This was posted 4 years 6 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VPN Required, PC] Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition US$4.99 (~A$6.94) with Coupon or US$14.99 (~A$20.84) @ Epic Games Store


:EDIT since people keep on not reading the OP: You can use the coupon if you still have one after the game has been released for a discount to USD$4.99

Shamelessly stealing the instructions from nkahoang as he introduced a lot of us to the Epic Game Store deals in India with Jedi: Fallen Order.

Instructions if you don't already have an Indian account:

  • You will need VPN to India (I have SurfShark and TorGuard. Got both VPNs from ozbargain as well. Any VPN will work).
  • Create another Epic store account for India (if you have gmail, just do what I did: [email protected]). You can't use your main Epic one
  • Checkout, make sure you either use an Indian PayPal account, or a CC that allows international transaction.
  • Login to Epic using your Indian Epic account and install.

You can use the coupon if you still have one after the game has been released for a discount to USD$4.99 which is roughly AUD$6.94. Alternatively you can purchase it without the coupon for USD$14.99 which is roughly AUD$20.84.

As always, purchase at your own risk.

:EDIT: Unconfirmed report that you can change your current account to India and the coupon will transfer.

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closed Comments

    • +12

      Cool story bro

    • what exactly is the point of this comment?

    • Any other hot takes for us Jury? Outer suburbs are cheaper than inner suburbs? Econoboxes are cheaper than 4WDs?

      • +4

        Gamepass is a good deal.

        • +3

          He's like Nostradamus except he predicts the present. I shall call him Obvidamus

  • Which coupon you talking about $10 off? This is pre purchase how dud you add it?

    • -1

      During the Mega Sale there was a coupon you would get with every purchase. Please see the bottom part of the OP:

      You can use the coupon if you still have one after the game has been released for a discount to USD$4.99 which is roughly AUD$6.94. Alternatively you can purchase it without the coupon for USD$14.99 which is roughly AUD$20.84.

      • +1

        Should this be marked as Targeted then?

      • Well then i should wait till it get released and see that $10 off coupon work with this or not

  • +2

    Tempting, but do I want to risk losing my library of ~71 free games?!

    • +5

      Make a new account :)

      • +7

        True. I hadn't thought of that (-100 Ozbargainer rep)

      • Can you still get the coupon on a new account?

      • +1

        Way too much effort

        • +26

          hand over your ozbargain badge

  • -2

    ERROR Not valid on pre-purchases or any other purchases such as in-game purchases:

    "Limited-time Event. You will only receive an Epic Coupon for the MEGA Sale Event until June 11, 2020 at 11AM Eastern Time. All Epic Coupons received during the MEGA Sale Event will expire on November 1st, 2:59 AM Eastern Time. Epic Coupons can only be redeemed for purchases of qualifying digital games and add-ons that are available to play on the Epic Games Store webpage ( Not valid on pre-purchases or any other purchases such as in-game purchases (e.g. V-bucks or currency)."

    • +1

      Please read the entirety of the OP:

      You can use the coupon if you still have one after the game has been released for a discount to USD$4.99 which is roughly AUD$6.94.

      • It´s true.
        I don't know whether to buy "Horizon Zero Dawn ™ Complete Edition" or better buy "STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order" which costs $ 16.49, and applying the coupon of $ 10 would only pay $ 6.49, which game is better?

        • Apply the coupon to the more expensive game and buy both. You can always buy Horizon further down the road. It's a hard choice since Fallen Order is fantastic and Horizon is too.

        • Fallen Order is great

          • @SmOOvDoGG: I haven't played Fallen Order, but I thought Horizon was great.

        • Horizon is better IMHO. Fallen Order is a pretty Star Wars themed platformer and pretty limited.

  • Thanks op! I'll give this a try after the game has released! (8th August)

  • +19

    I think title is misleading.
    Unless you already had an Indian account and a coupon in that account you are unable to use the coupon from your Australian account (and changing back and forth might not work and will be very risky) and you cannot get a coupon now after making a new Indian account.
    So really for virtually everybody the price is $20.84.

    • I agree

    • Honestly, if I had the space, I would have added something.

      • You lead with the title the cheaper one first, should be the coupon in brackets.

  • So I can only play this game on the new account?

    • Yes.
      Down the line Epic is likely to introduce Family sharing but until then only on that account.

    • check my comment down below so you can play without using the epic games launcher, hence you dont need to logged in to play

  • +10

    This game is excellent, enjoyed it a lot on my PS4 and am glad that PC players can now play it.

  • +1

    Windscribe VPN also works and you can select only the locations you need for $2/month and cancel at any time.

  • +1

    Funnily enough, you can change the region to India and get whatever the coupons you already had. I just tried it out myself.

    • You just gave Epic notice you are doing a dodgy!😉

    • +1

      Region isn't locked until first purchase 👌

  • I just bought this but should point out that HZD isn't an EA game so the Origin link trick won't work. Reading the comments from the Jedi: Fallen Order, it looked like you needed to be a) VPNed to India and b) logged into the Indian account in Epic Game Launcher to link to EA Origin, but once done the game could be played via Origin no problem.

    Has anyone played Jedi: Fallen Order through Epic Game store? Can you link the Indian account with your current account, or do you have to be VPN'ed to India AND in the Indian account in order to play?

    Suggest that once this is known/verified, update the description to exclude Origin and clarify how the game can be played.

    • I purchased Fallen Order via India and this is how I had to go about getting it to work. You only need to create the Epic account with a VPN, everything after that works without the need of a VPN.

      Launch Epic store - Log in as Indian account, launch the game, sign in with your AU Origin, works.
      The annoying thing is that you can't play from Origin unless you are logged in with your Indian Epic account. I.E. You need both clients running to play.

      • I don't know whether to buy "Horizon Zero Dawn ™ Complete Edition" or better buy "STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order" which costs $ 16.49, and applying the coupon of $ 10 would only pay $ 6.49, which game is better?

        • Hi VictorVE
          I've never played Horizon but I enjoyed Star Wars… but then again I enjoyed most Star Wars games.

        • +2

          They are both great games, but HZD is bloody awesome.

        • +1

          As someone who has played through both games I think I can safely say that I don't know. They're both really good.

          I think Hodawn is the better choice though. Only just. It's just such a beautiful and vast game. Even after finishing the main story, I just kept wanting to play. Fallen Order I kind of smashed through in about 10 hours and didn't feel an urge to go back to it. As fun as it was, there just isn't much strong side stuff.

        • Bang for buck HZD is the winner, but if you like Star Wars Fallen Order is probably the best Star Wars game that's ever been made.

          • +1

            @steinmeister: Hard disagree, but everyone's entitled to their own opinion

            • @cille745: Sorry I forgot about the existence of KOTOR for a moment :-D

              • @steinmeister: I often forget about it too, can't believe its almost 20 years old

  • Legend! just picked up a copy. Now to wait until Saturday to download the game!!

  • my fav game on ps4. I wish I had the patience to follow the steps :-/

    • Lol same. I got excited and bought it. Then realised I had a $10 coupon I could have used! Guess I’ll wait for a sale on the mafia remake or death stranding to use it on.

      • The coupon should automatically apply, there is nothing for you to paste or type in.

        • I pre ordered. Can’t apply coupons to a preorder.

  • why is this so much cheaper than on steam where it's being advertised for $75?

    • Regional pricing. It’s cheaper in India

  • +4

    Same comments I made regarding Fallen Order apply here. This will work, but I don't look forward to trying to disconnect my Indian Epic Account from my Origin account. I would only recommend doing this if you're never intending to buy any Origin linked game on your Australian Epic account as I don't think you'll have a fun time trying to get the Indian one disconnected. There is no ability to self-manage the link, so you'd have to get in touch with EA to change this (if they're even willing to change linked accounts).

  • I have already got the PS4 version of it. Is it worth to get this PC version? Any graphics enhancements?

  • Can't apply coupon. I think they exclude the game.

    • Please read the bold part in the OP. You have to wait until the game is released.

      • Oops.

  • Too much effort for my tastes. I already bought it twice on PS4. If it was this price on AU store I'd do it though.

    • Lol, I bought it twice on PS4 too. Once when it came out and again for the complete edition because it was cheaper than buying the DLC by itself. I actually bought it a 3rd time because it came free with my PS4 Pro, but I sold it because I already had it :)

      After all that I still didn't even end up finishing it!

      • I bought it once to play on my mates PS4 then let him keep it and bought it again later when I got a Pro. You should really finish the main campaign at least, I think the story is really solid.

  • -1

    Steps should be updated to reflect the fact that there HZD isn't an Origin game so best option would be to either create an Indian Epic account and buy it that way or just change the region of your Epic account to Indian, buy it, than change it back to your original region.

    • Thanks mate, just updated it.

    • Does this actually work? And can you change back straight away?

      • +2

        No. Once you make a purchase it locks to that region.

      • And you give Epic notice that you are doing something you more than likely should not be doing.

        • Yeah, this is surely against the T&C, is much better than pirating it? I guess Epic get a few bob, but then they might ban your account.

          • @chromium: Definitely better than pirating.
            It might be against T&Cs but then keep in mind a lot of T&Cs are not law compliant as well and hence not enfirceable.
            Essentially T&Cs are a "wishlist of powers" written by the company.

  • Damn wish I didn't finish it before. This would be a hell of an experience on a PC !!

  • Not sure this deal is even worth it.

    Check out Digital Foundry's analysis:

    Quote: "Not sure ANY PC will be running this game at locked 60 fps, or even 30fps"….

    Stuttering, pop ins, frame timing drops etc.

    I loved it on PS4 Pro but so much needs to patched it unlikely to ever be fixed.


    • +2

      That's a review made for the ps4 over 3 years ago.

      That is some sick fortune telling. Or is thar a quote from a youtube comment?

      • Looks like he linked the wrong video

        • Whoops soz, yes that's the right one. I hope they patch at least the timing/stuttering issues. I can probably still enjoy with all the other character and pop in issues.

    • Thanks, wanted to purchase but failed during transaction then saw your post. Won't be getting it yet.

      Jedi still doesn't run great on my PC so don't think this will ever get patched to run well either.

  • Damn. I hope the devs put in the work to get it up and running the way it should be. It's a work of art. One of the games of the gen for me.

  • Well it's installing on my PC - logged into the Indian Epic account with no VPN.

    • Yeah, logging in doesn't need a VPN. Just during purchasing. Has anyone played it yet using this deal? Mine is installed but busy with work.

      • +1

        Yep. It's not very well optimised though, might wait for a few patches to smooth things out.

        • +1

          That's a shame, at least this deal worked otherwise quite a few people would be quite pissed at me.

  • +2

    Just as an update

    I'm a citizen of two countries.

    So I emailed support and said "hey can I just set my location to either of those countries since I live either here or there

    Their response was basically yeah sure you just might have some issues with billing or if the game is enabled when you are set to one location.

    So it sounds like they arent too stressed about VPN circumvention

  • I honestly wish people would stop posting these "deals" or at least OzBargain would have a separate section for "deals" that broke a companies ToS

  • Or just wait 4-6 months for it to drop down to $20 locally and by then you will have a completely patched game with hopefully no performance issues

  • +2

    There are method to run the game without using epic launcher, you just need to extract the authentication id and password after first run and pass it in to the command prompt or using Steam's add non steam game.

    see below:…

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