate bargain so it doesn't get missed in here
Mods feel free to merge the 2 if you see fit.
http://www.ozbargain.com.au/goto/55981 Link for pic
(also if you spend $2 in store when buying fuel get an extra 2 cents off
so all up 10 cents off per litre)