$114 Fine for Parking near a Post Box

Hello fellow bargain hunters,

Let’s get the pleasantries out the way; long-time lurker, first time poster. Hope everyone is having a great EOFY.

Today I went out to my car and noticed I had received a $114 fine for parking near a post box. Now, the street this post box is on is a small & quiet residential street with an apartment complex nearby. Parking can get quite competitive as lots of the apartment dwellers own cars and park on the street.

People consistently park near (and blatantly in front) of this post box as, like I said, there isn’t much street parking. So you can imagine my shock when I’d found a ticket on my windscreen as I’ve literally been watching people park in front of this post box every day for the past four years of me living here.

There are NO signs anywhere near this post box to say you can’t park there, and no marked lines. Literally just a post box on the side of the road.

Is this fine justified? Is this a common rule that everyone (excluding me and the several hundred of apartment dwellers on my street) know about?

I feel pretty annoyed right now. There are other areas in the street that are marked with signs or yellow lines; yet this area is untouched - making it seem like it’s ok to park here.

Poll for clarity.

Poll Options

  • 420
    Yes, OP is an idiot, everyone knows this rule
  • 4
    No, the fine isn’t justified and you should challenge
  • 299
    I didn’t know about this rule either


      • They'll probably get fined if not for this thread.

        • Depends how good their memory is

  • Where is the MS Paint diagram?

  • +2

    Long time lurker yet you still posted??? Same responses same high horses, same lame jokes

  • It's a pretty common rule to be honest, like parking in front of a fire hydrant.

  • This is not as bad as the fine I got for parking on my workplace drive way ($263) wtf

    • Or how about the guy that posted here who got a fine for parking across his own driveway…

      • these fines are getting ridiculous, i work as a mechanic and there just isn't enough parking anywhere when they cram all the other mechanics and smash repairs into the same street.

  • Who here hasn’t parked in front of a fire hydrant put their hand up?

    • Can I still put my hand up if I’ve only parked in front of them whilst using them?

      • +1

        Firefighters are exempt from answering this question.

        • +1

          Not a firefighter but had an exemption to use hydrants for hazard reduction burns.

  • No excuses. It's in the book when I got my license in the early 2000s.

  • -2

    just park in a proper parking lot. why so hard?

  • I didnt know of this rule and its only been a few dedaces since I passed my drivers license. Definately need a refresher. I will learn from you. Cheers.

  • Boy oh Boy TheGiantTomato is copping a lot from ozbargainers :)

    Should've done some research before you wrote something on here. Thanks for the head up :)

  • Now, the street this post box is on is a small & quiet residential street with an apartment complex nearby. Parking can get quite competitive as lots of the apartment dwellers own cars and park on the street.

    One of the many joys of mass population increases.

  • -1

    Honestly, this is an entrapment scam - shame on the council. The parking inspectors love these locations.
    You may call me jaded as I also got done in a nice open street with lots of trees and it is outside of a house which looks like a residential park.
    I did find it in the rules after getting the fine. I don't have an issue with having to pay, but I do have an issue with watching many cars being stung over the months right near a Tafe where students would need parking. The post box has a tiny no standing writing (in black) on the red post box being hard to see. There is also no clear line marking on the street to indicate that parking is restricted. Either they should have a sign no parking or larger, more clearer writing in a bright colour on the post box saying no parking!
    There could be an argument that they don't need signs, then explain why around the parking meters there are signs galore. The fines should fund the signs and the line marking.

  • I got a fine parked in the driveway (outside the property) across the nature strip.
    That sucks.

  • -1

    On a related topic, I want to know what to do about the idiots who park in front of bins on bin day. I’ve missed turns on two occasions already with some shit tradie having parked their suvs with trailers right in front of the bin’s blocking access to the collectors.

    • Is the vehicle legally parked?

      • -1

        legally parked yes. there aren’t any dedicated parking spaces, just street parking.
        I place my bins on the nature strip in front of my house and these fellows just park right next to it :-/

        • Can you place the bin on the layback?

          • @whooah1979: is it allowed to keep bins on driveway / layback?

            I keep my bins on previous night and get them back following afternoon after returning from work (these days ofcourse exception with work from home). garbage truck collection varies from 5am - till afternoon.

    • Tip the rubbish into the back of their utes

      • Why? The vehicle is legally parked. Just move the bin to the layback.

    • I have seen myself people putting the bin out when the car is already parked there and then complaining. Just saying.

      • Well may be your case :-) like i said i leave them out night before as collection varies from 5am till evening. The folks who park next to it are trades working on nearby housing sites.

        • +1

          I put my bin straight on the road 50 cm from the kerb, the worst it can happen is someone will move it a bit to have room to park. Give it a try 😉

  • Looking at page 136 of the Road Users Handbook regarding parallel parking.

    "…at least one metre from any other parked vehicle".

    I'd dare say the vast majority of Sydney drivers have broken this rule.


  • +1

    Is this a common rule that everyone (excluding me and the several hundred of apartment dwellers on my street) know about?

    You're assuming that you not knowing mean the others don't know. You'll probably find that for at least some of them they know, they just park there anyway.

  • Sorry you got fined dude. It's the law but man it sure is poorly promulgated.

  • Depends. If you're in NSW Glad Bags will halve you're fine.

    Just dispute it and take it to court. The court will be delayed and delayed or write and say the fine was issued incorrectly on some technicality.

    With wholesale job losses there's probably no Debbie in overdue SDRO accounts for a few months and the passage of time may slip your fine thru the cracks if you're an administrative complexity..

  • I always thought in small and quiet residential streets road rules don’t apply. Surprise.

    • In small and quiet residential areas the rules still apply, but enforcement is very relaxed.

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