24 hour flash sale, only $2.70 per box of 30 pcs available in
Free shipping for over $100 otherwise around $10
Home renovation ideas!
Also another flash sale deal:
24 hour flash sale, only $2.70 per box of 30 pcs available in
Free shipping for over $100 otherwise around $10
Home renovation ideas!
Also another flash sale deal:
make 4 interest-free payments of $0.02 AUD fortnightly with afterpay
I wish I could pay those fortnightly payments with cash
Anyone around 3150 want to split shipping??
Please care about the environment
I get that it's bad for the environment and I hate it when people chuck it around everywhere but I'm only planning on using it for card decorating which wouldn't lead it to getting in our drains. So I think that might be alright? Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Yes, that is alright.
Particularly if you are using them to make "Sorry about the glitter" cards for the butthurt brigade…
If anyone is on the fence about buying this, please don't.
Glitter is an environmental catastrophe, so while it may look pretty to some people, be aware that to a lot of people it looks like pretty disgusting.
you must be fun at parties
Read the article if you don't believe me.
But if you're already aware of the stupid amounts of damage you're causing to our shared environment, and just don't give a shit, then I don't want you coming to my party.
61 British music festivals also don't want you coming to their parties either, so I'm not alone.
Adding 1 extra to my order thanks to you
Agree this stuff should be banned in not enviro friendly
I am not an envirowarrior however I once volunteered to do a cleanup of a lake with wild birds (ducks, swans etc) just after new years and it was impossible to get rid of glitter from party poppers that was all embedded in the grass and floating in water. This stuff kills animals that digest it and is hard to clean up.
It is very sad seeing animals die from stuff like this.
If you planning to use it for crafts remember the stuff you create today will most likely end up in landfill one day as insensitive as that sounds.
Thanks OP. Great additive for our slime parties.
Why don't you care about the environment ?
I'm all for the environment, but you've never known true joy until you've smeared your naked lover in glitter-laden, unicorn slime.
Also, presumptuous, post-tagging virtue-signallers bug me. There's a lot of silly questions we could all ask if we were similarly inclined…
How often do you replace your mobile phone?
Why have you only posted two (rubbish) deals in five years of membership?
Have you ever used a straw?
What are you contributing to society since leaving uni?
But I don't judge…
This kind of "all or nothing" rhetoric is pointless.
The most ecologically friendly thing anyone can do is kill themselves.
So failing that it's just about your everyday life choices.
I eat meat, I use single use plastics. That doesn't mean I can't make a million other decisions over the course of my life that minimizes my damage to the planet.
Glitter is incredibly damaging, and really serves no purpose at all.
I need to eat so I'll take the extra damage a tasty sirloin causes over a bag of carrots, but no one needs to smear themselves in glitter.
But hey it's everyone's free choice.
Anyone can chose to wear glitter, and others can chose to think you're either ignorant or selfish for doing so.
Why don't you care about the environment ?
Don't feed the troll.
He just seemed like an impassioned greenie to me. How do you know he's a troll?
Were your spidey senses tingling?
Really makes me sad when I see trash and crap float past our boat. I once found a baby whiting in a ziplock bag with a hole in it. Poor guy. I swam out and freed him. What's the point of freeing him so he can just digest glitter nobody wanted or needed to begin with.
If you don't need these please don't buy them.
I hope you were in a sail boat, or at least a solar-powered one…
Yeah man solar powered ketch rig. We live on board.
Kudos brother! Now I hear you!
@UncleRico: Yeah I'm a mad hippie. Anything I can make or do myself I do too. On board greenhouse, on board distillery, making a desalination machine at the moment from plans I found online from 2009. Actually really easy and rewarding. Indo also own a Tefal cook for me a PS4 switch etc so I'm not perfect either.
@lette: Outstanding.
I do hope you've converted your distillery to a hand sanitiser producer during these troubling times?
@UncleRico: We did actually! And then we sold it at cost to my mate who runs a halfway house for recently released prisoners cause she couldn't find any
@lette: Half-way house ex-prisoners seldom rank too highly on my priority list (except for that delightful Morgan Freeman in Shawshank - his lucid narration entitled him to germ-free hands as much as any man I've known), but I salute your civic duty, sir.
Well played!
@UncleRico: Me either, but she asked to buy it first and I didn't feel comfortable charging her for a profit because she needed it for charity.
It takes ten days to make ten litres so we can easily make more.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes
Can't you just be happy that some of us responsible folk are purchasing them for our own bodies, instead of feeding them to fish?
Also, what's a sith?
@UncleRico: I'm happy if you buy them because you need them. I said please don't buy them if you don't need them. You clearly do for crazy unicorn fun?
@lette: Indeed you did. I think your response was comparatively balanced and i thank you for it.
Slime parties are a necessity for every parent of isolating school-age children. All the better if you insist that they don't wash it down the drain or feed it to goldfish…
@UncleRico: Ohhhh here I was thinking it was a adult fun thing haha. Well anything to shut kids up is definitely a need!
Thanks OP I saw this ages ago didn't know it's still on.
Love glitter for all the crafternoons.
Thought about slime but isn't that stuff sticky as, and a waste of glitter?
Might have to stock up for next year's Mardi gras