• expired

Prepaid Mobile Broadband (Amaysim) 10GB, 365 Day for $79.92


It's a 20% discount introductory offer until the end of September. After that it's $99.90, which is still OK, I reckon. (I haven't posted before but I've looked for deals like this a LOT!) 20% off their other data packs too 'til end of September.

Amaysim are Optus resellers so I know there'll be concerns about the download speeds. And I guess with this cheap price, if lots of us take up the offer, will get even slower! :) WHAT? Why am I posting this?! ;)

I'm using my pack already via an Android phone as modem (usb & wifi tether) and the speeds are OK, nothing stunning but quite usable. I added the special offer to an existing Amaysim sim which required a couple of phone calls to sort out payment. Their web site is set up to supply a new sim, pay for with credit card. You CAN make phone calls too with the sim (15 cents a minute, no flag-fall deal) but not from your data credit …. buy phone / sms credit extra if that's what you want to do.

Hey, don't TOO many of you jump on this, I don't want my download speed to drop. :)

Mod: Extended expiry to Oct 31

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Referral: random (400)

$10 credit to both the referrers on Unlimited Plans and referees. Referee needs to provide referrer with their email address.

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closed Comments

  • Thanks OP, good deal. I got the 1GB data pack for $8… download speeds are reasonable for me.

  • Is this for a modem or cellphone? Separate sim, I guess?

    • A 3G modem is basically a mobile phone with out a screen or keypad. So by rights you could use this in either if you so desired. Just need to set the right "APN"

    • BYO unlocked modem

    • You can't make calls off it or text but you should be able to receive and go on the Internet, you can use it in a phone that allows network sharing to your PC, most do these days

  • Nice offer. I am looking around for good long expiry prepaids for my tablet. I don't really use much data when I go outside so something like this (10GB for the whole year) is more than enough. Anything else similar to that?

  • Does anyone know what constitutes a session? On the Amaysim website, "How is my data charged? Each session will be rounded up to the nearest 1MB."
    The Amaysim rep could not answer the question with any certainty. I want to run my tablet using the sim but don't want a Mb of data to be debited everytime my tablet communicates with Gmail or when I leave Skype open.

    • Yeah, Amaysim charges data in 1mb blocks. not as bad as optus themselves who charge in 10mb blocks (!) but not as good as live connected/TPG who charge in 1/10kb blocks.

      nevertheless, $80 for a year is a good price and i'll grab one to throw into my lenovo T420 :)

      • +1

        I received the following from Amaysim "Smartphones are different – 1 unique poll = 1 data session and is also defined by the handset. Eg. iPhone/Galaxy." Does this mean that if my gmail is polled 4 times an hour, then I am using 96 mb a day just for checking email whether I read them or not? Does it alos mean that if I browse 100 unique web pages that I have used 100 sessions? Surely the term "session" should be defined somewhere in T&Cs so that its meaning is easily understood.

      • You're right, bluetongue, it isn't all that clear. The way I read it is 'per session' - i.e. if you leave data on, and you have apps that poll for data, it will be a minimum 1mb session every time it does so.

        This means that Amaysim probably isn't ideal for smartphones, but for use in a dongle or HSPA modem, its not so bad (as you can easily control your data sessions/when your data is active).

        • +1

          I've had a amaysim sim in my Huawei Ideos X5 Android phone for months now using the cheap brief phone calls (15 cents coz no flagfall) and I've used its casual data at 5 cents per meg. For a couple hours browsing while waiting for a flight etc, it racks up about 15 cents, in three 5 cent chunks. That's with stuff like gmail, android market, google talk, browser etc all running (background, mostly).

          That's always seemed reasonable "polling" at 5 cents per meg.

          Since buying the 10 gig pack, Ive used about 200 meg during 4 days, tethered to netbook for a lot of that time. eg online setting up a Logitech Harmony remote bought after seeing as Ozbargain post. <grin>

  • Excellent. $80 for 10Gb that lasts a whole year is pretty good. I'm already on Amaysim on my tablet.

    Ironically, I still haven't used the Optus sim that came with my MyTab - lol

    • Hey wasn't your MyTab locked to Optus? or did you unlock it? anyways, it's an alright deal. but check ClubTelco offer . it's much cheaper for unlimited GB's

  • Will this work on an iPad?

  • I thought this 20% discount only applied to the first purchase. So does this still apply if you are an existing Amaysim customer?

    EDIT: By existing customer I mean if you have already purchased a data pack. Ok, I see that the OP has done it by calling them direct.

  • +1

    Note the $30 back via MBC. Means if you join today, then this will cost you $59.92. Shweet!

  • I wonder to this day, whether their name 'Amaysim' was a play on words from the word amazing—amazing sim. hmmm…

  • Mugsy, read bottom of page11 in the Optus Broadband booklet that came with your Mytab. If you don't activate the Optus sim within three months of using the tab on the Optus network (will inc Amaysim) you'll forfeit the 3 gigs it came with. If it's not too late I'd be really interested to know how the download speeds compare between the two.

  • I grabbed this deal for my laptop. $80 for 10gb for a year is great value.

  • Just spoke to their call centre on the “data session” issue; I’m looking at it with a view to servicing a data-only connection for a Samsung Galaxy Tab which I have tethering through at the office and also out’n’about data (wireless browsing, GPS data support and background email checking).

    The guy at the centre said that he’d been asked this question a lot in the past few days – it turns out that if you authenticate to check mail the chances are that it connects and constitutes a ‘session” so a POP3 check in background (as the tablet is configured to do every 10 minutes in my case) will chew up 1mb of the data allowance every time, that’s going to run the 10gig out very quickly unfortunately.

    I’m going to look at TPG to see what they have for existing customers along this line, I suspect this issue would be similar for IPAD users who have their device configured the same way.

  • Davo-CC, why not just buy a 1 gig pack for $8 like xDEFINE did and test it with your setup for a few days and post the results here?

    I'm sure everyone here would really be very grateful for the info. I can't do it because I have no pop3 mail accounts anymore … even my dot org website email is served to me by google now. For what it's worth, my experience with Amaysim and default (very frequent) polling of yahoo and gmail uses hardly any data, (at least on my android phone and tethered Ubuntu Linux) doesn't seem to cause the amaysim counter to bill me for 1 meg each time.

    In 7 days I've used 161meg (the online usage listing is a few days behind), but again, no pop3 in that.

  • if I can get one very quickly I'll do it but my vodap0wn3d data is about to expire, I was going to get a Dodo plan as it's on the optus network and has nearest kb data charge per segment; where can you get these Amaysim connections from, only from the website or can you walk-in and buy off the shelf with quick activation?

  • Are you sure Dodo charge per kb? I thought they were as dod-gy as Optus, as in 10 mb??

  • they claimed this over the phone but the guy wasn't terribly sure about it - it took aboug 45 minutes and 3 bounces to get that answer, call centre staff simply didn't want to answer the question and simply wouldn't listen to me so it didn't fare too well for the prospective service I may get.

  • Quite so, Davo-CC. Amaysim have no walk up facilities to activate / buy product, at least not here in Perth where I live. The call centre is in Sydney somewhere, going by the "02" prefix for their direct dial number that's listed on the website. Maybe if you live there. ….

    All this difficulty everyone seems to have in getting the tech support to define just how data is charged at the minimum "event" level makes me suspect more and more that it may have a lot to do with the end user software / hardware setup rather than the isp network settings.

    I've found it easy to stay within very small usage levels maybe because I "accidentally" use a lot of stuff that doesn't get metered, even though the isp network says it does. Think "google experience" in which google re-packages all sorts of internet data so that it looks good and displays fast on my android phones. (Have you noticed the screen that asks "standard or mobile" before the Android (google) browser opens up a link for you?). Those packets may originate at www.whoever.com.au but they go through Google servers to get page re-formatting before being sent to Android devices, particularly if the end user selects "mobile" version.

    Yes I know it may be a Faustian bargain but I also keep a close watch on freedombox.org developments so that I have an exit strategy just as soon as the technology will allow.

    Google already have enormous power because of their near universal customer base via search algorithms and end-user behaviour patterns. In some places they are trying to become telco operations in their own right, bypassing the entrenched isp-s.

    I can certainly visualise a situation where isp-s let google data packets through un-metered so as not to antagonise the elephant-in-the-room that could trample them to death at any moment. Sorry for the mixed metaphors! :)

  • I've seen rather mixed feedback on this online from Amaysim users - someone claimed that their cycle of 10 minute email checks was blowing 1mb each time (new session every 10 minutes) due to the rounding up issue, the problem is that those who haven't experienced this specific issue haven't really looked into it further; they hadn't had to as far as they're concerned which I can understand.

    I’m not sure how many configuration options we really have with session duration given that the vodap0wn3d network is dropping out within 3-5 seconds of a page load (sometimes half way through) or right in the middle of a POP3 check – even though I have over 4 bars of signal strength I have to constantly disable the Tab’s radio and re-enable it again and then wait for an IP address allocation, as far as I know this act alone would be charged as a new session. Sure, Amaysim isn’t on a network anywhere near as bad as that (my staff are on TPG and don’t have these issues two desks from me) but still it’s still a concern for me.

    The Amaysim rep said that the product's charging was aimed more at broadband users with single long session duration than a tablet's potentially short frequent durations; I think I can do a walk-in and get a Dodo SIM but I'll make very sure that it doesn't have a 10mb session charge though, that's pretty disgraceful IMO.

  • Davo, good luck getting any info about increment charges from Dodo. I had as a similar conversation to the one you alluded to when I was thinking of availing myself of what seemed like an attractive wifi modem offer through Dick Smith. For more than that reason (fine print reality of data allowance; Whirlpool threads; old Choice mag article about telco customer 'service'), I decided to give it a miss.
    Something relating to increment charging bastardry - be it the appalling 10mb of some to the still appalling 1mb of others - that needs wider dissemination through communties like OzBargain relates to video content on webpages. My experience with Optus is that if you click on any video link in a page, or watch any videos on Youtube, EACH AND EVERY ONE, whether it loads successfully or NOT , constitutes a 10240kb billing opportunity. If pages look like they're not going to load, or you quickly decide the video is not of interest you, you can end up with three or four charges PER MINUTE! Buyer beware!!

  • I went to an Allphones store I think it was - they said that they couldn't sell me a Dodo SIM as I had to buy a modem which I didn't need before I could get a data pack so they died in failure.

    I picked up the Amaysim SIM and have tried out a 1gig allocation for 30 days to see how the charging cycle works data usage on the TAB; that'll limit the damage if it's no good. I've turned off the auto-recharge systems in their configuration so I hope that's enough….

    I'll post how it seems to be going here.

  • Dors the Tab have "always on mobile" under network settings? My froyo versions of Android have that and I mostly have that ticked on (the default).

    It warns about higher battery use but i'm guessing it might keep the data session open and prevent those useless "new" connection events.

    Worth a try, I reckon, if the Tab has that option in its settings menu.

  • Looks like this offer has been extended till Oct 31st.

  • Seems it's not available for existing customers, old new customers on their "first order". Good pickup, though Quarrymaster!

    • I had one of those offers from Cudo that runs out mid Oct. Amaysim were adamant I couldn't just apply this deal on top. That's fine by me now that they've extended this offer till the end of this month, and as I'm using it for data, the phone number doesn't actually matter. How silly.

      What's sillier though is I rather like the number I chose anyway, so I might still port it to another $2 SIM somewhere then port back!

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