This was posted 4 years 8 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[eBay Plus] Merino Wool Quilts (Australian Made) from $47.20 Delivered @ Linen Dreams eBay


Based on the troves of positive comments from ozbargainers who got this for previous winters, I ordered mine a couple of days ago - and now it's 20% off! We're heading well into winter, so now's the time to grab a solid quilt. Looks like the price has stayed the same over the last couple of years, props to these guys.

Previous Deal

Australian Made Merino Woollen Quilts

Weight ratings: 200GSM, 350GSM, 500GSM and 700GSM (grams/square metre).

Sizes: Cot/Cotbed, Single, King Single, Double, Queen, King and Super King.

So a typical Queen 700GSM (their warmest) comes out at $78.40 delivered.

These are DRY-CLEAN ONLY. They do sell machine-washable quilts( where the Merino Wool goes through an additional process whereby the wool is pre-shrunk then coated in a light layer of resin to prevent shrinkage (so they're more expensive). In my area dry-cleaning for a Queen-sized woollen quilt hits around $60.00.

The 700gsm King was an eBay plus deal a few days ago for $39

Original Coupon Deal

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Is this the same one as the plus deal the other day for $39?

    • +2

      No the $39 was for the 700gsm

    • Looks like it, but only for the King 700gsm. Living in Sydney, a quilt that weight would be absolutely stifling

  • +3

    I've got 700gsm quilt from them.. They're not as thick or warm as i imagined

    • -1

      Exactly, the downside of wool quilts. On the other hand a 700gsm duck down/feather quilt would be much warmer!

      • +4

        Yeah Down is WAY better. Go down and never look up. ;)

        • Not if you knew how that quilt was made… youtube it and you will never buy them again

  • has anyone used this brand, any good compared to other Australian brand?

    • I purchased a 500gsm quilt after reading the reviews here:

      It's very very warm, quite heavy to lift

      • Where are you based? I bought a 500gsm in their last sale and I wake up around 0100 or 0200 freezing in Autumn in WA (Hyden). I have to sleep with a heater on!

  • thanks for one for my baby

    • -2

      Did OP give you a baby or …?

  • +2

    i have the king 700GSM and i find it fantastic. Warm enough for me.

  • Thanks OP.

    Need a new one for Victoria's current cold spell.

  • How do you dry clean body fluids?

    • +1

      Doona/quilt cover… Didn't mum teach you this when you were young?

  • +1

    I’m not sure anyone knows. But dry cleaning is like sharing a washing load with hundreds of people you don’t know in the one wash. Instead of water, hydrocarbon or perc is used to remove odours and stains which is then heated up to be recondensed for the next load. They would put more suits/blouse/dress of similar colour and material in a big load. Very unhygienic

    • +35

      Don't stop. I'm almost there.

    • So if something is dry clean only how do you clean it?

  • Where's the treated one I don't have to dry clean? I can't see anything that marks which one that is.

  • +3

    If anyone posts "mine is good" comments could you tell us where you live? A good quilt in Brisbane is not necessarily going to be a good quilt in Melbourne :)

    • +1

      True that, I don't want a very warm quilt like a lot of people here seem to enjoy, I still like being cold (still have ceiling & pedestal fan on during winter), but I still like to be somewhat warm.

      • You can spend very little on a Cotton quilt you lucky bugga.

    • +1

      "mine is good". Central Coast, NSW.

    • Mine is crap. 500 gsm, Hyden, WA. Too cold.

  • Bought 1 last year. I live in Melbourne. Good quality and highly recommended.

  • +1

    Wool is great, but first I'd confirm with other buyers as to wether ewe might be put off by a potentially very wooly smell (not sure if this doona is affected).

    Puns aside, my wife recently bought a wool doona (may have been from spotlight, not sure) and the smell takes me back to growing up on a farm and being in the shearing shed, memorable but not somewhere I'd want to sleep. A very strong smell of wool lanolin which hopefully dissipates over time.

  • I got a 500gsm one for Sydney climate.
    Rarely have it pulled up past my waist. Great for those few cold nights we get each winter.

    My partner said it's too heavy for her but I like the weight.

    No sheepy smell.

    Only thing that might bother people is it's noisy. The outer material is kind of loud when you move around

  • I’ve bought a 500gsm quilt from these guys, from aldi and from canningvale. I would say that this and also are on the same level of warmth, but the canningvale is noticeably warmer to the point where I don’t need my electric blanket like I did with the linen Dreams/aldi one. I live in Canberra and my room can get down to 12 degrees at night

    • Thanks for this - a few other people share the same thoughts as you, so I looked up Canningvale, and they're having a sale. Might get that instead.

      EDIT: Might get this 700gsm instead at $98, rather than Canningvale's (washable) 500gsm at $149.99.

    • *this (Linen Dreams) and aldi

  • These are very good. Going to pick up a few more now.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Got a Super King 700gsm and 3 x Single 500gsm - $315.20 delivered!

  • +1

    I have had the 700gsm for almost 10 years, perfect!! Heavy and warm

    • Do you dry clean yearly etc?

      • +1

        Yeah, usually once every 2 years. I have a thick cover for it, and I use another sheet underneath it, so it doesn't get dirty, to this day, white, no smell, as if it's new.

  • +1

    I have the king 700gsm and I couldn't be happier with it in Melbourne's winter.

  • I got the Queen 700GSM Quit and love it (Melbourne). They've also got very good Eygptian cotton/silk fitted sheets and top sheets.

  • how heavy is the 700GSM queen?

    • +2

      hard to tell if you are trying to be funny or not…

      • It was a serious question. I am thinking to buy one for my little daughter (7 yearn old). People been commenting that they find it heavy. That's why i am interested to know the estimate weight.

        • -3

          You're asking how heavy a quilt is that is 700 grams per square metre?

        • +6

          Tough crowd… not everyone knows what GSM stands for or the dimensions of a queen size quilt.
          700 x 2.1 x 2.1 = 3087 (approx 3kg)

          • @M0RGAN: thank you sir.

          • -1

            @M0RGAN: "not everyone knows what GSM stands for or the dimensions of a queen size quilt."

            I knew neither when I read this thread. But I have heard of Google and it literally took 20 seconds to work it out.

            Give a man a fish, teach a man to fish etc etc…

            • +2

              @1st-Amendment: So you didn’t know, looked it up, worked it out and still decided to be unhelpful… and then come back to criticise someone for answering. God, I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with you in person.

              Did you at least teach them? Didn’t even follow your own proverb.

              • @M0RGAN: The thread now has enough information for anyone to work it out. So yes, the lesson is complete.

  • thanks OP, got 2

  • Didn't need one xD, but seeing all these good comments I couldn't hold back! Hope the 500gsm won't be too hot for Sydney.

    • 500GSM is definitely a good all year round weight.

  • Got one (Queen 700 for $78) from last year's deal. Really warm and saved me a lot of money in electricity bill for heating.

  • +1

    Good seller and a bloody good blanket. I got the 700 GSM and it keeps me mighty warm in minus temperatures.
    I recommend the washable ones as one dry cleaning session - and you lost your savings. Helps when you got toddlers who have accidents.
    Also, if you have a queen, get a king size. That way, you are really well insulated and have some legroom when turning in the bed.

  • How can they possibly sell for these prices and make money? Generally you pay for what you get.
    A Queen size 700gsm for $98? Come on! I bought a Queen size 500gsm Eco wool quilt from Woolstar a week ago for $179.40 (Ozbargain deal)….and that was 40% off.They are machine washable though.

  • How do these compare with the Mini Jumbuk equivalents?

  • Since I don't have ebay plus, I had a look on Amazon and found a Queen 700gsm by Woolcomfort by $1 more. I'm still trying to compare product reviews.

    • I can recommend. Bought one 2weeks ago and they are nice. We got the 500gsm though.

  • got very cute with descriptions and shipping - ebay plus products seem higher priced than those where the 4.80 is charged - irritating

  • I'm in the wild wet west Tassie & I have a 350gsm,
    and I have slept with the electric blanket off,
    may have to have it on low soon.
    You only need the 500 & 700 when you are up in the high country with all the snow around,
    toughen up you Mary's

  • The code does not work.

    • Same, tried to apply code and says it's not correct. Anyone else having trouble?

      • Decided to go through the eBay home page again to find the product, ended finding a down quilt for cheaper from the same seller that worked with the 20% off code so went with that. Noticed that they have other listings for the same wool quilt which the 20% off code worked, so it might just be something wrong with the above linked listing.

        • sadly its all connected to shipping charges same items different prices for shipping - some are marked free shipping but in reality only to a few states. don't ship to others

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