This is in addition to deal discounts, receive a discount on your bill for 6 months if you register by 30 June…
JobSeeker discount
Stay connected while looking for work
We will be offering a discount for our eligible consumer and small business customers currently receiving the JobSeeker payment, to relieve some of the burden.
If you have a Telstra fixed bundle service and/or multiple Telstra post-paid mobile services you may receive a single $20 per month discount off your total bill for six months, while those with a single Telstra post-paid mobile service may receive a $10 per month discount off their bill for six months.
The offer will be open to apply for from 20 April until 30 June 2020, unless extended.
Register now
Great offer. Helping people who have been really disadvantaged by the lockdowns.
I appreciate the ‘essential worker’ deals but this type of deal I think is much more needed right now.