This was posted 6 years 1 month 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Replacement Green Bags ("Bag for Good" Brand) @ Woolworths

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6 months into the removal of so-called 'single-use' plastic bags (I never used them only once…), the handle tore off one of my Woolies "Bag for Good" green bags. Yes, I overloaded it. Yes, I'll probably do it again sometime.

As I was throwing it away, I saw the below text, emblazoned on the side of the bag:
"Use this bag again and again. If it gets damaged, we'll replace it for free."

In all the months of using it, I'd never noticed this!! Guessing others out there will be the same, so am sharing to save fellow OzB'ers who might've been in my same boat. And, for the naysayers who say it's not a deal.. I think it is - it saved me 100%!

The Woolies site has more info (see link in post):

Introducing the Bag for good™.
We’ve launched a new reusable bag in our stores called the Bag for good™. It’s yours to use again and again, and if it ever gets damaged, we’ll replace it for free no matter when you bought it from us. Simply bring your damaged bag to the Customer Service desk in any of our stores and we’ll swap it for a new one. We’ll even recycle your old one so it can keep doing good.

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closed Comments

  • +65

    Great PSA but I always use a competitor's bag when grocery shopping.

    • +1

      Haha, I don't care where I'm shopping from now on - these 'Bags for Good' will be my go-to.
      I can take them back whenever they break, and get a replacement. Irrespective of whether I shop at Woolies or not :)

      • +18

        Dude, Woolies announced this right from the start, but everyone was too busy complaining to pay attention 🙄 amazes me people are only catching on now!

        • +1

          This program only works for a minority of consumers.

          Every time I am in a Woolies, I have a competitor's bag, or my own, or a box. Every time I am in a Caltex, I have a Coles fuel docket. Every time in BWS or Liquorland I have neither, and I mostly shop elsewhere for grog anyhow.

          This is just another poor but lucrative long-term marketing campaign trying to buy loyalty for a few cents, or loyalty for the free use of a plastic bag with a considerable carbon impact from production to collection and then on to occasional recycling and/or disposal.

          Call me cynical, but Wollies and Wesfarmers are worse*

          • Another example: They don't release any stats on the impact of bag production, how many they make//sell/give away or recycle. They make claims but provide no transparency into what they actually manage to do. Worse, they've even been caught out landfilling the bags people return for recycling, or sending them overseas for eventual recycling or landfill. Worse, there has been nothing said or done that will make them stop behaving like bullying liars again.
    • +2

      what's PSA?

      • +36

        Something older guys need to worry about

      • +9

        Public service announcement

        • -2

          The only PSA I recognise is "with guitars".

      • +1

        Walnut check

    • +3

      Oooh be careful, you might cut yourself on that edge

  • +10

    Old news…

    • +29

      Nice oxymoron.
      Speak of morons, I consider myself one for not noticing/knowing about it sooner. Not old news for me!

      • +21

        It was announced from day 1

        • And doesn't it exclude general wear and tear or something

          • +6

            @Savas: Wow, JV upvoted me!!! But others downvoted me… sad…

          • +1

            @Savas: Nobody at Woolies is going to debate you about general wear and tear of your bag.

      • How could you notice when you were busy playing the game

    • Fake news?

    • +5

      Speak for yourself.

      It's news to me, and helpful news too!

  • +15

    Thanks for the heads up!

    • +7

      yep me too, didnt know, thanks for the advice OP

  • +1

    Didn't spot this either
    Thanks OP
    Will invest in a few and
    Do all my shopping with them
    And when they give way swap them over for a new one!

    How long before these bags get ozbargained :)

  • +3

    Remember you can recycle the old green bags at woolies and Coles in their soft plastic bins!

    • +3

      Woolies will replace the older ones for free as well, had two replaced when they introduced the replacement policy and another 1 last week :)

      PS: I don't even shop at Woolies anymore :D

      • crap - wouldn't replace my bag when I had to return a piece of rotten meat .. .from woollies

  • +18

    This belongs in the forums

    • +19

      Madam/Sir (has that been cleared up yet?)
      I respectfully disagree - it saved me $1 and 100% of an expense. And potentially will save me much more in future.
      In my humble opinion, and so far the 95+ upvoters, it is a deal.

      • +10

        If you look enough you could make quite a large list of items with lifetime warranty, so in your opinion should we list each of those?

        • +7

          That's actually a pretty fair comment. How many of those items would everyone have:
          - multiples of;
          - that are used very frequently;
          - and require that the lifetime warranty be honoured on a semi-regular basis?

          If you can find one of those, post it.

          • +9

            @pennypincha: OzBargain is for bargains, not reminders for product warranties.

          • -1

            @pennypincha: I can think of my gym membership card

        • +6

          I wouldn't even call if "warranty"

          This replacement policy does not include any Bag for GoodTM bags which are merely dirty, stained or messy or which are worn or frayed due to normal wear and tear.

  • Does replacement cover manky bags where chicken juice has leaked everywhere?

    • +10

      Step 1. Try getting a replacement bag. If that fails, proceed to step 2.

      Step 2. Hold bag firmly with one hand, forcefully yank the handle with the other.

      Step 3. Seek replacement for broken bag.

      Step 4. Return to this deal to advise of your success. I wait in eager anticipation.

      • +6

        You know you can just put the bag in the washing machine to wash it. Why would you purposely damage the bag, that’s so unenvironmentally friendly.

        • +16

          *environmentally unfriendly

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: I usually despise online grammar correction, but that one was necessary

            • +2

              @SlickMick: Why do you despise online grammar correction? It is correcting incorrect grammar. How else will the writer and reader no?

              • -4

                @S2: Did you ever think that maybe we aren't here for a lesson in grammar? Do you correct colleagues and friends emails too? Do they tell you how annoying it is?

                • +4


                  Did you ever think that maybe we aren't here for a lesson in grammar?

                  I see stupid in the world and try to lesson it. Even in your original reply you indicate it is necessary.

                  Do you correct colleagues and friends emails too?

                  Yes, how else will they know?

                  Do they tell you how annoying it is?

                  Sometimes and then they proceed to spell it correctly in future.

                  I also note you asked more questions and didn't reply to mine.

                  • -4

                    @S2: If you learned the art of communication instead of seeing communication as needing to be fixed, you would have found your answer. Let me spell it out for you: "I despise online grammar correction because it is annoying. I would have done to a grammar website if I wanted a lesson in grammar. I'm not here to be fixed, nor see you fixing others."

                    If the writer and reader were able to communicate effectively, they've achieved their objectives.
                    Grammar nazis derail threads. Are we talking about shopping bags now?

                    • +4

                      @SlickMick: Reminds me of a nerd joke; there are two types of people in the world. Those that can extrapolate information from an incomplete set of data.

                      If the writer and reader were able to communicate effectively, they've achieved their objectives.

                      I agree with this, although bad grammar increases the chance of ambiguity and misunderstanding.

                      Grammar nazis derail threads

                      Ah, I feel like this is the trigger to the displeasure. If only grammar correction wasn't brought up as a topic by someone initially. It's not all bad though. Sometimes, derailed topics help people learn something.

                      Are we talking about shopping bags now?

                      What bags?

        • +2

          Don't you mean hand wash, brother?

        • They recycle it anyway

      • +3

        That you Scab?

    • Probably does if that somehow causes a rip

    • +9

      I just use lots of free bags from the fruit section as insurance for leakages

      • +4

        I just go to the markets. Cheaper and can get free bags too.

      • +2

        I'm downsizing my bins at home to fruit-section-bag size

  • +2

    nothing more frustrating than accidentally scanning the bag you bought on the self check out

    • +12

      I get a permanent marker and blackout the barcodes. 10 secs of scribble on each bag saves 1 minute of pain at the checkout every second visit.

      • thanks for the good tip

      • +9

        no need to scribble 1 or 2 vertical lines joining the existing vertical line invalidates the barcode

    • +9

      "nothing more frustrating than accidentally scanning the bag you bought on the self check out"


      If you're 'buying' it then you should be scanning it but if you're 'bringing' it then it is frustrating if you scan it.

      Sorry, I couldn't resist the correction because I read it literally a couple of times and had trouble understanding the point.

      • +7


        • +4

          is that grandma police? :)

  • +13

    I'm sorry but I noticed this the first time I picked one up. Forgive me for asking this but how can you possibly miss it? It's just about the only writing on the bag besides the massive "bag for good".
    Even while you are wheeling around Woolies it's being promoted via their "radio"

    • +16

      I have 3 kids under 2. I don't have time to read text on a bag - a bag's a bag.
      They also prevent me from listening to the radio while shopping.

      I'm also male, I reckon 98% of us would miss it even without the above…

        • +5

          All you have to do is hit the report button and move on…

          I'd say the attention this deal has received, probably thanks in part to your ranting, warrants it's bargain status. Go figure.

        • +3

          Continually arguing about whether a single ozbargain post belongs as a deal or in the forums… What a life you must lead!

          • +2

            @Benjamin7711: I think Ozbargain needs a PSA section, and needs to hire JV to move PSAs out of the bargain section

      • +6

        I started buying these on purpose for this reason when they were released, fast forward 6 months, noticed one with a rip in it as I was walking across carpark towards woolies the other day , aimed towards the bin to chuck it out and was just reading it as I crumpled it up and then laughed at myself when I realised . Went in and when I tried the swap it the girl had no idea what I was talking about ! Another staff member was able to advise her it was legit though haha

        This also being in Tasmania where we have been buying our bags for years unlike you lot :D

        • +2

          Haha, I like that even the staff didn't know about it

        • +1

          Tell the staff to RTFB.

      • +2

        I'm also male, I reckon 98% of us would miss it even without the above…

        Hand in your Ozbargain licence! :P

      • You should double-bag

    • +3

      Not only written text, it was also announced during the single use bag ban commercials. So if you don't have time to read it I'm sure you were told about it when the ban was introduced. But yes most people were probably too upset over it to notice.

  • In the UK, often even the equivalent of the 15c bags can be swapped for free - they call it a 'bag for life'

  • +1

    Nice to see how your post coincides with recent news articles purporting other shoppers never noticed the big bold writing either until now.

  • -2

    Please don't use these poor quality plastic bags

    • What else do you suggest?

      Mine are several years old so do not seem poor quality.

      • I don't bring any. I won't be paying for shopping bags - I'd go to Bunnings and bring back boxes first.

        I'm counting on the need for more checkouts because it's so much slower now will outweigh the profits from the bag scam, and we'll eventually see more practical bags reintroduced.

        In the meantime, my advice to you is avoid the self service checkout - I'm going to be there a while and I take up a lot of space.

        • and we'll eventually see more practical bags reintroduced

          In the meantime, my advice to you is avoid the self service checkout - I'm going to be there a while

          A practical solution like a reusable bag you can bring with you to carry your stuff from the supermarket so that you don't need to waste 10 minutes of your time at the self serve checkout?

          • @spaceflight: Sounds terribly inconvenient to me.

            Also, I haven't seen any bags that fit nicely in the holder and allow quickly moving from one bag to the next.
            My observation is everyone is slower, I'm just exaggerating it because I'm OTT… And want this to fail and go back to free bags that fit my bin and the checkout grocery holders.

    • +1

      It's the green canvas bags they're replacing for free, not the plastic bags.

  • -5

    Do people actually reuse these 'green' bags? I use mine as bin liners as a result of them taking away the much better/thinner grey plastic bags.
    I have literally hundreds of these green bags I 'gathered' during the 'free bag' period when they were forcing this bag policy on us.
    Anyway good to know if I find any of them broken/torn I can take them back for a replacement so my bin won't get dirty…

    • They are talking about the material bags that cost $1. Not the bags that they use to give out free or the 15c ones.

  • Coles will replace old bags as well. It may not be a policy that all staff know but it is there. They should scan it as a free item. So if any reusable bag is damaged you may get a new replacement of the same type of bag.

    • Was gonna ask if anyone knew if Coles had the same thing as I have one that's about to rip from there. Good to know

    • Since replacements are free from both stores, they should replace each other's damaged bags - they get a bit more free advertising walking around.

  • +1

    Do they replace the insulated bags as well or they are not good bags?

    • I want to know this also, have a few that the zips have jammed on or the lining has torn

      • You can normally remove the material from the zip and free it

    • I have had mine replaced no problem when the zip fails. The zip always fails..

    • +1

      Yes, after reading this I took my insulated bag into Woolies, some of the stitching on the handles had come loose. I spoke to the guy on the service counter, he just waved me in the direction of the new bags and told me to grab a new one. He didn't take the damaged one so I can get an extra one if I want to in the future!

  • +11

    Can you get 2 replacement bags by tearing the old one into two and then exhanging each half for a new one separately?

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