Tried the coupon code from here:
Still works :)
Previous policy was around $915 - same details and a new policy is around $930~ - savings of $85
Tried the coupon code from here:
Still works :)
Previous policy was around $915 - same details and a new policy is around $930~ - savings of $85
*a calculator
He probably meant $915-$930+ $100 GC=$85 Savings. New policy is probably $15 more expensive.
Haha I just got burned. I’m actually due for car insurance and will likely take advantage of this offer. If the gift card arrives I’ll buy some manners.
Good man :D
Did it last time, the gift card never show up.
Last time i signed up, giftcard took 3 months to arrive
Yep, I have used this promo (or similar) for the last two years but both times they didn't send the giftcard and I had to follow up via their online webchat.
If you sign up just set a reminder for 3 months time to contact them if your giftcard hasn't appeared.
I needed to hassle them a little in order for them to cough up the gift card
I had to contact them to get it.
Had to call and threaten that I would cancel my insurance and requested all my previous premiums refunded as they breached my contact by not honoring the promotion I signed up for.
3 days later my 20,000 points showed up in my rewards account
how deep were you into the contract
4 months
Check price without promocode as well , last time i was quote more with promo
I tried without promo code, premium was $1055.xx annually. Then tried with promo code. It went up to $1114.38. If the gift card arrives after 3 months, it will be approx $41 cheaper. I'm happy with my current insurer.
Without promo you get 15% with promo its 10% + 100$ Gift Card. For those who's different is marginal, they can grab it.
Make sure to check your policy in 12 months. I had Woolworths home insurance which I recently cancelled because I signed up for an online promo discount. Discount comes off after 12 months. Woolworths answer when I called to ask, cancel your insurance and sign up again to get the online discount for another 12 months. Ahh yeah, seeya. I sign up to a competitor which is ~10% cheaper than the Woolworths discounted price for all the same inclusions.
which competitor? Coles?
Not important. I used an aggregator to compare prices and check policy inclusions. It's an open market. Things change. I found it odd that Woolworths suggested reducing my current coverage or cancelling to rejoin to reduce my renewal cost which moved up 30% after the first year. Very odd way to retain customers. I guess they wanted to use the marketing budget in different ways and customer retention wasn't part of the KPI that month.
what s a good aggregator and what's a good car insurance company ? mine is due for renewal, 10 years and no due diligence, time I got off my arse and had a look around !
@ruprectaus: I've used this in recent years with success for home/car/travel insurance. Relatively painless and quick process.
@ausremi: Thats who i use. They dont cover everyone, and they they usually wont give you a comparable quote from your current insurer but it does the job and if you time the comparison right you sometimes get a incentive to sign up with some providers.
Mine went from 609 to 699. Cancelled and I rejoined for 524 with a 100 gift card. The system is bananas.
how do you cancel?
I wasn't clear; I just didn't renew the old premium.
You should be able to cancel an active policy by calling them but they may charge a fee out of the pro-rata return of the premium.
Sign up discounts have always only been for the 12 month contract term in my experience. The next renewal will simply go back to standard renewal quote. Thats why i always reshop all my policies every 12 months. I moved all my policies to Budget Direct over last 12 months as i found that doing a comparison at Compare the market a week or so before renewal would always get me a offer of a e-gift card to sweeten the deal to switch to Budget. Now im in the process of moving away again and will re-do the same next time(assuming they are still doing these promos). Plus Budget was more expensive on my renewal this time so went with Woolies. Saves $140 for the year. What was funny was, the day after i signed up with Woolies, Compare the market sent me a deal of $20 e-gift card to sign up. Thought i would check it out and see if the premium was the same…nope. Premium had risen by nearly $60 from previous day with same details. So just left it. Suspect the same would be of this deal. I suspect they factor this e-gift card deals into their quotations somehow.
Yes. Especially with comprehensive car insurance. Example: New STi.
Insurer A: $1700, B: $1800, C: $1850, then $900 from D.
12 months later:
A: $1750, B:$950, C:$1800, D: $1850 (renewal).
Ring D: "Why has the premium jumped so much? Can you match B?"
"This is the offered rate, no we can't".
Another 12 months later: jumble all the letters around, lather, rinse, repeat (B can't match last year's price but now C can).
They're banking on you just renewing. For $1000 in my pocket you can bet I will spend some drive time on the phone getting quotes…
Looking to insure my STi, who do you recommend that is cheap?
Works with Third Party too.
You will get the run around getting the gift card. After 3 calls I got an e-gift card emailed instead. Then I cancelled out of spite…a month later the actual gift card turned up.
I just put car insurance on my car including road side assistant for a lot less then what I was quoted with Woolworths
No thanks
who with ?
Thanks, I do not think there will be anything cheaper if you just take a third party.
Bingle and CGU are cheaper. Also with Bingle you will get Suncorp reward benefits.
No, it is not. I even went ahead and checked it.
Bingle is 179.85 per annum.
Woolworths is 245-100=145.
Both with 800 excess.
Only for new policies or applies to renewals too?
The answer is NO. They were happy to cancel and allow me to repurchase but turned out my renewal cost is approx 700 lower than what I was quoted online.
My price with the coupon code is even higher than without
I recommend taking a screenshot showing the $100 voucher. Last year they didn't sent one - then sent a $50…. ended up getting $100 one due to screenshot taken.
$150 in total?
Nope. $100
Carx03 is gift that keeps giving
Just back from the wooly quoting page.
Was thinking switching to Wooly from NRMA
then with everything, every conditions as the same, Wooly was quoting me 1.9k, while NRMA is like just 1.1k for renewal, annually.
makes that 20K rewards points looks like nothing…
but I am curious why such huge gap between Wooly and NRMA, I used to think Wooly should be cheaper than NRMA? Or not?
btw, the code for Home&content is WOW20K
Woolworths are dodge I've tried their price beat policy a few times they never even bother replying
Make sure you compare multiple insurance companies.
For example, WWS quotes me 1,200 where I can get another one from Bingle for almost 600 with the same level of cover.
I tried a quote without discount code above came $610 and then i add the discount code it came with $100 gift card but the premium is gone up by $30 making the total $640.
It seems like you can't get both 10% discount & gift card together……
Theres a 15% online discount vs the 10% discount + gift card promo code
OK Thanks….is it same code?
Yes, still working!
I filled out the Quote form, it said to call this number because they needed "a bit more information" to complete my Quote.
Called the number, was on hold for over 10 minutes on a Wednesday afternoon before I hung up … and I was as a prospective Customer
Imagine how they treat people who's money they already got..
No thanks.
Are you able to get 10% grocery discount monthly for non online purchases? (In store)
How do you use it?
Scan your reward card and discount is given.
A lot of times it's cheaper to take out a new policy each 12 months and cancel the old one with same insure. Because buying online is a 15% discount for me I saved $10 a month doing this with Suncorp.
I don't get it. I don't need it as I just subbed to Coles for $320 but they quoted me $900 for the same thing? (3rd party & fire)
Umm yeah when I meant previous policy, I meant the renewal.
i have had fun with this, you need to cancel your policy at the end of the year and renew and you get a much cheaper quote, + an offer of a gift card like this one. I asked the call centre guy why and he said you need to be with Woolies Insurance for at least 3 years to qualify for the lower quote, makes no sense!
It does from their side, betting on people who don't want to go through hassles to get a cheaper quote
How is this any better than Budget Direct? Pound for pound, for a third party cover, I got a $390 annual quote from BD, but $906 from Woolies. The last time I checked, the gift card ain't no $500 gift card.
If you are after a third party $100 is a huge part of it.
Budget quoted me around $885. Woolies $935-$100=$835
I have tried the code and it is accepted and the quote goes up a little (10% discount rather than 15% discount) but I cannot see any mention of the gift card? I would like to be able to take a screen shot of the gift card being offered just in case it does not arrive automatically. Can anyone tell me where this information is provided?
Should be right there on the screen, try without providing rego and rewards numbers
It should appear on the quote screen underneath the premium $ quote.
As I couldn't find it easy to find I will share here.
T&C for the $100 gift card are
*Card sent up to 45 days after payment of your first monthly/annual premium. Offer conditional on holding this insurance for a minimum of 30 days and first premium payment received by Woolworths Insurance.
Paid $175 for 3rd party so am happy to chase them for the gift card and did it to grab the 10% monthly grocery discount. MIles ahead once I get my gift card and cancel if the discount proves a pain. Stacking with egift cards that's 15% off.
Perhaps you can buy calculator with your gift card…