• expired

First Choice Liquor 20% Cashback @ Cashrewards (Capped at $30 per Account / 4pm-8pm AEST)


Enjoy :)

Offer terms: During the 4 hour promotional period, cashback for this store is capped at $30 in total per member account, irrespective of the number of transactions made. Valid 4pm to 8pm AEST 29/04/20.

This store reports sales ex GST. Cashback is calculated on reported value. Also, don't forget to refer-a-friend for $10 each. Tip: add your code to OzB’s randomiser. And check out our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions or issues.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3767)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

First Choice Liquor
First Choice Liquor

closed Comments

  • +3

    I need alcohol again

  • +2

    Thanks TA.

  • +12

    TA is determined we all remain well and truly sauced while under lockdown

  • +3

    As usual the 20% is off the ex-gst price

    • -2

      How does this matter? GST is calculated as a percentage anyways

      • +8

        It means that if you buy $100 of grog, you don't get $20 cashback. You only get $18.18.

        suprabrudda is just being helpful as Cashrewards gives cashback on the GST inclusive price for most other stores.

        EDIT: If you like formulas:

        «Effective Price after Cashback» = «GST Inclusive Price» × (1 − «Cashback Percentage as a Decimal» ÷ 1.1)

        E.g. $100 × (1 − 0.20 ÷ 1.1) = $81.82

        «Cashback Amount» = «GST Inclusive Price» × «Cashback Percentage as a Decimal» ÷ 1.1

        E.g. $100 × 0.20 ÷ 1.1 = $18.18

      • +7

        How does this matter?

        Because Maths:

        $100 bottle of Whisky

        $90.91 Product
        9.09 of GST (10% GST)

        20% of 90.91 = $18.18 (Cashback Amount)

        Where as if you calculate 20% off $100 its $20. So you might think your bottle of Whisky costs $80 but some shops pay cashback on ex GST amounts. SO your $100 bottle of actually whisky costs $100-$18.18 = $81.82.

        • Nice to know some1 know their maths here .

        • +1

          Thanks! So effectively this is not 20%, but 18.2% cashback!

          • @huuuuugo: I guess you can round it off like that yeah. I mean unless you're buying $1000+ worth of grog, the difference is small anyway between 20% and 18.2%…. dollar here or there.

            If you want an easy way to calculate it yes just use about 18% instead of 20%.

            EDIT: Cashback capped at $30, so at most you're getting cashback on $150 with the product plus GST. So an example of a $165 bottle of whisky….at worst you're losing $3 on a $165 bottle of Whisky 18.2% vs 20%

  • any special on red wine mate~

  • +1

    Does this include Beer + Cider?

  • -4

    C'mon ShopBack! Need that BWS convenience.

  • +18

    Sigh … time to stock up with 2 weeks of alcohol again … for the 3rd time this week

  • +3

    Remember to stack with the current Westpac rewards offer of $5 back with any $25 spend. No code or anything needed, just pay with your Westpac credit card.

    • +1

      Aren’t you meant to get a Westpac offer to be eligible?

      • If you have a credit card with them check your offers, pretty sure it isn't targeted.

        • I don't have it - seems targeted

  • Tip: add your code to OzB’s randomiser.

    What, where, how?

    • +2

      Should be able to go to this link and add in your referral code :)

  • sweet more HAMMER AND TONGS

    • +1

      👍 Definitely. (The Draught's my favourite.) Especially now that they've fixed the website.

      For the last few weeks it wouldn't let me order it with my store set to my local, Midland, WA, even though there was stock in-store. It removed it from my cart saying that the item was unavailable for purchase in WA! Setting the store to Bentley worked fine.

      Then a couple of days ago it got reversed. Not available in WA at Bentley, but available at Midland. Except all it would allow was a one carton order!

      Now it allows any amount to be added to the cart up to the amount the store actually has in stock (19 for Midland and 7 for Bentley).

  • At this rate, I won't have anywhere to store it.

    • I'll need a deal on a 3rd fridge

  • +2

    have shopback and cashrewards no mercy?

    • +10

      Shopback has no mercy not honouring cashback.

      • The last bws I got $24 back from ShopBack. It originally said zero dollars and then was rectified in the second email.

        • +4

          Good on ya. Quite a few of us are still fighting to get cash back

          • @[Deactivated]: I've had a different experience. Not had any issues at all with Shopback, but have had real issues with Cashrewards. At least the guys at Shopback seem to make efforts to rectify issues. That's not the case with Cashrewards - they pay nothing but lip service to solving problems. They were good in the early days, but in my eyes Cashrewards appears to be descending into a scam.

  • Nice excuse to stock up. My liver is not too happy though.

  • +2

    Thanks TA for your commitment and efforts to get everyone here smashed 🥃🥃

  • +3

    Will follow this one to see if it's riddled with the same issues as Shopback. It may be anecdotal, but I've never had many issues with CashRewards and when I have, they've been rectified easily.

      • +1

        From my experience the Shopback rep here has made almost zero effort to respond to my private messages when I've had issues, so I only use Shopback to get small cashbacks when I don't care whether it will actually come through or not. I haven't had any issues with CR, and been using CR for many more years.

        • Good to hear you've had a good run. I had no issue with Cashrewards in the early days and I recommended it to many others, but my recent experience has been anything but good.

  • +7

    I've asked in other threads, but I'm genuinely interested in the following:

    This store reports sales ex GST. Cashback is calculated on reported value.

    Is this allowed under Australian Consumer Law? My understanding was that if you display a discount/cashback, it must be on the full price that includes GST (given general consumer protections that mean GST is generally not reported separately from the pre-tax price, and discounts can't be misleading). And putting something in your T&Cs can't negate something in consumer law. Would love to know if I'm completely deluded in this understanding, because it just seems shifty to me.

  • +6


    Gee this looks like a ripper deal on Aberlour 12! ~$61

    A very nice easy going single malt with a delicious sherry cask note which I personally love.

    • 2 on the way from last ShopBack deal and 2 now from Cashrewards…what a time to be alive!

      • +1

        Well played, sir.

  • +1

    Can Use the promo codes?
    1000BP, 2000BP, 4000BP

  • +3

    Can someone recommend a nice red wine? I’m a beginner I’m trying to be more classy.

    • +4

      Tread softly - Pinot Noir. it's an excellent entry wine which is extremely light a tad fruity and really easy to drink. It's low alcohol as well as organic if that's a selling point? Oh and it's only $12 @ Dan's. Very light red wine.

      For something heavier (the Sony of the wine industry) would be Pepperjack followed by St Hallett Shiraz. Also Jacob's creek is fairly consistent.

      Australians are so damn lucky to have access to the best wines in the world at bargain basement pricing. Gosh even the South Australian wine producer that was featured here last week was absolutely subliminal. Geoff Hardy's wine! Excellent price for a $20+ bottle of wine.

      Also download the app vivino (the IMDB/diary of wine) then start rating and collaborating the types of wines you like and you'll find suggestions once it learns your preferences

      • +1

        Pinot Noir. it's an excellent entry wine

        And Merlot too.

        My tip is don't drink it until its 5yr old.

    • This will definitely make you feel more classy.


  • Torn between Aberlour 12 and Rebellion Bay Rum.
    Both appear to be decent deals.

    • +2

      Why not both :-)

      • +1

        You're an ideas man.

  • -1

    So I signed up to cashrewards, got the app, linked my card. I can see the offer in the app, if I tap it it does nothing.

    What's next in the process to redeem this? Do I have to do anything or can I just make a purchase between 4 and 8pm with the card I linked and everything happens automatically?

    Also can I make a click and collect purchase and pick it up tomorrow or does it have to be in store?

    I have always looked past these cash back services but they had me at cheap alcohol.

    • +1

      After 4pm (so basically now) go to cashrewards website then click on the link to take you to Liquorland site and then make your purchase, you'll then get an email from CW to say that it has been tracked then wait for the purchase to be approved in your account.

  • +2

    Has anyone had Bundaberg small batch before?

    It's $56 reduced from $70. Is it much better than normal Bundy?

    Will I still want to get in a bar fight if I drink it? If I do get in a bar fight will it just be like, classier? Like maybe a glove slap then a duel with canes or something?

    • +3

      I bought my old man some a while ago and it is much smoother than normal Bundy. I switched to spiced rum a long time ago but the small batch is definitely a step up from the normal gear Bundy sells.

      I never found Bundy made me want to fight. I found it dehydrates me like a mofo though.

      You will defintitely feel classier as it comes in a different shape bottle. Combine it with a snifter and a cigar and you'll feel like a South American caudillo ready to slaughter those pesky communists in no time.

  • Shocking sparkling selection at my local.

    Might be time to try a few things I've haven't been willing to pay full wack for.

  • Will i be eligible for cashback if I use employee discount card?

  • +1

    My picks for those wanting a sweeter, smoother whisky (*Longmorn is $100 at Dan's - Save $30) :




    ** Longmorn in cart showing $85 … dodgy

  • +2

    Longmorn shows at $85 when added to cart :)

    • Funny. It's $70 on the product page…

      • I have the same issue as well!!!! Arghhhh

        • Same happened to me.
          Working now

  • +1

    Thank you, I almost finish my VB stocks. It's tasty when you mix VB with Weet Bix

  • Does this apply to First Choice Liquor Market? It's quite different branding.

    • Picked up through FC Liquor market, shows up in tracked atleast

  • Thanks OP got slab of 8% hard Ginger beer for $36 ($50 - $9 - $5 from Westpac CC offer) hard to get ginger beer at that price! Cheers!

    • What was the conditions of the Westpac CC offer again? I saw it mentioned above, but I can't see it in the WP App in the 'Offers' section?

      • Apparently it is targeted.

        • Ah, darn how they target things (but good for you obviously). Thank you =>

  • +1

    Would be nice if it coincided with a flybuys offer. 18% cash back after waiting 3 months makes it just barely cost feesable hehe

  • +1

    Purchased and tracked already

  • Definitely no solid wine deals!
    I'm so stocked up on spirits, I may have to pass on this for once

  • Mmmm…. 20x 500ml excellent Polish BEER! https://www.firstchoiceliquor.com.au/beer/zywiec-polish-bott…

  • Clicks a hundred times and went through.
    MUM Vintage for $100, $15 cheaper than Dan's plus the CB!

  • Bada bing!

  • +1

    Thanks @tightarse. I got 4 * Chivas 12yo 700ml for $37.50 a bottle delivered, or $53.57 per litre. I'm happy with that! Cashrewards has tracked already.

  • +1

    just put the oeder through and said payment fail at checkout - however got the paypal confirmation and also email from firstchoice confirming the order - weird, hopefully CB tracks through

  • I checked out, and as I did, the payment gateway died. I clicked retry (you will not be charged again) and then retry again, and suddenly I got an email notification of a paypal payment receipt.

    I recorded a video of the whole purchase, I'm kinda jack of shopback/cashrewards disavowing deals so it'll be interesting to see what happens here. My video shows the whole process, including disabling my adblockers before making the purchase.

    • Same happened to me..only got PayPal confirmation nothing from first choice or cashrewards

      • Hi TA - can we pls bookmark this for Cashrewards issues - hope you’ll be able to honour in case of any payment gateway issues - we have all been charged and confirmation received from first choice liquor but no CR confirmation (Yet)

  • Bear in mind that the standard delivery is sent via Australia Post and they are not operating quickly in light of the current circumstances. I ordered from First Choice 22/4 with estimated delivery 24/4. Got shipping confirmation the next day. Its now the 29th and my parcel is still in QLD (I'm in Sydney) according to the tracking info. May be worth paying the extra for next day shipping if you're in a hurry.

    • same with me in terms of the order and despatch/delivery timeline and got delivered today in Sydney from QLD

  • Hopefully BWS do one again. Interested in some xpa

  • no free delivery on beers?

    • Nope. Only on orders of wine and spirits totaling $150 or more.

  • +1

    Was searching for a new whisky to try - Aerstone Sea Cask 10YO Single Malt - it's bottled for Tesco supermarkets in the UK so maybe not the best but appears to have some good reviews and the price is good at $40 after cashback - UK price is £30.00/$57 ) https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/301869306 https://www.firstchoiceliquor.com.au/spirits/aerstone-sea-ca…

    • Got it the other day from Liquorland. It's not too bad for the price. Easy to drink, mixes well with coke too haha

  • Does this work using phone app or must be done at desktop?

  • Made my order, got PayPal, first choice, but no cashrewards tracking email.

  • Paid card and I got an instant email receipt from FCL and Cashrewards tracking email 🤙

  • No tracking for me yet, normally CR is fast!

  • +2

    Tracking email within 20 minutes. Much better after my recent experiences with Shopback.

    • -3

      Shopback did not give you the 25% (uncapped) from First Choice?

      Everyone seemed happy?

  • Weird, no CR tracking but received confirmation from FCL.

    • My CR is still not tracked and I've just received the collection SMS from FCL….

  • +2

    Thanks again for a great deal TA, cashback tracked at 20% within 14 minutes of ordering!

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