This was posted 4 years 8 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Free: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Virtual Training + Free Voucher for Certification Exam @ Microsoft


Stay safe, and enjoy :)

To create your vision for tomorrow, you need to understand what the cloud can do for you and your company today. Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals explains cloud-computing concepts, models, and services, covering topics such as public, private, and hybrid cloud as well as infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service.

During this free virtual event you will learn:

  • Common cloud concepts
  • Benefits of Azure
  • Strategies for transitioning to Azure cloud
  • Azure computing, networking, storage and security basis

By attending the event, you will have the knowledge needed to take the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam and receive a voucher to take the exam for free at a date and time of your choice. Azure Fundamental Days training are open to the public and offered at no cost. Attendees will be offered a voucher which allows them to sit in an examination  at no charge.

Available course dates at time of posting:

Credit to HUKD.

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closed Comments

    • Looks like they are all same repeated events but scheduled differently?

      • correct

      • +2

        In fact, it’s a recording with moderators on hand to answer queries. As mentioned here the trainer is fantastic

        • Does anyone know if it is recorded somewhere? I signed up but missed it yesterday because it clashed with a work meeting

          • @thierryhenry: signup for new training dates. I took this training last week and I must say it is very informational and after completion I received voucher within couple of days. Please note, voucher expires after 3 months. Make sure to use before it expires.. :)

  • +6

    Not falling for this one again

    • what happened?

      • +6

        Well, the first time it was listed here, it was oversubscribed and cancelled.

        Then Microsoft got their act together and tried again. I attended the course last week and found it was extremely well run, easy to follow (it's just a very basic intro to azure… FUNdamentals you could say…)

        The exam voucher came two or three days later (the advised it could take a week).

        Honestly, if you're working from home, just stream this in the background. It's interesting enough you'll probably follow along more than you expected.

      • Course was cancelled.

        Your email is harvested.

        Daily spam emails with eBooks, webinars, exclusive invitations…

    • What’s wrong with free exam voucher?

      • +1

        It gets cancelled or you never get the link in the past.

        • Yeah I attended the course recently and have never received an exam voucher.

  • +4

    Thanks Ta, Matt is a great trainer. Really easy to understand

  • +3

    You can use the free voucher to book any exam.. and not just AZ-900 … if you have already attended one, just open the URL at the time of the event and let it run.. no need to actually attend

    • which exam did you book with the voucher?

  • +9

    Hey Guys, funny how this has popped up now that I just did my Day 1 of the AZ-900 webinar yesterday.
    Still going to finish day 2 this arvo from 1-3:30PM.
    Highly recommend doing this as the insutrctor is a legend from Microsoft, very knowledgeble, dumbs it down for people that have 0 clue with cloud concepts but also this is good for intermediate experienced cloud concept people.
    Ask me any questions if you want regarding this but it is definitely worth your time if you are going to do the Exam, and you get an exam voucher too.

    • +1

      Good luck with the exam

      • Thanks mate, have you done it?

    • +1

      I’m in your session study buddy

      • Hahaha that's awesome

      • +2

        Me too!

    • This might be a very silly question, but would this get me a job?

      • Do you mean look good on your resume with a bunch of other worthless courses? Maybe

      • +4

        IT Certifications are valued in the industry as they are in demand and not everybody has them.
        Good if you already have a job and you're getting certifications as it can drive you to a payrise as you'll be in demand with your exerperience especially how Cloud technologies are affecting pretty much every business these days whether they work directly off the cloud or have hybrid setups with an on-prem server.

        Just because you have an IT Certification doesn't mean you're going to land a job but it is going to be favourable for you over somebody that does not have one obviously.

        The reason I say Yes is because this highlights many things in a job interview showing that you're a dedicated applicant, know what you're doing and taking time out of your personal time to work on your self in your own time by getting the certification.

        Although I also say no because doing these certifications with no industry experience actually working in the field can affect you against someone else that has been doing it for a few years.

        Depending on how dedicated you are or how money-hungry driven you are go for all the certifications you can and learn as much as you can.

      • -1

        200k+ easy

        • In cents?? Or overseas currency?

      • +1

        Might help to get your CV through the filtering process/land an interview.
        But this course alone wont teach you how to administer Azure, though a good stepping stone.

      • +3

        Certifications are nice, but its attitude and ability to communicate that are also just as (or even more) valuable. After having hired a lot of people over the last 10 years, I've seen a lot of people come through my interview process with a bunch of certifications but the wrong attitude or inability to communicate. They never make it past the first round.

        • Managed Service Provider (MSP) expert status requirement to have "At least 15 of your full-time employees must have completed one of three specific Microsoft Certified Professional exams."
          az-900 vcan be a starting point to pass az-103/104 and az-300/301 after …so…

        • Absolutely spot on Trishool.

        • Hi Trishool. Thanks for your response.

          I consider myself good at communicating. Pretty easy going, and with non-IT people I can easily translate all the IT jargon to simple English. I also like to think my attitude is pretty good since I do like helping others and I enjoy it. Plus giving my all and always like to pass my knowledge and teach others whenever possible. I like to keep people informed. I also like to keep myself up to date. Issue is I email my CV everywhere I'm interested in, but I almost never get an interview in. I honestly don't know what else to do. Maybe I'm bad at CV writing, but it can't be that difficult. I looked up many formats and still nothing works. I've reached the conclusion that my IT Bachelor Degree and CV that doesn't have enough certifications compared to the 1000s of others I'm piled with, don't stand a chance, and therefore I'm worthless. Maybe I should just throw my Bachelor Degree in the bin. What a waste of 4 years.

          Like you said, you've seen many people with many certifications but not the right attitude. I've also seen and dealt with many IT people who haven't the slightest clue on how things work. I'd be stunned thinking how they ever landed the job while I can never get one. I'd be in a conversation with said people and I'd know much more than them. It just boggles my mind. How'd they get a shot and land the job, AND keep it for years? Maybe they got lucky the people hiring them don't know any better and just liked the many certificates on their CV? Maybe they lied their way through? Whatever. It's very depressing.

          • @TLZ: What roles/jobs are you applying for?

            You need to be a cut above the rest, give them a call and ask them questions over the phone, shows your confident and not another piece of paper that might be shortlisted.

            My current IT Job I called and they asked me to come down for an interview that very day.

            • @Section: I wish that happens to me. Every time I call I'm never given a chance and quickly shut down and told to apply online :(

              I'm applying for help desk/ support jobs.

    • Have you received your exam voucher yet? I have attended yesterday and scheduled to join today's session as well, but I haven't received any information about the exam voucher.

      • +1

        No haven't received it yet but I know this:

        It will take up to 7 business days after the training is complete for you to receive your voucher.
        You should receive your free voucher via email if you completed watching all training modules after 5-7 business days.
        Look out for an email after 5-7 business days. If you don’t receive the email after 7 business days, please contact [email protected]

  • +1

    The best introduction to cloud course and I have viewed/attended dozens of cloud courses for all of the major platforms (MS Azure, AWS, GCP).

    I received the voucher the day after and used it to schedule another exam.

  • so i've done via this work and got a free voucher, if i try the exam and fail can i register for another session to get another free exam voucher?

    • surely you have 2 email addresses?

      • +1

        yeah so i'll register my 2nd email address for the 2nd session/free exam voucher then right?

  • +3

    Booked for 27th July. Noice.

  • Thanks TA, you Champion!

  • Any free training/vouchers for MB-300 or MB-310?

  • i did the 19th June course but have not yet received a voucher

    • +2

      It will take up to 7 business days after the training is complete for you to receive your voucher.
      You should receive your free voucher via email if you completed watching all training modules after 5-7 business days.
      Look out for an email after 5-7 business days. If you don’t receive the email after 7 business days, please contact [email protected]

  • I did this last week. It's a very high-level briefing on some of the fundamentals of Azure. It felt more like a sales pitch than actual training. I would only bother if you know absolutely nothing about Azure.

  • Free training is alright but Free Voucher piece is a scam. I did mine like 2 months ago and still no voucher in my email!

    • Look out for an email after 5-7 business days. If you don’t receive the email after 7 business days, please contact [email protected]

  • The Event Registration is Full

    • There are still other dates available, but you need to be quick. See bottom of OP.

  • Would you receive one voucher for each session if you attend multiple sessions? Asking for a friend :)

    • With different emails, yes.

      • Oh great, I thought a voucher is tied to the email address that it can't be applied to another MS certification account.

  • Can someone shed some light on the examination? Is everything covered in the session?

    • Everything is covered in the session. More shit available at if you're not confident first time.

  • For those not in the know, this is one of the qualifications that actually carrys weight

  • +1

    Watched the training, took notes. I'm doing some other YouTube Videos now. Is this overkill? Anyone done the exam have feedback if it is an easy pass based on the videos alone please? Don't want to waste my free exam attempt.

    • +1 to this. I took notes as well during the two days, but want to know if doing some Udemy courses or a lot of online practices is overkill vs just using notes to take the exam.

    • +1

      I watched the majority of the videos on cbtnuggets with a free trial, went to the onsite training day and did the free exam at the end of the day. Passed without too much drama.

  • What doors/jobs can this open as someone studying a Commerce/Business degree?

    • BS Anaylst since you're not in IT field, oh I mean Business System not BullSh!t…

  • 27 July is full now but successfully registered for 30 July.

    • Same here. See you in class 👍

  • Is recorded session available online? wanna watch for interest, not eyeing the exam voucher.

    • No they are not. I did both days and yeah they are good at giving an overview of Azure which I had no idea about but for the exam I am going to need to do a lot more study. Tried a practice exam on whizlabs.

      I have purchased udemy for AWS and I hope they are more focused on getting me the exam done rather than the broad knowledge.

  • What's the difference between Exam and Certification?…

  • +1

    For those that want to, Microsoft offer training online that's free. Sure it's not event based but you can do this in your own time. And you won't get the free voucher for the exam…

    • Thanks fella. I've registered and been accepted for the scheduled training three times…but failed to get a class invitation 24 hours before start. As a Teacher its caused huge scheduling issues and muchos' frustration.

  • Is this an actual certification? like something nice to have on a resume?

    • this is the training session (pre-recorded it seems?) with a live chatroom that's pretty responsive imho.

      on completion of the session(s) you get sent an email with a voucher code to use against the exam.
      on passing the exam, you get the certification which you can stick on your resume

      • Just an MCP assuming?
        I'm already a MCP and set up our azure a few months back

        • +1

          Yeah, I believe so. I haven't looked at what certification you get after passing the exam but would assume MCP. I haven't done a MS exam in nearly 20 years since I got my MCSA in Win2k, but I would assume MCP is still applicable

          • +1

            @shakoo: I'll give it a shot and see what it entails
            Might have to finish off my 365 certification as well

  • All sold out except August 14 session…

  • Just had my exam this morning from home with the free exam voucher. Well worth it. The presentation is very well done and the person to answer any questions is knowledgeable.

    I actually did the same course with a training provider through my workplace and it was a shocker. The free one here is much better.

  • I still haven't received email confirmation for an August date, do they email or not?

  • Waiting for todays session to begin!

  • Doing the course right now. It's good but obviously pre-recorded.

    Looking forward to the exam. Does anyone know if you can pick an exam center nearby or do you have to sit it from home?

    • Yeh, I did the Microsoft 365 fundamentals from home. I don't think the centres are open at the moment (in VIC anyway)

  • i finished the session but i didn't get a voucher, does anyone else have the same problem?

    • I don't think you get anything emailed.

      Follow Q5.…

      • +1

        Sorry i should have updated this. It's voucherless. When i go to schedule exam, the voucher is there. Expires in july next year

        The process is changed to voucher-less and you can redeem the discount.

        Steps to schedule your exam:

        Close all open browsers and open a new Edge browser. Click on this link - and select the exam to schedule.

        1. Click on Schedule with Pearson VUE

        2. Sign in to Certification Dashboard using the personnel email account. If you do not have account, follow the steps to create one (Use personnel email and not the work email to create the certification profile).

        3. Save the Profile and continue

        4. Check your eligibility by entering the email account you used to register for the event

        5. Click Schedule exam

        6. Select How do you want to take your exam ( Local test center , home/office)

        7. Select exam date and time and Proceed to Checkout

        See complete Microsoft Certification exams terms and conditions at

  • Can you give the voucher to other person?

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