My partner works in a bank branch in Victoria as a teller aka Customer Representative part time 6 hours a day. Her contractual working hours is 9:30 to 4pm. The branch close at 4pm. Everyday she finishes at 4:10-4:45 and unable to leave because:
- The last customer may come and at 4pm and the manager is busy.
- An employee inside the bank branch had to let her out for security reasons. Because they are busy she can't leave.
- she needs to do additional work before she can leave. E.g. atm refill. Because she is busy whole day serving customers. She needs to do these additional work before she can leave.
She already discussed with her manager 3 times that she needs to leave on time because of her commitments. But no support been given.
Additional info:
- There are other staffs who are full-time they finish at 5pm
- Always on time around 9:15-9:25 to start
I'm sure that she will be covered by the bank's Enterprise Agreement - search for it on - what does that say on the issue?
I'm sure she was issued with some kind of letter or agreement when she started. What does that say?
There will be something somewhere which covers this. Usually the enterprise agreements say that the first 15 minutes of overtime after the end of the shift is unpaid.
This doesn't mean that if she has carer's responsibilities she can't request flexible working arrangements - which cannot be unreasonably refused. The flexibility here might just be leaving bang on 4.