This was posted 4 years 10 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Replacements with $0.99 Bag For Good @ Woolworths

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I was just at Woolies and asked them about replacing the tatty bags I had and they swapped them over no questions. Thought others may be due to swap yours over for new ones too

It’s yours to use again and again, and if it ever gets damaged, we’ll replace it for free no matter when you bought it from us. Simply bring your damaged bag to the Customer Service desk in any of our stores and we’ll swap it for a new one. We’ll even recycle your old one so it can keep doing good.

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closed Comments

  • +41

    The Bag for Good has always have free replacement, while the other types do not. Which type did you swap? If you swapped the Bag for Good then how is it a deal? It will be like "Free Inflation for Your Flat Tyre @ Any Service Station".

    • +96

      I figured there would be some out there who would want to know or be reminded. If there is a problem with it mods will remove it.

      • +36

        The reminder is literally written on the bags themselves.

        • +29

          Some people aren't that bright (myself included) lol

      • +11

        Thanks. Literally the first time I've read whats wtitten on this bag and I have thrown a lot out.

        • +1

          Throwing them out defeats the purpose. Swapping them is OK from a user perspective. Out of sight, out of mind, what do Woolies do with them? My understanding is China now refuses to take them.

          • +3

            @RogerLoger: They're recycled through the RedCycle program

            • @Freshie: Which means they get turned into park benches. Not the best use, IMO, I'd prefer them get made into new bags.

      • +3

        If everyone else has set up reminders to repost the same long running deals over and over, I don't see why this one should be excluded.

    • -1

      Agreed, although this exact same deal has been posted in the past I'm not sure how long ago though. Probably not long after the plastic bag ban came into place

      • +1

        So it was that long ago that you can tell us when. Is it worth a neg or just a comment then?

        • +7

          It has been posted before. Just do a search for "bag for good"!
          6 months ago
          15 months ago

          So expect another reminder in 6-9 months, where people again say they didn't know this😉

        • -8

          Can be bothered as much as you can to do a simple search on the site.
          Curious to see what you think the next time this is reposted.

    • +5

      Wait, any service station? When my tyres are flat? Free! That's an incredible deal, why hasn't this been posted

    • +1

      Not really the perfect analogy.

      More like shredding a tyre* and getting new roadworthy tyre.

      Shredded tyre being the 'tattyd' bag

      • I believe you can inflate your bag for good for free at any service station too

  • +39

    This is more of a public service announcement than a deal, but good on you.

  • +3

    Wow did not know, does Coles have the same conditions?

    • +2

      Nope, unless they've changed their policy, i asked about 12mths ago & was told 'no'..

  • +14

    The bags have woolies branding on them, it's free real estate advertising for them, of course they going to replace your bag with another free handheld advertisement for their store haha

    • +44

      I advertise for free for Nike but they don't replace my t-shirt which was probably cheaper to make than the bag…

      • +12

        I advertise for free for Nike

        Many people pay for this privilege. I've never understood that. "Hey buddy, wanna give me $50 to carry my ad and I'll throw in a $10 tee?" WTF?

      • +5

        I purposely don't wear any clothing with brand names on them, i think it looks tacky and i also dont think clothing brands deserve anything more than the money i paid for their stuff in the first place.
        The only thing that i leave the house with that has visible branding on it is my car.

    • +1

      I take my Aldi bags to Woolies and my Woolies bags to Aldi >_>

      • +3

        You really live life on the edge man.

  • +6
    • LOL
      looks like a slippery slope to the penalty box!

  • +4

    My mum washes and reuses glad wrap…

    • +13

      I do that with condoms!

      … just kidding, I don’t wear condoms.

      • +2

        lots of babies.

      • +11

        Just kidding, no one to have sex with.

        • +2

          My hand rarely says no.

        • no one to have sex with. Funny!

      • Turn them inside out and shake the fark out of them.

      • +2

        You meant to take them off?!?

  • +1

    If I have so much time for that I rather spend time commenting in oz.

  • +1

    What about the WW nylon ones that roll up nice and small?

    • +2

      No they won't replace them, even if the stitching comes undone

      • +1

        Sadly Helen is right. I was refused a replacement for an old green roll-up bag. I did get a replacement for a new-used-once clearly faulty green roll-up bag.

  • +3

    And here I am using them as bin bags…

    • +21

      Same. All these supermarkets are arseholes for charging for their bags too. Don't give me that eco crap. The bags are made overseas and have that clearly labelled on the bottom, but they spout their concern for the environment. Whatever. Just another cash grab. The old bags also degraded quicker and were more eco friendly if anything.

      • +8

        Absolutely, don't pretend to care about the environment and then push the cost onto your customers whilst patting yourselves on the back.

        If they were just straight up and said "our shareholders think this will be a good move and net us some positive PR for no cost and ongoing additional revenue" I wouldn't have a problem, but don't tell me you care about the environment Woolworths…

        • +8

          I constantly despair at the complete lack of basic common sense people on this website have.

          If they gave these bags out for free, how many times do you think they'd be reused?

          • @callum9999: Don't even bother, people here don't understand economic incentives. It's always to line the pockets of the gummint or big business.

          • @callum9999: When they gave out the free plastic bags, they got reused for waste disposal.

            Now I Have to pay Woolworths/coles for the privelidge of a waste disposal bag.

            Your point?

            • +1

              @Koffee: You have the entire internet at your disposal - USE IT.

              Everyone claims that they reused the old bags a million times but ALL the statistical analysis done on bag usage (both shopping bag and bin liners) after bans all around the world show drastic falls in the number used - and by drastic, I mean often more than a 90% fall.

              I'm dumbfounded that no only do you believe you know better than tens of thousands of environmental organisations around the world, you couldn't even be bothered to do a modicum of research into it before declaring your ignorance to the world. The human race is screwed.

      • Correct Maz78 but you forget, it wasnt the supermarkets who pushed for this, my memory is they were dragged screaming into this by the ecowarriors

      • retracted. Apparently they are good for bin liners. (I was thinking of those green cloth bags, but apparently we're talking about the plastic ones.)

      • Whilst I agree that it shouldn't line corporate pockets, the levy is 100% worthwhile and you can't deny the shift in consumer behaviour it's driven. It's legislated in the UK and when the levy was first introduced in 2015, it reduced plastic bag sales by 90%. It's 5p per bag in the UK but the funds (at least the large supermarket chains) go towards environmental causes and are reported to the gov't. This is how it should also be in Australia and the gov't should encourage that.

    • -1

      OP is about the 99c Clothy ones. Not the 15c heavy duty plastic

  • Does Coles do the same?

    • -6


      • +6

        What's your neg exactly for lazybear?
        I never realised "nope" was a valid neg?

        • Buying something that literally states that when it falls apart you get a replacement is fine, not a deal if you can't read your own bag, what I said nope to was the question whether Coles did the same, which they don't.

  • +2
    • +1

      Yeah, duplicated

      • +6

        I think the Duplicate rule doesn't apply as it's been more than six months since that last post

  • +4

    Cheers OP, didn’t know.

  • +2

    I use them as bin bags and no matter how many I buy there never seems to be enough. They are big and thick and watertight, they make an ideal bin bag.

    • +5

      I agree the plastic ones are fabulous as bin bags. I think OP is referring to the 99ce t ones, not the 15 cent ones.

      • +1

        Pro tip - to get free 15c bags included, place an online C&C order with some Frozen products,
        and select 'Own bags' at checkout.

        They'll have frozen items ready in the bag, and dry goods loose in a basket or trolley.

    • +1

      I still dont understand why people even use bin bags? They are completely unnecessary.
      My bins just have removeable plastic buckets with handles and you just tip it out into the red/yellow bins when full… and the garbos dont want us putting all our rubbish into bags anyway, it can jam their sorting machinery and is much more of a pain in the arse for them to sort through also.

      • +1

        Do you wash your bin after you’ve emptied it? You’d need too if you’re not using a liner.

        • Depends what kind of waste goes in it. Obviously any food or other messy stuff goes in bin with a bag. Other waste is fine, just give it a clean every other month

      • +1

        I'd have thought they would want bags. Are they really opening and sorting my tied up bin bags full of empty unrecyclable go-gurt containers, dozens of used tissues, scooped up cat vomit, clamshell headphone packaging etc.?

        • +2

          Just save your vege bags, bread bags, cereal bags and even rolled oat packets, put the messy stuff in them and place in bin, that keeps the rest including the bin clean, no need for bag for the whole bin.

        • +1

          Yeah, they are, go and watch some videos of how the rubbish and recycling system works in Australia.

          • @lordezekiel: I don't believe there is someone opening tied up Coles bags and sorting through people's soiled nappies, piss jugs, disposed of sex toys, etc. Someone would have uploaded a video of this process by now. I think they just throw it all into a hole and forget about it. It'll be hot sludge by the time they dig it up again.

      • Apartment bin chutes require bagging.

      • +1

        I don't understand why you wouldn't use a bin bag. Without it both the inside bin and the wheelie bin needs to get washed at least weekly. I hate paying for bin bags, but I do because it's a small price to pay for the convenience (and I get the money back on cleaning bins less frequently).

        If the garbos want a better system, I'm all ears. The current process of sorting rubbish in the home seems a pain to me - I want to see that my efforts aren't being wasted or I'm very tempted to only use recycling if I can't fit everything in the general trash bin.

    • I just use those normal fruit and veg bags as bin liners, they are essentially still a single use plastic dude, and still free!!

  • +5

    Why is this a deal? It’s always been this way and it’s literally written on the bag itself.

  • +2

    Duplicate deal. Posted on 17 January 2019 and 17 October 2019

  • +2

    What would their definition of "damaged" be though? Mine are just floppy and the plastic piece in the base is shattered.

    • +4

      The ones I just returned just looked tatty. I asked the staff member if they needed to be damaged or unusable. She said she really doesn't care and was happy to replace them. YVMV

    • +3

      The plastic liner always breaks in mine, they just replace it no questions.

      When my first one broke, they replaced it and didn't care about the old one. I used that same one to snag 3 or 4 replacements before someone took it and put it in the bin.

  • +2

    Will they replace the more expensive 'insulated' bags? I got a few of those that are torn / smell of fish etc

    • -4

      No, unfortunately not,only the 15c plastic ones. I find the plastic of the insulated bags falls apart after a while in Qld.

      • +8

        This is for the 99c green bags, not the 15c plastic ones. I don't think they replace the plastic ones either.

        • -1

          We need a FAQ

          "NO, ONLY the 99c bags labelled BAG FOR GOOD with print about replacing"

  • Wow didn't know this, all my ones are pretty used and abused, wonder if they are considered "damaged"

  • +8

    A PSA isn't a deal.

  • +7

    It's always been free and is written in big letters on the bag itself.

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