This was posted 5 years 8 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free to Play: Star Citizen (May 1st - 8th) @ RSI


This massive crowdfunded multiplayer sci-fi, simulation, combat, trading and roleplay game recently hit v3.5 and to celebrate RSI are offering a free week for people to try out the game as well as the dogfighting Arena Commander and multiplayer first-person shooter Star Marine. Normally costs from $49.50 US to play the game.

The game itself is still in development, but the graphics are stunning with a wide variety of planets, moons, cities to explore, FPS/ship to ship combat, storyline missions and more!

During the week you have access to 4 different ships - Dragonfly Black, Arrow, Avenger Titan, Cutlass Black and Prospector.

  • Create an account and then apply the coupon GETINTOTHEVERSE on this page

Installer is 97MB and requires at least 47GB free space. Recommended specs can be found here.

How to play?

This YouTube tutorial and others will help you learn how to play. Note that 3.5 had an overhauled and better flight system introduced, so flying guides for 3.4, 3.0 etc. will be outdated.

Referral Links

Referral: random (30)

5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) for the referee. If the referee buys a Game Package (with minimum value of $40 USD), referrer earns 1 Recruitment Point (RP)

Related Stores

Roberts Space Industries
Roberts Space Industries

closed Comments

  • +1

    anyone played this recently? is it still extremely buggy? or just a little buggy?

    • +8

      I play it quite frequently and it's definitely a lot less buggy than the previous versions. Still get the occasional glitch here and there (like coffee cups stuck in your feet) but significantly less major crashes.

      • which of the ships on offer this week do you recommend me trying?

        • +11

          The Cutlass Black is generally the best do all ship currently. It's a medium sized craft (compared to Avenger), has decent firepower, decent speed, large cargo capacity, able to fit smaller vehicles like Dragonfly/Greycat and can be played solo or with a group of people - pilot, co-pilot, turret etc.

          The Arrow is good as a dedicated fighter (no good for cargo runs) and the Prospector is pretty much solely for mining but that seems to be quite bugged at the moment.

          Dragonfly is basically a space motorbike that's good for exploring a planet/moon but can't Quantum Travel to other planets. Avenger is a decent light cargo/fighter but when you have the Cutty Black available I wouldn't recommend it.

          • @Clear: How does multiplayer work does it play more like an open world with extra human players or more like a grinding mmo with nice graphics or something else.

            What's since funny griefy stuff people are doing in this game atm?

            • +4

              @AlienC: More of a big open world with players among the NPCs.

              The cities, space stations and some of the planet outposts prevent you from shooting each other so griefers ram or will block the quantum travel at the starter station.

              Community is quite good on the AU server and griefing is a minor problem.

              • @Clear: Ah. I am just asking because I might get bored if there is a lot of emphasis on PVE with no PVP interaction or very limited as I need the rush to fight other human players in a game or basically rush other NPC's as a group in PVE but not slow calculated fights in a lot of typical MMO raids.

                If there is a lot of empty periods of just farming it might not be the game for me but the world looks beautiful and very ambitious.

                The view of the city is amazing can you actually land anywhere in the city and walk down on it?

                My ideal game is still a bit impossible or too ambitious at this point.. but I am sure it is like what a lot of people want.. a fully active large large city full of constant 24/7 PVP.. I know it can be done somehow by splitting the city into regions and giving each region more sub regions and objectives or special activities etc.

                But that would need a lot of people to be playing it constantly which is very ambitious.. but man that would be my kind of game.. basically Planetside 2 with a bit of Natural Selection 2 gameplay in a Star Citizen universe and open world.

                Honestly flying space ships put me to sleep I need to somehow keep myself awake or alive than just cruising from A to B.

                • +2

                  @AlienC: Ship to ship PVP against players and NPCs in SC and the FPS in SM are very fast paced. If you slow down to try and calculate everything like other MMO raids, you will die.

                  Area 18 on Arccop (the city) can be explored as shown here while another area allows you to land on buildings. There are a few other places like industrial mining cities (Lorville/Levski) and pirate space stations (e.g. Grim Hex) that also look amazing.

  • Tells me coupon code is expired or invalid…perhaps Im doing something wrong :)

    • I've updated the OP. You need to do it at the promotion page.

      • Thanks :)

  • +1

    Oh ffs, my data storages are full at the moment.

  • -6

    More like Scam Citizen

    • +2

      You so witty.

    • Just sip your Monster and be quiet

  • +11

    Perfect name for a company producing/selling PC games: RSI.

    • +1

      It also used to be the name of a hacking/demo group back in the 80's. Anyone remember the "Follow me" demo?

      • +2

        Red Sector Inc. ! you must be old :P

  • Does this have VR support yet?

    • +1

      Not officially implemented yet but possible with VorpX.

  • +2

    Just loaded up my game and all the ships are available to play rather than selecting one so that's a plus!

  • -3

    Looks rather dull. Hopefully Microsoft will notice this is a dud and make Freelancer 2.

  • +2

    have they postponed full release again?

    • There is no official release date ;)

  • +2

    OH god…50GB download, I think I'll pass….by the time I finish downloading I would only have a few minutes left to play….hahaha

  • Thanks for reminding this. I have downloaded the game during the previous free-to-play event and started the launcher. Rather than downloading the whole thing, it's saying ~13GB/1 file left… so not too bad, if it's correct.

    Not that any one asked my opinion, but I felt maybe the game was good when it was envisioned, but after all this time, it looked so meh with bad performance.

    • +5

      Noooo…. I was wrong…. now it just started downloading 40 more GBs for nearly 20k files.

  • +9

    So, I was really interested in this game many years ago and dropped a fair bit of cash on it while on Kickstarter. Its model has changed immensely and am wary in supporting this game. 300 million dollars taken and not even close to a finished product after 7 years. No time line provided any more either. Check the Forbes article.…

    • -5

      And let's read this excellent response to the crappy Forbes article which explains why this isn't some FIFA 1993-2019 and beyond passionless game.

      • +10

        I'm sorry, I understand the echo-chamber within r/starcitizen and I would not class that as an "excellent response".

        Star Citizen is a classic example of why you need experienced project governance to deliver an ambitious project of this scale (and funds). The scope creep has been absolutely deleterious to the actual development timelines.

        I understand what they're trying to do is humongous, but there has been a fair bit of mismanagement as well. Also, don't get me started on Squadron 42.

        Make no mistake, this is not a game, it is a technology demonstrator at present, and it is cool AF. I wish it the very best, and I hope they are able to release this in due time (gut feel is another 4-5 years of development is required). We need super ambitious games like this, but we cannot ignore the fact that there was stupendous scope creep and questionable project management that has resulted in a relatively "chaotic" development.

        Source: Am a Backer.

        • -5

          Yeah join any server, call it a game and you'll be torn to shreds. Then again people that treat crowdfunding as a purchase are stupid. It will get there eventually and the reddit post addresses many points as to why this isn't your traditional game. Chris is building a dream for a lot of people and with the amount of work and fine details, it'll take a few more years. I'm willing to wait :)

          Source: Am a Backer.

      • +6

        What people wanted:
        Freelancer with dynamic politics, trading, reputation, more ship design and bigger MMO-Atmosphere.

        What Star Citizen delivered:
        Eve with more combat.

        And who influenced this direction?
        Eve fans who wont abandon their game because of the huge amount of time they've already invested into Eve.

        Star Citizen is dead on arrival.

        • -5

          What Star Citizen delivered:
          Eve with more combat, dynamic trading, reputation, more ship designs, more ship redesigns, more worlds, overhaul of entire graphics, sound, mechanics, engine, story, missions and more.


          Star Citizen is dead on arrival.

          Impossible. The game hasn't been released yet and has thousands of active players. Several of the AU servers are constantly full ;)

          • +1

            @Clear: Its clear you're just a shill.

            All you want is eve+

            Freelancer+ is what people wanted.

            • -1

              @TsunamiInTheHouse: Yes I'm a shill for CGI that's exactly what I am /s Or maybe just a passionate supporter that has seen how far the game has come compared to old articles? 😉

              I love my Freelancer ship too by the way thank you very much. 😂

    • +5

      Yeah it feels like a project that is trying to reach too far.

      Props for the ambition but it is a crazy project that if they can pull it off will be an insane feat of development prowess and scale.

      But atm it feels very No Mans Skyish.

      • +3

        Yeah it does feel a bit like a no mans sky situation except No Mans Sky actually delivered on many promises after a couple more years of updates. Whereas Star Citizen is in like the 7th year of waiting… Frankly at this point I am not optimistic even tho some of the newer stuff is visually amazing. I saw a video of a new cityplanet and it was pretty darn immpressive.

  • +2

    I found this game a nightmare to play, with no clear instructions on how to do anything in game.

    • Yeah they haven't got that part yet. Best to watch their YouTube tutorials.

      • +6

        Hahahahaha 7 years and no tutorial

        • They assume you'll watch the YouTube tutorials that are provided during the signup process. But for an alpha that's to be expected.

  • Thanks, will give this a go

  • Tempted but cant seem to find many positive reviews, it does look.

    I am wondering how many input supports it has and if Trackir will work

    • +2

      A lot of websites are critical because it's an ongoing crowdfunded alpha but I assure you it's playable and looks stunny.

      Massive portion of the player base are HOTAS with some even using Elato Streamdecks in their setup. Quick search shows that Trackir is supported and plenty of reddit posts about it

      • Awsome, might get to finally use the streamdeck I have as well.

        Going to download tonight, is that correct that the ship is $150us to buy (thats crazy)


  • hmm this download is many hours on adsl. It has taken at least 8 hours and now it wants to download another 40 gig of updates!

  • Yep I think I will have to leave it on overnight, just hoping I have enogh hard drive space

  • +3

    It's just a bunch of tech demos strung together still, I backed this on kick starter within the first month it started because I still had freelancer installed on my computer (still do). I'm never downloading anything RSI now though $300 million and 7 years and they can't deliver a finished anything, what a joke and a scam.

    Mod: accusation removed. Negative vote stands from reason above.

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