• expired

Free Replacements with $0.99 Bag For Good @ Woolworths


I was just at Woolies and asked them about replacing the tatty bags I had and they swapped them over no questions. Thought others may be due to swap yours over for new ones too

It’s yours to use again and again, and if it ever gets damaged, we’ll replace it for free no matter when you bought it from us. Simply bring your damaged bag to the Customer Service desk in any of our stores and we’ll swap it for a new one. We’ll even recycle your old one so it can keep doing good.

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closed Comments

    • Would you believe that most people dont actually read the crap written on their shopping bags?
      Hard to imagine i know…

  • +3

    thanks captain obvious

  • +1

    is this for real? massively pov

  • -1

    Love a free bag

    • +3

      It’s not free if you’ve already paid for it.

      • Buy one, get one free!

  • -2

    Plastic and cloth types, or just plastic?

  • +6

    Does this mean any product with a replacement guarantee constitutes as a deal?

  • +1

    Awesome thanks. Didn’t know. Good deal 👍🏽

  • +1

    They should do it too. Being able to sell plastic bags instead of giving them away has made a lot of money for them.

    • Yeah banning thin plastic in place of thicker plastic :p

  • not sure about others experience, but my woolies bag breaks down much faster than others. normally woolies bag only lasts 2-3 months and just a handful of shopping trips before some stitches undone, rendering the bag unusable. i never buy woolies green bag anymore and opt to get the plastic bag instead if i forgot to bring my shopping bag and use them as bin bag once they are not fit for shopping anymore.

  • +3

    Thanks for posting OP. I was already aware of this but some other members weren't, so upvoted because you've helped them out, which is what this website is all about.

  • Do they replace the ones without the words “Bag for Good”?

    • That's the ONLY one they are replacing 🙄

  • +1

    Thanks OP , time to Rip the old dirty UNDAMAGED ones for new ones . What a ripper DEAL to save me money !!

  • +1

    Dupe, also a PSA, not a deal. Belongs in forums.

  • +2

    Just don't buy these bags. Use hessian bags, that's a real benefit for the environment

    • +1

      exactly, I have ones 15 years old

  • +2

    I didn't know about this mind you I mostly shop at Aldi/Coles So long as they aren't posted every other month I think messages like these are great! Almost everyone shops at supermarkets so I'm sure many will benefit even if most ppl already know about it! Thanks OP

    • Marked as Long Running Deal.

      Reminders like this can be posted every 6 months. Earlier than that makes it a Dupe, which should be removed.

      Last posted 6 months ago

  • +1

    Remember that if you haven't used the old bag somewhere between 50 and 100 times, then the old single-use bags were actually better for the environment.

  • I still have no clue which is the bag that being discussed here… i've been using all the recycle bag as rubbish bag recently since enforce to pay for bag like it or not for all online shopping.

  • These have been discontinued (any stores that still have them are running them out), and the new ones don't have the free replacement anymore :(

    Any existing ones get a free replacement though.

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