COVID19 - Melbourne Protest Should've Been Cancelled Until a Safer Time [Poll]

I don't have anything against peoples right to protest. but there is a level of stupidity about protesting in the middle of a pandemic. Considering the whole country has been in a level of lockdown for months and the protesters where urged 'not to protest' if they could keep social distancing, until things got 100% clear the state government needs to be held accountable and the organizers of this protest need to at least given heavy fines.

Coronavirus live updates: Black Lives Matter protester in Victoria tests positive for coronavirus

What are peoples thoughts?

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  • 1415
    I agree the protest should have been cancelled till a safer time
  • 199
    I disagree i think the protests timing was no issue


        • That's exactly the point. COVID numbers in the states for example were too high. It overwhelmed the system for other diseases too

        • +1

          Wow where do your statistics come from MementoMori? Please don't post rubbish.
          From the what the research shows COVID19 has 6-10 times the mortality rate of influenza. In addition, influenza affects about 8% of the population each year whereas COVID19 could be 50-80% of the population. The morbidity costs are also much higher. In the US, there were 20X the number of deaths per week compared to the deadliest week of the flu.
          People who need dialysis are not staying a way from hospital ( you need to attend dialysis 3 days a week ) so if you don't attend you will rapidly become uraemic.

          • -1


            COVID19 could be 50-80% of the population.

            I think it's you who's posting rubbish buddy.

            Let's talk Australia, rather than the '99% chance Hillary will win the election' US data.

            Taking the numbers from here -…

            Number of tests = 1.7 million
            Morbidity rate (% positive) = 0.4%

            1.7 million is statistically significant enough to extrapolate across our whole population. Not to mention, it's mainly people who feel unwell that get tested, so you'd imagine it's a skewed sample size towards a higher positive count.

            A little less than Influenza at 8%…

            However, I actually agree with you in that I think it's spread far more than the data shows, which drives the 1.4% mortality rate (from link above) down even further. I would say it's more like 8%… again, just like the flu.

            So let me ask you, where do your rubbish numbers come from?

            • @MementoMori: My statistics are from a wide variety of sources including the John Hopkins Centre and numerous journals.

              Why would you look at Australia COVID testing figures to compare to influenza? That makes no sense - Australia has instituted numerous measures to prevent COVID from reaching ours shores, social isolating and better hygiene practices - none of which are used to control influenza. You have to compare nations where little controls have been instituted - Sweden, US, Brazil, Italy. That is the reason why testing 1.7 million Australians has yielded so few positive cases - the policies have worked (Why don't you pick New Zealand - they could test the whole population and have no positive cases - does that make the virus non-contagious at all? N=0). It has nothing to do with how contagious the virus is ( the N score ).
              If you let the virus run its course with no protections in place it will infect 50-80% of the population. It is a novel virus so our immune systems are primed to defend us. That is the reality.


  • +5

    if anyone is experiencing racism now it’s the chinese. Abuse even though I don’t have anything to do with covid. Just my skin colour. I get look, whispers the works.
    Don’t see chinese protesting. We just stay quiet and get on with it.

    • +3

      That's something else that the Australian government is refusing to acknowledge.

    • +6

      Most Australians don't realise there's more than one asian country. It's Asians in general who have been facing covid discrimination

      • -1

        Doesn’t help asians are smaller in stature compared to others. Makes people think they are bigger. I don’t see people being racist to a big dark African on the train.

      • Yep, Australians don't discriminate - we're racist against everyone!

  • COVID19 IMO is a giant conspiracy. The threat was real but I highly doubt it was caused by a bat

    • +2
      • Thank you mate I'll check this out after a chop

    • weren't previous pandemics caused by viruses transmitted by wild animals? why would this be any different? also it may have been pangolins as they apparently carry certain coronaviruses

      • Well the key lies in the genetic structure or the virus. Basically it boils down to an insertion of four amino acids into the structure of the Coronavirus. Not to mention this insertion made it more adaptable to be able to bind with human cells, a normal mutation from animals to humans wouldn't do that.

        Now let's look into a mutated strain, you wouldn't see a whole section of the genome being added onto the structure. At best there is only a change of one amino acid. If there was a change of (4) amino acids it'll take 100s of years for that occurrence. Hence the odds of it appearing in nature and for us not have already discovered this strain is astronomical.

        Then you might say what about all these research articles concluding that it's from nature. That's a very good point. Read the peer reviewed article. In their analysis they only briefly explain that the SARS COV 2 is similar to the virus found in Pangolins however they never explained how the 4 amino acid was inserted to create the genetic structure of SARS COV 2. However they were able to "conclude" in their conclusion of their articles that it derived from nature without in depth explaination. The article was rubbish, and it was found in "Nature" (a respected peer reviewed Journal).

  • But gotta get them Instagram likes! /s

  • +1

    Many ways to protest and a more suitable sate, and possibly meaningful way to do so than last weekend. There is also news of another protect by another group in NSW. We just don't need this right now after being in isolation for so long. IMO.

  • +6

    I get that all other groups are occasionally the target of racism from time to time. But what I legit don't get…why is it just black people…? I mean, you never hear about systemic racism towards Indian people, or Asian deaths in custody! Even in China, it's racism against black people. You hear about "the bamboo ceiling" and that sorta thing, but I mean proper racism. Like, cops don't target South American people for e.g. (at least, not in Australia)


    • +10

      People are generally sheep. It’s trending now so just follow. Plus ppl have lost their jobs so got nothing else better to do.

      • +2

        How about just staying home (voice BLM online), reduce covid19 spread chance, economy can recover sooner (look at NZ), then they can find new job sooner? That's definitely a better thing to do.

        • +2

          That’s the proper and appropriate thing to do! Not what people do unfortunately

    • +1

      Because in most places, they're the minority.

      Have a look at South Africa's recent history for contrast.

    • I can't remember where but one person on a show made a point to the question of what about Italian or Irish or Chinese etc. people in the US that seem to have integrated alright etc.
      Their answer was that in the US at least, yes that's a good question but what other group of people were enslaved in the US?

      (i.e. They were enslaved, other people in the US weren't on, on that scale anyway)

      (I'm no historian though so this could be wrong, please enlighten me if so)

      And then from what I've seen it seems like some people in the US live in a bit of a US-centric bubble and therefore their point of view of racial issues (primarily white-black stemming from their History) may be limited to what's going on in their country…

      Just my 2 thoughts.

    • +1

      People who aren't involved in politics are now involved in politics suddenly during this time

      • They should read history books and not twitter.
        Would help if they read the publicly available statistics that don't support this nonsense.

    • -1

      Black people have been systematically abused in the USA for centuries. It's infected every aspect of life there. Government, media, culture, business and education. The last slave died in 1971. This is all relatively fresh.

    • +1

      It has a lot to do with history and context. In the US it goes way back: African Americans were brought over there as slaves and their emancipation did not come easily. There's been no real redress for that and the intergenerational trauma thats gone with it has been ignored by large tracts of the community who have ultimately benefited over time from that slave labour. In the South it's still quite overt.

      In Australia it goes back to settlement and again the lack of redress until relatively recently. Indigenous Australians were erased from local history for a long time (even as a kid I was taught about colonisation and none of it mentioned the measles pandemic, the roundups and slaughters or the stolen generation). This stuff doesn't just go away from peoples minds with the passage of time, especially if nothing is done about it. The intergenerational trauma only compounds with time - back then there was no therapy so people turned to alcohol etc to cope, which doesn't work. They then have kids when they're already not coping, take it out on the kids, the kids turn to alcohol, they have kids and then you have generations of entrenched trauma and a world without much else in it. Things are being done now and I think increasing awareness (I see this is referred to as being 'sheep' a lot but it's actually not, it's empathy) will result in further improvements over time too.

      As for other races, there's still degrees of racism, but it doesn't have its history rooted in involuntary labor or colonisation, the vast majority of Asians or Indian people living and working in Australia or the US came there voluntarily as migrants so there's not that totalitarian destruction of autonomy in their past.

  • +11

    New Zealand has no active cases of COVID-19. They got their act together quicker than we could. Now these morons have set us back again.

    • +1

      New Zealand had it easy; they're a fraction of our size, centrally governed (no states) and have a population that's only as big as Melbourne.

      • +12

        Not to mention half of them live here in Australia….

      • +1

        NZ did not have it easy, they locked down the entire country!

        • +1

          Yes, their whole country which is barely larger than Victoria (and has a smaller population). SA, NT and Tasmania all achieved the same result, were they quicker to react than our other states?

          • @ssquid: They just got $@:@ done. That is all

      • +1

        it's not easy, they announced the lockdown when their number is around 100, and guess what, they ended up with 1500 by the end. Meanwhile we still have sproradic cases of unknown origin popping up everyday 3 months down the track which mean the source of infection is still hanging around. Unless we implement harsh measures to completely stamped out every suspected cases then it'll be a very long road before things are back to normal, it will be a rollercoaster ride in and out of lockdown with no clear end.

        • The majority of our new cases are still from returned overseas travellers.

          • @ssquid: It doesn't matter where the majority come from.

            All that matters is if any at all are locally acquired in the community.

  • +7

    I have been so disappointed at this but thankfully common sense prevails, at least amongst ozbargainers.

    • +5

      the majority of them anyway there are a few left wing nutters in the crowd but overall i generally feel Ozb community represent a diverse but reasonable view on the world

  • +2

    If you were a person who didn't mind the protests for the idea behind it, but were concerned about the potential public health impact (and lock-down impact) then this may actually alienate those people.

    Which may not work in your favour - public opinion of the protesters may suffer due to this. (Kinda like how looting was used as ammo against them in the US by opposition groups)

  • Just let it run its course already

  • +1

    Dan andrews you done it again

  • +5

    We had to have the protests now cause Lefty Lives Matter.

  • +7

    Plenty of white privilege comments in here

    • +4

      Tell me, what privilege does a white person have more, than any other person in Australia?

      I can tell you plenty of privileges an Aboriginal has that does not apply to white people.

      • Ah that nice whataboutism rearing it's head again.

        It is very well known, although maybe not to people who don't apply for jobs, that having a white surname in Australia can give one an advantage.

    • -2
    • +2

      Everyone who lives here in this great country is privileged. Get over yourself.

    • +3

      The plural of anecdote is not data

    • Bot detected.

  • +5

    I asked someone who attended the Sydney protest if the knew the history around taking a knee. He didn't know. He thought it they did in respect for Aboriginal people.

      • +4

        Last time I checked My skin colour was dark brown, not sure why it matters to you though.

  • The SPX finally caught up with the protests with a second wave imminent. Anyone that has some spare FIAT or withdrew funds from their super now have the opportunity to put it to good use.

  • +3

    Apparently people on Twitter are raging at abc news for reporting on this. Haha

  • +2

    If you want to protest do it at the end of your driveway .

    • +3

      That's how most chose to respect the ANZACS.
      Surely that is good enough for Floyd and our Indigenous.

  • -4

    Latest Official COVID19 news

    The lockdowns where totally unecessary.

    They found out you can only get infected from those who have the obvious SYMTOMS!

  • What's with all the DisabledUser102420? They do disable it of their own accord(, but seems to be like 3-4 people did it overnight.

    • +1

      Isn’t it only Jar Jar Binks posts?

      • did he leave or get banned?

        • +1

          Left, as far as I know, if you are banned it will still show your username.

  • +2

    No fines were issued I gather?

  • +6

    A bunch of vegan hippies (my ex friends)

    • -8

      And now you are a lonely person commenting on forums hahaha what a sad life you have haha

      • Got new normal friends buddy

        • -4

          Normal? lol

          We should put your name next to the word "normal" in the dictionary.

  • Is it weird that I almost want a 2nd wave just to go HAHAHA, but at the same time, don't want one, because it will be horrible for the innocent people and business that will be affected?

    • Yeah wishing death and disease on your home country due to your political beliefs is pretty messed up.

      • +7

        Agreed, the protesters were a bunch of idiots.

  • +1

    coronavirus round 2, lock down again

  • -7

    What about the level of stupidity of allowing white tourists from EU and US to come back and walk freely carrying the coronavirus?

    It just shows how insecure white people are, trying to block protests. Your white skin is losing value just like the share market haha

    • +6

      Those so called white tourists are Australian citizens or residents and they have to self isolate in a hotel room for 14 days when they come back. They also got tested on a regular basis and if they have coronavirus, pretty sure the police won't let them walk out of their room and spread it to the community.

      • -5

        The forced isolation was enforced 2 weeks after people started coming back.

        Your white skin is so shiny, you are blinded my friend.

        • +1

          You judge people solely based on their skin and not discussing the matter. You are a plague for Oz.

  • +7

    The average person is an idiot. Once you come to this realisation nothing surprises you anymore and you just need to do your best to dodge their stupidity. Look at our online media outlets, no matter what is happening in the world there is always room to post an article about big brother, MAFS, Bachelor, cooking shows or whatever other reality TV garbage idiots are watching because those articles generate lots of ad revenue because of the amount of clicks they get, because the average person watches that crap who, as I mentioned, is an idiot. Don't be an idiot.

    • 100% correct.

      I’m turning away from media and technology besides OZ bargains

  • +4

    The protesters are extremely selfish.
    I wonder if they realise the sick irony that the vast majority of Aboriginal people who died after white people settled died of epidemics. And now they are marching in pandemic for "Black Lives Matter." Aboriginal people have higher risk factors if they get this disease including higher rates of obesity, diabetes and dark skin that matter it harder for the body to make vitamin D.

    • +1

      Let’s see if anyone from their group dies form it. No offense to them.

    • +4

      Don't say that on Twitter, the last person who did had an angry mob coming after her job!

  • Yes makes me angry no end….also the other night watching the news and they found some boy who had been missing a few days which i was pleased about. But at the end the search crew were hugging some were first responders who should know better, no consideration for anybody.

  • +8

    how ironic is it that these marches are for Aboriginal lives
    yet if one of the protesters catch this virus and bring it back to a aboriginal community it could be a devastating

  • the problem is they are not wearing masks, if they all wore masks i dont see a problem. the thing is not everyone wears the masks correctly neither..

  • Just donot come to Queensland i am happy now.

  • Lol… using a article says a lot.

  • +2

    Hey let's take to the streets en masse during a pandemic, said no sane person.

  • +7

    I find it rich that the same crowd who flamed me for hanging out with my GF, one person, have no issue with 30,000 people collecting together. Downvote me all you want. Idiots. How do 10% of you think this is okay?

    • +1

      because there are hypocrites where the situation is ok when it aligns only to their own beliefs and agendas. I don't see a single person protesting the massively disproportiate (vs the broader Australian population) child abuse and domestic violence that exists in one particular population group notwithstanding the extraoridnary tax dollars which are provided to this group and the enormoues privelage they are offered that an ordinary person in this country is not entitled to (houses, segregated computer rooms in universities, extra social service $$$ etc etc). People need to start taking inidividual accountability for their actions. If you want to protest please go and protest for the abused children and the domestic volience.

    • +1

      You aren't giving them likes on insta and Facebook.

  • +3

    And if there's a 2nd wave/major outbreak because of this protest, our tax money will be used to treat them for their stupidity. Yes to BLM, but couldn't they postpone or find other ways to do it. ANZAC day was celebrated at home. ALL OZ sacrifice too much to get to where we are now, lockdown, lost jobs, tax money went to jobkeeper and jobseeker, frozen wage raise, Don't blow it people. Sorry for the vent.

  • +2

    The protests should not have gone ahead. I'm doing my job staying indoors and abiding by the guidelines, so why should a certain group be exempt?

    I'm sure if they were vegan, animal rights or anti-lockdown protesters then there would be utter outrage, police intervention and dozens of fines issued.

    There is clearly a need for change but at what expense? A second wave?

    It's disappointing that people are knowingly breaking rules and not being punished.

  • this thread participants are moronic just as the protesters, just stick to the bargains…

    • Calling other ppl morons because you dont agree with them typical lefty here

      • +2


      • +2

        Is that worse than butthurt, snowflake etc because I feel like lefties get called that by those that disagree with them a lot ;)

    • -1



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