Just sharing my first deal with you guys. Enjoy !
Alienware 12.00%
PowerEdge 10.00%
XPS 10.00%
Optiplex 10.00%
Vostro 10.00%
Latitude 10.00%
Precision 10.00%
G Series 8.00%
Monitors 6.00%
Inspiron 6.00%
Accessories 6.00%
Standard Rate 3.00%
Special Terms
- Cashback is ineligible if using coupon codes not listed on Cashrewards.
- Cashback is ineligible for purchases via the Dell Outlet Store.
- Negotiated offers (phone/email/chat) are ineligible for cashback.
- Alienware monitors are classified as Alienware for the purpose of cashback.
Thanks! can I please ask if I get an Alienware keyboard, would this consider as Alienware category, or accessories category?