This was posted 4 years 9 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Star Citizen: Play for Free during Invictus Launch Week @ Robert Space Industries


You can get 5k credits if you have a referral link.

Apparently, they have spent $300m on this game. See comments from previous deal…

Referral Links

Referral: random (30)

5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) for the referee. If the referee buys a Game Package (with minimum value of $40 USD), referrer earns 1 Recruitment Point (RP)

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Roberts Space Industries
Roberts Space Industries

closed Comments

  • +3

    I've been massively intrigued to know if this game will ever be fully released. Have fans accepted this game is likely going to continue its cycle of development indefinitely or is their a belief it will one day see a global version 1 release across all promised modules before development dries up?

    • +2

      What state has it gotten up to? I remember it and Elite Dangerous announcing around the same time and now Elite Dangerous is an old game.

      • +3

        Not that far. You can fly quite a few ships but the flight model is meh compared to Elite.
        On foot hasn't changed in 5 years, it is still worse than the default free Cryengine projects.
        They insist on all the AI being server side, so every encounter is like encountering a Russian on dialup internet.

        The game is 90% art assets, which are ageing, it is an art content house fumbling with an engine they cannot program.
        Really this is never going to be complete until they can license an off the shelf engine which does everything needed and they just plug their assets in.

        Which probably will happen one day. Engine developers do know there is probably $50M available if they convinced CIG to pickup their engine and pay 20% royalties.

        Through CIG have a big reputation for screwing over everyone who partners with them, so they would be cautious.
        They are currently dealing with Amazon, who will crush them when screwed over. That is probably the point where Amazon will pull a hostile takeover and hand control to a competent studio.

      • Elite Dangerous has been released and multiple expansions have been released.

    • I have not played the game, but I've followed its development since early on. I've heard the peak of its optimism days and the lows of the days when the criticism hit toxic levels. In my opinion, the scope of this project is too big for it to be completely dropped, that's why I think that sooner or later, if its original developers continue to fail to provide what they promised, a AAA game manufacturer will step in and buyout the project. Pump big money into it, and release it within a year or two of taking over.

    • +5

      From Forbes - "Currently, the crowdsourcing alone has raised $280,778,870 and has 2,588,298 backers with more revenue coming from the pledge store. The release date remains unclear."…

      Which means it's now surpassed the previous record holder iirc, GTA5 at 265 million. When this goes belly up it will be studied as a textbook case of poor project management.

      • +3

        Did someone say scope creep? lols.

  • +1

    Every time I download a free play week I can never get the game to start up - crashes multiple times and only ever got to play it once….it’s a shame because it looks great. Pretty shabby for a 50gig download!

    • I had the same issue during the last free play time. Downloaded the game, couldn't play due to crashes, deleted it. I would have loved to give it a spin.

  • +1

    More like Scam Citizen

  • +3

    This game gutted me.

    Huge fan of the WC series, and just happened to be nostalgia googling when Chris Roberts made his announcement and played the original demo vid.

    7 years later I am just hoping that Squadron 42 sees the light of day and I can enjoy a few hours of single person gaming, but it seems to be nowhere near a release date, still…

    Now we are at a point where my existing GTX1080 system is starting to get really sluggish when I do power up the demo, they’re too busy animating individual eyelash hairs instead of optimising their code and getting a product out the door.

    There is a good chance that Gary Oldman, Mark Hamill, Gillian Anderson, Andy Serkis and Jonathan Rhys-Davies will all be dead before their digital likenesses are walking around in-game..

    • +2

      I track my time following this game by the GPUs I have bought and Demo’d it on… starting wayyy back on a GTX690 which struggled with the initial tech demo.

      • +5

        I think I first tried it on a GTX 260, now I'm running an RTX 2060. Look forward to finally playing it on a ZTX 200600

    • It uses ram like no tomorrow - here I thought 16GB would be enough.. Nope!

  • I 'bought' this game. But the controls were a nightmare for me and access was so sporadic. But the gameplay was such a hard learning curve, made it unplayable or un-enjoyable. So never returned.

  • +2

    Agreed that this game is a total scam. The complete blind devotion to this game on the Star Citizen reddit page is truly mental. Last week I saw on Reddit someone claiming a 'cult of hate' against fans of the game, comparing them to the KKK.

  • Wow what a half arsed piece of crap. I havent even played it yet. It just spent 30mins downloading 13GB, then gets to the end and says I dont have enough disk space.

    AFTER it downloaded 13GB.

    So I change the default location to my 2nd HDD and it STARTS DOWNLOADING 13GB ALL OVER AGAIN

    Not off to a very good start lol.

  • I paid US$400 for ships at the kickstarter time some 8 years ago - I still haven't played it. Hopefully I'll be able to do so in my gaming life (which I expect to exist until I die).

    • Oof size large

  • Judging by the above comments, sounds like the developers didn't (and still haven't) learnt from 3DFX & their doomed Rampage (voodoo3?) company-self-destruction project.

    Only knew about SC after it was announced on kickstarter, and then re its fundraising success # of years ago. And when I hadn't heard anything about it in a while, asked whether it had indeed been released (only to be told "no" by a friend). Seems to still be that case, and as a fanboy of Chris Roberts' games am disappointed by the downward progression this project seems to be taking: another Duke Nukem fiasco. :(

    On a digressing note after reading the above comments, wonder which game ozbargainers would award as the largest in… A) download, and B) post-installation sizes to? Platform does not matter - xbox# / ps# / pc / nintendo# / insert-your-own - all apply. Just curious what the largest HD-space-hogging video game might be as of 2020 May 27 …

    • Mine is easily World of Warcraft, over 60GB for a fresh download.

      • CoD:MW is 200gb afaik

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