• expired

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (16GB, Wi-Fi) Black for $491.34 + $40 Delivery (3-4 Days)


10 In Stock Now for A$491.34 + $40 delivery (3-4 days)

MOD EDIT. To many of the commentators here

If you persist in Trolling Apple VS Android - You will earn a trolling ban on your account.

1st offence 1 week 2nd 2weeks 3rd 3 weeks then bye bye.

This game has to stop from BOTH sides. Go elsewhere with your hate.

To the rest enjoy your bargain…. and thanks for your comments

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closed Comments

  • Are these the Tablets Apple blocked from being sold in Australia?

    • +4

      I think these tablets are grey imports, so there is no ban on importing.

      • +3

        I think the difference is that expansys are operating out of asia.

        Kogan were selling grey imports also, but apple sent them a cease & decist.

        • +5

          Expansys too dodgy to fail, Apple eat your heart out!….well you know what I mean.

        • no theyre not dodgy
          theyre just based outside of Australia so australian injunctions mean diddly squate
          kogan is a local business so injunction applies

      • Not really

        • +1

          Dodgy as in dodging apple bullets not….. blah

      • I've had issues with expansys b4. Their 'in stock' items are often not.

        eg they have 10 stock, 1000ppl buy them. As long as the 10 stock haven't been shipped, they still list as 'in stock'.

        It gets shipped and 990ppl have orders now saying next shipment ETA 14 days. But 14 days shipment has only 10 stock. Again 14days count down til 1 then 10ppl get it and 980 ETAs jump from 1 day to 20days.

        etc etc I had this 'in stock' phone take 2mths to arrive.

        • +5

          Hi furyou - thanks for your message :-)

          Please don't worry, Expansys.com.au has plenty of these items in stock. We have a heap coming in later today as well. There will be enough for everyone who wants one :-)

          Just re your note - it's not possible for us to make up false stock availability figures. Our warehouse management system is linked to our website via SQL - this shows stock in/ stock out status. We process orders for shipment throughout the day, however only do shipments 2 x per day.

          If we don't have stock for a specific item, this information will appear on our website next to the product item - so at any point you can see a product's stock status - this changes on a daily basis.

          Hope this helps - if you have any questions please let me know - I'd be happy to help on behalf of Expansys.com.au


        • +6

          Shouldn't your system -1 from the stock figure once someone successfully puts an order through, rather than after it's shipped? That would make a lot more sense from a customer point of view as it's irrelevant to customers how many are in the warehouse if they're already attached to other people's orders.

        • -1

          Concur. Expansys stock #'s are deceiving and inaccurate.

          I've had issues with Expansys listing something "in stock" several times in the past. Even after eMailing prior to placing an order to confirm availability and receiving a response advising item is in stock.

          Granted that Expansys deliver what they say they will deliver - the issue is just the "when."

  • They are allowed to sell it here still?

    • +1

      Yes they are allowed. It's only Samsung directly that can't sell, advertise, or even mention it.

      • So then why Kogan have to take them down? Sorry for being a noob. Don't know these patent wars well =(

        • +1

          Ahh, so as long as it's not stocked in Australia then it's fine?
          Even if their website uses .com.au?

        • +12

          I'm sorry but that is pure BS fchis. It only applies to Samsung themselves. Anyone else can import them legally.

          Apple can ask for third parties to stop selling them, but there is no legal reason they can't. Its just typical Apple bullying. And Kogan is pretty much as spineless as they come.

          In fairness its either sotp selling, or we will take you to court. Even though Apple would loose the case, it still costs money to go to court. So its easier to just stop selling it to get apple off your back.

      • +2

        Please enough with the BS already

        read this…

        • +1

          ah.. fchis I take it you didn't even read the article you linked?

          Australians are making a mockery of a Federal Court injunction banning the sale of Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablets in Australia by ordering them from online stores.

          Samsung has been forbidden by Federal Court Justice Annabelle Bennett from selling or marketing the device in Australia until a full hearing in its patent infringement case with Apple, which isn't expected to take place until next year.

          But online sellers on eBay, and web stores such as MobiCity.com.au, Expansys, Techrific and dMavo, are bypassing Samsung Australia and obtaining stock from other countries, such as Hong Kong.

          To my understanding, there were no clause stating that other parties were not allowed to obtain Galaxy Tabs from sources other than Samsung Australia.

          ed: also this

          "In the age of the internet, an injunction in one jurisdiction doesn't prevent supply of a product into that jurisdiction, it only harms the retailers or resellers in that jurisdiction because they can't be the stores making the sale,"

        • See this(j.mp).

      • -5
        • +1

          He said injunctions did not stop hordes of online sellers from offering the product via international jurisdictions.

          "Policing such an injunction is very resource-intensive and impractical," Mr Phair said.

          "A global protocol, backed up by a global court, is required to address criminal cyber crimes as well as civil matters such as this one. A United Nations endorsed cyberspace treaty should help nations develop a common understanding of all aspects of cyber security including matters which impact on economic development, such as this example.

          "Without such cross-border legal co-operation and enforcement such injunctions are meaningless."

          Apple has been able to use legal threats to stop at least one Australian seller, Kogan.com.au, from selling the Galaxy Tab 10.1. However, other sellers of the device have already indicated that they would not succumb to such threats.

          Although it might be against the spirit of the injunction, due to Australian law only covering Australia and keeping in mind I'm no lawyer, I don't believe any law is being broken, which is why Harvey Norman is "disappointed" rather than in a legal case :)

    • Just simply buy it while you can….

  • +9

    The Acer Iconia Tab deal a few days ago was better http://www.harveynorman.com.au/product/1256975565875/acer-ic… but theres no stock anywhere so the point is moot. Plus this is the Samsung Galaxy Tab that Apple don't want us to have, so tell Apple where to stick their protectionist policies….

    • i got Iconia from officeworks for $386 last week.

      That was their regular price no haggling required.

      • +1

        Yeah, I got one today, pre-ordered on Monday.

      • i got the HP TouchPad from HN for $99 last last month.

        That was their regular price no haggling required.

        • Darn - I paid $149 for my TouchPad. (Of course, I'm guessing mine has a bit more RAM).

  • +3

    yeah they're temporarily blocked but that's just Apple and Samsung fighting each other
    there are many online shops still selling them

  • +6

    Yes they're grey imports. Expansys are very reliable, have used them many times over the years.

    "We will not be stopped"

  • +5

    Article: "How to buy a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia"


  • +14

    Pos. vote just for the fact it's not from Shopping Square

  • +17

    These are pretty much the tablet to get if you don't want an iPad.

    • +1

      What would make these a better buy than the Asus Transformer or Motorola Xoom (assuming the Xoom wasn't so expensive)?

      • +3

        Better screen, better build quality, thinner form factor, touchwiz if you like it although this one is subjective. I had a Transformer and sold it and bought the Galaxy tab much nicer tablet although it lacks builtin SD card slot but that doesn't bother me.

        • +1

          And remember, it's incredibly easy to remove TouchWiz if you don't like it.

        • Asus build quality isn't exactly lacking, slightly better screen is nice, the difference in thickness is negligible to me, I can take or leave TouchWiz, no SD/MicroSD is a killer for me unfortunately. An extra 6hrs in the dock is a bonus I've come to rely on at times. I think it's best if I say where I am with this.

          Thanks for the info though, I can at least pass it on to other people now.

      • The build quality on the Galaxy Tab is significantly better than the Transformer. I also found the Transformer uncomfortable and awkward to hold but maybe thats just me.

        Yes you get more battery life with the Dock but you also get double the weight. I can't see the benefit in the dock a Macbook air or the new ultrabooks would be thinner and have way more functionality.

        • My Transformer doesn't feel cheap to me (though I know that's not what you're saying) but my exp with the Galaxy Tab is very limited so it's probably unfair for me to compare.
          Being basically the same shape, I don't understand how one would be more uncomfortable than the other beyond weight. Unless that's what you're getting at of course. I'd be interested to know, this has really sparked my interest.

          The dock is more a home/work thing. I only really use it for writing up my work docs and as a stand for skyping. I don't use it beyond that. The weight is not something that has come in to effect in that situation.
          As for the benefit of the dock besides the battery boost, I get netbook/notebook facilitations along with being able to use Android apps with out the cost of an actual notebook. As for functionality, there really isn't much the tablet can't do that my XPS can beyond the obvious.

          What would the new ultrabooks have over the tablet with it's dock function/usability wise?
          Two people at work are looking to get a new tablet or netbook/notebook so it would be handy to hear someone else's perspective.

        • The edges on the Transformer are not curved and I found they dig in to your hands while the corners on the Galaxy tab are rounded and the thickness is the perfect size for holding. Once again just my opinion but I did have both at the same time and the Transformer was sold without even a thought.

    • I'd prefer a Iconia Tab for $350 (when the next deal comes out)


      • +2

        I had an Iconia Tab. At 700g it was far too heavy the way I used it. I then bought a Galaxy Tab 10.1. at 565g it was much easier to hold for extended periods of time.

  • -6

    I believe it's actually A$540.48 inc GST PLUS the $40 Shipping ($580.48?). the above price is excluding GST. Although im not sure if we have to pay the GST or not.. so if we dont then the price is right.. (du du du du dududu—yes i don't remember the tune)

    • +4

      IT'll be $491 as long as the total order is below $1000.

      • Would have to be careful there that you're not ordering anything else, at the same time, from anywhere else, that'd take the total over $1k. Customs will group and whack you with a 10% GST stick if you time things badly.

        • The $1000 limit is per day from one seller to one buyer. If you buy from multiple sellers you can receive more than $1000 worth of stuff on the same day, no probs.

      • Oh nice i didn't see that.

  • +2

    Already got one at home, fun to play with :D

  • Warranty.. ??

  • +1

    This is cheaper than shoppingrectangle so postitive! :D

    • shoppingparallelogram

  • +8

    We've got more stock coming so don't worry if you want one - there will be plenty / there are plenty for everyone who wants one of these babies :-)

  • -4
  • -2

    Question for everyone, if I buy this online would I still be eligible for GST refund at the custom when I take this overseas? Thanks in advance!

    • +7

      You mean you want to try to get a refund of the GST you didn't pay when you bought it? :)

  • Hi there Shortee - if you have not paid GST, then you will not be able to claim it back…sorry. To claim GST you need to be able to show to customs that you have paid it.

    If you order more than 1, and if your order happens to be more than $1000 (subtotal including device/s + shipping) then 10% GST will be charged on that, this bit may be claimed back (if a claim is accessible for your travel…sorry, Im really not sure - may depend on country you go to / come from etc) Sorry to not be able to provide more detail. I hope this helps however?

    Actually, even if you buy 2 I think it may be less than $1000…? would need to check on that. Chances are that you'll just buy 1 anyway, so prob not that important…


  • +4

    Hey everyone, Expansys here - we just got a heap more of these beauties in to our warehouse especially for all of you all who desire one, or 2, or more :-)

    • +2

      Any deal on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 3G 32GB or 64GB?

      • +18

        Yep indeedy, always :-)

        I dont want to be seen to advertise here, as it's a consumer site, not an advertising one.

        Best thing I can say is you're welcome to check out our site: www.expansys.com.au (follow the home page deal banner)

        Cheers, hope this helps.

        • Thanks! But I can't find either one of these on the site, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 3G 32GB or Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 3G 64GB

        • +7

          I dont want to be seen to advertise here, as it's a consumer site, not an advertising one.

          +1 for a rep that understands OZB

  • +6

    Damn used up my daily negging limits on free candy :P anyways its a good deal i reckon the samsung galaxy tab 10.1 is the best tablet besides for the asus transformer prime that was released today

  • +4

    This thread is has way too many off-topic comments, especially on Apple products. This deal is not about an Apple product, so please avoid any debates regarding apple vs android. Either keep all discussions on topic or this thread will be locked.

    • There is a difference between moderation and censorship you know…

      • +5

        Censorship on a bargain site will be the mod removing/hiding any information about the sale, e.g. bad dealer, dodgy shipping reliability etc.

        Moderating a bargain site is making sure everything is on topic about the bargain.

        • Frankly, I saw more maturity from the Koorong thread.

        • So you're aware of what these comments said then johndoe789?

    • +1

      Agreed - Apple people should stay out of this thread. BUT also this is a warning for Android people to show the same respect in an Apple Thread.

      Trolling like freecandy has done has earn't a trolling time ban.

      But be warning some here have played the same game before in Apple threads and if you have a history of doing that and do it again - you'll be hit with the same ban.

      Play with your own toys not others. Bargain threads are to be keep out of the hate game. Rave on and put your hate into the appropriate place (but dont be personal) and use the discussion forums.

      Again this is a WARNING on trolling, its not going to be tolerated here.

  • +2

    Hey guys! I just wanted to say that tablet is on ebay for $501 free shipping , Is it really the shipping delay in this deal that makes it special then ?

    • +3

      Then… what is so special about this deal? These guys also have to take an 8% eBay fee and 2% paypal fee. Expansys should be selling these for $450 delivered! Otherwise NO deal.

  • +1

    Only local retailers loses out business. Any one can still import this tablet legally and there's nothing to stop it. The POWER of Interwebs!

    • the local retailers will have to question the legal court on this matter.

      rockstar offered a remedy for gta 4 and it was allowed, samsung offered a remedy and it was rejected.

  • -8

    Cheaper on ebay

    • +1

      no there isn't(only one cheaper is a used one)


      • +3



        Anyway I don't know much about the Galaxy Tabs, but that is new, and assuming it's the same model it's much cheaper.

        • thanks for the link i'm ordering from that ebay link cheers

        • In the title it says not a grey import

          Later it says :

          Shipping Reminder :
          Items are located in both AU and HK warehouse
          In case the stock ran out in Australia, stock will be dispatched directly from our oversea warehouse via express courier. We will cover the express postage fee, no additional charges for buyers .
          Both are the same stock, same specifications and same warranty. Please refer to 'Warranty Policy' for further information

          Thats just bull!

    • This is not enough to explain. Better would be a link to support ur comment. You are old member and we want you to be a bit more responsible in negging. A fair comment and I am with you.

  • what is the different between this 2 galaxy tab?http://www.expansys.com.au/samsung-galaxy-tab-10-1-16gb-wifi-black-hot-deals-223338/ http://www.expansys.com.au/samsung-galaxy-tab-10-1-16gb-wifi…

    • +2

      Yea looks like there are two there whats the difference?

      Also anyone know what the warranty is on this product? Do we have to chipt it back to them?

  • tempted AGAIN. but Transformer 2 is really close….

  • don't forget ! your Credit Card provider will charge you Currency Conversion Fee.

  • Guys, what do you think about Lenovo IdeaPad K1 at $479.00 inc. GST


  • Hi ExpansysDoesIT,

    Is this new or refurbished?
    last time i bought your product. the product is sealed inside the plastic but it has many finger print and some scratches.

    • +2

      Hi there thanks for your note.

      That's weird. Did you return the item to us for a refund / swap? I hope that we were able to quickly resolve that for you? I do apologise for the inconvenience. Personally, I would not have been happy about that at all. We would have sent your item back to the manufacturer and given you a replacement? I wondered if you could have bought a BStock item, however BStock items have their manufacturer seal cut/broken so that would not have been the case by the sounds(?)

      Anyway, back to your question - these babies are BRAND SPANKN NEW sealed in box straight from supplier (manufacturer seal intact!!)

      For anyone who ever experiences an issue like this (issues with a product within a sealed box from manufacturer) I recommend that they return their purchase immediately to where they bought it from and request a swap/refund ASAP.

      If it's in it's sealed state when you accept it from a courier / shop then one would expect it to be perfect, which it should always be.

  • +2

    I'd love to buy this if I don't already have the ipad 2 (hate not having flash on it) - Maybe I'll buy the next generation of a Samdroid tablet

  • how many tabs did they start out with?

  • +6

    I bought one of these (16GB WiFi only, Black) from eBay for $AUD513 delivered. It arrived yesterday (5 working days) via FedEx. Link here: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/140619072198?ssPageName=STRK:MEWN… Since the AUD has gone up it is now listed as $AUD502, which is significantly cheaper. So I don't think this is a bargain.

    • +7

      For those that neg'd my comment, I don't take it personally, but out of interest it'd be great to know why, or what makes this a better deal? Both OS posted via FedEx, 1 business day difference in delivery time, still covered by an seller's warranty (rather than Samsung), both reputable sellers (see eBay feedback).

      I love Expansys and have bought stuff from them in the past, but it didn't seem like such a good deal. Someone posted above that eBay has this for $501.

  • +1

    Oh so tempting… lost my original Galaxy Tab 7" and have been itching to replace it. But now I want to wait for the 7.7"!

  • -6

    how $540 for a 16GB WIFI only tablet is a bargain?! these positive votes are jokes

  • Any chance of a decent price on the Galaxy Tab 8.9?

  • -7

    Grey imports

    • +6


  • The ban must be about to lift as Im pretty sure my local store has ordered stock from Samsung.

    • +1

      i dont think thats possible considering that samsung isnt allowed to sell or distribute the galaxy tab 10.1

  • Looks like a good deal. Although $40 shipping is a bit rich. Decisions, decisions…

  • +4

    I cannot understand how is this a bargain ?? Not negging but I'm curious since the same thing can be had from
    Ebay -$501 shipped
    Techrific -$529 shipped

    Anytime !! So many positive votes , atleast someone would have a decent reason !!

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