I'm Moving to Sweden!

Remember that week where life was still normal, but Italy was getting smashed and people were starting to wake up to the fact that COVID-19 was a serious threat…?

That's the week my wife and I accepted jobs at an English speaking public school in Sweden! Starting in August.

We're both teachers and wanted a new challenge/adventure before we have kids (both in our late 20s). We'll be heading to the city/town of Eskilstuna, about an hour west of Stockholm. Honestly, the reputation of the school we're heading to is a lot worse than the schools we're at now + the pay is about 60% of our current salary… but… carpe diem… I guess (lol)!

We weren't quite sure we'd actually be able to go… but we've secured flights, residency + work VISA for Sweden and the Swedish Embassy assures me I'll be fine to get in. Sweden's policy on COVID seems pretty lax… might be a good thing! Still waiting on the Aussie government to approve me to go… but I think I meet their criteria for being able to leave. We've resigned from our current jobs, so we're kinda screwed if not.

Why I am telling you all this personal info?

Well, I really feel like a part of the Ozbargain community, so I wanted to say goodbye (at least for a few years!)

But more importantly (lol), how will I keep up the good deals in Sweden?

What's your advice on the country? Any opinions, ideas, resources to share? Words of warning?


          • @The Wololo Wombat: Thank you, I've heard this as well from professors, just say 'no' but it's easier said than done. I find it hard to let someone down but god damn I don't want to be working nights and weekends like some of my friends are, even a science teacher they brought in said (after more than 10 years) she still works nights as she makes all her material from scratch. The textbook seems pretty much taboo in the course and they always just promote inquiry. Don't get the wrong idea, inquiry is great but unrealistic for all classes. It's almost made me drop it in my first semester haha.

            • @[Deactivated]: I often work nights, but only if I want to.

              Haha, my Grandad was a teacher… pedagogy flips from 'inquiry in vogue' to 'direct instruction in vogue' every 25 years he says. In my opinion, we're in the last few years of 'inquiry in vogue' and t's flipping to 'direct instruction' as we speak.

              The inquiry is great in some situations… but terrible in many, esp science. Pedagogy is like religion from some teachers and becomes hugely personal and political haha. One thing I can't stand is getting told how to teach in some PD run by a failed teacher who now teaches others their failed techniques while snidely implying your methods are outdated.. because you use a worksheet or some crap lol.

              Truth is, when it comes to PD, everyone wants to hear what's NEW not what's actually supported with data (and even then, data must be scrutinized). Take everything with a grain of salt and just teach the way that works best for you and your students, but honestly, you first. If you like what you're doing, that's more important, students adapt to their teacher's style. Honestly kids these days are so stuffed full of inquiry when you actually 'teach' them it's a breath of fresh air.

              • @The Wololo Wombat:

                Haha, my Grandad was a teacher… pedagogy flips from 'inquiry in vogue' to 'direct instruction in vogue' every 25 years he says. In my opinion, we're in the last few years of 'inquiry in vogue' and t's flipping to 'direct instruction' as we speak.

                oh haha that's hilarious. Actually, when I was in school, teaching was very direct and just simply off the textbook. It was fine for me but I know most students struggled. It was also just very dry and it wasn't until I studied pure math at uni where I actually appreciated it. Didn't seem like there was any inquiry during my years. I thought inquiry would be the most compatible with science (depending on the topic).

                Take everything with a grain of salt and just teach the way that works best for you and your students, but honestly, you first. If you like what you're doing, that's more important, students adapt to their teacher's style. Honestly kids these days are so stuffed full of inquiry when you actually 'teach' them it's a breath of fresh air.

                Thanks, that's such a relief to here. I'm looking at these lesson plans I'm making, all these things I have to take into consideration and going I have to do this for 20 lessons a week?! You've given me my mojo back, now I'm actually looking forward to just going in and finding my own style :) before I was just bogged and stressed about everything, workload, attrition rates, expectations, administration apparently etc.

                Hope you enjoy your time in Sweden! Hopefully I can land the same opportunity some day.

                • +2

                  @[Deactivated]: Cheers mate! I’ve also taught in the UK so if you need some help with that, hit me up!

                  • @The Wololo Wombat: How does your missus feel about the move? Did she need some convincing?

  • -2

    Don't worry about Covid-19. By the time you get there they will probably have herd immunity which makes it hard to spread. You being an import, could pose more of a threat to their herd immunity.

    • Import from QLD (with basically no cases) a threat? Haha! I get what you're saying though :)

    • +4

      Herd immunity is when you surround the vulnerable with people who are immune in order to protect them. Killing the vulnerable to make the population immune isn't herd immunity. I can think of plenty of other words for that, none of them good.

  • +2


  • +1

    This is a great opportunity to gain experiences and learn new things expanding your mind to the wider world. Good luck and enjoy every minute of it!

  • +2

    I was an exchange student in Sweden in ‘89/90. It was a long time ago now but I have been back a few times since. A lot has changed (particularly on immigration) but I still think it is a fantastic country to spend time in. My experience is that high school kids are much more liberal but that may have been more a reflection on my schooling and life in Australia at the time. If you love nature then it is a great country for that. I think it will be a terrific experience

    • I went to Sweden in 2014 in summer and loved the nature! Can’t wait to hike!

      I have heard that the students there are not so respectful of teachers! We shall see lol

      • Not sure which schools you taught at but there are plenty of students here who aren't too respectful of teachers either

  • +2

    You took a pay cut for Sweden? I hope you were on a stack here because it's definitely more expensive there.

    Beautiful country, awesome heavy music culture (if that's your thing).

    • I ebayed a Japanese Boss HM-2 in 2007. Who knew the "Swedish Chainsaw" would be so sought-after?

  • +1

    Congratulations mate! You're going to head there in Summer! I'm a little jealous and I'm sure Australian children are going to miss out on great teachers but hope it's a great experience!

    Just don't come back with COVID-19!

  • +1

    Good luck sounds like an adventure

    Been to Sweden it is a beautiful country - it is a little expensive but i think you will really enjoy it

    But from what i saw it is probably a better place to go when single….because like a 6 there is like an 8 here deadset there women are stunning!

  • +1

    Bon voyage. Beware of the midsommar

  • +2

    Coronavirus is mainly concentrated in Stockholm, and they are practising social distancing and good hygiene, it's just not government mandated.

    I would think 1 hour west of Stockholm would be much less affected by it.

    • Careful with Stockholm syndrome

      Might fall in love with the country and never come back;)

  • +2


    p.s: How do you feel about the tax rate? I was paying around 57% in personal tax when we lived there.

    • +1

      Dang! Probably because you got paid a lot more than me! It's only 24% for me.

      • If you think that was "dang!", I won't tell you how much we paid while in Denmark …

        • Wait, a Danish friend told me the tax rate was 50pc maximum. What rate did you contribute?

          • @OzCheapo: 57% was the real tax rate and included what my employee was paying on my behalf. That was over a decade ago and the tax rate was slightly higher. I was earning about Kr 1,200k p.a at the time and was based in Stockholm:

            Did you know your employer also pays tax on your salary? It costs the employer kr 377,040 to pay you kr 1,200,000..

            So, with you and the employer both paying tax, what used to be a 42.7% tax rate now rises to 56.4%, meaning your real tax rate is actually 13.7% higher than what it seemed at first.

            In OP's case:

            So, with you and the employer both paying tax, what used to be a 24% tax rate now rises to 42.2%, meaning your real tax rate is actually 18.2% higher than what it seemed at first.

            He's choosing to see it as a paycut when in fact it's a higher tax contribution.

          • @OzCheapo: Oops, sorry! Didn't have my glasses on when I read your comment. Can't remember exactly but it was more than I paid while in Sweden. That was over a decade ago though.

            Edit: I paid a marginal tax rate of 60% when we lived in Copenhagen and I wasn't even in the highest tax bracket. I believe that the highest tax bracket was 62.3% at the time.Yep, 62.3%

  • Congrats I hope you get to live the dream! :)

  • +1

    Congrats! Super jealous. Enjoy it and keep us all updated.

    Come back for the all the OzBargain birthday meetups too ;)

    • +1

      Legend mate! I'll have to time my annual flight back to Aus for November! haha

  • +3

    Get ready to pay taxes through every orifices.


    Switzerland on the other hand have a beautiful system.

    • Switzerland was my first choice actually! It's near impossible to get a job there unless you are an EU citizen… even then it's hard!

  • +1

    I hope you like paying tax.

    • Tax rate only 24% off my salary. Probably cause it's so low though haha

      • Wow … what municipality are you in? That seems very low.

        How do you find the 31% social security tax levied on employers? What about the 25% GST?

        • +1

          I know,right? I was pretty shocked too.

          Edit: Use this calculator to check how much you're net pay will be.

          • @[Deactivated]: Yea that's what I was using! You put in $180k per month in hahaha, not getting that much! I wish!

          • @[Deactivated]: *your, not you're. silly auto-correct.

            The less you get paid , the less tax you pay :) Enjoy Sweden. We were only there for a short time but it was magical.

  • +2

    Low pay and high tax. Try it for a year, then get out. Maybe try Singapore next, where there is literally no tax lol.

    Hope you like volvos.

    • +1

      Svenska is easier to understand than tusk.

  • +3

    Do another ozb meet up before you leave?

    • Pass the baton? If you organise, I’ll come!

  • +1

    Wishing you all the best. Enjoy.

  • +4

    I wish I was young again and do everything I wanted just like you.
    Now I’m stuck with family, job security and rusty old body.
    Good luck to you and enjoy a new journey.

    • Haha thanks mate! But you can still do it! I have a family, job security and chronic illness too ;)

  • +1

    To take your question literally, prisjakt.nu is pretty good. More like pricehipster than ozbargain but still.

    Not sure what to expect with the current pandemic. This is usually a fantastic time as summer is just approaching and everyone is outside and happy. Fingers crossed it blows over quickly as they are leaving flu season.

    Some completely random things from the top of my head:
    * Go north for some skiing in winter.
    * I miss falukorv. So good.
    * Midsummer is approaching. It's a very popular holiday filled with traditions. Have some snaps. If you make friends from the north, make sure you try some surströmming.
    * Everyone speaks English (but you might have to drag it out of some of them).
    * Christmas will actually feel like Christmas.

    I don't know, felt like I had better information to share than that haha.

    • Thanks, Fruxo! I'm glad someone has taken it literally and offered some advice - super helpful!

      I've heard terrible things about surstromming!

      How do you know so much about Sweden?

      • I'm from Sweden so feel free to message me if you have any questions. Not that I think there is much I could help with that Google couldn't do better.

  • -5

    so why are you going if the pay is less? i dont get it.. did you and ur wife think of this as an adventure? i think its going to suck. stay here and save up for a proper holiday

    • +9

      Life is so much more than money. I mean, money's damn important to allow me the agency to pursue my goals… but after a certain point, I'd rather get paid less and enjoy more.

      To give you some perspective - in 2014 I lived and taught in the UK for a year. I was single, I had a blast, travelled a lot. Best year of my life.

      In 2015, I came back to AUS and started working in my current job. The job is great, life is easy. My wife and I live frugally, so have more than we need and can do what we want. I've got a great house, great friends, a great job… have a 2080 super techfast PC on a 240hz refresh rate monitor to play all the games I want. Easy.

      Last year I (and my wife) realised that we were not challenging ourselves. Sure we've still travelled a heap in that time and (I mean last year I went to Japan, Peru, Brazil, Whitsunday's and SE ASIA.. crazy)… but our day-to-day lives were… comfortable. The five years from 2015-2020 felts like the ONE year I'd had in 2014 (London). I wasn't growing, because I wasn't being challenged. The years all rolled into one.

      I could keep on my life path, live easy…. watch Netflix and play games, travel on the school holidays, retire and die comfortably. People might envy that life, but damn that's a lot of wasted potential and time.

      I'm going to Sweden to challenge myself, grow my perspective and learn. I want 2021 to feel like I've lived 5 years in one. I want to live for 500 years in my short ~80 years here on earth.

      • Man, you are into it…enjoy life…best wishes…

  • +1

    Well I am quite jealous. I travelled through Sweden last summer for 3 weeks and enjoyed every moment of it.

    When you have a chance head to Gekås Ullared, it’s like a cross between IKEA, Big W and Costco. I got a $6 leather belt and a $25 light weight down jacket. It’s huge! People camp there. People travel the country on an organised shopping tour. It’s go its own TV show. I’m sure you’ll be able to find a bargain there.

    • This sounds awesome! Thanks, I check it out!

  • +7

    Sweden is no longer the Sweden you may have dreamt of.

    Thank Mzz Merkel ans her Mates for that.

    • +1

      Sweden chose their path to decline long before Mzz Merkel finished high school

  • +4

    Very jealous, I moved from the USA to America and love Aus but it's slowly turning into a junior USA. Sweden is the new future, and a future plan of mine to move to.

    I'm sure you and your family will be very happy there.

    • +4

      I moved from the USA to America

      sounds like a long trip :-)

      • Derp. USA to Aus

  • Congratulations. You will love it. My sister and her husband moved to Sweden about 7 years ago - they are both science teachers at the IES in Västerås (about an hour up the road from Eskilstuna.)
    They don't have a problem with the students but they started teaching in the badlands of the UK so the only way is up.

    They love it and my niece (from another sister) just moved there a year ago and her husband teaches music at the same school. They love the outdoor lifestyle snowboarding hiking etc.

    As it's an international school there are lots of teachers who don't have family so they seem to make a pretty good work family.

    It's expensive for the basics food etc but houses are relatively cheap and depending on your council area there are lots of bonuses for families - like after school music lessons, dance lessons etc which are heavily subsidised.

    We aren't worried about covid as the Swedish are pretty self insulated anyway.

    Lycka till (good luck)

    • We're at IES too! Maybe I'll meet them at some combined event haha. I wonder what the Swedish curriculum is like?

      We really love skiing/boarding and hiking so it'll be super fun for us :) I've heard you can gey 18 months of paid parental leave too, so maybe we'll end up having kids there?! Pretty insane amount of time off.

      Thanks for the tips!

      • +1

        Yes you'll likely meet them. I think there is a lot of sharing of curriculum so if you teach science you might even be using my sisters lesson plans. They have a formal dinner in Stockholm for the staff once a year.

        My sister and her husband have 5 kids, when they moved from the UK to Sweden they could both use parental leave for the 2 kids they already had. That might have something to do with the 5 kids - although my son thinks they are just trying for one as good as him. Free uni would help too. I couldn't afford to put 5 kids through uni.

        Sweden is really progressive compared to Australia.Songs on the radio aren't censored (I never knew how many songs have swear words in them).

        My sister goes by the title Mx as she has had a couple of non binary kids in her classes and wanted to support them. I also love how they call step parents and kids bonus family.

  • Is it standard for a teacher in Sweden to get paid 60% of what a teacher in Australia gets paid?

    • +1

      Wages in general are much lower and the potential earnings curve is flatter. It's hard to compare. There's also free daycare, school, university etc.

    • +2

      Sweden is basically the western version of the PRC without the mass surveillance and concentration camps.

      • Did you forget to add /s?

    • I'm on $90k as a teacher here + super. I'll be on $60k AUD there… but no super

      Rent is $200-300 AUD per week where I'm going to live in Sweden, so that's pretty decent. I have heard my school underpays compared to the average haha. But they can because they attract expats - supply and demand.

      • Heard there isn't any private schools in Sweden, is that true? Also, how's the tax rate compared to Aus?

  • +2

    Firstly I want to say you and your partner are amazing & adventurous. Secondly, are you out of your friggen minds? You have everything here in Australia and you left your jobs in the middle of a pandemic? If you want to go to Sweden so bad go & spend a month or two there. Soz just my narrow view and I'm sure you & your partner have already discussed this & made the decision together. Which to be honest I find even more crazy

    • +1

      YOLO bro!

    • Mate, we are both out of our minds for sure haha. You are not wrong there! That kinda makes it more fun for me though tbh.

      The good news is that I'm confident Sweden's economy will be a lot better than Australia's in the future, as they didn't need to borrow so much to fund unemployment during COVID and have a higher tax base…. but then again.. they are in the EU lol.

  • +1

    No advice but good luck, make the most of it and enjoy yourself! keen to see how it work out for you.

  • +1

    That's awesome.
    A new country and new adventures. Go for it. don't let this COVID get you down. It will blow over soon enough. 0.3 death rate.

    I was supposed to move to the UK a few years back. But my mom got sick. So it's on hold for now. She's fine now, We will get there.

    The awesome thing about living in Europe, you so many other countries at your fingertips?
    Once restrictions get lifted. You can travel on the weekends and your holidays.

    Enjoy and congrats :)

    • Thanks, chief mega death!

      Keep on chasing that dream <3

  • With regard to coronavirus, you can't directly extrapolate what the death rate would be across the whole population from how many cases and how many deaths a country has had. Yes, Australia has had about 7000 confirmed cases, and 100 deaths. And that is 1.4%. But the people who have had the confirmed cases are not a representative cross section of the whole population. Because of how they caught it, on places like cruise ships, they are disproportionately exactly the group that are most likely to be killed by it. If you map the risk profile of those who've caught it and died from it to the population as a whole you get an expected death rate more like 0.1 to 0.2%. Which is not much higher than the season flu is, typically, but its not news when in an average year 1500 to 3000 people die with that and hospital ERs are crowded with it. That normal. Normal is not news.

    A lot of the difference between various countries coronavirus linked death rates and numbers is a matter of whether it had spread into old peoples facilities before action was taken. They are ones it mostly kills. In Australia, because we are an island continent with easy to close borders, it hadn't. In Italy and Spain it had.

  • before we have kids (both in our late 20s

    Why are you worry about this flu? People your age is statistically safe from severe cases of this disease.

  • +1

    What are your strategies for a priest rush?

    • +2

      23 vills to feudal, lure the deer for extra food. As soon as you click up to castle, move 3 from food to gold. Send two vills towards the enemy base, build monastery early as soon as ur up. Put 2 monks + scout to start the rush and you're good to go.

      But I know ur not a real age player as you called me priests not monks haha

      • You can lure dear? I usually build a mill near the deer, leaving me two mills quite early on. Very specific numbers there. I actually play, started definitive after a hiatus of ~10 years. Had a brain lapse and somehow called them priests instead. :(

        • +1

          Haha all g! Yea you can lure deer with your scout :) Takes practice though. To be fair I’ve not played a lot lately myself :)

          Nah, never go two mills early on - Always better to use that wood for something else!

      • +1

        They're priests in every other AoE anyway

  • Prepare to get culturally enriched!

  • I moved to the US in August 2018 and still go on ozbargain most days haha. Good luck with the move!

    • Haha! So good, I guess this doesn't have to be goodbye after all!

  • If you're after a drink, don't forget become a member https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systembolaget

  • +1

    Good luck bra :)

    • +2

      Is there a deal? Might get one for the missus

  • -3

    You are going to Sweden and want advice?
    A bit late for that.

    Bye Bye

  • No, it's obviously a bad idea to move to Sweden right now.

    You should reconsider this.

  • +1

    Congrats and enjoy

  • +2

    Hope you like meatballs and lingonberry jam.

  • @Op
    I'm curious about what physically stops you from leaving the country without government approval?
    And who issues the approval, is it Immigration?
    1. Your destination will accept you.
    2. You have a valid visa/residency at the destination.
    3. Emirates sold you a ticket.
    Do you really have to 'apply'?

  • EU customs duty can be ~25%, but with overvaluations, can be even more. Get your non-EU shopping done before you go.

  • +1

    I liked some comedy bit I saw where someone said like in another country I'm a 10, but in Sweden I'm a 4 …

    so attractive blondes ! oh you're married ? sorry - look but don't touch !


  • +1

    You don't have to go to Sweden to enter Eurovision…

  • +1

    Good luck saving in Sweden, it's probably if not one of the most expensive countries I've ever been too. Burgers that say are $15-17 here cost me $28 there. White wine was like $90 a bottle!

    The duty free lines in Norway and Sweden are always ridiculous at the airports with people carrying booze.

    Amazing tho, Oslo is one of my favourite cities in the world and the women are the most beautiful I've ever seen! I haven't been to Russia, literally every guy I meet in Europe argues Russia has the most beautiful but they've never been to Norway.

    I'd love to live there, but single 🤣🤣🤣

    • Living in Adelaide, having to choose between the Barossa Valley, Clare, Adelaide Hills and Coonawarra etc.

      It is a hard life. lol

    • +2

      Just to be clear, although alcohol and (especially) eating out is expensive, it's not nearly as bad as you are insinuating 🙂

      For fun I picked some random items and checked prices in Sweden (easy since the bottle shop is a monopoly! www.systembolaget.se).

      Absolut vodka 700ml $37
      Captain Morgan 700ml $40
      Laphroaig 10 700ml $68
      White wine bottle starting from $7.50

      I'm sure there are lots of edge cases, but I think people easily forget that Australia is very expensive too.

  • Hey!! I was looking forward to seeing you, (@the ninini wombat) in the next Brisbane meetup !!

    Thanks so much for organizing the last one. Loved to meet you and the other humans of Ozb.

    Anyhow, I wish you and your partner the best in Sweden and hope you guys have a rocking time there.

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