This was posted 4 years 8 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep $0.99 Rental @ Apple TV ($7.99 on Google Play)


I grew up reading Stephen King’s novels and have been enjoying watching many of his adapted movies.
Doctor Sleep is a sequel to 1980s physiological horror The Shining, which follows now-adult Dan Torrance as he protects a young girl with similar powers from a cult known as The True Knot, who prey on children with powers to remain immortal.

We watched this last night and would recommend it for any horror fan, specially if you’re familiar with Stephen King works. 99c is a steal for a good 2.5 hours of entertainment.

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closed Comments

  • What resolution is it in?

    • +1


      • Nice. It's not a bad deal then really if you rent your movies.

        • +2

          I prefer renting the movie I wanna watch at the time I want to watch than compulsive buying blurays on sale which end up on the shelves, never get seen.

      • +1

        Can I play the piano anymore?

    • +1


  • I fell asleep watching Dr Sleep!!

    • +1

      The part where Dan sat down by your bed and told you to go sleep?

      • Cant recall I was asleep already.

  • I enjoyed watching this on the big screen. The movie could have fared better if it was named The Shining 2. A lot of the book's details were left out but I guess you can only squeeze so much into a movie. Nevertheless, this has been very entertaining and very well directed. The cinematic and visual effects are superb. Although this is a sequel to The Shining, its not scary at all (actually, come to think of it, so is The Shining). Got this again. 99c well spent.

    • I agree about the superb cinematic & visual effects and above all, very entertaining. Steve’s movies are not about jump scare like most of the horror movies nor trying to be scary. But its dark, and very dramatic.

      • +1

        Partly agree AND disagree with both comments.

        • Re books' contents I feel the extended versions (see my comment below) of both films add some of their content back into the films. At least that's how it feels, even though I've NOT read either.

        • "…cinematic and visual effects are superb…" Hmm not quite - yes they are quite well done, but there have been better - some of those did not quite convince me. But will say they are both films that are fully enjoyed on the big screen - NOT something I can say for most films these days, including so-called blockbusters. Hope you got to see the extended SHINING film when it was released on a very limited run in the cinemas (just before Dr Sleep's release), whenever it was (earlier this year? late last year?)

        • Hmmm… scary? Well it depends on one's horror experience, AND age. Both films are NOT for kids, unless you WANT to give them nightmares. When I saw Shining decades ago for the first time (the shorter theatrical version, as an adult), I considered it one of the scariest films I'd ever seen (especially certain scenes, which I won't mention to avoid spoilers) - but then I had not seen many horror films beforehand. Only saw it because I was going through a watch-all-Kubrick's-films-stage, so had to watch it (and glad I did so). Still consider it scarier than the original EXORCIST however. Watching the extended Shining recently, not as scary - but thanks to the music, quite dread-full still. And SLEEP - that extended version feels more dreadful than the theatrical. Agree that both films are "…dark, and very dramatic", "…very entertaining and very well directed". But hide-behind-your-hands-scary? No, that honour still belongs to the original japanese RING (aka RINGU, 1998) version; the only film I've ever done that for. Not for it's sequel or prequel, however, and nor for the director's very good next horror film (again original japanese version) DARK WATER (aka HONOGURAI MIZU NO SOKO KARA, 2002).

  • Great movie.

  • Good movie

  • +2

    Would recommend:

    A) get the extended (full 180min) version of this film (another 30min extra to this theatrical version). Extended is the better version of Dr Sleep - improves upon story, characterisations, and prequel. And if you're going to spend 2.5hours of your life watching this, another 0.5hours on top of this is time better spent. AFAIK, it's only available on bluray (oz dvd only has this apple version, which says it's 2.5hours). HOWEVER:

    B) Do NOT watch this if you haven't watched the prequel first, THE SHINING. There's a reason this is a sequel, and you'll obviously miss out on a lot of what it talks about if you miss the first film.

    C) Speaking of Shining, would recommend you track down the extended version (or "Original US cut", at 144min) of THE SHINING - an extra 24min over the theatrical/international cut (120min) that is commonly available. Again, improves upon story & characterisations. Beware, some dvd/blurays' covers incorrectly state running time as 144min, so be careful if you go hunting for it. For some help, consult blu & dvd pages.

    Both SHINING & SLEEP are good horror films (read: not schlock/jump-scare/gore/etc, but more spine-tinglers). Similar in feel to the new IT remake (2017, chapter one). And for anyone not having seen IT CHAPTER 2 yet, would recommend you wait for a rumoured "supercut": even at 160min, chapter 2 felt rushed, incomplete, and not scary at all.

    FYI, my scores:
    * THE SHINING theatrical/international/shorter 4.5/10 , original US extended 5/10
    * DOCTOR SLEEP theatrical 4.75/10, director's/extended 6.25/10
    * IT chapter 1 (2017) 5.25/10
    * IT chapter 2 (2019) 4.25/10
    Yes I'm a harsh scorer (about 2/10 below most people scores on average). These are my opinions, so obviously welcome to disagree if your experiences are different. Good luck if you go hunting.

    • What movies would you rate close to 10?

      • Oohh, gotta consult my notes here. My scores used to be higher, but obviously with more films it becomes more difficult to impress; one metric I use these days is, how will I feel if I watch this again? Anyway, here are some confirmed top-marks, as I've rewatched them after some time and still found them as good as when I saw them for first time. In no particular order:

        • TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY: 154min extended 10/10, theatrical 9.75/10
        • JOINT SECURITY AREA / JSA, 10/10
        • THE PROFESSIONAL (aka LEON), 133min uncut 10/10
        • VAMPIRE HUNTER D: BLOODLUST (2000 version, not to be confused with the similarly titled but vastly inferior 1985 film) 10/10
        • THE APARTMENT [L'APPARTEMENT, Fr 1996], 9.75/10 (only lost marks coz of the acting, though understandable as the 3 leads had just begun their careers)
        • NORTH BY NORTHWEST, 9.5/10
        • WAGES OF FEAR [LA SALAIRE DE LA PEUR, Fr 1953], uncut 9/10, international/US 8.25/10
        • DECADENCE: DECLINE OF THE WESTERN WORLD [Oz 2011 doco] 9.25/10
        • IDENTITY [2003] 9.25/10
        • THE DARK KNIGHT [#2, 2008], 9.5/10
        • THE DARK KNIGHT RISES [#3, 2012], 9.25/10
        • AVATAR [2009/2010], 178min Collector’s Extended Edition 9.25/10
        • FINDING NEMO 3D, 9/10
        • Get A Horse! [2013 Disney "Mickey Mouse" short], 9/10
        • STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN, directors 9/10, theatrical 8.75/10
        • JUMANJI (1995), 9/10 - lost marks for the unconvincing animatronics/animal-FX, even from the first viewing (it'll become a 10/10 if the filmakers ever go in to fix those FX digitally - I mean, look what they've done with the animal FX of the live-action The Lion King!)
        • THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY, extended 9/10, theatrical 8.75/10
        • ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST, restored 9.5/10
        • BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF (LE PACTE DES LOUPS, 2001), 150min directors 9/10
        • APOCALYPSE NOW, redux 9/10, theatrical 8/10
        • GOOD WILL HUNTING, 9/10
        • IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT (1967), 9/10
        • MEMENTO (2001), 9/10
        • MINORITY REPORT (2002), 9/10
        • SOME LIKE IT HOT, 9/10
        • VOLCANO HIGH (WHASANGO, 2002), 9/10

        Probably still between 9 and 10/10, but will have to revisit at some stage to confirm; these marks are from a single-viewing only:

        • Fifth Element _ Musa The Warrior _ The Matrix (#1) _ Children of Paradise _ The Yellow Sea _ 6ixtynin9 (Ruang talok 69, 1999) _ Dogma (2000) _ Go (1999) _ Hannibal (2001) _ Kill Bill Volume 1 _ Pulp Fiction _ Sneakers (1992) _ Akbar's Cheetah (2000 animation short) _ The Chaser (aka Chugyeogja, 2008) _ Die Hard _ Gladiator (2000) _ Ghost In The Shell (1995) _ Patlabor (1989) _ Howl's Moving Castle (original japanese voicing) _ Princess Mononoke (original japanese voicing) _ Summer Wars (original japanese voicing) _ Hard Boiled (Lat sau san taam, 1992) _ Police Story 3: Supercop (1992) _ The Natural (1984, still awaiting a "complete" version that combines the theatrical & director's cuts in one, as there are important bits missing from each) _ Beverly Hills Cop (1984) _ Big Trouble In Little China _ Dark City (1998) _ Sleepy Hollow (2000) _ It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World, 197min extended _ Shaolin Soccer uncut _ Kung-Fu Hustle _ Amelie _ Cat On A Hot Tin Roof _ Fargo _ Great Escape _ Man Snowy River _ Phar Lap _ In The Line Of Fire _ 2001 _ Metropolis (1927) 150min complete _Saving Private Ryan _ Silence Of The Lambs _ Heat (1995) _ Zulu _ 10 Commandments (1956) _ Ben Hur (1959) _ Lawrence Of Arabia _ Casablanca _ Baraka _ Unforgiven (1992) _Run Lola Run _ and more I can't remember…

        Also, there are film-sets/trilogies whose individual films/parts I can't rate separately, because they're part-of-a-whole - so I'll just list them as "best film series by decade":

        • 70-80s: Star Wars ep 4-6
        • 80s: Back To The Future 1-3
        • 90s: 3 Colour Trilogy
        • 00s: Lord Of The Rings (still haven't seen the full 12hours extended)
        • 10s: Marvel
        • all-time: 007 _ Rocky (inc Creed) _ Indiana Jones _ Godfather _ Toy Story _ Before… _ Riddick _ Ocean's 11-13 _ Alien _ Terminator _ Mission Impossible _ Star Trek _ Pirates of the Caribbean _ Harry Potter _ Spanish Apartment (3 films so far) _ Predator _ Cornetto _ Dirty Harry _ Taken.

        And if anyone thinks I prefer the extended cuts they'll be usually right, except there are some cases where the theatrical cuts were better. PS. these are not high-scored films, but only listed to illustrate this particular point:

        • Manhunter (1986) _ A Good Day To Die Hard _ Trainwreck (2015) _ Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life (Vie Heroique, Fr 2010) _ Green Lantern (2011) _ Den Of Thieves (2018).

        And finally, there are many guilty pleasures I rewatch again and again, but never actually rated:
        * Superman The Movie (189min extended abc tv) _ Superman 2 (haven't watched the Donner cut yet) _ Batman (1989) _ Batman Returns (1992) _ all Bond films EXCEPT Casino Royale (1967) _ Lethal Weapon 1-4 extended _ Enter The Dragon _ Ghostbusters (1984) _ Hitchcock's The 39 Steps (1935) & his 1950s films (Dial M For Murder, Rear Window, To Catch A Thief, Vertigo, N by NW) _ Studio Ghibli (japanese versions: Cagliostro, Laputa, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, Spirited Away, Ponyo, Princess Kaguya) _ Disney animations (Alice In Wonderland 1951, Peter Pan 1953, The Sword in the Stone 1963, Robin Hood 1973, Aladdin 1992) _ Pixar animations (Dory, Incredibles 1+2, Rata…, WALL-E, Up, Bug's Life ) _ Mary Poppins _ Sound Of Music _ Robin Hood (1938 + Prince of Thieves 1991 + 2010) _ BLues Brothers _ Breakfast Club _ Close Encounters 3rd Kind _ 2001 _ Jaws 1+2 _ First Blood _ Grease _ Gremlins 1+2 _ Highlander _ Croc Dundee 1+2 _ Soap Dish _ Sliding Doors _ Terminal (2004) _ Stripes _ Speed (1994) _ Crimson Pirate _ Wayne's World 1+2 _ Serial Lover _ Delicatessen _ Gods Must Be Crazy 1+2 _ La Femme Nikita _ Taxi (1998) _ The Transporter _ Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec _ Breaking News (2004) _ PTU: Police Tactical Unit (2003) _ Infernal Affairs _ and more…

        Apologies for digressing from the post's topic.

    • Thanks, I wish I looked for the extended version of SLEEP before watching it. But still, I really enjoyed the theatrical version and 99c was a no brainer.
      However, I haven't seen the Shining yet. Silly me it was on Netflix when I used to subscribe (I switched to Prime Video last few months for different contents). But I'll definitely keep an eye on the extended ver if possible.

      • Well, how were you to know? I didn't, until after the film came out in the cinemas, by which stage it was too late as I'd seen the theatrical. Also why wrote here (this exact reason), in case it helps others.

        As for SHINING, didn't know the extended/original existed until it was advertised (as a limited release) in cinemas just before Sleep was released here in cinemas also. In wondering "what the heck is this", made me look into it, then rushed to find it and watch it (as I'd only seen international/shorter cut decades ago) before getting to watch Sleep in cinemas. Got lucky with Shining extended, otherwise a lot of Sleep's content would have gone over my head.

  • +1

    Sooo Goood!

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