• out of stock

Bunnings Gift Card - Save 50% $20 Card Only $10! DELIVERED Limit of 2 - (Syd/Melb/etc)


All Sold out as of 11:00PM 28/9

Save 50%. $20 Bunnings Gift Card only $10! DELIVERED
Limit of 2 per person.
Status has been triggered - Offer is ON.
Free home delivery.
Delivery is estimated to take 14 business days.
When redeemed, the Gift Card must be relinquished to the cashier.
Maximum change given is $9.95.
The card is not redeemable for cash.
Only valid if purchased at Bunnings and processed through the register.


MOD: Please note that Yellowpagesoffers is experiencing website problems. You may not be able to access the deal until traffic subsides. Try again later. Don't continually add to their traffic problem.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      Floodgates opened about half an hour ago, got 3 in Adelaide and 1 in Perth!

      It opened last night, and they were flooded for the whole day today. The floods have only begun subsiding around 8p.m. AEST. Big tragedy!

      • +1

        Hopefully no nuclear reactors were harmed in this incident…

  • +1

    Don't understand why each state only gets allocated maximum of 1000, but all day it did look as though people were able to buy as well. Seeing that 70,000 people clicked on Ozbargain, I thought they would have sold at least tens of thousands of cards by now.

    So did people really spend all day crashing the site and not really buying at all? I have to say that when the Sold Out sign was posted on Ozbargain, it was smooth sailing since and I was able to proceed with my purchase. I was able to see how quickly it sold out in each state but at least I didn't spend too much time getting error messages tells me nothing.

    So by being too desperate to get it at the start, people were actually creating problems for themselves. Towards the end when most people gave up, that's when most of the transaction really took off. I got a few, and seeing from the post, many cruised through too. Lesson learnt: when a site is Ozbargained, no one gets anywhere. Just relax, go do other things, come back at a more quiet time, and voila, you can grab yourself a real bargain. Otherwise, you could find yourself frustrated all day trying to nab a deal that only saves $10.

    It is interesting to see the power of Ozbargain today.

    • ah, but by not checking on things earlier, that's how I missed the Dick Smith anniversary eneloops both times :)

      As for this deal, I tried a few times earlier and a couple clicks across the day, gave it away and happened to check back at night, around 10pm.

      I'm thankful it was overloaded long enough that I could get it when I got home :)

      • +1. Greed makes the world better for everyone.

    • whatever, that lesson only works in this particular instance. More often than not crashing servers mean unless you get in somewhere during the reset cycles, by the time the servers get stable the deal will be well and truly plundered and over.

  • Wow that was a fun day!! Got 4 of these… maybe the crappy server is a way to make sure OzB doesn't clearout the entire deal before most people wake up like last time!

  • +1

    Man the Internet is pissing me off today, had 3 goes at this and missed out, and tried ordering on ebgames and when I submittted my order is died and my cart emptied. (atleast I know where to going my laptop accidentally on purpose dies)

    I must say, I dont have any issue with a little bit of double dipping, I did it with the staples codes, it just bothers me when people make money from deals here

  • +2

    I must say, that was a fun OzB ride! Well done to all that persevered. Let's all get some sleep :-)

  • "750 people bought at Perth"..I m sure they have mistakenly forgot to put two zeros. because it should be "75000 people bought at Perth" and Melbourne, syd would be countless

  • I have received redemption vouchers via email for orders I paid with my credit card but have not received a redemption voucher for the order I paid with my paypal account, even though they have taken out the funds. Any one else in the same situation?

    • yes. they have confirmed the payment and the sale, but no redemption voucher.

      • Got both. One in my name paid via Paypal, and one in my wife's name paid via CC

        • Got mine too.

  • I got an email with vouchers attached. It says redeemable from - None. I assume they will mail it to me??

    • -1

      I'm assuming you have to take the voucher in to a Bunnings store.

      • +1

        'Please note your Yellow Pages Offers PDF. redemption voucher is for reference purposes only and cannot be used in store to redeem'

    • yep we went through this last time. somebody tried to take the voucher into bunnings. they mail it out.

      • Ah, so misleading. The first page says you have to collect from the place nominated, and they do have "Bunnings Warehouse" printed right after "none ph:000000"

  • Apparently the voucher is just for yellowpages reference so you'll have to wait to receive the physical card in the mail.
    Has anyone used these cards before, is it true it's only one card per purchase?

  • Yay, got 2 for the one order. Redemption voucher went straight to spam so check there anyone who's missing it.

  • -1

    it cracks me up the people who neg the deal because the server was slow. A deal is a deal and I think this is a good one. If people were patient they could have easily got the deal last night like I did (at 7pm). No wait, no crashing, straight through confirmation. Sweet!

    • So….your experience is supposed to be the same as everyone else's?

    • -5

      i tried at 7pm last night …. to avail … must have tried over 40 times throughout the day in total … STILL didnt get them
      Thats my excuse for neg response and i certainly wont bother with yellowpagesoffers again

  • -7

    I was tempted to give negative for only being able to by max 2

    • It took me a whole 10 mins to get my second pair using the credit card option!!

  • DISCLAIMER: I work for an IT testing company, and yes this is opportunistic and self-serving, but I want to ask a question - if you could have changed anything about yesterday, what would it be?

    I'm guessing that they only had 1000 cards for each state, and the only reason it didn't sell out in the first 10 minutes is because their server sucked and people were only able to check out due to luck (and madly hitting F5).

    Assuming that the parameters of the deal can't change, would you rather than the servers COULD handle the load and have the deal over and done with quickly, or would you rather that the servers simply degrade gracefully and serve more meaningful error messages, or <insert your suggestion here>?

    • +2

      if you could have changed anything about yesterday, what would it be?

      $10 for a $30 card?

      • LOL, thanks, but I did say "assuming that the parameters of the deal can't change" :P

        But if we're going to be like that, dream big! $10 for a $1,000,000 card :-)

        • OK fair enough.

          How about some sort of staggered system that somehow "reserves your place in line", with a coutdown timer or something…ie:

          "We are getting hammered atm, but once the timer reaches zero, the Order button will be enabled"


          "We are getting hammered atm, but you will be able to place your order in xx minutes time - we will send you an email when your order window is available"

        • I've seen one system, and I'm not sure of the specifics, where the server "maintains a lock" on a transaction using the browser session, so as long as you are able to initiate a transaction you should be able to complete it.

          However, as mentioned before, this would probably lead to the offer being razed within mere minutes of availability.

          Is "first come, first served" fair?

        • Is "first come, first served" fair?

          Ozbargainers like to share - degrading gracefully to allow others a chance is the way to go IMO.

    • I think queue in combination with staggered release:

      If you don't want it to fly out in the first 5 minutes, then a staggered release system would be the way to go. So for 1000 cards, 100 cards are released every hour on the hour or 50 every half hour. Of course that would lead to a server crash each time it was something o'clock or half past, so also have in place a queue system which allows 1 user into the transaction server every 30-60 seconds, while other users get a screen saying how much time before they get in based on their position in line. Anyone who is outside the 50 to 100 limit gets a notice saying allocation met for session, try again in 30 minutes or an hour..

      Don't forget me when you make millions using my idea :P

      • Well, at least the first part of your idea is a bit like how Crash of the Day already works, where they have a deal each hour, although yes, a different thing is offered - but in past experience it works much the same: an orgy of refreshing, finally the item is sold out in 15 mins, followed by 45 minutes of disappointed ranting - but at least the server gets a rest.

        That level of granularity might not go very far towards solving the problem, because it would still result in too many people slamming the server, except now they actually have an incentive to keep it up for the entire day.

        But if there could be a light-weight ballot system so that the server could handle many more requests more efficiently, and a separate transaction service (which only selected "winners" would be able to get onto via a unique link so that they have a smooth checkout process) - that might work well.

        Interesting thought!

        And yes, in the impossibly low chance that I do make millions selling the idea to Sensis, I'll keep you in mind :-P

  • Does anyone remember when the vouchers will be send out?

    • Give it around a fortnight. Sometimes they take longer (mate of mine only got his a month later)

    • Yup, what disco panda said, expect them around mid October.

    • Thanks guys

  • I will be watching the thread, if anyone gets their card.

  • still waiting for my card

  • I still have not received 4X $20 gift cards from previous deal. And I haven't learnt my lesson so ordered another lot via this deal…as usual no trace of gift card

    Sensis / Yellowpage customer service is horrible…reported to PayPal

    • Hmmm that does not give me much confidence. I ordered some this round so will have to wait and see :(

      • I got mine within the 2 weeks. Mate of mine who had to change his addr manually (as his paypal one was stale) got his in a month. It's been less than 2 weeks so far from that deal so be patient. It's not yet time to worry or have a whinge. :)

  • +2

    I'm itching for a trip to bunnings, how much longer are we expected to wait?

    • Still waiting for mine too.

      • Ditto to the above. Definitely been charged I see…

  • I'm hanging out for mine as well, need to pick up a new cordless drill!

  • A friend of mine sent an email to Yellowpages and they told him that it will be mailed within 10 working days.

    • A friend of ours? =P

      (sorry…watched donnie brasco the other night)

      yep…hanging out for these…i want to pick up a dremel 4000 (pricematched + 10% difference) using these

  • Still waiting on mine too. Hope it comes soon!

  • Has anyone in WA received theirs yet? what about for people in the Eastern States?

  • No. Haven't received mine yet. I'm in Sydney

    • Thought I would jump in here and say still waiting, Brisbane but ordered through WA I think.

      • Well from the email sent from them it mention below:
        Delivery is
        estimated to take 14 business days.

        So from 29th Sept when i received that email it should be by end of next week hopefully we may receive the cards.

  • Yes.can't wait to receive mine too.hope anyone who receives their would post here so we know if there is any problem with ours.

  • I'm still waiting for these. Hopefully, they'll arrive sometime this week.

    • If they dont arrive by end of this week, i'm making a paypal claim, as i dont believe they will come…

    • Waiting for mine too. Really slowwww……….

      • Yep - me too…

        Has anyone got theirs yet?

        The email says "14 business days" - which basically means TODAY!

        • I'm waiting too, if they don't arrive by Friday I will be lodging a Paypal claim. Doesn't look like anyone has received :o(

    • Finally received them today

  • has anyone called or emailed them?

  • none here either

  • wtf no contact from them via email/phone but they refund $20 back in my credit card, this is bs!
    wondering how many in the same boat as me?
    you guys should check your cc statement…

    • Just checked both CC for the two I had. No refund yet. Honestly, the way it goes, I rather they refund than waiting endlessly. Are you sure about the refund on your CC?

    • Did you trying ordering more than one set, or from another state? Just curious… no refund here.

    • No refund here.

    • No refund for me but no gift cards either :(

  • No refund here

  • Anyone got one yet?

  • No card, no refund, no contact.

  • -2

    Well we all know what to do if this offer comes back. DO NOT BUY!!!!

  • +4

    Jeez guys, calm down. It was a hugely popular offer, just be patient and see what happens.

    • Agreed

      • +1

        I disagree. Nothing has been emailed to us ('there has been an overwhelming response blah blah' 'we are doing all we can to get your gift cards out to you blah blah'… nuddah! End of today if i havent heard anything, i'm filing with paypal

    • God damn. Is the piece of card coming from Mars or what?

  • still waiting in adelaide

  • Yellowpages don't seem to have pulled of the slickest of promotions on this one, started badly and the end is not looking too flash either

  • 3 weeks and counting. (Gold Coast)

    • +1

      Which is roughly 14 business days plus a few so they are a touch late atm.

      • Thanks! "Delivery is estimated to take 14 business days"
        I think like a lot of others, I misread the response time as 14 days rather than 14 business days. It is a litte different to write it like that - usually see things as 5 business days, etc. Have not seen longer periods phrased as number of business days. Would have been better to phrase it as 3 weeks (assuming no public holidays).

        • 100% agreed. A really bad way to state something simple. I got bitten by the same thing at Deal Extreme in the same way. That was 21 business days (effectively a month and a bit that time - there was a holiday) which was an interesting way to learn the fun and joy of "business days" estimations. :)

  • This was the reply to my email querying them about the the gift cards.
    Thank you for contacting Yellow Pages Offers.
    I am writing to confirm weither or not you have received your bunnings voucher?
    If you have not received it yet please advise of the address this needs to be directed to and we will send them out immediately.
    We do apologise about the delay.

    Kind regards,
    Yellow Pages Offers

    end quote.

    I have yet to reply with my address details.
    I quoted my order number when I emailed them, so why do they need my address?
    Shouldn't they already have it in their system?
    Bit wary whenever I see spelling errors, etc. in an email.
    Not sure what to do now.

    • I quoted my order number when I emailed them, so why do they need my address?

      They take the delivery details from your PayPal account. A fair few people don't keep that up to date so I'm betting a lot of complaints they get about lack of delivery would be due to that.

      Bit wary whenever I see spelling errors, etc. in an email.

      "Ashleigh" is either outsourced or a recent arrival onto the job market from High School and so hasn't had a chance to learn English yet. ;)

    • How confusing…

      | I am writing to confirm weither or not you have received your bunnings voucher?

      Well the next question you ask means you haven't sent it yet

      | If you have not received it yet please advise of the address this needs to be directed to and we will send them out immediately.

      If they don't know what address to send to, how can they post it? Or you just tell them a new address and they will send you more vouchers?

  • +1

    Neg from me - still no card. Will wait few more days before opening a PayPal dispute.

  • This sucks, got mine last time but nothing as of yet (Gold Coast)

  • Well its only 3 business days late!
    "Delivery is ESTIMATED to take 14 BUSINESS days"
    (states this at the top of this page, & offer)
    Its been 17 BUSINESS days so far,
    so 3 days late does not seem much of a delay on a sold out deal.
    (4000 purchases, 8000 Bunnings cards to deliver)

  • When exactly is PayPals 45 day cutoff?

    • +5

      LOL.. The answer is in your question young Luke..

    • 12 November 2011

  • I was just told on the phone then there has been a delay in them receiving the gift cards.

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