Due to the blackberry outage recently, RIM has decided to give away free apps starting from 19th Of October going on for 4 weeks from then. SO mark your calendars, and BBM your buddies…
More apps may be added during/closer to launch of promotion.
But Confirmed Free, As Of Now:
SIMS 3 - Electronic Arts
Bejeweled - Electronic Arts
N.O.V.A. - Gameloft
Texas Hold'em Poker 2 - Gameloft
Bubble Bash 2 - Game loft
Photo Editor Ultimate - Ice Cold Apps
DriveSafe.ly Pro - iSpeech.org
iSpeech Translator Pro - iSpeech.org
Drive Safe.ly Enterprise - iSpeech.org
Nobex Radioâ„¢ Premium - Nobex
Shazam Encore - Shazam
Vlingo Plus: Virtual Assistant - Vlingo
also there is a little note that could effect us here in Australia…
"* Please note that the availability of this offer will depend on the type of device, operating system version, access to BlackBerry App World and local conditions and/or restrictions."
My BlackBerry App World icon is missing on my phone. Does anyone know what I need to do to get it back?