This was posted 4 years 10 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 $279 + Shipping @ Shopping Express


Comes with 3 Months of Xbox Game Pass for PC.

Looks like computer part prices are finally coming down - cheapest the 3600 has been in a while.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    29th April, ordered 3600X for $344 from Amazon. 30th April cancelled 3600X and ordered 3600 for $296 from Amazon (delivery 22 May). 1st May, cancelled 3600 from Amazon and ordered from Shopping Express. Just how low can these go…

    • Shopping express will post it out much faster then Amazon. No take backsies.. My experiance you will have your CPU mid next week.
      End of the switcharooony for you buddy

      • Just don't order a case, I ordered on the 15th, and Auspost aren't updating or delivering it.

        • I ordered a pair of shoes on the 4th and its still being updated regarding delivery, but still waiting for delivery.

          • +1

            @tugman: same story here, ordered work shoes from Melbourne shop to deliver in Melbourne metro area , checked on tracking number its been 3 weeks and my order is sitting in post office warehouse. rang them and i have been told its waiting in queue. no wonder PC parts price are rising up due to these (profanity);s.

        • I ordered a 3600 and some RAM in the previous shopping express deal on 18/4 and I’m in the same boat as you

      • Was posted out yesterday arvo, hit the Australia Post Chullora sorting facility last night and is due for delivery early next week!

    • +3

      If you have a credit card with a price protection policy you can just claim the price difference and save yourself the hassle.

      • this… soooooo good lol

      • If Amazon hadn't quoted 3-4 weeks for delivery I wouldn't have cancelled the second order as once you factor in shipping (free with prime) shopping express was only a couple of dollars cheaper.

      • +2

        Depends on the credit card company, some give very limited opportunity to be able to claim.

        For example, ANZ platinum say only if you find it cheaper in a printed catalogue….. If if if so many if's and but's

        • +2

          Agree. For example, St George,

          within 21 days …
          a printed catalogue showing the same personal good …
          from a store within 25 kilometres …
          price difference is greater than A$75.

  • What about a $180 3300x? Will that be a thing?

    • +10

      1600 AF is the chip to go at this price point.

      • +6

        I have a 1600AF I got at the $149 price when it first arrived in Aus retailers. I would rather sell it and pick up the 3300X if the price difference is negligible. I'd much prefer the higher IPC for gaming. I doubt I utilise beyond 8 threads for my usage

    • Should start shipping May / June, apparently.

    • +3

      for gaming and browsing, 3300x would be way superior due to higher single threaded performance + bigger cache. 1600 AF or not only if you're doing constant heavy threading work (compiling, encoding, etc), otherwise go 3300x.

  • nice, looking at putting one of these in a new build for the family, might pull the trigger here

  • +1

    I think prices are only down due to new lineup recently being announced with stores trying to clear as much stock as possible. Either way, even at $350 this CPU is fantastic value for what it can do.

  • +1

    AMD prices will drop further due to intel 10 series desktop pricing being announced (slightly more competitive then expected)

  • -wrong spot-

  • Excellent processor for a decent price. I have had the 2600 for 1.5 years now, and very happy with it.

  • Never dealt with shopping express are they reputable?
    Pickup option?

    • +1

      I've bought many parts from them, never an issue. Can't speak to pickup as I live in a different state but Shopping Express have always done well with my orders.

      • +2

        Same.. I've used shopping express now for over 6 years and its been fine.
        upgraded every PC in our office from them haha

        Spent more then $20,000 :) "not my money"

        The few things I've got from them myself have been ok too.

    • Haven't had any issues with my orders from them in the past but haven't needed to RMA anything. They don't have a pickup option at this stage, delivery only.

      • thanks for the comments!!

  • Son of a …..

    I ordered one from them yesterday for $299.

    • I ordered today for $299. Checked SE yesteray and they were $328, checked staticice this morning and Mwave was cheapest. Forgot to check ozbargain :facepalm:

      Luckily I have 28 degrees price protection so I'll just have to claim the difference :D

      • I ordered last Sunday for $328 :( It arrived on Wednesday however, so still happy that Shopping Express ship fast! (I'm still waiting on Umart, but that's for the case)

  • -4

    Not here to bash AMD, but won't Intel's 10th gen smash these at a comparable price point?

    Likely will be released this month so I guess we'll see…

    • +3

      I asked the same question on Whingepool regarding a PC upgrade/build I need to do. Was told that the Gen 10 lineup is just "racing stripes". A bit of fluff and not a real (worthwhile) upgrade from Gen 9.
      I don't have much $ to spend on a build so am looking at a AMD 1600AF to replace my 8 year old i2500k system.

      OP's price is def decent compared to Centrecom / MSY / usual sites.

      • +1

        Hi Maz - Can an amateur / never built a pc before / but decently tech savvy do a home build quite easily ? You got any threads of your journey / good info to follow ?

        • +2

          I know you asked Maz, but I'll throw in my 2c.

          Yes, it's easy. Two sites that you'll visit a lot in your research:

          Work out your budget and what you'll use it for - no point getting a 2080 Ti if you're just playing CS and web surfing.

        • +2

          yeh it's very easy now days to build a computer. I guess the hardest part would be deciding the parts. The pcpartpicker system builder is a great help with this. Though prices have already dropped quite a bit; if you can hold out a bit longer it would be better as there are lots of stuff coming out soon that should drop the prices a fair bit more (especially for the lower end stuff). Intel 10th gen, ryzen 4000, pcie4, rtx 30xx, ddr5

        • +1

          Thank you kindly for your responses and help. Was going to go with techfast but they seem to have delivery issues atm so think ill give myself an isolation project.

          • @Bigredkeg: im really happy with techfast but the only thing is after you swap out the parts you dont want (eg shitty power supply, better case, better ram) it winds up cheaper to do yourself anyway, but for what they are the prices are really good

        • As dpark88 and others have chimed in -> It's simple.. (Easier nowadays compared to the 80's when I was doing setups with jumpers/IRQ's, etc).
          Lots of videos and posts on youtube/forums to help. Like you mentioned - If you have a bit of tech savvy and can handle a philips head screwdriver you should be fine. :)

        • Youtube is your friend when it comes to building a PC..

          just dont only watch one video

          Hardware unboxed is good and so is Bitwit

        • It's simple until something goes wrong!

          Couple of key things:
          If you're a first time builder buy all key components from one supplier so they can't defer blame to someone else.

          Secondly you'll need access to compatible spares if you have a bad component. At a minimum to troubleshoot and isolate the bad component you'd want a spare mobo,psu, ram,(1 stick ok) and video card if no onboard igpu.

          My first build had a flaky motherboard which failed intermittently, was an absolute nightmare to troubleshoot and get swapped out. Worst part, it was for a very fussy client.

      • -5

        A lot of Intel haters over there I guess lol.

        From gen 9 to gen 10, maybe not. But I'd be going from i5 6600K and I imagine you'd experience a massive upgrade from 2500K!

        No argument about the OP's price, but even the i3 will come with HT.

        As usual, the low-mid is the sweet spot for performance vs price.

        • -1

          Lol don't know why there's negs. At least provide some constructive feedback.

          • +6

            @dpark88: It's because Intel's offerings get crushed by AMD at this price point. AMD is the better buy at every price point except for single thread gaming performance at the high end (9900k and probably its 10th gen equivalent).

            And even then i'd only recommend that if gaming is the only performance use for your PC, if you do anything else AMD is better price:performance across the entire range.

            • @get-innocuous: the 10th gen intel should be a better deal when compared to current prices of ryzen 3000. But my guess is that ryzen 3000 will drop in price once 10th gen is released, and then again once ryzen 4000 is released. and then 10 vs 4000 will be the same (or even a bigger difference than now) as 9 is vs 3000.

          • @dpark88: You're getting negged because you're completely ignoring that moving from an i5 6600 or an i5 2500 to a Ryzen 3rd gen system will still likely be much better than going for Intel 10th gen.

            Have another couple of negs from me.

            • -3

              @xyron: I never said it wouldn't be an upgrade - I would think that's implied given the amount of advancement over 4 and 8 years respectively.

              • @dpark88: Your comment is just so completely irrelevant then, if you are trying to defend Intel 10th gen on the basis that it will be an upgrade from 2nd/3rd/4th/6th gen Intel. Obviously it is. But so will Ryzen, and it will provide a bigger performance delta for the same or less money.

                • @xyron: I'm not defending one brand over the other - I don't have loyalty to either.

                  My comment/reply was to Maz's earlier comment about 9th gen vs 10th gen and agreeing it's probably not worth it.

                  I even acknowledged that the pricing for this deal is good.

                  I'm guessing you're a bit upset that for some reason you thought I was ripping into AMD, which wasn't the point of the post.

          • +1

            @dpark88: Might also have something to do with the way Intel markets a new cpu and having to buy a new motherboard with a new chip:
            6 more soldiers than previous generation.


        • Yeah Ryzen 4000 is reportedly a big jump in performance IPC and potentially clock speed. However once AMD goes to 5nm I think that's when they'll take the crown. Intel is really struggling even with these tweaks to 10th gen imo they are still putting these out on 14nm vs 7nm for Ryzen3/4000

      • +3

        Honestly mate, I wouldn't even bother upgrading the i5-2500k, just overclock it and let it keep chugging along.

        I upgraded my i5-2500k to a 3600x which is a decent upgrade, but my i5 was still a beasty processor for gaming.

    • +2

      yes it should beat the ryzen 3000 series, since it's the same price as 9th gen but has extra cores.

      But it's not meant to be compared to that, it should be intel 10th gen vs ryzen 4000

      • Thanks. This was the point I was trying to make.

  • +1

    Lowest it’s ever been was 259 just before COVID. Running like a dream, best value CPU I’ve ever used.

    • $259 is good! i got it at $271 in November

    • actual i just saw your username - have a question - i'm running a USB DAC and in this build, versus my intel build it replaced, I'm getting occasional USB disconnects. I googled Ryzen + USB disconnects and it is an issue (reddit threads etc). Are you running a USB DAC and have you come across this?

      It is notable as music would stop playing until the device reconnected - frustrating as I've checked Event Viewer and can't piece anything together yet.

      • Can’t say I’ve seen this no. Problem is there are so many motherboards it’s tough to isolate the issue . I’m using a gigabyte x570 itx pro Wi-Fi board.

  • Ordered one at full price recently and posted next day. Great service from the seller (even if I could have saved $40 doh)

    On the other hand, been stuck at aust post for many days.

    Another example of coronavidiocy.

  • Really good price for this cpu. Was going to go with this 2 month's ago paired with a b450 tomahawk but they ran out of stock. Ended up going for the 3700x. Both very good cpu.

  • All these CPU deals.. makes me want to build a new gaming rig…

    • +2

      Prices are still bad don't do it

  • Is this a worthy upgrade from my 1st gen 1600 I got in 2017? Probably not, but tempting.

    • +4

      Not really, wait the new generation of AMD CPUs due later this year.

    • yeah amd is gonna release the 4000 series this year (september?). It's gonna be compatiable with b450, x470 and x570 boards. The lower end boards not sure.

  • +10

    Was going to order just the CPU but turns out they have 10% off if you purchase a MB, graphics card or RAM in the qualifying page.…

    Grabbed the RTX 2070 Super as well for $765 before shipping/fees.

    • :) its just making you spend more.. but 10% is 10% i guess

    • Wish there was a decent 2080 super deal!

      Any of the motherboards/RAM a decent deal after 10% here? Or nothing to turn your head over? Looks pretty good to me!

    • Thanks for that. Ordered the Galax RTX 2070 Super as well.

      • what monitor do you run with your RTX?

      • what did you get with the 2070 super to get the 10% off?

    • This should be posted as a deal itself. Really good stacking if you plan to get cpu+mobo+ram+gpu.
      Just keep in mind that some of the mobos listed aren't compatible with 3rd gen ryzens (need to update/flash)

      nvm apparently only one discount per order

  • Bought - cant wait to get it.

  • A newbie here trying to build my own budget gaming pc.

    Credit to CheapyAsian for the 10% off deal and I've compiled the below list for the rig from ShoppingExpress.

    I'd appreciate any positive or negative feedback guys thank you.

    AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.60 GHz 6 Cores AM4 CPU $279
    Galax GeForce GTX 1660 Super (1-Click OC) 6GB GDDR6 Graphics Card $428
    MSI B450 TOMAHAWK MAX AMD AM4 ATX Gaming Motherboard $218

    G.Skill Ripjaws V 16GB (2x8GB) 3200MHz CL16 DDR4 Desktop RAM Memory Kit $159
    Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500GB 3500MB/s NVMe M.2 SSD $187.00
    WD Blue 1TB SATA 3.5" Internal Hard Drive WD10EZEX 7200 RPM $72.00

    Thermaltake Versa H18 Window Black mATX Case $63.00
    Cooler Master MasterWatt 750W 80+ Bronze Semi-Modular Power Supply $119.00

    Total of $1,444.50

    • +1

      WRT your M.2 drive, Shopping Express have the Crucial P1 1TB for $169 at the moment…

      • Cheers for the reply. Out of curiosity, so I should not be too concerned about the brand, or the speed of the NVMe M.2 drives in building a budget gaming pc yeah?

    • +1

      Your case wont fit your Motherboard. The motherboard is ATX and the case is mATX.

    • +1


      Get this
      Crucial MX500 1TB…

      and ditch the
      Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500GB and
      WD Blue 1TB SATA 3.5" Internal Hard Drive

      • That's a smart choice indeed! so much more value for every buck I pay and still covers my use/purpose of the rig. Cheers man!

        • +1

          I video edit on a Crucial MX500 500gb and its just as good as any nvme drive..

          at the moment there is no need for an nvme drive unless you plan on moving 100's of GB's every day and even then you will need a second nvme drive to keep up with the first one lol its really pointless

          This video buy linus is spot on -

          SATA SSD VS Nvme 3.0 vs nvme 4.0 :) the results will shock you.

          Also with nvme they can run as hot as 90c .. more heat inside the pc

          • @vid_ghost: Wow that video is an eye-opener! I also did not know about how hot the nvmes can run hey Thanks man.

            • +2

              @NaRaSaRang: nvme is the future of PC storage its just not fully utilized yet..

              Most programs and games are still optimised to run off a spinning hard disk drive.

              I think PS5 and xbox next may help with that in the future.
              we may see some future PC titles require an SSD to even run at all.

    • +1

      If you can wait 6 weeks B550 motherboard will be released.…

      • but the benefits to an everyday user will be limited..

        • Advanced features for cheaper price.

          So I guess yes, the benefits will not be unlimited.

    • +1

      Since you mentioned "budget"

      If you're only gonna stick with the 3600 65W CPU… A320 mobo and use the automated boosts.

      That's a huge psu for that CPU and gpu. I use a 600w for a 4.5GHz overclocked 22nm 6 core i7-5930k and gtx1080ti.

      Dont buy a 1tb hdd for 70 bucks - you'll need more. Wait for a big external drive and shuck it.

  • I was gonna order one but noticed shipping cost extra I thought shipping would have been included in the price. Please take it as a constructive feedback.

  • nice, personally i will wait for next gen and ddr5, gunna be awesome

    • +1

      DDR5? .. ummm Zen3 wont even have DDR5.. lol Zen 4 maybe but not Zen3 .. the wait will be long

    • See you back here in 2022.

      • 2021 most likely

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