Update from this deal - courtesy of @2ForTheMoney
Use code PILLOW10
Dont think so as its a starter kit..
you can call them to apply the credit. bit of a pain, but can be done. Just say you thought it was a recharge voucher.
Call centers down due to Corona though
Do they always agree to transfer the credit to my existing SIM? I'm worried if they deny, I'd be stuck with a long 12-month plan on a number which I dont want. Thoughts?
@djoz: From my personal experience of 3 SIMs, they have always transferred the credit and retained the number, but depending on the representative they might (1) transfer credit to current sim or (2) swap your number to the new sim
@specks: Thanks. No other offers currently available for the $150 recharge. I guess this is the only option left. Some people have reported OW refused to Price Match. Any tips?
@djoz: I called them to price match Best Deal Plaza: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/528671 on two occasions and have been successful.
Can anyone please help me find a discounted $150 Boost recharge voucher?
port out and port back in
Last time my port into boost was a little painful… Not sure it's worth $15 for the headache of porting out and back again.
Exactly. I'm all for a good deal, but it's not worth causing myself a headache with porting out and in for $15. I simply recharge at full price and save money elsewhere.
Painful in which way? Just out of curiosity.
@WhySoSerious: I've activated 6 sims. 3/6 sims activated within the hour, 2 sims I had to call up and have them manually do when after 24 hours they hadn't gone through. The last sim caused me a lot of grief trying to call up and get it processed, eventually just tried going through online activation again a week later and it randomly worked. None of them have even been porting from telstra which I've heard has a lot of issues.
Great deal though, I also wouldn't want to port out and in again, especially if it's for family members.
@WhySoSerious: Can't speak for others, but anything to do with Telstra's (including Boost) call centre is painful at the best of times, but next to impossible at the moment as they are based in Philippines and opening hours have been affected with COVID-19. You will find very little support, possibly end up having to log tickets etc. while your service is not yet active.
My port in (from Telstra) required a number of calls to them (from another active service) to resume the process and to retain the existing number when the "port in" started working but as another number.
+1 for not potentially setting yourself up for something like this. Time spent does not justify the minimal saving.
Other than the above, Boost (and Telstra albeit price) is a good service once you are fully activated.
I'm waiting 5-6 weeks now.
Any bonus data with this kit?
Yeah I don't really understand how these are that good anymore after they ran them for 120gb for a while.
Ozbargained in 24 minutes
it amazes me how this place has an unending appetite for this deal
Half an hour and already gone??
Yep, they are now sold out or so it shows on ebay! NEXT!
This deal still active for anybody that missed out..
Can also use above deal for OW pricebeat & get it for $128.25
Thanks just bought 2 for me and the mrs.
Telstra 12 months contract ending in 2 wks. Can port over to this?
You will need a special Boost sim card if you are from Telstra. Ring them to post it out to you now as covid might have an impact on delivery time.
After getting the special sim, need to call Boost to activate manually or can this be done online by ourself?
really? i need two port over my 2 very clueless parents in a remote area from paying a fortune on telstra… you're telling me i cant just get two of these boost sims, but i gotta get a special sim for both of them?
It's probably much easier to port over to a $2 optus Sim, then port into boost. I just did it the other day after my telstra contract was up. Didn't require any calling up, it was all online and it was fast to port over in both instances.
Alternately, port out to Kogan or Optus for 1 mth, then port back into Boost..
It's a real PITA to port Telstra —> Boost - same as porting Optus —> optus or Voda —> Voda..
U need a special 'Blank Sim' that they mail out to you, yada yada, plenty of info about it in other deals…
Was literally searching for a $135 boost/12 month deal last night, must have only just missed it!
Looking for sims for my mum and wife - Telstra pre-paid has run its course.
what's the cheapest way to recharge boost? Port out then port back in with this deal?
Just tell them you thought it was a recharge voucher.
Tried to port to boost on march 30
Still waiting…
far out..it's been 10 days since i tried and i thought that was bad!
be prepared to wait!
I was told on March 30 that their backend (porting) team were under lock down and they couldn't provide timeline of when I would be ported. Fair enough
however 6 calls later, roughly between 45-60 minutes each and I'min the same position. No porting yet and still waiting. 5-6 weeks later
In the interim they've put money on a new card for me which I'm using, but it's super inconvenient. I have to tell all my contacts I talk to on the phone that I have a temporary phone number, I can't access 2 factor security codes on mygov and a range of websites.
grrrrr.. Just want my number ported over.
If the India based team can't fulfil their job and follow through with their duties to customers, their contract should be rescinded.
That is an awful result! I'm feeling your pain. I need to get one of these for my son who the nice Telstra shop rep signed up to a 10gb a month plan for $100 a month. He has a disability, is on a pension and didn't /doesn't know a lot about plans. But having to wait weeks to port over is a killer as he needs the ph.
@Luc: OK, day 50 since attempting to port and I'm on the phone for a second day in a row. THey've finally approved my port - but the internet doesn't work! voice calls only.
i'm currently on hold to them whilst the guy is ringing somebody else… argh!
When he comes back i"m going to request a full refund and then go with another company. F-kers.
Do Boost recharges stack? Just wondering if we could have done the $150 recharge back in March'2020 to get the bonus 40GB. Would it have stacked with existing ongoing $150 plan?
Why do people buy these over the $15/3 months ones and 1 month/$5 deals? New to the prepaid mobile game.
Firstly, Boost is the full Telstra 4G Network (not Telstra reseller) & saves the hassle of SIM hopping every mth or 3… Also for oldies that don't use much data.. Probably more reasons, others will comment..
Boost includes international calls and text
Yes, this is the cheapest plan with International Calls to 25 Countries included. Mostly, it covers all the popular countries you may need to call to directly. Well, there's WhatsApp Call for international calling now as well, but the clarity and ease of a direct-dial, plus no voice-delay is a great advantage of Boost. Also, comes handy if you have to make any official calls when you're not in office too.
It also gives 1200 additional minutes for another 30 countries - you are less likely to call, but maybe if you needed to call once in a while, it is still included.
That's why it stands apart from Optus, which is quoted often in Boost Deals posted on OZB.
Can i use this for recharging