Looks like another Cashrewards birthday deal.
- Cashback for New Customers - Contact Lenses 8%
- Cashback for Existing Customers - Contact Lenses 4.2%
Looks like another Cashrewards birthday deal.
Thanks. Got 2 of Dailies total 1 90 packs
$42.50 per 90 pack?! Is that right with specsavers deal and alcon cashback
Less if you get one Precision 1 and one Dailies Total 1 it works out to 33.80 less cash rewards cashback
Will the Specsavers "90 pack" be eligible for the cashback?
Specsavers: "This product will be delivered as three 30 lens packs."
alconcashback.com.au: "PARTICIPATING ONLINE RETAILERS: www.specsavers.com.au"
If you can wait up to 28 days, I'll let you know
Specsavers are listed in the "online participating retailers" list on the cashback website: www.alconcashback.com.au so it must be eligible?
Worked for me, just approved. $90 card in the post.
Do any cashback deals come up for glasses rather than contact lenses?
Are contacts or glasses better for me to drive my Ferrari?
I would be more concerned about your pattern baldness.
either as soon as possible…because you're confusing your fiat for a ferrari
Is this the Ferrari you are talking about https://static.carthrottle.com/workspace/uploads/posts/2016/…
Who is wearing contact lenses while at home? Probably good time to let your eyes have a rest from contacts 🤓
I've worn contacts full time for the past 11 years.
My eyes actually seem to get more tired from wearing glasses.
I’m the opposite. But yes contacts are getting much better nowadays
Perfect timing. Thanks OP
Legend, was running short on lenses
Ordered again for another year, thanks OP :)
Awesome thanks
Does the deal pop up once you go over $199 spend?
I assume it's the same as other times Usually you add the code when you get to checkout (CRBDAY).
Ah fair enough. Thanks for the reply :)
After years of paying too much for contacts through various retailers, I opted to order from a reputable seller online. No gimmicks, no hassles. Express delivery from an Australian business and the cost is a fraction of retail everyday (better even when I compare to these temporary discounts). Shop around before you buy.
Whats the name of the business?
If you buy without using a deal like this then you are 'paying too much'
With this discount and free shipping, my Acuavue Oasis are cheaper at SpecSavers than ContactMe.
@Wolfy: It may be different for various brands. If this deal works for you then by all means grab it. I am merely suggesting it's worth shopping around. At ContactMe I pay $140 inc express delivery for two packs of 90 days of B&L BioTrue ONEday. Contacts arrive within 2-3 days, if not overnight. SpecSavers sell this brand, but won't let me order it online. SpecSavers price is over $200 for the same quantity and delivery is 5-10 days, with me chasing it up. So, in order to get this deal I need to spend $199. I don't have a need for that because my regular price is $130 plus $10 shipping. Shame that Big W closed their optical stores because their price was the best.
Long shot, but has anyone switched over to Dailies Total 1 from easyvision?
Thats what I'm thinking. I usually order Easyvision Linarial, as recommended by the optometrist. But Dailies Total 1 seems to be roughly equivalent, if not better. Linarial = CooperVision "MyDay", just rebranded for specsavers. The significant differences between MyDay and Dailies Total 1 seem to be oxygen permebility (higher on Total 1) and UV blocking (MyDay has it, Total 1 doesn't)…
I wear the easyvision Umere (/CooperVision clariti). From what I can tell, the difference is similar to your comparison - Umere has a higher water content and UV blocking, but lower oxygen permeability.
I was going to pop into Specsavers for a trial before this promotion ends but apparently they need to order in the trial lenses for DT1.
Yeah, I wore Umere before I was recommended to switch to Linarial, pretty similar. My uneducated assessment is that the UV blocking becomes less of a critical feature in the winter months. Giving the DT1s a go!
Does "oxygen permeability" mean the lens is thicker and less breathable? I've been meaning to try different lenses, but stumped on all the optom jargon :( Can someone help give me insight?
Currently using EasyVision - Umere dailies (which are my favourite ones so far).
Really hated the Linarial though (always opened them to find them curling upon itself and fidgeting to spread the lens open lol).
EDIT: I love hydration, but there are days where I'll be wearing the same lens for 16hrs+ (eye drops only help up to a certain point)
@Brodo Faggins: A more oxygen permeable lens lets more oxygen from the air through the lens surface and to your cornea - which needs oxygen. Really depends on your wearing habits, but newer lenses tend to be more oxygen permeable and better for those who wear contact lenses for longer. It is mostly related to the properties of the lens material itself. If you deprive your cornea of oxygen for too long (i.e. over a period of months and years) you can get increased growth of capillaries (tiny blood vessels) across the eye, which tends to be non reversible… (Google "corneal neovascularization"). Yes - the Linarial are definitely more fiddly. I think "softer" lenses also tend to be more oxygen permeable but are harder to handle. I got used to flipping them over on my finger… A minor trade off I was willing to make for a "healthier" choice of lens for my habits. But - talk to your optometrist!
Good timing. Thanks Op!
Anyone tried biofinity? how does this compare to it?
Any good recommendation for toric lenses? I've been using acuvue moist for astigmatism
NUUUU I missed the deal!!!
Dont forget to claim the $90 cashback if you purchase PRECISION1™ and DAILIES TOTAL1® contact lenses