All left over Colorado clothing at up to 70% off and free ground postage until Oct 26th.
Some examples are Mens Jeans RRP $90 for $29.95.
Limited styles and sizes, but worth a look.
70% of Colorado Clothing Online + Free Delivery

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Yes, not much to choose from, but great bargain for a Colorado. Have picked up few things.
Not many comments here, but a lot of +ve :-)
It looks like it might be jeans only? Other items look like they are around 50% off
Some of the prices are still outrageous.
even after the % off, it's still a rip off.. step up your game Aussie retailers.
thanks - that took me 1 minute to look through that website
sorry I don't get what you mean why are you negging the deal
mryg aka justin timberlake, star of "In Time"
mrgq is right, not much to see….
dunno why mrgq was negged, and why he negged the deal! all bizarre really.
though yeah, theres 1 polo, one pant, a couple of shirts and that;'s about it. i think theres more clothes on my bedroom floor than that entire website.
it's really only whatever left … they should be 90% off .. instead of 70% :P
Such vague sizes for their jeans! does 32 mean waist? how long are the pants? inseam?
32 is in inches
I think if only one is stated, it's for both waist and inseam length.
Damn, nothing left in the "performance" category. I like my clothes to perform!
The yellow backrground and font make it look a bit like an Optus ad heh
is the size S of colorado equal to australian size M?
I always found Colorado shirt sizes a bit inconsistent, polos seem to be roughly standard sizes but t-shirts a bit smaller than average.
Ordered 3 Jeans. Great savings from my usual $89 YD jeans.
theres way to much to choose from.. a whole 1 top, and 1 dress.
Not much to choose from and still overpriced, no real bargains for me
Shirts are very boring, not worth paying $23, even if they were previously $80.
All the larger sizes of pants/jeans are sold out. Thanks anyway.Needed some cargo's, these look OK and Colorado quality is usually pretty good, thanks OP.
Not a huge variety but can pick up a t for $12, rubby top $21, and cargos for $26.