Looks like it's a direct link to activate the deal instead of a code.
Your delivery fee will be covered on up to 5 orders over the next 14 days.
Looks like it's a direct link to activate the deal instead of a code.
Your delivery fee will be covered on up to 5 orders over the next 14 days.
$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.
check your email
no but here's a downvote
Targeted. Mine is 15% off next 5 pickup orders.
I find menulog is cheaper. For the same item, menulog is $11.80 and Uber eats is $13.90
Both are rip offs.. they easily charge 10% extra on their items.
thanks this worked for me
I'm not eligible fff
Nice! This worked thanks
Cheers David
Anytime Flatulent Frank.
Whooo got 100 free deliveries until 7 July 2020.
I’ll pay an extra 30c for my iced coffee to be delivered lol.
Try I got this one for similar email 4345eats
Give me the link